Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

Yeah Trump followers are stupid and Hillary followers are smart.

Damn...lefties are so easily duped.

No dummy, Clinton supporters are delusional hypocrites, Trump followers are just plain stupid.

Prove it. So far the only ones acting stupid here are the accusers.

Trump followers are about as classy as they are intelligent.
So the answer to the OP is "yes there are" and it's also quite obvious that we are more intelligent than our accusers.
I've seen no evidence to support your theory.

I'm right here. You think we aren't intelligent then state your case. And please, don't insult my intelligence by showing a video of one idiot because I can show you lots of idiots supporting any candidate you can name.

You made a strong and blanket statement in your OP now let's see you back it up. Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Indeed here you are. Let's have a look at some of your fellow Trump University scholars.

Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

I can get a pretty good idea of just how smart you are by the way you keep repeating yourself so ineffectually.
Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

Anyone who uses an avatar trying to show Obama as a Kenyan witch-doctor (and probably a foreign born Muslim) is either not too bright.....a racist.....or both......You know it (or should) and the rest of us on this thread certainly know it too.
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

You mean like the type of voters Obama had that believed he was going to pay their mortgage and gas bills, that type of intelligent voter?

Just like that but even stupider.

drumpf is a con man and tax cheat ,,,,,and those are his good points

Con man? You mean the type of leader that tells us we need to pass a law so we can find out what is in it? Tax cheat? You mean like Charles Rangle and Al Sharpton tax cheat?

The only time you liberals get affronted by these topics is when you are accusing the other side.
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

Yeah Trump followers are stupid and Hillary followers are smart.

Damn...lefties are so easily duped.

No dummy, Clinton supporters are delusional hypocrites, Trump followers are just plain stupid.

Prove it. So far the only ones acting stupid here are the accusers.

Trump followers are about as classy as they are intelligent.

Typical Hillary voter:

So the answer to the OP is "yes there are" and it's also quite obvious that we are more intelligent than our accusers.
I've seen no evidence to support your theory.

I'm right here. You think we aren't intelligent then state your case. And please, don't insult my intelligence by showing a video of one idiot because I can show you lots of idiots supporting any candidate you can name.

You made a strong and blanket statement in your OP now let's see you back it up. Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Indeed here you are. Let's have a look at some of your fellow Trump University scholars.

Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

I can get a pretty good idea of just how smart you are by the way you keep repeating yourself so ineffectually.

If you were even a tiny bit intelligent, you'd know that repetition and relative effectiveness is not the fault of the person teaching. I have to repeat myself because you keep doing the same thing over and over, and my ineffectiveness is mainly due to your inabity to understand complex thoughts.

You made the claim, now back it up or be mature enough to admit that not all Trump supporters are ignorant.
Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

Anyone who uses an avatar trying to show Obama as a Kenyan witch-doctor (and probably a foreign born Muslim) is either not too bright.....a racist.....or both......You know it (or should) and the rest of us on this thread certainly know it too.

How about an avatar showing Obama growing up in privileged White Hawaii? Is that too racist or inaccurate for you?
Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

Anyone who uses an avatar trying to show Obama as a Kenyan witch-doctor (and probably a foreign born Muslim) is either not too bright.....a racist.....or both......You know it (or should) and the rest of us on this thread certainly know it too.

Your screams of racism are worn out...long ago.
Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

Anyone who uses an avatar trying to show Obama as a Kenyan witch-doctor (and probably a foreign born Muslim) is either not too bright.....a racist.....or both......You know it (or should) and the rest of us on this thread certainly know it too.

Ignorant garbage. It's no different than making GOP candidates into clowns. And "The rest of us?" You mean left wing nut jobs? Yeah that means nothing at all.
I've seen no evidence to support your theory.

I'm right here. You think we aren't intelligent then state your case. And please, don't insult my intelligence by showing a video of one idiot because I can show you lots of idiots supporting any candidate you can name.

You made a strong and blanket statement in your OP now let's see you back it up. Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Indeed here you are. Let's have a look at some of your fellow Trump University scholars.

Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

I can get a pretty good idea of just how smart you are by the way you keep repeating yourself so ineffectually.

If you were even a tiny bit intelligent, you'd know that repetition and relative effectiveness is not the fault of the person teaching. I have to repeat myself because you keep doing the same thing over and over, and my ineffectiveness is mainly due to your inabity to understand complex thoughts.

You made the claim, now back it up or be mature enough to admit that not all Trump supporters are ignorant.

Teaching? I can hardly wait for the point of the lesson. What was it again? Oh yeah, that's were about to establish exactly how intelligent you are.
Ignorant garbage. It's no different than making GOP candidates into clowns. And "The rest of us?" You mean left wing nut jobs? Yeah that means nothing at all.

No, NO......Your choice of avatar is PERFECT for who you are......Why hide your "true" mindset? LOL
Trump followers are about as classy as they are intelligent.

Trump rally supporters should be wearing brown colored shirts?

And why is that? Do you even know what brown shirts represent? (I know you are going to google it right now) other than knee jerk bull shit name calling, can you actually rationally tie Trump's ideas to the main character in the who brown shirt reference? And actually show how it's different than what so many leaders have done since?
How about an avatar showing Obama growing up in privileged White Hawaii? Is that too racist or inaccurate for you?

True......BUT, the avatar that WAS used shows something about the individual who chose it....That, my friend, you and your ilk will have to live with.
Trump followers are about as classy as they are intelligent.

Trump rally supporters should be wearing brown colored shirts?

And why is that? Do you even know what brown shirts represent? (I know you are going to google it right now) other than knee jerk bull shit name calling, can you actually rationally tie Trump's ideas to the main character in the who brown shirt reference? And actually show how it's different than what so many leaders have done since?
Trump doesn't have any ideas.....just a lot of rhetoric, bombast, and sleazy salesmanship. He sure knows his audience though, he evidently has a real talent for tapping into the mediocre IQ constituency.
I'm right here. You think we aren't intelligent then state your case. And please, don't insult my intelligence by showing a video of one idiot because I can show you lots of idiots supporting any candidate you can name.

You made a strong and blanket statement in your OP now let's see you back it up. Or are you just talking out of your ass?
Indeed here you are. Let's have a look at some of your fellow Trump University scholars.

Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

I can get a pretty good idea of just how smart you are by the way you keep repeating yourself so ineffectually.

If you were even a tiny bit intelligent, you'd know that repetition and relative effectiveness is not the fault of the person teaching. I have to repeat myself because you keep doing the same thing over and over, and my ineffectiveness is mainly due to your inabity to understand complex thoughts.

You made the claim, now back it up or be mature enough to admit that not all Trump supporters are ignorant.

Teaching? I can hardly wait for the point of the lesson. What was it again? Oh yeah, that's were about to establish exactly how intelligent you are.

Yes teaching, because you have been schooled. Though probably following your entire life habits, you totally failed to get the lesson.

I've waited patiently for you to prove your claim in your OP but of course you have failed. To be honest, you didn't even try. Instead you have proven that you are less intelligent than those you accuse.

My work is done here.
And why is that? Do you even know what brown shirts represent? (I know you are going to google it right now) other than knee jerk bull shit name calling, can you actually rationally tie Trump's ideas to the main character in the who brown shirt reference? And actually show how it's different than what so many leaders have done since?

The violence shown by Trump supporters is self evident......Draw your own conclusion to history....Look it up.
Your OP title is kind of insulting to a lot of people, you know. A lot of people don't bother listening carefully to the candidates' policy positions because they know from experience that 90% of what the pols say won't happen anyway. A lot of people judge candidates on their personality, and in Trump's case, he is definitely the alpha-male in the pack. The one who leads. And he's certainly entertaining.

Not everyone wants to research the policies in depth or spend their evenings and Sundays watching boring news shows. Believe it or not, Trump supporters are just like everyone else.
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

I honestly haven't seen recent statistics regarding the demographics of Trumps followers since his numbers have swelled, and are continuing to swell. As such, I'm hesitant to pull the trigger on labeling all Trump's followers as the ignorant biggots they are typically depicted as in the mainstream media. Because, you have to admit, love him or hate him, he does represent some legitimate arguments to what some of the other candidates represent. Perhaps his primary strengths are his honest depictions of his opinions (you can tell nobody writes and scripts for him) and the fact that he is self-sufficient (meaning that he, theoretically at least, doesn't owe favors).

I may not agree with Trump or many conservative idea sets, and I may be new to these forums, but I believe that some of the foundations of intellect is the willingness to entertain opposing ideas and examine argument from an unbiased platform. If you take that into consideration, your inflammatory post displays a decided lack of intellect.

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