Are there any left leaning or liberal mods?

Oh! And Pale, I just showing you the same courtesy you showed me. ;)
Here's an idea get your gripes out and tell us what you'd like to see take place around here. I'm all about making a forum a better place. Have at it. Get your gripes out and if changes can be implemented to make the forum a better place we'll make it happen.

Honestly, I don't think the ideology of the mods matters one whit so long as all the mods apply the same rules and good judgment. When the forum had left leaning mods, most of them female, I saw no difference in how the board was moderated. (And I miss some of those gals a lot.)

The only thing I would like to see, and I don't know if it is possible without eliminating the free speech enviroment of USMB that makes it so attractive to so many of us, but if there was a way to keep the character of the board and prohbit some jerk from coming in and completely distrupting or destroying a really good thread, that would be wonderful. I'm thinking of Wise's Presidential Elections thread as a good example, but there have been others too.
I disagree with a "prohibition" on that. There is already an instrument available in the rules to do that. Any mod can move those posts to a flame thread. EZ used to do that a lot.

And, that was a good thing.

I know and it happened some on Wise's thread too, but not until it was already pretty well derailed. And now Wiseacre has left the board. He says for good and says it was not because of the disruption. Whether either are the real deal, I can't say, but I do know that up until then, he was one of the better posters.

And we have lost other posters purely over that kind of thing.

I agree that it is a really difficult thing to deal with though and maybe it can't be done without too many unintended negative consequences. But CK asked for suggestions, so. . . . .
I can't imagine many posters wanting to come back to a site that banned them a long time ago. The primary reason would be to cause trouble, if they did return. Might be some exceptions.
bones, I think its a rule violation to name names. Maybe you can change them slightly? Maybe for the sake of discussion its okay?
I do, especially when they appoint someone like Pale to be a mod. The right would flip if Truthmatters was made a mod.....I don't post much here anymore, and it has nothing to do with the politics of this board, but I still don't want to see this place go down the toilet because they want to bulk up on right wing mods.


I am sure you have some, you do have a history of being a cry baby..I will make sure I never neg you, we know how well you react when that happens. :lol:

Good luck Pale, you will need it.

Yeah the tables have turned haven't they hon. You always were kind of a snively little bitch and Gunny had to tell you not to abuse the rep. I hope you learned your lesson.

And thanks, being a mod here does keep ya busy, but I can handle it. We have lots of good mods and admin, and like me, they're all fair, regardless of their political leanings.
The only new mods I have seen are right leaning? Maybe I am missing the new liberal mods, or any that have stayed around? I have forgotten how to look up who is on the mod staff.
The site was founded by meatheads who like killing brown people. I assume it'll remain the same.

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