Are we Americans ready for a large landslide in 2016?

Hillary inaugurated and sentenced on the same day?

no. but whatever.

clinton derangement syndrome is almost as amusing as obama derangement syndrome. *shrug*
Let's see, your last favorite was revealed as a pervert who tweeted his meat. I think that says lots about your political and character judgment.

Think of me what you will -- I don't care. But the truth is very simple -- dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what the pieces of fucking shit are that they're voting for...... They just don't care....

Anybody remember Hitlery's past foibles like --

Whitewater? A shady real estate deal that bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars, many, if not most, of them retired and past the age of being able to earn their money back? Remember that?

Or how about the Vince Foster mystery? Remember how he was tied to the Travelgate and the Whitewtaer scandals? Then, for no apparent reason decides to off himself?

How about Filegate? The Clintons were caught with HUNDREDS of secret FBI Files on their political enemies. Richard Nixon was impeached for having One (1)

How about the Cattle Futures Miracle? Remember that one? They want us to believe that the walking ad for FDS invested $1,000 in Cattle Futures and miraculously turned it into $100,000 in less than 30 days..... Something not even the most astute futures trader has ever done.... But hey, she's a Clinton so.....

Then there's Benghazi, the Drug Trafficker they invited to the White House after he made a HUGE donation, the Rich pardon, Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, the Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, the White House Furniture they stole and shipped to their personal home, etc, etc, etc....

Here it is people. Face up to it.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Only a scumbag of the highest order would vote for a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT like Hitlery Clinton.

I know it hurts but you just have to face it -- Nearly half our Country is scum.

Do you have the balls to admit it?

Ahhh, you are on the angry path again, I see. La-la-la----- lol
Hillary inaugurated and sentenced on the same day?

no. but whatever.

clinton derangement syndrome is almost as amusing as obama derangement syndrome. *shrug*
Let's see, your last favorite was revealed as a pervert who tweeted his meat. I think that says lots about your political and character judgment.

Think of me what you will -- I don't care. But the truth is very simple -- dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what the pieces of fucking shit are that they're voting for...... They just don't care....

Anybody remember Hitlery's past foibles like --

Whitewater? A shady real estate deal that bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars, many, if not most, of them retired and past the age of being able to earn their money back? Remember that?

Or how about the Vince Foster mystery? Remember how he was tied to the Travelgate and the Whitewtaer scandals? Then, for no apparent reason decides to off himself?

How about Filegate? The Clintons were caught with HUNDREDS of secret FBI Files on their political enemies. Richard Nixon was impeached for having One (1)

How about the Cattle Futures Miracle? Remember that one? They want us to believe that the walking ad for FDS invested $1,000 in Cattle Futures and miraculously turned it into $100,000 in less than 30 days..... Something not even the most astute futures trader has ever done.... But hey, she's a Clinton so.....

Then there's Benghazi, the Drug Trafficker they invited to the White House after he made a HUGE donation, the Rich pardon, Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, the Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, the White House Furniture they stole and shipped to their personal home, etc, etc, etc....

Here it is people. Face up to it.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Only a scumbag of the highest order would vote for a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT like Hitlery Clinton.

I know it hurts but you just have to face it -- Nearly half our Country is scum.

Do you have the balls to admit it?
You forgot the original Travelgate, where Hillary fired all the people in the WH travel agency and replaced them with her cronies.
And for the record, my comments were about Jillian, the fauxtorney, and her love of Anthony's Weiner before he was unmasked.
I dispute its relevance to anything. Do you dispute that mumps incidence among New Guinea islanders will be a major consideration in the final EV tally?

Elections statistics - which also show trends over time and are also yet another indicator of the consistency of human behavior, have nothing to do with mumps in New Guinea.

I am sorry if you are just too stupid to realize this.

Maybe you can make some more cool, yet very false, Greece predictions. That seems to be more up your alley.
No they do not show trends over time. They show what happened at one time. But that is not germane to this time. It is equally valid to say incidents of mumps are predictors of the future.
Correlation is not causality. I am sorry if your are too poorly educated to understand this.

No. You are wrong. Electoral results also show some recognizable patterns in electoral behavior, irregardless of candidates and issues. You just have to be smart enough to be able to read numbers and be willing to learn some. Sorry, looks like you are out of luck. Tsk, tsk.
LOL! Yeah tell us.
There are recognizable patterns in everything. They have zero predictive power.
What is certain is voters are preparing to punish the Democrats for the worst growth in any recovery post WW2, for their racially divisive rhetoric, for their war on religion, and for the most feckless foreign policy in ages.
Dems have lost 9000 seats nationwide since 2009. THAT is a trend you should look at.

It's fun to watch when you get all angry and puffed up and still cannot concentrate on the actual content of the OP, because in that moment, you encapsulate all that is wrong with butthurt Righties without having to write all too many words. So, uhm, thanks.
Its fun to watch you spin bullshit to cover your lack of content and inability to refute arguments.
The only "trend" going on is that Dems are losing elections right and left, as they are losing population to Red states.
Elections statistics - which also show trends over time and are also yet another indicator of the consistency of human behavior, have nothing to do with mumps in New Guinea.

I am sorry if you are just too stupid to realize this.

Maybe you can make some more cool, yet very false, Greece predictions. That seems to be more up your alley.
No they do not show trends over time. They show what happened at one time. But that is not germane to this time. It is equally valid to say incidents of mumps are predictors of the future.
Correlation is not causality. I am sorry if your are too poorly educated to understand this.

No. You are wrong. Electoral results also show some recognizable patterns in electoral behavior, irregardless of candidates and issues. You just have to be smart enough to be able to read numbers and be willing to learn some. Sorry, looks like you are out of luck. Tsk, tsk.
LOL! Yeah tell us.
There are recognizable patterns in everything. They have zero predictive power.
What is certain is voters are preparing to punish the Democrats for the worst growth in any recovery post WW2, for their racially divisive rhetoric, for their war on religion, and for the most feckless foreign policy in ages.
Dems have lost 9000 seats nationwide since 2009. THAT is a trend you should look at.

It's fun to watch when you get all angry and puffed up and still cannot concentrate on the actual content of the OP, because in that moment, you encapsulate all that is wrong with butthurt Righties without having to write all too many words. So, uhm, thanks.
Its fun to watch you spin bullshit to cover your lack of content and inability to refute arguments.
The only "trend" going on is that Dems are losing elections right and left, as they are losing population to Red states.

Well, your first statement is a lie.

But thanks for your second, because where RED states are growing in population, they are becoming bluer. The increase in population and the strengthening of metropoles is causing the blue effect. Thanks for admitting that.

Finally, you did something right.
Hillary inaugurated and sentenced on the same day?

no. but whatever.

clinton derangement syndrome is almost as amusing as obama derangement syndrome. *shrug*
Let's see, your last favorite was revealed as a pervert who tweeted his meat. I think that says lots about your political and character judgment.

Think of me what you will -- I don't care. But the truth is very simple -- dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what the pieces of fucking shit are that they're voting for...... They just don't care....

Anybody remember Hitlery's past foibles like --

Whitewater? A shady real estate deal that bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars, many, if not most, of them retired and past the age of being able to earn their money back? Remember that?

Or how about the Vince Foster mystery? Remember how he was tied to the Travelgate and the Whitewtaer scandals? Then, for no apparent reason decides to off himself?

How about Filegate? The Clintons were caught with HUNDREDS of secret FBI Files on their political enemies. Richard Nixon was impeached for having One (1)

How about the Cattle Futures Miracle? Remember that one? They want us to believe that the walking ad for FDS invested $1,000 in Cattle Futures and miraculously turned it into $100,000 in less than 30 days..... Something not even the most astute futures trader has ever done.... But hey, she's a Clinton so.....

Then there's Benghazi, the Drug Trafficker they invited to the White House after he made a HUGE donation, the Rich pardon, Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, the Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, the White House Furniture they stole and shipped to their personal home, etc, etc, etc....

Here it is people. Face up to it.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Only a scumbag of the highest order would vote for a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT like Hitlery Clinton.

I know it hurts but you just have to face it -- Nearly half our Country is scum.

Do you have the balls to admit it?
You forgot the original Travelgate, where Hillary fired all the people in the WH travel agency and replaced them with her cronies.
And for the record, my comments were about Jillian, the fauxtorney, and her love of Anthony's Weiner before he was unmasked.

So, you like to personally attack people and their professions in the real world. This means that you are also very likely a data-miner, and not just a worthless, dickless bastard. Thanks for the admission.
I was actually thinking of giving this thread the title "Is this the 2nd Gilded Age?"....

I want to make a historical point.

Here are the presidential cycles since 1856 (inclusion of the GOP in national elections and the electoral college) where the winner of the NPV won with over +10% (landslide margin):

1860, 1864, 1872, 1904, 1912, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, (1940), 1952, 1956, 1964, 1972, (1980), 1984.

I bolded 1872 and 1904 because in-between, there were 7 presidential cycles in a row where the national margin was well under +10:

1872: Grant +11.80%
1876: Tilden +3.00% (Hayes won in the EC by 1 elector, 185/184)
1880: Garfield +0.10% (narrowest NPV win in our history)
1884: Cleveland +0.57% (looks a lot like Gore, 2000)
1888: Cleveland +0.83% (Harrison won in the EC, 233/168)
1892: Cleveland +3.01%
1896: McKinley +4.31%
1900: McKinley +6.16%
1904: T. Roosevelt +18.82%

Fast forward to 1984. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan easily won re-election with an impressive landslide +18.22%. Since 1988, there have now been 7 cycles in a row where the winning margin, like 1876-1900, was under +10%, and mostly well under +10:

1984: Reagan +18.22%
1988: Bush 41 +7.73%
1992: Clinton +5.56%
1996: Clinton +8.52%
2000: Gore +0.52% (Bush won in the EC by 5 electors, 271/266, 2nd narrowest EC win ever)
2004: Bush 43 +2.46%
2008: Obama +7.26%
2012: Obama +3.86%
2016: ????

When you scratch under the surface, there are more similarities than we may realize between the so-called "Gilded age" in US electoral politics (1876-1900) and the time frame from 1988-2012:

-in both periods, there was at least one electoral backfire, where one nominee won in the NPV but lost in the EC. In the Gilded Age, it happened in both 1876 and 1888. In the currect age, it happened in 2000.

-each of those periods saw one of two closest EC wins ever, in 1876 and in 2000. And in both of those cases, it was also a so-called electoral backfire.

-in the Gilded age, the margins were from +0.1% up to about +6%, a spread of almost 6 points. From 1988 through 2012, the margins were from +0.5% to about +8.50%, a spread of 8 points.

-in both periods, 2 nominees won in the NPV at least twice: Cleveland and McKinley in the Gilded Age, and Clinton and Obama in the current age.

-in both periods, there was one "dynasty win", where a relative of a former President won election: Harrison in 1888 and Bush 43 in 2000/2004.

In other words, both periods have demonstrated a time of very polarized politics.

In 1904, Roosevelt broke the narrow-margin trend and won with almost +19. It was an absolute blowout in 1904, one of the most unsung massive landslides in our history.

So, regardless of which way 2016 goes, I suspect that 2016 will indeed be a +10 or more landslide in the NPV. If that doesn't happen, then a new statistical record would be set and we would have, for the first time ever, 8 presidential cycles in a row with an NPV margin under +10.

Looking from 1940 onwards, we saw, generally, a big landslide every 8 to 12 years.

In 2016, it will be 32 years since the last real NPV landslide win. I would say that it is about time.

And to be honest, I personally think that a massive landslide now and then, regardless who wins, is good for us, because it means an undeniable mandate for the person who wins. I also personally think that it will be the Democrat, but that's beyond the point. Were the Republican to win with a resounding landslide in 2016, I still think it would be good for us, for at least the one reason I just listed.

Discuss. Did you know about this historical fact concerning our elections? Do you think a landslide is on the way?

Please try to discuss like an adult... :D

This one is a different animal.. I would wait a year.
No they do not show trends over time. They show what happened at one time. But that is not germane to this time. It is equally valid to say incidents of mumps are predictors of the future.
Correlation is not causality. I am sorry if your are too poorly educated to understand this.

No. You are wrong. Electoral results also show some recognizable patterns in electoral behavior, irregardless of candidates and issues. You just have to be smart enough to be able to read numbers and be willing to learn some. Sorry, looks like you are out of luck. Tsk, tsk.
LOL! Yeah tell us.
There are recognizable patterns in everything. They have zero predictive power.
What is certain is voters are preparing to punish the Democrats for the worst growth in any recovery post WW2, for their racially divisive rhetoric, for their war on religion, and for the most feckless foreign policy in ages.
Dems have lost 9000 seats nationwide since 2009. THAT is a trend you should look at.

It's fun to watch when you get all angry and puffed up and still cannot concentrate on the actual content of the OP, because in that moment, you encapsulate all that is wrong with butthurt Righties without having to write all too many words. So, uhm, thanks.
Its fun to watch you spin bullshit to cover your lack of content and inability to refute arguments.
The only "trend" going on is that Dems are losing elections right and left, as they are losing population to Red states.

Well, your first statement is a lie.

But thanks for your second, because where RED states are growing in population, they are becoming bluer. The increase in population and the strengthening of metropoles is causing the blue effect. Thanks for admitting that.

Finally, you did something right.
You wouldnt know a lie if it bit you.
The first statement was true. Every other statement was true too, as you agree.
But you are wrong that red states are turning bluer. In fact red states are turning redder. Democrats are a rounding error in many state governments in the South by now. Sure there are a few major cities like atlanta that have gone for the commie-progressive-homo agenda. But they are widely outnumbered by the people in the suburbs voting GOP.
Hillary inaugurated and sentenced on the same day?

no. but whatever.

clinton derangement syndrome is almost as amusing as obama derangement syndrome. *shrug*
Let's see, your last favorite was revealed as a pervert who tweeted his meat. I think that says lots about your political and character judgment.

Think of me what you will -- I don't care. But the truth is very simple -- dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what the pieces of fucking shit are that they're voting for...... They just don't care....

Anybody remember Hitlery's past foibles like --

Whitewater? A shady real estate deal that bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars, many, if not most, of them retired and past the age of being able to earn their money back? Remember that?

Or how about the Vince Foster mystery? Remember how he was tied to the Travelgate and the Whitewtaer scandals? Then, for no apparent reason decides to off himself?

How about Filegate? The Clintons were caught with HUNDREDS of secret FBI Files on their political enemies. Richard Nixon was impeached for having One (1)

How about the Cattle Futures Miracle? Remember that one? They want us to believe that the walking ad for FDS invested $1,000 in Cattle Futures and miraculously turned it into $100,000 in less than 30 days..... Something not even the most astute futures trader has ever done.... But hey, she's a Clinton so.....

Then there's Benghazi, the Drug Trafficker they invited to the White House after he made a HUGE donation, the Rich pardon, Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, the Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, the White House Furniture they stole and shipped to their personal home, etc, etc, etc....

Here it is people. Face up to it.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Only a scumbag of the highest order would vote for a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT like Hitlery Clinton.

I know it hurts but you just have to face it -- Nearly half our Country is scum.

Do you have the balls to admit it?
You forgot the original Travelgate, where Hillary fired all the people in the WH travel agency and replaced them with her cronies.
And for the record, my comments were about Jillian, the fauxtorney, and her love of Anthony's Weiner before he was unmasked.

So, you like to personally attack people and their professions in the real world. This means that you are also very likely a data-miner, and not just a worthless, dickless bastard. Thanks for the admission.
Are you finally admitting you learned about politics in the stall of a gay bar? That's progress!
No. You are wrong. Electoral results also show some recognizable patterns in electoral behavior, irregardless of candidates and issues. You just have to be smart enough to be able to read numbers and be willing to learn some. Sorry, looks like you are out of luck. Tsk, tsk.
LOL! Yeah tell us.
There are recognizable patterns in everything. They have zero predictive power.
What is certain is voters are preparing to punish the Democrats for the worst growth in any recovery post WW2, for their racially divisive rhetoric, for their war on religion, and for the most feckless foreign policy in ages.
Dems have lost 9000 seats nationwide since 2009. THAT is a trend you should look at.

It's fun to watch when you get all angry and puffed up and still cannot concentrate on the actual content of the OP, because in that moment, you encapsulate all that is wrong with butthurt Righties without having to write all too many words. So, uhm, thanks.
Its fun to watch you spin bullshit to cover your lack of content and inability to refute arguments.
The only "trend" going on is that Dems are losing elections right and left, as they are losing population to Red states.

Well, your first statement is a lie.

But thanks for your second, because where RED states are growing in population, they are becoming bluer. The increase in population and the strengthening of metropoles is causing the blue effect. Thanks for admitting that.

Finally, you did something right.
You wouldnt know a lie if it bit you.
The first statement was true. Every other statement was true too, as you agree.
But you are wrong that red states are turning bluer. In fact red states are turning redder. Democrats are a rounding error in many state governments in the South by now. Sure there are a few major cities like atlanta that have gone for the commie-progressive-homo agenda. But they are widely outnumbered by the people in the suburbs voting GOP.

This of course explains why Georgia went from being a +16 state for Bush in 2004 to a +7 state for Romney in 2012. Democrats are far more than a rounding error, as you so brazenly put it, but I expect nothing different from a whacked out hyperpartisan like you.
no. but whatever.

clinton derangement syndrome is almost as amusing as obama derangement syndrome. *shrug*
Let's see, your last favorite was revealed as a pervert who tweeted his meat. I think that says lots about your political and character judgment.

Think of me what you will -- I don't care. But the truth is very simple -- dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what the pieces of fucking shit are that they're voting for...... They just don't care....

Anybody remember Hitlery's past foibles like --

Whitewater? A shady real estate deal that bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars, many, if not most, of them retired and past the age of being able to earn their money back? Remember that?

Or how about the Vince Foster mystery? Remember how he was tied to the Travelgate and the Whitewtaer scandals? Then, for no apparent reason decides to off himself?

How about Filegate? The Clintons were caught with HUNDREDS of secret FBI Files on their political enemies. Richard Nixon was impeached for having One (1)

How about the Cattle Futures Miracle? Remember that one? They want us to believe that the walking ad for FDS invested $1,000 in Cattle Futures and miraculously turned it into $100,000 in less than 30 days..... Something not even the most astute futures trader has ever done.... But hey, she's a Clinton so.....

Then there's Benghazi, the Drug Trafficker they invited to the White House after he made a HUGE donation, the Rich pardon, Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, the Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, the White House Furniture they stole and shipped to their personal home, etc, etc, etc....

Here it is people. Face up to it.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Only a scumbag of the highest order would vote for a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT like Hitlery Clinton.

I know it hurts but you just have to face it -- Nearly half our Country is scum.

Do you have the balls to admit it?
You forgot the original Travelgate, where Hillary fired all the people in the WH travel agency and replaced them with her cronies.
And for the record, my comments were about Jillian, the fauxtorney, and her love of Anthony's Weiner before he was unmasked.

So, you like to personally attack people and their professions in the real world. This means that you are also very likely a data-miner, and not just a worthless, dickless bastard. Thanks for the admission.
Are you finally admitting you learned about politics in the stall of a gay bar? That's progress!

You and your weird obsession with gay sex. Guess it's the only thing that Righties have left when what semblance of logic they once had completely fails them. Lol.
LOL! Yeah tell us.
There are recognizable patterns in everything. They have zero predictive power.
What is certain is voters are preparing to punish the Democrats for the worst growth in any recovery post WW2, for their racially divisive rhetoric, for their war on religion, and for the most feckless foreign policy in ages.
Dems have lost 9000 seats nationwide since 2009. THAT is a trend you should look at.

It's fun to watch when you get all angry and puffed up and still cannot concentrate on the actual content of the OP, because in that moment, you encapsulate all that is wrong with butthurt Righties without having to write all too many words. So, uhm, thanks.
Its fun to watch you spin bullshit to cover your lack of content and inability to refute arguments.
The only "trend" going on is that Dems are losing elections right and left, as they are losing population to Red states.

Well, your first statement is a lie.

But thanks for your second, because where RED states are growing in population, they are becoming bluer. The increase in population and the strengthening of metropoles is causing the blue effect. Thanks for admitting that.

Finally, you did something right.
You wouldnt know a lie if it bit you.
The first statement was true. Every other statement was true too, as you agree.
But you are wrong that red states are turning bluer. In fact red states are turning redder. Democrats are a rounding error in many state governments in the South by now. Sure there are a few major cities like atlanta that have gone for the commie-progressive-homo agenda. But they are widely outnumbered by the people in the suburbs voting GOP.

This of course explains why Georgia went from being a +16 state for Bush in 2004 to a +7 state for Romney in 2012. Democrats are far more than a rounding error, as you so brazenly put it, but I expect nothing different from a whacked out hyperpartisan like you.
Georgia? Sure!
Governor: Deal (R)
Lt Gov-Cagle (R)
US Senators: Isaakson (R) Perdue (R)
Congressional caucus: 10 Republicans, 4 Democrats
State Senate: 38 Republican, 19 Democrat
State House: 118 Republican, 61 Democrat.

See, Statistheilhitler, serious people look at more than one factoid in forming an opinion. Stupid ignorant people like you throw out one factoid and figure that's definitive because you're too stupid to look beyond the one factoid that supports your theory and have too short an attention span to focus on anything else.
Thank you, now go fuck yourself.
Let's see, your last favorite was revealed as a pervert who tweeted his meat. I think that says lots about your political and character judgment.

Think of me what you will -- I don't care. But the truth is very simple -- dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what the pieces of fucking shit are that they're voting for...... They just don't care....

Anybody remember Hitlery's past foibles like --

Whitewater? A shady real estate deal that bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars, many, if not most, of them retired and past the age of being able to earn their money back? Remember that?

Or how about the Vince Foster mystery? Remember how he was tied to the Travelgate and the Whitewtaer scandals? Then, for no apparent reason decides to off himself?

How about Filegate? The Clintons were caught with HUNDREDS of secret FBI Files on their political enemies. Richard Nixon was impeached for having One (1)

How about the Cattle Futures Miracle? Remember that one? They want us to believe that the walking ad for FDS invested $1,000 in Cattle Futures and miraculously turned it into $100,000 in less than 30 days..... Something not even the most astute futures trader has ever done.... But hey, she's a Clinton so.....

Then there's Benghazi, the Drug Trafficker they invited to the White House after he made a HUGE donation, the Rich pardon, Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, the Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, the White House Furniture they stole and shipped to their personal home, etc, etc, etc....

Here it is people. Face up to it.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Only a scumbag of the highest order would vote for a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT like Hitlery Clinton.

I know it hurts but you just have to face it -- Nearly half our Country is scum.

Do you have the balls to admit it?
You forgot the original Travelgate, where Hillary fired all the people in the WH travel agency and replaced them with her cronies.
And for the record, my comments were about Jillian, the fauxtorney, and her love of Anthony's Weiner before he was unmasked.

So, you like to personally attack people and their professions in the real world. This means that you are also very likely a data-miner, and not just a worthless, dickless bastard. Thanks for the admission.
Are you finally admitting you learned about politics in the stall of a gay bar? That's progress!

You and your weird obsession with gay sex. Guess it's the only thing that Righties have left when what semblance of logic they once had completely fails them. Lol.
Im not the one sucking dick for political insight. That would be you.
It's fun to watch when you get all angry and puffed up and still cannot concentrate on the actual content of the OP, because in that moment, you encapsulate all that is wrong with butthurt Righties without having to write all too many words. So, uhm, thanks.
Its fun to watch you spin bullshit to cover your lack of content and inability to refute arguments.
The only "trend" going on is that Dems are losing elections right and left, as they are losing population to Red states.

Well, your first statement is a lie.

But thanks for your second, because where RED states are growing in population, they are becoming bluer. The increase in population and the strengthening of metropoles is causing the blue effect. Thanks for admitting that.

Finally, you did something right.
You wouldnt know a lie if it bit you.
The first statement was true. Every other statement was true too, as you agree.
But you are wrong that red states are turning bluer. In fact red states are turning redder. Democrats are a rounding error in many state governments in the South by now. Sure there are a few major cities like atlanta that have gone for the commie-progressive-homo agenda. But they are widely outnumbered by the people in the suburbs voting GOP.

This of course explains why Georgia went from being a +16 state for Bush in 2004 to a +7 state for Romney in 2012. Democrats are far more than a rounding error, as you so brazenly put it, but I expect nothing different from a whacked out hyperpartisan like you.
Georgia? Sure!
Governor: Deal (R)
Lt Gov-Cagle (R)
US Senators: Isaakson (R) Perdue (R)
Congressional caucus: 10 Republicans, 4 Democrats
State Senate: 38 Republican, 19 Democrat
State House: 118 Republican, 61 Democrat.

See, Statistheilhitler, serious people look at more than one factoid in forming an opinion. Stupid ignorant people like you throw out one factoid and figure that's definitive because you're too stupid to look beyond the one factoid that supports your theory and have too short an attention span to focus on anything else.
Thank you, now go fuck yourself.

You missed the point. Again and again and again.

Well, keep on missing the point, little fake rabid rabbi rabbit.

Now, go make some more false Greece predictions.
Think of me what you will -- I don't care. But the truth is very simple -- dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what the pieces of fucking shit are that they're voting for...... They just don't care....

Anybody remember Hitlery's past foibles like --

Whitewater? A shady real estate deal that bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars, many, if not most, of them retired and past the age of being able to earn their money back? Remember that?

Or how about the Vince Foster mystery? Remember how he was tied to the Travelgate and the Whitewtaer scandals? Then, for no apparent reason decides to off himself?

How about Filegate? The Clintons were caught with HUNDREDS of secret FBI Files on their political enemies. Richard Nixon was impeached for having One (1)

How about the Cattle Futures Miracle? Remember that one? They want us to believe that the walking ad for FDS invested $1,000 in Cattle Futures and miraculously turned it into $100,000 in less than 30 days..... Something not even the most astute futures trader has ever done.... But hey, she's a Clinton so.....

Then there's Benghazi, the Drug Trafficker they invited to the White House after he made a HUGE donation, the Rich pardon, Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, the Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, the White House Furniture they stole and shipped to their personal home, etc, etc, etc....

Here it is people. Face up to it.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Only a scumbag of the highest order would vote for a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT like Hitlery Clinton.

I know it hurts but you just have to face it -- Nearly half our Country is scum.

Do you have the balls to admit it?
You forgot the original Travelgate, where Hillary fired all the people in the WH travel agency and replaced them with her cronies.
And for the record, my comments were about Jillian, the fauxtorney, and her love of Anthony's Weiner before he was unmasked.

So, you like to personally attack people and their professions in the real world. This means that you are also very likely a data-miner, and not just a worthless, dickless bastard. Thanks for the admission.
Are you finally admitting you learned about politics in the stall of a gay bar? That's progress!

You and your weird obsession with gay sex. Guess it's the only thing that Righties have left when what semblance of logic they once had completely fails them. Lol.
Im not the one sucking dick for political insight. That would be you.

Ahhh, once again, you are obsessed with gay sex. Gay sex is not my thing, but I accept your being a gay person. Just admit it and be done with it. Thanks.
Doncha just luv it when an East German Stasi retiree presumes to lecture Americans about American politics?

But a real one wouldn't do that, now would she?
Its fun to watch you spin bullshit to cover your lack of content and inability to refute arguments.
The only "trend" going on is that Dems are losing elections right and left, as they are losing population to Red states.

Well, your first statement is a lie.

But thanks for your second, because where RED states are growing in population, they are becoming bluer. The increase in population and the strengthening of metropoles is causing the blue effect. Thanks for admitting that.

Finally, you did something right.
You wouldnt know a lie if it bit you.
The first statement was true. Every other statement was true too, as you agree.
But you are wrong that red states are turning bluer. In fact red states are turning redder. Democrats are a rounding error in many state governments in the South by now. Sure there are a few major cities like atlanta that have gone for the commie-progressive-homo agenda. But they are widely outnumbered by the people in the suburbs voting GOP.

This of course explains why Georgia went from being a +16 state for Bush in 2004 to a +7 state for Romney in 2012. Democrats are far more than a rounding error, as you so brazenly put it, but I expect nothing different from a whacked out hyperpartisan like you.
Georgia? Sure!
Governor: Deal (R)
Lt Gov-Cagle (R)
US Senators: Isaakson (R) Perdue (R)
Congressional caucus: 10 Republicans, 4 Democrats
State Senate: 38 Republican, 19 Democrat
State House: 118 Republican, 61 Democrat.

See, Statistheilhitler, serious people look at more than one factoid in forming an opinion. Stupid ignorant people like you throw out one factoid and figure that's definitive because you're too stupid to look beyond the one factoid that supports your theory and have too short an attention span to focus on anything else.
Thank you, now go fuck yourself.

You missed the point. Again and again and again.

Well, keep on missing the point, little fake rabid rabbi rabbit.

Now, go make some more false Greece predictions.
Deny deny deny.
I show that Georgia is solidly GOP, with every institution in the state controlled by Republicans and you tell me I missed the point.
No, moron. I got the point. Outside of Atlanta the state is red red red. The freaks and fags congregate in places like Atlanta and turn them into shitholes, sure. But the state in general is GOP and isnt going to go for Hillary or any other Democrats in a national election.
Yes, Dems are a rounding error in Georgia.

Let's do Kentucky!
Since 1900 Kentucky has had exactly 6 GOP governors. It was part of the Solid South that voted Democrat for the most part back to 1900. And today?
Yes the governor is a Democrat.
Yes the Lt governor is a Democrat.
Both senators Republican
Congressional delegation is 5 GOP to 1 Dem
State senate run by Republicans 27-11
State house run by Republicans 54-46

No, KY is not voting for Hillary Clinton, or any other Democrat.
And we can go through many many states and find the GOP has grown over the last 15 years and the Democrats have shrunk.
THAT is a trend you ought to be looking at. Not some weird factoid about landslides (what's the definition of a landslide? There is none) every century.
But only adults engage in that kind of debate. And you are a mental child here. Go home.
Doncha just luv it when an East German Stasi retiree presumes to lecture Americans about American politics?

But a real one wouldn't do that, now would she?
He isnt a retiree and he only knows about the Stasi from comic books and movies. He's probably 14 years old and thinks he knows it all.
Hillary inaugurated and sentenced on the same day?

no. but whatever.

clinton derangement syndrome is almost as amusing as obama derangement syndrome. *shrug*
Let's see, your last favorite was revealed as a pervert who tweeted his meat. I think that says lots about your political and character judgment.

Think of me what you will -- I don't care. But the truth is very simple -- dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what the pieces of fucking shit are that they're voting for...... They just don't care....

Anybody remember Hitlery's past foibles like --

Whitewater? A shady real estate deal that bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars, many, if not most, of them retired and past the age of being able to earn their money back? Remember that?

Or how about the Vince Foster mystery? Remember how he was tied to the Travelgate and the Whitewtaer scandals? Then, for no apparent reason decides to off himself?

How about Filegate? The Clintons were caught with HUNDREDS of secret FBI Files on their political enemies. Richard Nixon was impeached for having One (1)

How about the Cattle Futures Miracle? Remember that one? They want us to believe that the walking ad for FDS invested $1,000 in Cattle Futures and miraculously turned it into $100,000 in less than 30 days..... Something not even the most astute futures trader has ever done.... But hey, she's a Clinton so.....

Then there's Benghazi, the Drug Trafficker they invited to the White House after he made a HUGE donation, the Rich pardon, Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, the Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, the White House Furniture they stole and shipped to their personal home, etc, etc, etc....

Here it is people. Face up to it.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Only a scumbag of the highest order would vote for a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT like Hitlery Clinton.

I know it hurts but you just have to face it -- Nearly half our Country is scum.

Do you have the balls to admit it?

Ahhh, you are on the angry path again, I see. La-la-la----- lol

the loons are always angry.
Hillary inaugurated and sentenced on the same day?

no. but whatever.

clinton derangement syndrome is almost as amusing as obama derangement syndrome. *shrug*
Let's see, your last favorite was revealed as a pervert who tweeted his meat. I think that says lots about your political and character judgment.

Think of me what you will -- I don't care. But the truth is very simple -- dimocrap scum know EXACTLY who and what the pieces of fucking shit are that they're voting for...... They just don't care....

Anybody remember Hitlery's past foibles like --

Whitewater? A shady real estate deal that bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars, many, if not most, of them retired and past the age of being able to earn their money back? Remember that?

Or how about the Vince Foster mystery? Remember how he was tied to the Travelgate and the Whitewtaer scandals? Then, for no apparent reason decides to off himself?

How about Filegate? The Clintons were caught with HUNDREDS of secret FBI Files on their political enemies. Richard Nixon was impeached for having One (1)

How about the Cattle Futures Miracle? Remember that one? They want us to believe that the walking ad for FDS invested $1,000 in Cattle Futures and miraculously turned it into $100,000 in less than 30 days..... Something not even the most astute futures trader has ever done.... But hey, she's a Clinton so.....

Then there's Benghazi, the Drug Trafficker they invited to the White House after he made a HUGE donation, the Rich pardon, Norman Yung Yuen Hsu, the Clinton Foundation, Travelgate, the White House Furniture they stole and shipped to their personal home, etc, etc, etc....

Here it is people. Face up to it.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them. Only a scumbag of the highest order would vote for a PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT like Hitlery Clinton.

I know it hurts but you just have to face it -- Nearly half our Country is scum.

Do you have the balls to admit it?
You forgot the original Travelgate, where Hillary fired all the people in the WH travel agency and replaced them with her cronies.
And for the record, my comments were about Jillian, the fauxtorney, and her love of Anthony's Weiner before he was unmasked.

So, you like to personally attack people and their professions in the real world. This means that you are also very likely a data-miner, and not just a worthless, dickless bastard. Thanks for the admission.

he's just jealous and bitter because he hasn't accomplished anything. so he figures if he pretends i'm not what i am, he can feel like he has genitals. but he doesn't. and that's fine. the poor loser has to live with with being a failure.

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