Are the McMichaels victims of a biased media?

He was murdered despite how you klanbois are trying to twist it. They hunted him down and killed him. i know you get a hard on over that but normal folk see it for what it is.
The fact remains. But for Aubrey's attempt to disarm the dude with a shotgun, Aubrey would still be alive.


You can go fuck yourself up your tranny asshole.
A teacher at Parkland High was hailed as a hero for charging unarmed at the shooter. The cop who was armed was called a coward for hiding outside.

In reality. The cop was cautious. He should have gone in. But he wanted backup and had no idea on the number of shooters.

The point is if you feel that it is death either way. Why not attack? Churchill wrote that when the invasion by the Germans looked probable he was preparing a campaign to advise the people that. “You can always take one with you.”

If you are going to die anyway. Or believe you are. Why not attack? You are no less dead. And you might get lucky and take one with you.
The teacher charged at the shooter because the shooter had already demonstrated a willingness and capacity to kill others with his weapon.

Completely different scenario than Aubrey's dumb ass.

I think you have a really hard time making the case that Aubrey felt he would be attacked under those circumstances. He was, in fact, the aggressor.

You have NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER but pure speculation, that Aubrey believed he was in any danger. His actions appear to be born out of pure rage, rather than fear.

At the point where he attacked fat white dude, none of those dudes had done anything to make Aubrey, or a reasonable person for that matter, feel that he was in danger.

In fact, you can hear them say on the video, "hey, we want to talk to you." That alone does not sound like a threat of violence.

"We want to talk to you" followed by an attack by Aubrey = Aubrey is the aggressor.

That is, of course, unless you are now saying that the mere possession of a firearm justifies an attack by others.
Why did Travis McMichael jump out of his vehicle with a shotgun in his hand, Ahmaud wasn't holding a gun.
For protection I assume

If he just wanted to shoot someone he could have done tjat without leaving the truck
For protection I assume

If he just wanted to shoot someone he could have done tjat without leaving the truck
For sure....anyone who claims otherwise lacks logic as well as common sense.

The leftwingers have lost perspective on this case to begin with....Ahmaud was a suspect....and that is all he was to the Macs.....why would the Macs want to shoot a suspect?

If he had been a suspect in the murder of a cop or something else of a serious nature they might have been tempted....but he was just a burglary suspect.

Sr. Mac as has been pointed out countless times was in law-enforcement for 30 yrs. Had never killed a black and in fact in 30 yrs had never even fired his weapon.

You can be sure that in 30 yrs. he had many opportunities to kill some black suspect --but he never did.

Not even to mention he knew the cops were on the it defies logic as well as common sense to claim the Macs wanted to kill anyone....they had weapons for self protection only.

What it all comes down to is the leftwingers in their desire to pervert justice will say anything they think may help with that.

Something else that cannot be emphasized too much is how the political establishment in Georgia is trying to get some innocent men convicted.

Why would they do that?

Simply because their wealthy backers fear that if the Macs are not convicted there will be black rioters in the streets....not to forget Atlanta...the largest city in Georgia has a black majority population.

How would it look and what would be the financial repercussions if black rioters and looters flooded the streets of Atlanta.....that is the establishment's biggest fear and thus they feel to protect their financial interests they desperately need a conviction in this case and they will get one unless there are some honest and courageous folks on that jury.
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Why was he holding a shotgun, he wasn't Law Enforcement? Remember fool he was chasing Ahmaud, Ahmaud wasn't chasing him.
The fact that you can hear them say "hey, we want to talk to you" indicates that Aubrey had no reason to believe they intended to harm him.

No, this was an angry black dude, pissed off that whitey caught him trespassing and he reacted out of racist anger.
The fact that you can hear them say "hey, we want to talk to you" indicates that Aubrey had no reason to believe they intended to harm him.

No, this was an angry black dude, pissed off that whitey caught him trespassing and he reacted out of racist anger.
Please show us Bootney when they caught him trespassing and if you just wanted to talk to him why would you jump out of your vehicle and approach him with a loaded shotgun?

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