Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

Indeed here you are. Let's have a look at some of your fellow Trump University scholars.

Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

I can get a pretty good idea of just how smart you are by the way you keep repeating yourself so ineffectually.

If you were even a tiny bit intelligent, you'd know that repetition and relative effectiveness is not the fault of the person teaching. I have to repeat myself because you keep doing the same thing over and over, and my ineffectiveness is mainly due to your inabity to understand complex thoughts.

You made the claim, now back it up or be mature enough to admit that not all Trump supporters are ignorant.

Teaching? I can hardly wait for the point of the lesson. What was it again? Oh yeah, that's were about to establish exactly how intelligent you are.

Yes teaching, because you have been schooled. Though probably following your entire life habits, you totally failed to get the lesson.

I've waited patiently for you to prove your claim in your OP but of course you have failed. To be honest, you didn't even try. Instead you have proven that you are less intelligent than those you accuse.

My work is done here.

Your miserable failure to refute the OP serves as evidence enough.
And why is that? Do you even know what brown shirts represent? (I know you are going to google it right now) other than knee jerk bull shit name calling, can you actually rationally tie Trump's ideas to the main character in the who brown shirt reference? And actually show how it's different than what so many leaders have done since?

The violence shown by Trump supporters is self evident......Draw your own conclusion to history....Look it up.

The violence is always instigated by Trump opponents.
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

I honestly haven't seen recent statistics regarding the demographics of Trumps followers since his numbers have swelled, and are continuing to swell. As such, I'm hesitant to pull the trigger on labeling all Trump's followers as the ignorant biggots they are typically depicted as in the mainstream media. Because, you have to admit, love him or hate him, he does represent some legitimate arguments to what some of the other candidates represent. Perhaps his primary strengths are his honest depictions of his opinions (you can tell nobody writes and scripts for him) and the fact that he is self-sufficient (meaning that he, theoretically at least, doesn't owe favors).

I may not agree with Trump or many conservative idea sets, and I may be new to these forums, but I believe that some of the foundations of intellect is the willingness to entertain opposing ideas and examine argument from an unbiased platform. If you take that into consideration, your inflammatory post displays a decided lack of intellect.

Your argument is intellectually dishonest because there is no intellectual component to any part of the Trump campaign, it's all based on thoughtless emotionalism..
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

I honestly haven't seen recent statistics regarding the demographics of Trumps followers since his numbers have swelled, and are continuing to swell. As such, I'm hesitant to pull the trigger on labeling all Trump's followers as the ignorant biggots they are typically depicted as in the mainstream media. Because, you have to admit, love him or hate him, he does represent some legitimate arguments to what some of the other candidates represent. Perhaps his primary strengths are his honest depictions of his opinions (you can tell nobody writes and scripts for him) and the fact that he is self-sufficient (meaning that he, theoretically at least, doesn't owe favors).

I may not agree with Trump or many conservative idea sets, and I may be new to these forums, but I believe that some of the foundations of intellect is the willingness to entertain opposing ideas and examine argument from an unbiased platform. If you take that into consideration, your inflammatory post displays a decided lack of intellect.

Your argument is intellectually dishonest because there is no intellectual component to any part of the Trump campaign, it's all based on thoughtless emotionalism..

Your STUPIDITY proceeds you!
Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
I really wanted to see Mr. Cruz in the lead over Mr. Trump. But I am finding this election to be really interesting. It does not take a brain surgeon to figure things out. I made a lot of predictions early on about how things would go, and for the first time in my life things are going the way I figured. So I dont know if that makes me enlightened or an idiot, we will see. The republicans keep saying they want to stop Mr Trump. The way they are going about it , just smells of desperation. They are now playing the games of lies that the Democrats have always played. So now that makes the current politicians quite a bit alike. Trumps power comes from the anger felt by the people of this country. He is making off the wall comments about what he will do as President and it
is all the more fueling the angry people. And these angry people are being forgotten by the rest of the candidates. Their focus is more on what they believe will stop Trump, than what the people really want. The underhanded way they are handling the fight against Trump. Their egos are another problem. If they would bring the race down to one candidate, hopefully the people voting for one or the other would band together, thus more likely to slow Mr. Trump. I feel you cant fight a political battle with anger or you are done before you start. I have lost some respect for the people in the battle against Trump. But they need to change their tactics and wake up. They need to start thinking about the voters.

I am done now, whether anyone agrees I feel better venting. In closing I say I will support who ever the nominee is for the republicans. The republican party still represents more of the values which I believe in, but they need to return to the way they used to be, because they not only have forgotten the people of this country, they have not done what they said they would when elected by the people. So instead of apologizing and moving on and trying a little damage control they have decided to ignore the people and think of themselves instead.

Thank you for letting me vent.
Your argument is intellectually dishonest because there is no intellectual component to any part of the Trump campaign, it's all based on thoughtless emotionalism..
I agree that the Trump campaign is based upon emotionalism. However, if you think that just because something is driven by emotionalism means that there are no intellectual components, it means that YOU are the one being intellectually dishonest.

I don't agree with the "Trump machine"...however, that doesn't mean that I don't take his points in, consider them, and then either agree or build my own counter argument to them.
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

I honestly haven't seen recent statistics regarding the demographics of Trumps followers since his numbers have swelled, and are continuing to swell. As such, I'm hesitant to pull the trigger on labeling all Trump's followers as the ignorant biggots they are typically depicted as in the mainstream media. Because, you have to admit, love him or hate him, he does represent some legitimate arguments to what some of the other candidates represent. Perhaps his primary strengths are his honest depictions of his opinions (you can tell nobody writes and scripts for him) and the fact that he is self-sufficient (meaning that he, theoretically at least, doesn't owe favors).

I may not agree with Trump or many conservative idea sets, and I may be new to these forums, but I believe that some of the foundations of intellect is the willingness to entertain opposing ideas and examine argument from an unbiased platform. If you take that into consideration, your inflammatory post displays a decided lack of intellect.

Your argument is intellectually dishonest because there is no intellectual component to any part of the Trump campaign, it's all based on thoughtless emotionalism..

Your STUPIDITY proceeds you!

Liminal never responds to any of my posts. I think he has me on ignore. So not only is he terminally mentally retarded, he's also a coward.
Your argument is intellectually dishonest because there is no intellectual component to any part of the Trump campaign, it's all based on thoughtless emotionalism..
I agree that the Trump campaign is based upon emotionalism. However, if you think that just because something is driven by emotionalism means that there are no intellectual components, it means that YOU are the one being intellectually dishonest.

I don't agree with the "Trump machine"...however, that doesn't mean that I don't take his points in, consider them, and then either agree or build my own counter argument to them.
I don't think you quite understand. A man as ignorant,pompous and venal as Donald Trump doesn't merit having his so called ideas posed as any kind of equivalency with actual thought.
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

You mean like the type of voters Obama had that believed he was going to pay their mortgage and gas bills, that type of intelligent voter?

Just like that but even stupider.

drumpf is a con man and tax cheat ,,,,,and those are his good points

Con man? You mean the type of leader that tells us we need to pass a law so we can find out what is in it? Tax cheat? You mean like Charles Rangle and Al Sharpton tax cheat?

The only time you liberals get affronted by these topics is when you are accusing the other side.

lefto No ones saying everything is perfect on the left We have our tax cheats too But neither Romney or Trump will show us theirs And those are PRESIDENTIAL candidates not dem mouths like rangle or sharpton What could they be hiding ?? I'll let you guess
I don't think you quite understand. A man as ignorant,pompous and venal as Donald Trump doesn't merit having his so called ideas posed as any kind of equivalency with actual thought.
I won't argue that Trump is ignorant, pompous or venal (I had to look this word up...I had no clue what it meant). However, one of the first fallacies of an argument is to base your counter argument on the personality of a person versus the logical points that they bring up.

For example, if a serial murderer were to state, "2 + 2 = 4". It doesn't mean that he is wrong because he is a serial fact, in this case he's right. What he is or is not as a person has nothing to do with the point that they bring up. To argue against the person as the basis for not agreeing with their points is NOT intellectually honest.

Edit: As an aside you could point towards Trump's personality as an argument against his being president since, in being a figurehead for the US, world perception is a key component to that office. However, you cannot use his personality to dismiss points that he brings up nor as a discrimination against the people who support him.
Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
I really wanted to see Mr. Cruz in the lead over Mr. Trump. But I am finding this election to be really interesting. It does not take a brain surgeon to figure things out. I made a lot of predictions early on about how things would go, and for the first time in my life things are going the way I figured. So I dont know if that makes me enlightened or an idiot, we will see. The republicans keep saying they want to stop Mr Trump. The way they are going about it , just smells of desperation. They are now playing the games of lies that the Democrats have always played. So now that makes the current politicians quite a bit alike. Trumps power comes from the anger felt by the people of this country. He is making off the wall comments about what he will do as President and it
is all the more fueling the angry people. And these angry people are being forgotten by the rest of the candidates. Their focus is more on what they believe will stop Trump, than what the people really want. The underhanded way they are handling the fight against Trump. Their egos are another problem. If they would bring the race down to one candidate, hopefully the people voting for one or the other would band together, thus more likely to slow Mr. Trump. I feel you cant fight a political battle with anger or you are done before you start. I have lost some respect for the people in the battle against Trump. But they need to change their tactics and wake up. They need to start thinking about the voters.

I am done now, whether anyone agrees I feel better venting. In closing I say I will support who ever the nominee is for the republicans. The republican party still represents more of the values which I believe in, but they need to return to the way they used to be, because they not only have forgotten the people of this country, they have not done what they said they would when elected by the people. So instead of apologizing and moving on and trying a little damage control they have decided to ignore the people and think of themselves instead.

Thank you for letting me vent.

John, I would say you have hit the nail on the head. I'd say your view coincides with the views and feelings of the vast majority of Conservative voters. It is not so much that we are enamored with Donald Trump. It is simply that we no longer see any real difference between the Republican Establishment career politicians and the Democrat Establishment career politicians. We fully realize that Donald Trump is no Conservative but what he does say about Immigration and the trade deficits most especially reflect the truth of how we feel. We also believe that he will be able to create jobs with his background in business. At least he does create jobs and has created jobs himself unlike most of the career politicians on both sides.
...John, I would say you have hit the nail on the head. I'd say your view coincides with the views and feelings of the vast majority of Conservative voters...
Also, vast numbers of middle-of-the-road types who oftentimes vote Republican, despite a less Conservative leaning.

In truth, there are far more middle-of-the-road types voting Republican in any given year, than there are Conservatives.

Trouble is... Republican Establishment leadership has long-since lost sight of that fact, and continue to delude themselves that this is not the case.

Ergo, they're shocked and freeze like deer in the headlights, when the rank-and-file has had enough, and rebels.

... It is not so much that we are enamored with Donald Trump. It is simply that we no longer see any real difference between the Republican Establishment career politicians and the Democrat Establishment career politicians...


...We fully realize that Donald Trump is no Conservative but what he does say about Immigration and the trade deficits most especially reflect the truth of how we feel...
Yeah, this is also largely true.

...We also believe that he will be able to create jobs with his background in business. At least he does create jobs and has created jobs himself unlike most of the career politicians on both sides.
True, dat.


We have been witnessing a Populist Rebellion in the context of political elections, since the 2015-2016 campaign season began.

On the Democratic side, the Rebellion is fizzling, with Sanders now steadily losing ground, and the Establishment gaining the upper hand - the fix is in - it's all but over.

On the Republican side, the Rebellion is still alive and well, and the Establishment on that side is shitting its pants, unsure of what to do next, to try to hold onto power.
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Trump followers are about as classy as they are intelligent.

Trump rally supporters should be wearing brown colored shirts?

And why is that? Do you even know what brown shirts represent? (I know you are going to google it right now) other than knee jerk bull shit name calling, can you actually rationally tie Trump's ideas to the main character in the who brown shirt reference? And actually show how it's different than what so many leaders have done since?
Trump doesn't have any ideas.....just a lot of rhetoric, bombast, and sleazy salesmanship. He sure knows his audience though, he evidently has a real talent for tapping into the mediocre IQ constituency.

Based upon your bigoted post, I will entertain the conclusion that you count yourself among the "intellectuals". I've never met a Liberal who wasn't a rocket scientist. Many of those blue collars own the businesses you call to repair or install your appliances, your heating and cooling units, and replace the brakes on your automobile. You pay them dearly for their labor too. In reality, many of these stupid and ignorant blue collar workers are some of the wealthiest people in your neighborhood. They take your intelligent little ass for a ride every time they hand you a bill for their services.
They take your intelligent little ass for a ride every time they hand you a bill for their services.

.....and here's a right winger who exalts fraudulent, high prices....probably bitches when some jobs get shipped overseas and, without doubt, wants a president who can easily cheat on any business practices.

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