Are the McMichaels victims of a biased media?

Pretty straight forward that a black dude ran at a white dude who was holding a shotgun. Black dude stupidly tried to take said shotgun from white dude while white dude's father was nearby ALSO holding a firearm.

Aubrey is the stupidest motherfucker on the face of the earth. That is undeniable.
I saw a jogger pursued by armed vigilantes. He must have been terrified. Sadly we will not get to hear his testimpny.
I saw a jogger pursued by armed vigilantes. He must have been terrified. Sadly we will not get to hear his testimpny.
So terrified that, instead of making a break for the nearby woods, or running the opposite direction, or stopping and not provoking said "armed vigilantes" from escalating, he decides that his best option is to run at one of the "armed vigilantes" and try to take his gun away WHILE a second "armed vigilantly" is standing nearby?

Assume all that is true.

Aubrey is (was), without a single doubt, the dumbest motherfucker on Earth.

But, let's throw out the retarded, bullshit assumptions, and go with likely scenarios, shall we?

Aubrey was INSANE WITH RAGE that these fat, mushy white dudes DARED to question him. And in that FIT OF RAGE, and ran at one white dude, and tried to take away his gun so he (Aubrey) could SHOOT FAT WHITE DUDE WITH HIS OWN GUN!!! You fucking know that is EXACTLY what happened. You're just a fucking limey asshole who needs his ass beat.

In such a situation, the white dude with the shotgun fucked up. He should have shot Aubrey DEAD the moment he came at him in an aggressive manner. Fat white dude does not appear to understand the 21-foot rule.
Had no choice? What good ol boy Network?

To an unbiased 'eye' the video clearly shows ahmaud attacking Travis.

The Ahmaud Arbery Case as Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin Redux

Media narratives must be questioned, and the answers may not please a lot of people
Posted by Andrew Branca Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 08:30pm 141 Comments

Hey folks,
It’s been a while, glad to be back, hope everybody is doing well, and in the interests of efficiency let us all presume that suitable compliments and offerings of adult beverages have been made.

'The popular media narrative of this event is along the lines of “white supremacists murder black man for the crime of jogging.” If you’re getting your understanding of this event from the mainstream media you probably believe that narrative to have at least some resemblance to what actually happened, making this whole affair unquestionably an example of racially motivated murder.

I suggest that there exists an entirely different narrative altogether, a narrative based on actual facts and actual law rather than emotive projection and outrage, and one that is sufficient consistent with the McMichaels acted lawfully that it is unlikely (though possible) that their prosecution for felony murder can overcome their anticipated legal defense of self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. doing

Doing here exactly what I did during the Zimmerman trial–sharing the legal and factual truth as honestly, and with as much informed insight, as I can bring to the task.'
"To an unbiased 'eye' the video clearly shows ahmaud attacking Travis."

... in self defense. You left that part out.
Its disturbing how comfortable you are with labling people you dont know a thing about. This is a dangerous issue with the left today.
Tommy is a fucking communist lefttard limey Welshman who long ago surrendered himself to authoritarianism. Apparently, he thinks it's the limey way.

And now, Tommy is insanely jealous of us and ashamed that his forbearers continued to be pathetic subjects to the UK crown.

Not all Welshmen are pathetic subjects with no men among them. I would be honored to fight along side some of the Welsh. But, Tommy represents the worst of them.
So terrified that, instead of making a break for the nearby woods, or running the opposite direction, or stopping and not provoking said "armed vigilantes" from escalating, he decides that his best option is to run at one of the "armed vigilantes" and try to take his gun away WHILE a second "armed vigilantly" is standing nearby?

Assume all that is true.

Aubrey is (was), without a single doubt, the dumbest motherfucker on Earth.

But, let's throw out the retarded, bullshit assumptions, and go with likely scenarios, shall we?

Aubrey was INSANE WITH RAGE that these fat, mushy white dudes DARED to question him. And in that FIT OF RAGE, and ran at one white dude, and tried to take away his gun so he (Aubrey) could SHOOT FAT WHITE DUDE WITH HIS OWN GUN!!! You fucking know that is EXACTLY what happened. You're just a fucking limey asshole who needs his ass beat.

In such a situation, the white dude with the shotgun fucked up. He should have shot Aubrey DEAD the moment he came at him in an aggressive manner. Fat white dude does not appear to understand the 21-foot rule.
He was murdered despite how you klanbois are trying to twist it. They hunted him down and killed him. i know you get a hard on over that but normal folk see it for what it is.
Because they're hacks, and staying in office is their only purpose; they want to be good commissars and yes people.The fact they're intimidated by faggots, gimps, and thugs is of course clear evidence they're incompetent and unqualifie
I'd Rather the Educated Frauds Call Me a "Grammar Nazi" Than Not See Grammar

Also, the jurinalists' grammar is ignorant and dysfunctional. Nevertheless, their opponents copy them religiously, revealing that the media do have a hold on practically everybody.
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So terrified that, instead of making a break for the nearby woods, or running the opposite direction, or stopping and not provoking said "armed vigilantes" from escalating, he decides that his best option is to run at one of the "armed vigilantes" and try to take his gun away WHILE a second "armed vigilantly" is standing nearby?
You know what’s funny about this is that you of all people are on her so frequently talking about murdering people for any perceived infringement of your freedom, but when a black person does it they’re the dumbest person in the world.

If you were Arbery, I’m sure you’d have had no problems killing all three of them; at least if your posting is accurate.
The argument he has constantly made. The McMichaels are good people being railroaded by the media and liberals and blacks.
and how is what he posted different than that point. Which section backs your statement?
so you thought it was smart he chose to run at the guns?

A teacher at Parkland High was hailed as a hero for charging unarmed at the shooter. The cop who was armed was called a coward for hiding outside.

In reality. The cop was cautious. He should have gone in. But he wanted backup and had no idea on the number of shooters.

The point is if you feel that it is death either way. Why not attack? Churchill wrote that when the invasion by the Germans looked probable he was preparing a campaign to advise the people that. “You can always take one with you.”

If you are going to die anyway. Or believe you are. Why not attack? You are no less dead. And you might get lucky and take one with you.
and how is what he posted different than that point. Which section backs your statement?

First and foremost, it is troubling that a police officer advised the homeowner to rely on McMichael, a civilian, to help catch a suspect. It is easy to see how an arrangement like this might encourage a civilian to behave like a vigilante, secure in the knowledge that local police condone his vigilantism. Second, the initial decision not to press charges against the McMichaels raises concerns about prosecutorial bias—though we do not know whether the McMichaels benefitted from being white or from the “blue wall of silence” that can come with being a former police officer.
Third, citizen’s arrest laws are fundamentally flawed: from the perspective of the arrestee, a citizen’s arrest can look no different from a mugging or kidnapping. Arbery, for example, had little reason to assume that the armed men chasing him had pure intentions; his decision to grab McMichael’s gun must be viewed in light of this fact. Moreover, civilians are not trained in de-escalation. If cops struggle to make peaceful arrests in tense situations, we should not be surprised that civilians struggle even more.
When all is said and done, it’s likely that the McMichaels, and perhaps Bryan, will do time for killing Arbery. Georgia’s citizen’s arrest law requires arrestors to have “immediate knowledge” of the misdemeanor in question. In one relevant case, a judge explained that “immediate knowledge” is a synonym for directly witnessing a crime with one’s own senses. Though the McMichaels might have seen video footage of a man who resembled Arbery trespassing on previous occasions, they did not physically witness him trespassing on the day of the shooting

It destroys the argument that the McMichaels were justified in their initial pursuit of and attempt to detain Arbery. That means the effort is a Felony. Attempted False Imprisonment. The actions of Travis in getting out of the truck with the Shotgun is Aggravated Assault. That means the killing can’t be self defense. And this is Felony Murder.

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