Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

You mean like the type of voters Obama had that believed he was going to pay their mortgage and gas bills, that type of intelligent voter?
Well, before I go let me relay to right wingers on here that I may just decide to actually vote FOR Trump for THREE reasons:

1. I do NOT like Hillary
2. Trump will completely destroy the GOP....and
3. Trump is a hell of a lot more liberal and any of the Clintons....
Well, before I go let me relay to right wingers on here that I may just decide to actually vote FOR Trump for THREE reasons:

1. I do NOT like Hillary
2. Trump will completely destroy the GOP....and
3. Trump is a hell of a lot more liberal and any of the Clintons....
Yeah. I'll hold my breath on that one...................
And you keep making that statement over and over and over and over again............Are you trying to convince someone???????

Actually, I am reacting to the GOP establishment who seems to be scared shitless of a Trump running and winning as a republican who alienates ALL minoriy voters who are crucial for the GOP to ever again see the inside of the oval office.

Of course they are scared shitless. If Trump gets elected, they're history. Trump will purge the party of all those feckless backstabbers.
Sounds pretty fascist.
You mean like purging the military of any officers that oppose Obama's policies?
Didn't happen. Whereas you literally called for a purge.
It sure as hell did happen. Just ask any of the officers that Obama purged.

On the other hand, Republicans are prefectly within their rights in calling for new leadership in their party
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

Bull shit. There are several here. I'm a Cruz supporter first but Trump second. I am an intelligent supporter of both. You otoh, not so much.

Really otoh, you sound like the valedictorian of Trump University.

I'll bet everyone who attended Trump University is smarter and richer than you.
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

Bull shit. There are several here. I'm a Cruz supporter first but Trump second. I am an intelligent supporter of both. You otoh, not so much.

Really otoh, you sound like the valedictorian of Trump University.

Now that there is the level of stupidity that you anti-Trump morons stoop to. How ironic that you did that. I think you just killed your own thread.
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

Bull shit. There are several here. I'm a Cruz supporter first but Trump second. I am an intelligent supporter of both. You otoh, not so much.

If you were intelligent you'd know you're not intelligent.

Hilarious that in a thread about the percieved ignorance of Trump supporters, you people say the most idiotic things. Keep it up genius.
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If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

Bull shit. There are several here. I'm a Cruz supporter first but Trump second. I am an intelligent supporter of both. You otoh, not so much.

face the truth pred you're a dumb republican and would vote for any crap they come up with even when members of your own party admit they're crap
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

Bull shit. There are several here. I'm a Cruz supporter first but Trump second. I am an intelligent supporter of both. You otoh, not so much.

Really otoh, you sound like the valedictorian of Trump University.

Now that there is the level of stupidity that you anti-Trump morons stoop to. How ironic that you did that. I think you just killed your own thread.

Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
As I said, I'm a Cruz guy first but I can defend Trump as well as anyone. You think Trump supporters are ignorant? Can you have a rational intelligent discussion about him? You'd better be more mature that you all have been so far.
If so where are they? They certainly haven't shown themselves in the news media or on this forum.

Bull shit. There are several here. I'm a Cruz supporter first but Trump second. I am an intelligent supporter of both. You otoh, not so much.

face the truth pred you're a dumb republican and would vote for any crap they come up with even when members of your own party admit they're crap

You are too stupid and immature to be talking. Dismissed.

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