Are the Independents Turning Against the Democrats?

You “point something out”, and then fail to explain what you’re referring to because you need a formal definition of the word you used in your own claim.

I’m not interested in playing word games with you. Let me know when you have something important to say.
You can not define what you refer to as peacefully......?
Yes, I started turning against the Dems around 1984 when Dukakis mentioned,"Where's the beef".
No one cares, and as usual, not one person laughed at your humorless joke. You are the worst at trying to be funny. It isnt your thing. Why do you keep saying this cornball shit?
Yep and yep.

The fact that the GQP has gone off the rails doesn't mean that the Dems haven't, too. The only thing keeping many independents from voting Republican or third party is this Dunning-Kruger cult that has consumed the Republican Party.

What's WORSE is that this is THE PERFECT time for a third party to rise, and people like No Labels (and, I wish, the Forward Party) are poised to do that. But that weakens the vote against the orange cult.

So in that way, authoritarians Trump and DeSantis might be holding back a badly-needed third party right now.
You dipshit 3rd party people aren’t going to “ rise “ because you are lazy and want everyone else to carry the water for you.
Do you honestly think Jan 6 helped Trump win over the independents that he already lost?
No one gives a shit about jan 6th and NO ONE thinks Trump is responsible for it. Everyone saw what he Tweeted. He did the exact opposite of "inciting a riot".

You would like to say that because he kept saying the election was rigged, he is therefore responsible for what a mob did on a random day, but thats fucking dumb and not how free speech works. Unless you have him directly telling people to riot, its game over for you.

He could even go out and make veiled suggestions to riot and you STILL wouldnt be able to convict him, but what he actually said was "go let your voices be heard PEACEFULLY".
No one gives a shit about jan 6th and NO ONE thinks Trump is responsible for it. Everyone saw what he Tweeted. He did the exact opposite of "inciting a riot".

You would like to say that because he kept saying the election was rigged, he is therefore responsible for what a mob did on a random day, but thats fucking dumb and not how free speech works. Unless you have him directly telling people to riot, its game over for you.

He could even go out and make veiled suggestions to riot and you STILL wouldnt be able to convict him, but what he actually said was "go let your voices be heard PEACEFULLY".
Trump : "I like to walk my dog each morning"

Deep state media: "Trump says he sacrifices puppies on the altar of Baal!!!"

USMB sheeple: " Trump is evil. Look what he does to dogs!!"

Sentient USMB members: "look what he actually said, please"

USMB sheeple: "Trump is evil. He murders puppies!"
All he can do is call people names like Trumpster" if they are anything short of complete authoritarian left.
They align with democrats that won’t vote for them ( and they know it because they are tribal cult members) but then like to whine “ woe is me…the republicans/ independents won’t vote for our Marxist light candidates because they are sheeple.”
No one gives a shit about jan 6th and NO ONE thinks Trump is responsible for it. Everyone saw what he Tweeted. He did the exact opposite of "inciting a riot".

Just because you don't see anything wrong with what he did doesn't mean that everyone else agrees with you. I did a quick search and here's what two polls found:

"A majority (57%) said Trump is to blame a great deal or a good amount for the Capitol riot, including 92% of Democrats and 57% of independents, but just 18% of Republicans."


Just because you don't see anything wrong with what he did doesn't mean that everyone else agrees with you. Here's what two polls found:

"A majority (57%) said Trump is to blame a great deal or a good amount for the Capitol riot, including 92% of Democrats and 57% of independents, but just 18% of Republicans."

View attachment 808154

What did he do to cause a riot? Be very specific.
Just because you don't see anything wrong with what he did doesn't mean that everyone else agrees with you. I did a quick search and here's what two polls found:

"A majority (57%) said Trump is to blame a great deal or a good amount for the Capitol riot, including 92% of Democrats and 57% of independents, but just 18% of Republicans."

View attachment 808154

You should have one of the older children explain to you the logical fallacy "argumentum ad populum" some day.
What did he do to cause a riot? Be very specific.
I think you're approaching this from a legal standpoint. I don't think there is enough there to convict him, legally, for causing a riot. I'm not making a legal argument against him.

He told his followers that the election was rigged. Is that illegal? No. In the middle of the chaos, Trump tweeted out disparaging remarks about Mike Pence which effectively threw gasoline on the fire that he started. Is that illegal? No.

Morally, I blame him for what happened that day, whether he's convicted of it or not. I expect better from the President of the United States. He's the only President we have ever had in our entire nation's history who did not allow a peaceful transition of power. I have an issue with that behavior, illegal or not. And I'm not the only one.
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You should have one of the older children explain to you the logical fallacy "argumentum ad populum" some day.
Actually, I was refuting his claim that "NO ONE thinks Trump is responsible for it".

How do we show that his statement is false? By showing that at least SOME people think Trump is responsible for it. (I could have refuted this with one, but you get the idea, maybe)

Pretty simple stuff. Not sure where I lost you there.
I think you're approaching this from a legal standpoint. I don't think there is enough there to convict him, legally, for causing a riot. I'm not making a legal argument against him.

He told his followers that the election was rigged. Is that illegal? No. In the middle of the chaos, Trump tweeted out disparaging remarks about Mike Pence which effectively threw gasoline on the fire that he started. Is that illegal? No.

Morally, I blame him for what happened that day, whether he's convicted of it or not. I expect better from the President of the United States. He's the only President we have ever had in our entire nation's history who did not allow a peaceful transition of power. I have an issue with that behavior, illegal or not. And I'm not the only one.
Morally speaking, you might be correct. Then again, if he believed the election was rigged, it would be immoral not to make a stink about it.

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