Are we going to select a Supreme Court judge who sympathizers with pedophiles and kiddie porn

hay the raping of a child is no big deal...errr wait.

In a newsflash to Dems trying to get Kavanaugh impeached on sexual assault allegations, CBS News pointed out that all four of the people that Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford identified as witnesses at the 1982 party the night of the alleged incident now say that the party never happened.

Not only that, but at least one of these people identified by Ford, her “close friend” Leland Keyser says she does not believe Ford’s accusation against Kavanaugh and only ever testified for her because Ford threatened to run her through the mud if she didn’t!}

The Nazi Way:

Tell a lie, repeat the lie, when the lie is proven false - shout the lie.

When proof is presented that you're lying, lie harder.

Ford lied under oath to stop the peaceful transfer of judicial power. Why was she, and Slumlord Feinstein not put in prison for insurrection?

Different laws for the Reich.
Aw does Sloppy defend rapists?

What rapists?

Oh, even after being proven innocent, you're still lying about Kavanaugh?

Well, that's the Nazi way - tell a lie - when proven that you're lying, double down and lie louder.

BTW suggesting you've called me a pedo is a violation which leads to you being banned. As a good person, one who gets laughs at most of your comments, I won't report your post, sense you have no evidence to post such a vile assertion and most of your posts are dishonest too.

Not all democrats are pedophiles, but all pedophiles are democrats.

So now it turns out that 62% OF DEMOCRATS support the Anti-Grooming law in Florida. The pedo party is out of touch with your own membership.

Hey though, I fully support democrats choosing to support pedophilia and grooming as the hill to die on.

Parents, democrats have plans for YOUR children

She deserves to be removed from the bench, not promoted.

With all of this coming out I seriously don't see how Dem's can continue supporting her nomination, especially in an election year.

Biden would be wise to pull the nomination quickly and move on to a more acceptable less radical candidate.

Child abuse and Child Porn are issues that overwhelmingly bring Americans together to fight against them in overwhelming numbers.
I never discount the fecklessness of RINO's in the Senate.
Maybe to many people are just unwilling to admit that illegal sex acts are not perpetuated by what political party the person belongs to. But by there lack of personal control over what most all sociality disapproves.
Maybe to many people are just unwilling to admit that illegal sex acts are not perpetuated by what political party the person belongs to. But by there lack of personal control over what most all sociality disapproves.

That's true.

But it's also true that one party condemns such behavior, wherever it occurs, and condemns and repudiates any of its own that are caught in such behavior; while the other party openly defends and embraces such behavior, and condemns anyone who dares to call it out for what it is.

Those who are running “Drag Queen Story Hour” events, supporting the teaching of the homosexual/transsexuals/pedophile agenda to young children in public schools, and otherwise trying to impose this sick shit on young children; sure as Hell are not Republicans.
Maybe to many people are just unwilling to admit that illegal sex acts are not perpetuated by what political party the person belongs to. But by there lack of personal control over what most all sociality disapproves.

When Republicans go after minors we put them in fail.

When democrats molest minors, we put them in the White House.
Aw does Sloppy defend rapists?

BTW suggesting you've called me a pedo is a violation which leads to you being banned. As a good person, one who gets laughs at most of your comments, I won't report your post, sense you have no evidence to post such a vile assertion and most of your posts are dishonest too.
Well I did not get banned. But I have problems with people who support judges with horrible decisions on these matters so I question

For the record I was not accusing YOU, just a lot of your ilk. Apologies if needed
Your dirt bag, be honest and admit to being a racist.

At least Brett M. Kavanaugh will have someone who is sympathetic to sex offenders. Most are not born that way, they were exploited by family members as too young to speak out.
Racist???...About as much as the next schmuck yes.........Kavanaugh.....What you creatures put that man through over a lying skank and a Sophmore year
You make me vomit. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
You never said a word about those right wing godbothering judges who rule towards their pet projects. Now youre upset because Joe wants to even it up a bit.
It reminds me how you all rooted for chauvin to be released but now say she is soft on crime. Go away.
LOLOL.....I hope Chauvin rots in hell dumb dumb
You make me vomit. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
You never said a word about those right wing godbothering judges who rule towards their pet projects. Now youre upset because Joe wants to even it up a bit.
It reminds me how you all rooted for chauvin to be released but now say she is soft on crime. Go away.
Great. Is it projectile vomit I truly hope?

Pet Projects??? Is pedophile and being a BLM supporter a pet project??.My God Colon
"Likely," because you lied and lies are better than truth, Heil Soros.

Earlier, Neon Nettle reported on how Dr. Ford claimed that she was a psychologist in her opening statement, yet California records show there's no Christine Blasey Ford registered as a psychologist in the state, which is a legal requirement.

This misrepresentation of her credentials has already called into question whether she knowingly committed perjury while under oath.}

But for you Nazis, lies are WAY BETTER than Truth. Lies serve your Reich. and your Reich is all that matters.

So, you're a fucking liar - but you have a Reich, and that leaves no room for things like integrity.

Heil Soros.

You are the motherfuckin liar. She knew where Kavanaugh was that night and he was with his pal. The conduct of Republicans on the Judiciary Committee showed they did not want to get at the truth. They refused to allow the FBI to conduct a full investigation and track down numerous leads. That is a admission of guilt right there. There were accusations that Kavanaugh may have lied to Congress about certain matters. She was defamed and bullied by a Republicxan flunky who has successfully prosecuted cases in the same vein as Ford.

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