Are the Democrats happy so much damage was done to Metropolitan areas?

A convenient effect of the riots from a leftist point of view is to destroy the economy in Metropolitan areas. In particular, a major point that Trump liked to stress was the historically low unemployment rate of black Americans. If the Democrats can destroy the businesses in inner city neighborhoods, they can prevent the people that live in those communities from getting back to work and blame Trump for the rise in unemployment in those areas.

Other cities such as Detroit and Baltimore have been affected for years after the destruction of riots.
Are you saying ordinarily authoritarian police (a basically right wing stance) and law enforcement in general are intentionally trying to get democrats elected by continuing to act in an authoritarian right wing manner spurring protests and riots? That does not make sense. If that is the case, would it not be easier to force the police to not act outside the law, (since there are far fewer police than democrat protester) rather than support crack downs, since the police make their money to do their job and there does not appear to be a financial carrot to dangle in front of the democrats and protesters to entice them to go along with being beaten down under police subjugation of the state?

No. I am saying the Democratic leadership in Metropolitan areas are allowing the riots to run full scale and the MSM is fueling the flames.
I watched the news Sunday and today. Did violent riots kick up again and I missed it or are you posting about the rioting that occurred mostly the first week after the cops killed Floyd? I did see the riot after the cop killed the guy sleeping in his car at the drive through of Wendy's. Maybe if the cops would quit killing people, people might not protest and it become a riot. Is that really so much to ask?

Wait...did you just claim the cops shot him while he was in line at Wendy's?
Nope. I claimed the guy in Atlanta fell asleep in his car in the drive through lane at Wendy's, cops were called, they woke him up, talked to him for close to 40 minutes both sides calm, tried to place him under arrest, he took one of the cops tasers away from him when they jumped him, ran, turned fired the taser, turned, tried to run away again and the cop shot him in the back. Again, if running away with a non-leathal weapon, not justified on imminent threat to life and I am just not sure if a cop can shoot for grand theft. I know I can't. Did you have another question or did you just think a cop was authorized to shoot for non-compliance and resisting arrest?

Guess he shouldnt have gotten violent.
That running with your back to a cop if a very violent act. It's not as if he couldn't be picked up as they knew exactly who he was after talking and looking at his license for 40 minutes and they did have his car. Sounds like he put one in him to teach a lesson. Probably why he got fired. Apparently he did not have the support of law enforcement this time. Won't bring the dead guy back to life though.

LOL....he fought with the cops and took a taser.
So yes he was violent.
A convenient effect of the riots from a leftist point of view is to destroy the economy in Metropolitan areas. In particular, a major point that Trump liked to stress was the historically low unemployment rate of black Americans. If the Democrats can destroy the businesses in inner city neighborhoods, they can prevent the people that live in those communities from getting back to work and blame Trump for the rise in unemployment in those areas.

Other cities such as Detroit and Baltimore have been affected for years after the destruction of riots.
Are you saying ordinarily authoritarian police (a basically right wing stance) and law enforcement in general are intentionally trying to get democrats elected by continuing to act in an authoritarian right wing manner spurring protests and riots? That does not make sense. If that is the case, would it not be easier to force the police to not act outside the law, (since there are far fewer police than democrat protester) rather than support crack downs, since the police make their money to do their job and there does not appear to be a financial carrot to dangle in front of the democrats and protesters to entice them to go along with being beaten down under police subjugation of the state?

No. I am saying the Democratic leadership in Metropolitan areas are allowing the riots to run full scale and the MSM is fueling the flames.
I watched the news Sunday and today. Did violent riots kick up again and I missed it or are you posting about the rioting that occurred mostly the first week after the cops killed Floyd? I did see the riot after the cop killed the guy sleeping in his car at the drive through of Wendy's. Maybe if the cops would quit killing people, people might not protest and it become a riot. Is that really so much to ask?
Try to stop lying. The idiot in Atlanta attacked the cops and pointed a weapon at them. He was not killed sleeping in his car liar. Try listening to and cooperating with the cop. Or quit breaking the law. Is that too much to to ask ? For you and yours apparently it is.
It was their "NON-Leathal Taser. If they were shooting him as a fleeing felon running away with a $1,200 to $2,000 piece of equipment as the excuse, I might understand, maybe. If you tell me he was pointing a weapon, and it is a device you tell me is non-leathal and you shoot him running away from you, Thats Bull$hit. I cannot shoot unless I am in imminent mortal fear for my life or someone else's life in Tennessee. You want to tell the law is different 1 state away from me, SHOW ME. You want to tell me the cops there have special permission for use of deadly force in that situation, SHOW ME the municipal or state code authorizing or at least the S.O.P. of the police department. Don't tell me they do not have their procedure written down, updated annually and signed off on. I use to write S.O.P.s and they aren't something you dust off every 10 years when you get a new piece of equipment. They are probably signed off again or updated and signed of annually. What is with you people, anyway? Not every time somebody disagrees with you makes them a liar. You guy pitch that around pretty loose. Is that how you were raised or just how right-wing trump boys are on the internet?
You did lie you asshole. The guy attacked a cop and shot a weapon at him. Period. Seems the people involved thought the taser was a DEADLY WEAPON when police were fired for using it a week earlier. So your statement is utter bullshit. You throw lies around easily. Try some that don’t get destroyed so easily. Guess you were raised to be a liar. Or is that just how you left wing assholes are on the internet?

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