Are There Any Moderates In Today's Republican Party?

John McCain. For one. It's a ridiculous question.

What's ridiculous is how radically far right-wing the Republican Party has become.

Uh huh... :rolleyes:

There is no doubt there are right wingers... but the party itself is not further right than it was.. the same cannot be said about the DEMs.. they have more further and further left... so much so that moderates and centrists who just happen to be in the Republican party are considered radicals or 'right wing'...

When people, like yourself, consider ones such as Reid, Obama, etc centrist or 'conservative', it flat out shows how delusional you really are
Are There Any Moderates In Today's Republican Party?

If there are, you can count them on one hand!
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John McCain. For one. It's a ridiculous question.

What's ridiculous is how radically far right-wing the Republican Party has become.

I think it's a good question.

Crucial, really.

The answer is no, I suspect, there are no moderate Republicans anymore.

I was a moderate Republican for decades, since my first vote. Most Republican women were moderate, of course: social issues. And it worked great! Some of the bad men made stupid noises against abortion and what-not, and then a Republican prez would be elected and never mention any of that nasty stuff again. Everyone knew about this. It was very comfortable and reliable: you could depend on it. Sanity.

But now, Yow!!! I never saw such a war on women in my whole life, and it's from REPUBLICANS??????? Darn. They nominate just frankly sex criminals (Herman Cain), men with HAREMS (Newt Gingrich), men stuck in 1929 (Santorum), and two candidates for the SENATE who were in love with rape. Republican men HATE WOMEN!! Who knew?

I gave up, reregistered as an Independent in 2006, after Bush's lying forever war went bad. I didn't mind the lying about WMD -- presidents usually lie to get us into wars -- but it's the 10-year losing forever war thing that was so bad. If we go to war, we should FIGHT and WIN and GET OUT. Am I really asking too much here??

The Dems promised to get us out of the Iraq forever war. They lied too, as we all know, so I'm pretty much burned out on the democratic system at this point. We do need a whole different system, IMO.

But yeah -- the Republican Party did lose all its moderates. And certainly most of its women. Thru pure meanness. I hope it will collapse and be replaced by Libertarians. That would be so great.
John McCain

Mitt Romney

Chris Christie

Bobby Jindal

etc, etc etc the party is full on moderates. The problem with the liberal left is they have swung so far left they can't see the middle. Even with the names provide I seriously doubt you will agree because you don't have the foggiest idea what is a moderate. All the left is interested in is protecting itself. Obama can order the killing of a 16 year old American and the liberal left, especially the ACLU, could care less self interest is more important then stopping a government gone mad.

Obama is accused of not saluting an Marine yesterday. I think there is a misunderstanding. Obama did salute it is the new salute of the left wing liberal democrat party, and here it is:

John McCain. For one. It's a ridiculous question.

What's ridiculous is how radically far right-wing the Republican Party has become.

I think it's a good question.

Crucial, really.

The answer is no, I suspect, there are no moderate Republicans anymore.

I was a moderate Republican for decades, since my first vote. Most Republican women were moderate, of course: social issues. And it worked great! Some of the bad men made stupid noises against abortion and what-not, and then a Republican prez would be elected and never mention any of that nasty stuff again. Everyone knew about this. It was very comfortable and reliable: you could depend on it. Sanity.

But now, Yow!!! I never saw such a war on women in my whole life, and it's from REPUBLICANS??????? Darn. They nominate just frankly sex criminals (Herman Cain), men with HAREMS (Newt Gingrich), men stuck in 1929 (Santorum), and two candidates for the SENATE who were in love with rape. Republican men HATE WOMEN!! Who knew?

I gave up, reregistered as an Independent in 2006, after Bush's lying forever war went bad. I didn't mind the lying about WMD -- presidents usually lie to get us into wars -- but it's the 10-year losing forever war thing that was so bad. If we go to war, we should FIGHT and WIN and GET OUT. Am I really asking too much here??

The Dems promised to get us out of the Iraq forever war. They lied too, as we all know, so I'm pretty much burned out on the democratic system at this point. We do need a whole different system, IMO.

But yeah -- the Republican Party did lose all its moderates. And certainly most of its women. Thru pure meanness. I hope it will collapse and be replaced by Libertarians. That would be so great.

John McCain. For one. It's a ridiculous question.

What's ridiculous is how radically far right-wing the Republican Party has become.

yep. what did Mitten's have to say in order for the teapublicans to accept him? Oh yeah- "I'm an extreme conservative" :clap2:
Thank you!!

Obama is accused of not saluting an Marine yesterday. I think there is a misunderstanding. Obama did salute it is the new salute of the left wing liberal democrat party, and here it is:


Yeah, hand-out-for-freebies is one Dem gesture; the other one is the limp wrist, that's big now. You especially use it to salute Boy Scouts.

I ask for your definition...and you just batch about it.

No pleasing you people huh?


No - you ask a loaded question designed SPECIFICALLY to induce argument. Do you still beat your Wife?
What's the argument?

The question is subjective buttmunch.

Only in your delusional RW head is it a loaded question.

Get a grip dude...seriously.


why would you say he is RW when you have to ask what RW is?
But now, Yow!!! I never saw such a war on women in my whole life, and it's from REPUBLICANS??????? Darn. They nominate just frankly sex criminals (Herman Cain), men with HAREMS (Newt Gingrich), men stuck in 1929 (Santorum), and two candidates for the SENATE who were in love with rape. Republican men HATE WOMEN!! Who knew?

How does the Republican party 'hate' women? I never did get this sort of thing people keep saying. There are just about as many women in the Republican party as there are women in the Democrat Party. Probably more so since exit polls show more Republicans on polls than Democrats.
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Ironically we Dem's need an opposition party that at least has the appearance of being formidable. Along those lines, I hope they don't Primary-out the few moderates that are left because then they will just be seen as a fringe/insignificant opposition
If so, who are they?

If not, why not?

Also, post your definition of a moderate Republican.

Don't forgot to include why you're for/against them.

Apparently you fell asleep after 1988. Every conservative candidate has been of the progressive liberal beltway wing of the GOP. Each has grown government, baring foreign policy issues, kicked the fiscal and monetary can down the road.
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But now, Yow!!! I never saw such a war on women in my whole life, and it's from REPUBLICANS??????? Darn. They nominate just frankly sex criminals (Herman Cain), men with HAREMS (Newt Gingrich), men stuck in 1929 (Santorum), and two candidates for the SENATE who were in love with rape. Republican men HATE WOMEN!! Who knew?

How does the Republican party 'hate' women? I never did get this sort of thing people keep saying. There are just about as many women in the Republican party as men. Probably more so since exit polls show more Republicans on polls than Democrats.

No, plainly there are not as many women in the GOP, certainly not anymore. You are simply asserting that, but it's false on the face of it.

Let's see, women are 55% of the electorate, or more. We have a majority of the population and we vote more than men do. Obama was elected with the so-called "women's vote." (Not mine, but still.) Poll after poll show women bailing out of Republican positions and candidates and electing Obama and other Dems. Therefore, there cannot possibly be as many Republican women as there used to be.

And lemme tell ya ---- when *I* leave the Republican Party, that's definitely a sinking ship. I wouldn't have left if there was any hope. But migod, those worthless candidates. Those awful warmongering policies. The continual attempted or desired maltreatment of women.

Republicans don't actually succeed in maltreating women because women don't allow that sort of thing these days. But we notice you run brainless boob jobs for vice president and sex criminals for the White House and Senate. Remember Jack Ryan? He's why Obama is now president. Shopped his wife around sex clubs: she didn't cooperate either, divorced him for it and somehow that got out during the Illinois Senate race.........but he tried.

I'm not interested in men who try to control and maltreat women.

Well, naturally.

I suggest you Republicans try to do without 55% of the electorate because you hate women: that'll really work.

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