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Are we headed to war? Iraq embassy being evacuated

Whether they surrender or not is irrelevant, we could literally bomb them back to the dark ages, and they could not do a thing about it.
So what? We are discussing whether or not we should, not whether or not we can.

And you are wrong anyway. Iran is a huge country of 81 million people. We don't have that many bombs.
We should never have been involved in the Mid East in the first place, If there is an incident there bet money it is a false flag.
If Trump really wants a second term there will not be a war there.
So what? We are discussing whether or not we should, not whether or not we can.

you said we could not, I say you are wrong.

And you are wrong anyway. Iran is a huge country of 81 million people. We don't have that many bombs.

what does that have to do with anything? We do not have to kill them all, just take out their electricity which takes out running water and refrigeration.

I am very familiar with how big Iran is, I lived there for 4.5 years.
We do not have to kill them all, just take out their electricity which takes out running water and refrigeration.
And then they rebuild it. And they're pissed off, this time. So you might want to have a better reason than just because John Bolton's ass itches.
Those who do not remember how the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution worked out - 58,000 American Troops died way to earlier - need to write their member of Congress and demand they control Trump's War by invoking The War Powers Act: The War Powers Resolution was passed in 1973 by both Houses of Congress, overriding the veto of President Nixon. It was passed to reassert Congressional authority over the decision to send American troops to war.

Why does every single president get us into wars?

If we go to war against Iran under Trump, I bet it goes a lot differently than our attack on Saddam Hussein under the Bushes.

THIS president has a set of balls the size of maracas. Trump is no police action president.

Spoken by a guy who was never in the military (unlike me - who joined the reserves when I was 18).

If America invades Iran...TONS of Americans will get killed/permanently injured.

But that does not bother you since you have never stuck your neck on the line for your country...let 'em die - so long as you get to fulfill your neocon dreams.

Your kind makes me sick.
First of all... thank you for your service.

Secondly, death is inevitable in war. Find a way to avoid death in war and I'll recommend you for the Nobel Peace Prize myself.

Third, what happens to a military that is bottled up and never deployed? It atrophies. It decays. Its effectiveness declines.

Fourth, what happens if a foreign threat we fail to address NOW shows up on our shores later? "Not our job" you might say, no, it might not be. But if we wish to be safe here, we need to contain threats to our safety before they reach us. Iran has made it clear they want to end us.

(PS. I don't approve of false flag incidents being used as a scapegoat to start a war)
Why U.S. Just Ordered Non-Emergency Employees to Leave Iraq Embassy

Sure seems like a preamble.

Why does every single president get us into wars? The timing is very suspicious imo

Your a good man, but I have a question----------->should he ignore a threat? If there is a threat, he didn't do it, as he is not reinforcing our coasts.

Were he to ignore it and one of our bases or embassies got attacked, the Left would scream he is incompetent. It is a no win scenario.

THIS IS OPINION SO DON'T THINK IT IS GOSPEL------------------> Trump will NOT fu*** around like Obama and GW did. It won't be nuclear if it happens, but it is gonna be a wipe out on a grand scale, and The House of Saud along with others including Israel, are ALL IN TOGETHER.

I don't like it, you don't like it, but you know Trump. Do you think if Iran does something stupid, that he will invoke the GW or Obama engagement policies? NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

The military will be UNLEASHED upon them like nothing you ever seen, and The House of Sauds planes will fly right next tours, and Israels. 12 weeks tops!
Why U.S. Just Ordered Non-Emergency Employees to Leave Iraq Embassy

Sure seems like a preamble.

Why does every single president get us into wars? The timing is very suspicious imo

Maybe Jimmy The Peanut should have thought-through his cowardly reaction when a former Ally, The Shah of Iran, was overthrown and persecuted by the Assahollahs in Iran.

Totally on that scumbag. Totally. May he rot in Hell for all eternity......

What dimocrap scum put the Shah through is an embarrassment to this Country.

But, dimocrap scum being the scum they are, will take the side of people (IRGC) who single out and target innocent young women like Neda who was just marching in the street in support of her fellow citizens.



You also might want to ask, "Where was the total scumbag and COWARD, obama, when we had the chance to help Iran's people overthrow a Totalitarian theocracy"?

Go ahead...... Ask.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth

I know it.....with a little help they could have done it. Instead Barry was too busy listening to his female Mullah Jarret. He turned his back and let those people get thugged by the regime!

First of all... thank you for your service.
Knowing McCrotchet as he has shown himself here, one day he brags about how smart he is then tells us he went into the Army straight out of high school rather than get a degree. If there is even any truth to anything he ever says, it wouldn't surprise me that he never actually even saw any action or if he did, he was probably a cook or a medic.

All the guys I ever knew who served in the military did so out of love of country and personal sacrifice so that the rest of us not able were safe and free, rather than resent or "be sickened" by them.
View attachment 261014 ButtRocket says:
If we go to war against Iran under Trump, I bet it goes a lot differently than our attack on Saddam Hussein under the Bushes.

THIS president has a set of balls the size of maracas. Trump is no police action president.

Spoken by a guy who was never in the military (unlike me - who joined the reserves when I was 18).

If America invades Iran...TONS of Americans will get killed/permanently injured.

But that does not bother you since you have never stuck your neck on the line for your country...let 'em die - so long as you get to fulfill your neocon dreams.

Your kind makes me sick.

So you think you have to have been a jarhead in order to know military strategy? My being able to be in the service or not will have no impact on whether we go to war with Iran, fool. Today, we mostly fight wars with computers and machines from the air to soften up the target as much as possible before a single boot hits the ground. If our ground forces do go in, they will have a superior fighting edge and, I assume, are there because they WANT to be there, fighting for a just cause in the interests of our country.

YOU probably went in because you couldn't complete high school and didn't want to pump gas for a living. Or maybe you do anyway.

As far as what "bothers me," ButtWhistle, as usual, take your asinine BULLSHIT and shove it up YOUR ASS.

Are you completely inept at reading comprehension? I said nothing about strategy...DUH. Of course America would win...that's obvious.

But you did see that over 4,000 Americans died serving in Iraq right? And Iran is FAR larger with a MUCH larger population then Iraq had. To invade, conquer and occupy them will probably cost FAR more then 4,000 US troops lives.

And want to be there? When I served, almost no one in my unit wanted to fight in a war overseas. Who the hell would want that - except some gung ho type?
And what about their friends, wives/husbands/children and families? Do you think they 'want' them to be over in Iran? Risking their lives?

No...you don't think/care about them. You just want your neocon victory over Iran.

People like you and Bolton. You never served and now you are salivating at the chance to 'give it to Iran'...hundreds/thousands of brave US soldiers (as well as countless innocent Iranian civilians) will be killed/maimed while you are safe and sound at home.

There’s a dangerous pacifist mentality that has spread to both conservatives and liberals. I’m not saying we should go to war with Iran at this moment or in the future, but war sometimes is a necessary evil. To draw a line in the sand and be against war no matter what circumstances are presented is a proven dangerous foreign policy.
There’s a dangerous pacifist mentality that has spread to both conservatives and liberals. I’m not saying we should go to war with Iran at this moment or in the future, but war sometimes is a necessary evil. To draw a line in the sand and be against war no matter what circumstances are presented is a proven dangerous foreign policy.
SO. Non-profit org to keep you "safe" ?
No...you don't think/care about them. You just want your neocon victory over Iran.

Well, ButtWhistle, you are quickly showing that your claim of a 125 IQ was a lie as well. You don't know what I care about, you think I want Americans to die? You really are an ass. But if we are to go to war with Iran, I want it to be for a good necessary cause and for us to accomplish our goal quickly.

Funny how we defeated Germany and Japan in just a few short years with crude weapons but now people think every war must run decades with no end in sight. You either commit to fighting a war to win, or you resign yourself to an endless police action. Trump ain't no cop.
Fourth, what happens if a foreign threat we fail to address NOW shows up on our shores later?

This argument is absurd. There are very few nations capable of showing up on our shores with war intentions and Iran certainly isn't one of them.

Our stealth bombers can take off just a short distance from my home and bomb any place on earth just a handful of hours later. We have a deterrent and only need to be willing to actually use it.
The public show boating is unnecessary as the whole world knows what we are capable of.
Fourth, what happens if a foreign threat we fail to address NOW shows up on our shores later?

This argument is absurd. There are very few nations capable of showing up on our shores with war intentions and Iran certainly isn't one of them.

Our stealth bombers can take off just a short distance from my home and bomb any place on earth just a handful of hours later. We have a deterrent and only need to be willing to actually use it.
The public show boating is unnecessary as the whole world knows what we are capable of.

We’re fortunate that our territory is pretty isolated from the bad guys, but we’re not immune to attack. 9/11 happened, remember?
To draw a line in the sand and be against war no matter what circumstances are presented is a proven dangerous foreign policy.

I see you've set up some of your own arguments to later knock down and claim victory.

IF Iran attacks, wipe their nation off the map.

End discussion and pointless show boating. We know we can do it, Iran knows we can do it.

Nothing more needs to be said or done.

No baby sitting other nations. Mind our own fucking business except for extreme circumstances.
Fourth, what happens if a foreign threat we fail to address NOW shows up on our shores later?

This argument is absurd. There are very few nations capable of showing up on our shores with war intentions and Iran certainly isn't one of them.

Our stealth bombers can take off just a short distance from my home and bomb any place on earth just a handful of hours later. We have a deterrent and only need to be willing to actually use it.
The public show boating is unnecessary as the whole world knows what we are capable of.

We’re fortunate that our territory is pretty isolated from the bad guys, but we’re not immune to attack. 9/11 happened, remember?
So did Oklahoma City. Should we have invaded Oklahoma?

Get real
To draw a line in the sand and be against war no matter what circumstances are presented is a proven dangerous foreign policy.

I see you've set up some of your own arguments to later knock down and claim victory.

IF Iran attacks, wipe their nation off the map.

End discussion and pointless show boating. We know we can do it, Iran knows we can do it.

Nothing more needs to be said or done.

No baby sitting other nations. Mind our own fucking business except for extreme circumstances.

Claim victory? I wasn’t even debating anyone. I agree with the notion that we shouldn’t babysit any other country, but minding our own business is the precise strategy that got us involved in WWII
To draw a line in the sand and be against war no matter what circumstances are presented is a proven dangerous foreign policy.

I see you've set up some of your own arguments to later knock down and claim victory.

IF Iran attacks, wipe their nation off the map.

End discussion and pointless show boating. We know we can do it, Iran knows we can do it.

Nothing more needs to be said or done.

No baby sitting other nations. Mind our own fucking business except for extreme circumstances.

Claim victory? I wasn’t even debating anyone. I agree with the notion that we shouldn’t babysit any other country, but minding our own business is the precise strategy that got us involved in WWII
And that was the last war we actually fought properly. We DECIMATED our enemy with the proper weapon given the threat level.

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