Are we a wealthy nation?

We as a people are doing fine at this time. As long as we keep kicking the can down the street we'll probably be long dead before the inevitable implosion. Implode away. I got mine. :D
Worrying about the debt is a waste of time. It means nothing. Less than nothing.
You eventually pay the piper. If you do not address the debt, the day of reckoning will come upon you...well not you, but your if you're a Trumper who really gives a damn.
You eventually pay the piper. If you do not address the debt, the day of reckoning will come upon you...well not you, but your if you're a Trumper who really gives a damn.

We don't pay the debt, who's gonna do anything about it?

Is China gonna take possession of Chicago? They can have it but I don't think they're that stupid to want it.

We can monetize the debt any time we're in the mood.

If Trump gets the economy going and the Fed stops trying to control inflation, the debt will disappear into nothingness.

The difference is, dimocrap scum give it to people who will just multiply like Rats and give us more Government-dependent people to deal with.

If Republicans spend the money correctly (which Trump wants to do) it will be an investment, not an expense

We are wealthy.

The debt is manageable. If it were not, the interest rates on our debt would be HIGH.

That said. The wealth is too concentrated. If we enact a few laws which REDISTRIBUTE the wealth, we will be able to maintain.

There are a couple of ways to define wealth in the U.S. You could rely on the typical hypocrite left wing "glass half empty" concept and worry about the "national debit" or you could live in the real world and consider that Americans have the highest standard of living in the world. The statistical "poor" in the greatest Country in the world live better than the so-called middle class of any country in Europe. The only time lefties worry about the "national debit" is during republican administrations and if lefties had an ounce of freaking brains in their hypocrite heads they would stand during the National Anthem and thank their lucky stars every day that their parents weren't Planned Parenthood subscribers and that they were born in the U.S.A.
That said. The wealth is too concentrated. If we enact a few laws which REDISTRIBUTE the wealth, we will be able to maintain.

Take from the producers ? And Ocasio-Cortez determines what is too much, to whom and how its gets redistributed ?

The real producers in this nation can't afford to send their kids to college. That is a result of nutbags deciding that more should go to the wealthy. You'll never admit that fact, though. So why not fuck off?
The real producers in this nation can't afford to send their kids to college. That is a result of nutbags deciding that more should go to the wealthy. You'll never admit that fact, though. So why not fuck off?
Colleges work on a false market bolstered by .gov funding opposed to competitive market forces.
As a nation we are wealthy in many ways beyond just economics.
The powerhouse that is America is related to a thriving work ethic, ability to adapt to changing conditions, leading the world in technological advances, a people with a can do winning attitude that get things done.
Our wealth is a citizenry that is individualized with an incentive to do better for themselves that only a capitalist system is capable of providing.

The government on the other hand is broke.
That usually happens to an entity that produces nothing and relys on theft of income for revenue.

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