Are There ANY Democrats That The USMB RWers Like?

Ben Nelson sold his Obamacare vote.

I like Lieberman, Zell Miller was OK, I like Carter, he wasn't a very good POTUS but he's a nice man, his son is a corrupt crook though. I like Clinton too. He's in it for himself, but he realized that if he screwed the country over too much he would lose as well. I wouldn't trust him with my daughter though. Ben Nelson is OK, hell most Democrats are OK. It's the ones at the high levels who are trouble. Reid is one of the most corrupt politicians out there.

Yeah, that's true...I had forgotten that. That's a big neg for sure...
Lets flip the thread now are there any Republicans USMB left wingers like politician or non politician?
LoLing [MENTION=32163]Listening[/MENTION]...

Aren't you supposed to be ghost?

Joe Manchin, Ron Wyden....and sometimes Dianne Feinstein. And Nancy Pelosi....not because of her politics...but because I think she's a freak in bed. :)


shame we aren't allowed to threaten each other with long slow painfully agonizing torturous deaths.

Really is.
It is getting harder to find moderates in either party unfortunately. I liked Joe Lieberman. I saw Cherie Bostus interviewed and really liked her. We have "blue dogs" in Louisiana but they are corrupt.
Lets flip the thread now are there any Republicans USMB left wingers like politician or non politician?

I respect any moderates of either end of the spectrum. I respect republicans like Scott King or John McCain that can acknowledge when their party goes batshit whacko. I respect the republicans that have the balls to stick to their personal principles over the party. I respect any republicans that are able to give Obama for credit ANYTHING.

When it comes to the rightwing in general, I am much more likely to have respect for independent conservatives than republicans.
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Or at least believe are not "far LW nutjobs?"

If so, list them.

It not, then why not?

Sure, I like blue dog democrats, they seem to be real hard to find now a days, probably because they're afraid they'll be called racists if they don't go along.
Are There ANY Democrats That The USMB RWers Like?

I used to want to fuck Hillary Clinton's brains out...

still do, but now only after I've had a few shots of whiskey...

does that count...?
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oh 'n I've also imagined myself shutting Barbara Boxer the fuck up by shoving my dick down her throat...

does that count...?

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