Are the McMichaels victims of a biased media?

You are right. Some folks never learn. We wonder what it will take to make you learn?

You keep mentioning Zimmerman. Odd. Wrong once and we are wrong about everything. But what about other cases? How about Drejka? He got 20 years for his “obviously self defense shooting.”

How about Chauvin? All the internet experts were rushing about screaming he would be exonerated. Where is he today?

Amber Guyger? Where is she?

You keep screaming the video. But why not watch all the videos? Like this one. It is the video of the court proceedings. The defense was trying to get the charges dismissed or failing that get bail.

Listen to the information the GBI had a year ago. About why the charges were filed. About why the Cops thought it was murder almost immediately.

Nah. That information might make you look stupid.

Video does not woik.

Also the GBI much like the FBI is known for its bias and pc idiocy...trained to submit to the desires and wishes of their commanders to subvert the truth in order to maintain their political agenda.
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Your article destroys your own arguments. You should stop skimming and actually read them.n
Occasionaly just for the sake of disussion I present alternative view points just to demonstrate how ridiculous they are and to show my fairness and willingness to show what they base their nonsensical agenda on.....and also to make my opponents waste their time reading nonsense.

Yet.....there was some truth in the article ................

'On the issue of racism, the media have failed. “There are times when I wish that I could go for that walk, that jog, and feel absolutely at ease, free of worry,” philosopher Georgy Yancy opined in reaction to Arbery’s death. “But that would entail becoming white, and the price of that ticket is far too high.” Lebron James’s tweet—“We’re literally hunted EVERYDAY/EVERYTIME we step foot outside the comfort of our homes!”—received over 300,000 likes.
One need not dismiss legitimate concerns about racism to call this fearmongering. In 2019, nine unarmed black people, along with 19 unarmed white people, were shot dead by the police in the United States. That puts the typical person’s odds of getting killed by the cops while unarmed on par with his chances of being struck by lightning or killed by a jihadi. Yet while any celebrity who feared jihadist terror every time he left the house would rightly be dismissed as an alarmist, James is celebrated for such views.
This double standard can be attributed to a combination of white liberal guilt, which leads some to exaggerate racism, and a socially acceptable bigotry that holds black people to a lower standard while patting itself on the back for its antiracism.
We might wonder why the Arbery killing, among the roughly 14,000 homicides that happen in America every year, made its way into our news feeds. The reason: many who report the news are swept up in a moral panic about white supremacy. They promote stories that confirm their preexisting opinions and ignore stories that do not. That’s why people know Tamir Rice but not Daniel Shaver, a white man killed under similar circumstances. It’s why people remember Alton Sterling but not Dylan Noble. And it’s why the Ahmaud Arbery story achieved escape velocity from local news.
A life is a life, regardless of its color, and regardless of the color of the person who takes it. It’s hard to imagine a principle more important in America than this one—and more under threat from the prevailing passions of our time.
Coleman Hughes (@coldxman) is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor of City Journal. His writing has appeared in Quillette, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, National Review, and the Specta
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The McMichaels are victims of their own stupidity, nothing more.
You are entitled to your opinion recognizing of course that opinions are like assholes.....everyone has one. hehheh

I am willing to wager 10,000 shekels that the macs will not be found guilty in this trial.

anyone want to take the bet? If so forward a money order to my go between guy....Moshe Finkelstein at the Empire State Bldg. in NYC
Video does not woik.

Also the GBI much like the FBI is known for its bias and pc idiocy...trained to submit to the desires and wishes of their commanders to subvert the truth in order to maintain their political agenda.

So the McMichaels statements. The statements by Roddy, and the physical evidence is all a lie? Great. So how exactly did the GBI manage to travel back in time several months to plant this evidence?
You are right. Some folks never learn. We wonder what it will take to make you learn?

You keep mentioning Zimmerman. Odd. Wrong once and we are wrong about everything. But what about other cases? How about Drejka? He got 20 years for his “obviously self defense shooting.”

How about Chauvin? All the internet experts were rushing about screaming he would be exonerated. Where is he today?

Amber Guyger? Where is she?

You keep screaming the video. But why not watch all the videos? Like this one. It is the video of the court proceedings. The defense was trying to get the charges dismissed or failing that get bail.

Listen to the information the GBI had a year ago. About why the charges were filed. About why y Cops thought it was murder almost immediately.

Nah. That information might make you look stupid.

I brought up Z because that case was very similar to this one.

I am very familiar with the Drejka case and unfortunately it was a terrible miscarriage of justice.

I am on record admitting miscarriages of justice do happen......most know that anyhow.
So the McMichaels statements. The statements by Roddy, and the physical evidence is all a lie? Great. So how exactly did the GBI manage to travel back in time several months to plant this evidence?
The police made 2 big mistakes requesting a statement from Gregory.

It was too soon after this traumatic incident for them to request a statement from someone who was still in a state of shock.

I saw the video of that and it was obvious he was in shock and confused as he conflates the first contact they had with ahmuad with the last contact they had with ahmaud

also they did not read him his rights thus anything he said is inadmissable.

Roddy was trying to ingratiate himself with the prosecutor in order to get some favored treatment.

Thus he has no credibility.
Time and again we see how the media can bring pressure to indict someone when the local authorities found no reason to indict.

Why do states and or local government cave in to demands by the media?

Possibly. The media is feckless, dishonest, and a propaganda arm of the progressives. All of that is true.

But they murdered him. Of that there is no doubt.
The police made 2 big mistakes requesting a statement from Gregory.

It was too soon after this traumatic incident for them to request a statement from someone who was still in a state of shock.

I saw the video of that and it was obvious he was in shock and confused as he conflates the first contact they had with ahmuad with the last contact they had with ahmaud

also they did not read him his rights thus anything he said is inadmissable.

Roddy was trying to ingratiate himself with the prosecutor in order to get some favored treatment.

Thus he has no credibility.

Ah my friend. I know you aren’t a lawyer. You would be disbarred in about ten seconds.

Exceptions to Miranda.

One is if the cop walks up and asked what happened? And you tell him. That is admissible. Then they went to the station to make a statement. The McMichaels could have asked for a lawyer. Instead they started talking. No law against it.

I do not know for certain. But I believe that the cops at the station read them the Miranda warning.

Now. We get to the best part. Your defense of them has shifted. No longer are they innocent victims of media manipulation. They are guilty of the crime but should be let go because of procedural errors. Which is what you accuse the Liberals of doing. Wanting Criminals to go free.

So now you admit the McMichaels are guilty. But they should go free because they were emotionally distraught after the shooting when they made the statement that is the lions share of the evidence against them.

That tells me something disturbing. It tells me you have always known they murdered Arbery but you want them to go free. Why is that?
Ah my friend. I know you aren’t a lawyer. You would be disbarred in about ten seconds.

Exceptions to Miranda.

One is if the cop walks up and asked what happened? And you tell him. That is admissible. Then they went to the station to make a statement. The McMichaels could have asked for a lawyer. Instead they started talking. No law against it.

I do not know for certain. But I believe that the cops at the station read them the Miranda warning.

Now. We get to the best part. Your defense of them has shifted. No longer are they innocent victims of media manipulation. They are guilty of the crime but should be let go because of procedural errors. Which is what you accuse the Liberals of doing. Wanting Criminals to go free.

So now you admit the McMichaels are guilty. But they should go free because they were emotionally distraught after the shooting when they made the statement that is the lions share of the evidence against them.

That tells me something disturbing. It tells mea you have always known they murdered Arbery but you want them to go free. Why is that?
I am beginning to see you have cognitive problems beyond even which I saw way back during the Zimmerman affair.

I have never believed the Macs were guilty of anything much less admitted the macs are guilty that is just you in dreamland.

You need to re-read what you posted about when evidence gathered without the miranda warning being required can be used aka the exceptions to when a miranda warning is not required....and none of those exceptions exist in this case.
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Possibly. The media is feckless, dishonest, and a propaganda arm of the progressives. All of that is true.

But they murdered him. Of that there is no doubt.
Murder is a legal term.....ahmaud was not murdered...if you doubt me look up the legal definition of murder.

Travis MacMichaels killed ahmaud of that there is no doubt...but it was justifiable homicide as he did so in self defense.
Murder is a legal term.....Travis MacMichaels killed ahmaud of that there is no doubt...but it was justifiable homicide as he did so in self defense.

No, arbury wasn't armed, and was trying to get away from them. I have studied the evidence and it is clearly murder.
No, arbury wasn't armed, and was trying to get away from them. I have studied the evidence and it is clearly murder.
Obviously you have not watched the video.....go watch the video and then come back.

Whilst you are it look up the georgia law on self defense

But if you happen to be black just admit it...I prefer not to talk with blacks...just a waste of time....too biased and indoctrinated into nonsense.
Obviously you have not watched the video.....go watch the video and then come back.

Whilst you are it look up the georgia law on self defense

But if you happen to be black just admit it...I prefer not to talk with blacks...just a waste of time....too biased and indoctrinated into nonsense.

I have watched it. Many times.
Obviously you have not watched the video.....go watch the video and then come back.

Whilst you are it look up the georgia law on self defense

But if you happen to be black just admit it...I prefer not to talk with blacks...just a waste of time....too biased and indoctrinated into nonsense.

Self Defense is not a valid claim. Look. Let’s be honest for a change. If the McMichaels were on their property and were charged by Arbery. Self defense might apply. If they were downtown shopping and were attacked. Sure.

Chasing him. As they were according to their statements. Trying to stop him illegally. Which they were. Self defense does not apply.

This is Georgia. The baddies are Black. There is video.

Tell me what the differences are.
Self Defense is not a valid claim. Look. Let’s be honest for a change. If the McMichaels were on their property and were charged by Arbery. Self defense might apply. If they were downtown shopping and were attacked. Sure.

Chasing him. As they were according to their statements. Trying to stop him illegally. Which they were. Self defense does not apply.

This is Georgia. The baddies are Black. There is video.

Tell me what the differences are.

How many times has this been explained already....chasing someone and most particuarly a criminal suspect is not illegal.

Telling someone to stop is not illegal.

Thats all you have and it is ridiculous......of course the law on self defense applies.

You sound like some black dumb-ass....for some reason it never occurred to me you were black...I doubt if totally black as you do have some sense...probably a mulatto?
I have watched it. Many times.
O.K. give me a description of what you see?

Do you have any visual problems?

Something else might help you.....put the video on slow you know how to do that?

Are you black?
How many times has this been explained already....chasing someone and most particuarly a criminal suspect is not illegal.

Telling someone to stop is not illegal.

Thats all you have and it is ridiculous......of course the law on self defense applies.

You sound like some black dumb-ass....for some reason it never occurred to me you were black...I doubt if totally black as you do have some sense...probably a mulatto?

And finally we have the real source of your outrage. It shouldn’t be illegal to kill a black. Right?
How many times has this been explained already....chasing someone and most particuarly a criminal suspect is not illegal.

Telling someone to stop is not illegal.

Thats all you have and it is ridiculous......of course the law on self defense applies.

You sound like some black dumb-ass....for some reason it never occurred to me you were black...I doubt if totally black as you do have some sense...probably a mulatto?
Don’t act so ignorant.
Watch the video. Its pretty straight forward.
Yeah, the violent criminal attacked them has he done to others before---he ran toward them, after casing the house several times at night, ran around the truck, attacked them, and tried to steal their gun even though he is not allowed near guns because of his criminal record.

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