Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

I don't think you quite understand. A man as ignorant,pompous and venal as Donald Trump doesn't merit having his so called ideas posed as any kind of equivalency with actual thought.
I won't argue that Trump is ignorant, pompous or venal (I had to look this word up...I had no clue what it meant). However, one of the first fallacies of an argument is to base your counter argument on the personality of a person versus the logical points that they bring up.

For example, if a serial murderer were to state, "2 + 2 = 4". It doesn't mean that he is wrong because he is a serial fact, in this case he's right. What he is or is not as a person has nothing to do with the point that they bring up. To argue against the person as the basis for not agreeing with their points is NOT intellectually honest.

Edit: As an aside you could point towards Trump's personality as an argument against his being president since, in being a figurehead for the US, world perception is a key component to that office. However, you cannot use his personality to dismiss points that he brings up nor as a discrimination against the people who support him.
To argue against the person as the basis for not agreeing with their points is NOT intellectually honest.
That is pretty much all Trump does, though. Maybe he learned it from Twitter, because it is the highly preferred mode of argument on this board.
They take your intelligent little ass for a ride every time they hand you a bill for their services.

.....and here's a right winger who exalts fraudulent, high prices....probably bitches when some jobs get shipped overseas and, without doubt, wants a president who can easily cheat on any business practices.

No. I simply want a President who will negotiate an equitable trade balance for a change and will put forth tax and regulation policies that will tend to keep corporations from leaving this country for a change. If you fault me for that -- SUE ME!
I don't think you quite understand. A man as ignorant,pompous and venal as Donald Trump doesn't merit having his so called ideas posed as any kind of equivalency with actual thought.
I won't argue that Trump is ignorant, pompous or venal (I had to look this word up...I had no clue what it meant). However, one of the first fallacies of an argument is to base your counter argument on the personality of a person versus the logical points that they bring up.

For example, if a serial murderer were to state, "2 + 2 = 4". It doesn't mean that he is wrong because he is a serial fact, in this case he's right. What he is or is not as a person has nothing to do with the point that they bring up. To argue against the person as the basis for not agreeing with their points is NOT intellectually honest.

Edit: As an aside you could point towards Trump's personality as an argument against his being president since, in being a figurehead for the US, world perception is a key component to that office. However, you cannot use his personality to dismiss points that he brings up nor as a discrimination against the people who support him.
To argue against the person as the basis for not agreeing with their points is NOT intellectually honest.
That is pretty much all Trump does, though. Maybe he learned it from Twitter, because it is the highly preferred mode of argument on this board.
I don't think I ever claimed that Trump was intellectually honest.
Trump supporters will, however, be in for a shocking "education" when they finally (maybe) figure out that Trump is a hell of a lot more liberal than even a Hillary Clinton....and that they.....once again....have been had.
Every Trump supporter knows all about his policies....
You lefties are calling Trump a fascist for simply wanting to deport a mostly ethnic group of foreigners.

Yes, FDR put hundreds of thousands of American citizens inside of concentration camps and you libs give him a pass.

Inane and uninformed response.....FDR was HIGHLY criticized for the Japanese-American concentration camps.....FACT

However,FDR implemented this unwise policy during a FULL declaration of war against Japan and the fear of sabotage.

All that Trump is feeding is your fear of "sabotaging" lettuce picking harvests.

It is not credible at this late date that you are unaware of the arguments against allowing the Illegals to stay,

Thus your pretense that you believe it to only be about "lettuce picking" is a lie, and you are a liar.
The ancient Greeks (such as Plato who authored The Republic) knew well the pros and cons of democracy (they called it, mob-acracy)...The cons of such a political system includes the fact that a poorly educated and seldom involved voter is prone to fear and the lure of charlatans' rhetoric.......Trump and Cruz followers are testimony to such a flaw in the democratic voters' environment.
Hitler was elected through a democratic process.....don't think it can't happen here.

Oh, it's entirely possible. We have already done it. We elected FDR and we elected Obama.
FDR defeated global fascism, you rube.

You lefties are calling Trump a fascist for simply wanting to deport a mostly ethnic group of foreigners.

Yes, FDR put hundreds of thousands of American citizens inside of concentration camps and you libs give him a pass.

And you call us stupid.

I'm sure you have no problem with all the bombs he and Truman dropped on civilians. Certain things were necessary to defeat global fascism.

Trump is a fascist for many reasons, but it's actually his blind followers that I'm more worried about. If they would support Trump, then they are also capable of supporting a real Hitler supposing Trump is not.

The only reason to call Trump a fascist is it you are an hysterical drama queen. And I don't mean that in a good way.

TRump's followers are no more "blind" than the supporters of any other politician.

You Godwin play in noted. Please consider it dismissed and ridiculed.
The only reason to call Trump a fascist is it you are an hysterical drama queen. And I don't mean that in a good way.

TRump's followers are no more "blind" than the supporters of any other politician.

You Godwin play in noted. Please consider it dismissed and ridiculed.
I agree, calling Trump a fascist is sensational and out of place. Fascists are authoritarian in nature, and I'm pretty sure that that isn't one of Trump's major platforms.

On the other hand, it is pretty hard to deny that he is nationalistic and xenophobic in nature.
It really shouldn't take this long to scroll down!

Are there any 'liberals' who don't start threads out with the most condescending tone? Are there any 'liberals' who don't think that their shit doesn't stink? Are their any 'liberals' who believe that they are just as good as anyone else in the grand scheme of everything. I know it would be a step down for their ego to think they are as good as everyone else but the reality is is that in a society of equals each person has the same rights to an opinion as anyone else but 'liberals' seem to think only the qualified should be able to have an opinion on anything political. If that is the case, we are kind of ostracizing a great deal of people from the democracy since qualified and unqualified people can decide how their government is to be ran. I bet that is a shocker to the authoritarian who thinks only the elites should run the government. That sounds an awful like how oligarchies could decide how governments should run but who is noticing at this point. Just keep on saying you believe in democracy and, at the same time, tell people they are too stupid to participate in it.
It really shouldn't take this long to scroll down!

Are there any 'liberals' who don't start threads out with the most condescending tone? Are there any 'liberals' who don't think that their shit doesn't stink? Are their any 'liberals' who believe that they are just as good as anyone else in the grand scheme of everything. I know it would be a step down for their ego to think they are as good as everyone else but the reality is is that in a society of equals each person has the same rights to an opinion as anyone else but 'liberals' seem to think only the qualified should be able to have an opinion on anything political. If that is the case, we are kind of ostracizing a great deal of people from the democracy since qualified and unqualified people can decide how their government is to be ran. I bet that is a shocker to the authoritarian who thinks only the elites should run the government. That sounds an awful like how oligarchies could decide how governments should run but who is noticing at this point. Just keep on saying you believe in democracy and, at the same time, tell people they are too stupid to participate in it.
There certainly are! However, as you are on the internet, you won't encounter any individual (liberal or conservative) without an egotistic mindset.

Egotistic Liberal
If he makes a good faith attempt to deport illegals, reduce immigration, and renegotiate better trade deals, I will be happy regardless of what else he does.

Then Trump should be running for secretary of commerce or home land best...and NOT for CIC

Err, because of they set policy? LOL!

You are talking nonsense.
Trump supporters will, however, be in for a shocking "education" when they finally (maybe) figure out that Trump is a hell of a lot more liberal than even a Hillary Clinton....and that they.....once again....have been had.

If he makes a good faith attempt to deport illegals, reduce immigration, and renegotiate better trade deals, I will be happy regardless of what else he does.
Including, say, suspending the Constitution?

Save your panic mongering and partisan spin for someone who is impressed by it.
You right wingers are 100% wrong if you think that we on the left are "scared" of Trump......Actually, Donald is the PERFECT Trojan Horse who has been allowed within the gates of the wholly destroy the current republican party apparatus.

What democrats could not do for decades, Trump is accomplishing in just a few months.

No, your fear as expressed with constant hysterical attacks and delusions is pretty clear.
Trump supporters will, however, be in for a shocking "education" when they finally (maybe) figure out that Trump is a hell of a lot more liberal than even a Hillary Clinton....and that they.....once again....have been had.

If he makes a good faith attempt to deport illegals, reduce immigration, and renegotiate better trade deals, I will be happy regardless of what else he does.
Trump hasn't made an effort of good faith or any other kind, it's all talk. It's the right wing fascists dummies version of hope and change.

The other candidates have a proven history of either betrayal on these issues or are openly against what we believe to be in the nations best interest.

Thus, Trump trumps.
So the answer to the OP is "yes there are" and it's also quite obvious that we are more intelligent than our accusers.
I've seen no evidence to support your theory.

I'm right here. You think we aren't intelligent then state your case. And please, don't insult my intelligence by showing a video of one idiot because I can show you lots of idiots supporting any candidate you can name.

You made a strong and blanket statement in your OP now let's see you back it up. Or are you just talking out of your ass?

His ass.
Hitler was elected through a democratic process.....don't think it can't happen here.

Oh, it's entirely possible. We have already done it. We elected FDR and we elected Obama.
FDR defeated global fascism, you rube.

You lefties are calling Trump a fascist for simply wanting to deport a mostly ethnic group of foreigners.

Yes, FDR put hundreds of thousands of American citizens inside of concentration camps and you libs give him a pass.

And you call us stupid.

I'm sure you have no problem with all the bombs he and Truman dropped on civilians. Certain things were necessary to defeat global fascism.

Trump is a fascist for many reasons, but it's actually his blind followers that I'm more worried about. If they would support Trump, then they are also capable of supporting a real Hitler supposing Trump is not.

The only reason to call Trump a fascist is it you are an hysterical drama queen. And I don't mean that in a good way.

TRump's followers are no more "blind" than the supporters of any other politician.

You Godwin play in noted. Please consider it dismissed and ridiculed.
I'm not the only one who's noticed how dangerous the Trump ignorance movement really is.
So the answer to the OP is "yes there are" and it's also quite obvious that we are more intelligent than our accusers.
I've seen no evidence to support your theory.

I'm right here. You think we aren't intelligent then state your case. And please, don't insult my intelligence by showing a video of one idiot because I can show you lots of idiots supporting any candidate you can name.

You made a strong and blanket statement in your OP now let's see you back it up. Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Indeed here you are. Let's have a look at some of your fellow Trump University scholars.

Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

I can get a pretty good idea of just how smart you are by the way you keep repeating yourself so ineffectually.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

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