Are there any left leaning or liberal mods?

What I DON'T want to see though is somebody being put on as mod out of some affirmative action kind of thing. You know, to achieve balance. I want mods whether left, right, or center to be people who will do the job competently and impartially.

I am in total agreement but this board does need some balance in regards to staff. Any moderating team/site should have a good balance of males and females in staff positions. It's just a better dynamic....
Once given, I don't think a mod's position should be pulled without merit.

Don't think I said he should be removed, I am voicing my opinion the decision sucked. ;)

Thank you for the clarification. I don't know all the reasons behind the new mod assignments, but it was stated that few would step up. Sounds like some changes are possible. I'm going to emphasize the positive from today's exchange.
What I DON'T want to see though is somebody being put on as mod out of some affirmative action kind of thing. You know, to achieve balance. I want mods whether left, right, or center to be people who will do the job competently and impartially.

I am in total agreement but this board does need some balance in regards to staff. Any moderating team/site should have a good balance of males and females in staff positions. It's just a better dynamic....

I am in agreement that there are probably some who are so conscious of that, they are uncomfortable. And I certainly have no problem with there being a good mix of good mods. I'm just saying that I'm not uncomfortable based on gender, sociopolitical ideology, or sexual orientation or anything else. I am uncomfortable with those who can't check their gender and ideology at the door when they mod, and hope that we don't dilute an effective mod squad just to achieve some sort of balance of something.
looking at the contents of the rubber room, it's clear that there's absolutely no conservative bias here. no, really.


Isn't it funny how one or two pages appear to be mostly from the left while the previous one or two pages seem to be mostly from the right......... Ya know, kinda like how the first appear on the board before finding their way there......... in batches....... no, really....... :eusa_whistle:
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What I DON'T want to see though is somebody being put on as mod out of some affirmative action kind of thing. You know, to achieve balance. I want mods whether left, right, or center to be people who will do the job competently and impartially.

I am in total agreement but this board does need some balance in regards to staff. Any moderating team/site should have a good balance of males and females in staff positions. It's just a better dynamic....

I am in agreement that there are probably some who are so conscious of that, they are uncomfortable. And I certainly have no problem with there being a good mix of good mods. I'm just saying that I'm not uncomfortable based on gender, sociopolitical ideology, or sexual orientation or anything else. I am uncomfortable with those who can't check their gender and ideology at the door when they mod, and hope that we don't dilute an effective mod squad just to achieve some sort of balance of something.
Well said...and quoted for truth :)
Wow, seriously? You guys made Pale Rider, a neo nazi freak, into a moderator? That's truly sick and twisted. That guy's a major nutjob.

looking at the contents of the rubber room, it's clear that there's absolutely no conservative bias here. no, really.


You're going to use the rubber room as a test for something? :eek:

when i want your opinion, i'll give it to you.

It was a question.

That last sentence was a statement.

I always enjoy your direction, don't follow it regularly, but still enjoyable.
The only new mods I have seen are right leaning? Maybe I am missing the new liberal mods, or any that have stayed around? I have forgotten how to look up who is on the mod staff.

Avg. Joe is a mod and he is Left Leaning. Possibly a Democrat. It's a big complaint here but from what I hear, no Lefties are stepping up.

do you believe that crap? that no lefties are stepping up...who have they ask....easy claim to make but i dont believe a word of it....

and really lu do you think out of the 3 new mods.....pale is the worst? pale is no sadist.....

Go ahead an spit it out.
You don't have proof, but go ahead and say it.

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