Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

Your claim: "Raising the age to 21 isn't going to stop anyone from getting a firearm if they want one to commit a crime with."

Quote the part that says that it won't stop anyone. Oh. Right. It doesn't say that. You're just not smart.
It proves conclusively that anyone with some cash and the desire to obtain a firearm illegally can do so.

Over a two year period over 20,000 firearms possessed by felons and gang bangers were seized in NYC alone.

Chicago averages more than 7,000 illegal firearms seized per year from felons and bangers.

With a half million stolen firearms added to the total pool of pre existing firearms being owned and traded among the criminal class They are as easy, if not easier to find than hard drugs.
Why not? The cops have no Constitutional duty to protect anyone. If the answer for the rest of us is arm up and take care of business when you are attacked. Why should it be different for anyone else?
Don't be stupid, we are always going to provide protection for high profile political and gov't figures.

I get the sentiment but let's stick to reality.
It proves conclusively that anyone with some cash and the desire to obtain a firearm illegally can do so.
Quote the part of your source that says that.

Oh. Right. It doesn't. You're just a lying sack of shit and you love to flail.

It's ok. I know you're just not smart.
We already have a minimum age of 21 for hand guns. Why not for rifles?

It's not a punishment. It's just common sense.
And then Ramos at 21 kills then. If you are old enough to go to War you are old enough to get a gun.

In the end you cant stop this. You cant defend against every situation. That is not possible
Because that's the same age we have for hand guns. And because that's exactly what Florida did.

If 18-year-olds can't be trusted with hand guns, then they shouldn't be trusted with rifles either.

Florida did it so should everyone else, that is the basis of your idea? Has it cut crime and murders and mass shootings? That would be a better basis, not just because someone else did it.
Don't forget "red flag" laws. That is when they can prevent certain people from attaining a firearm. You know, like the mentally ill, convicted felons--oh wait, scratch that, Amy Coney Barret shot that down. Those convicted of domestic violence, transgender, gay, and transexuals. You know, kind of like Hitler did. Republicans will prevent their enemies from attaining firearms legally first, and then they will round them up and send them to work camps.
You know the NRA were initially very supportive of Gun Control laws, when they thought black people were going to get guns...
That's the point. We don't have a magic mirror to identify people like Ramos. So raise the minimum age to give people a fighting chance to identify psychopaths like him.
That sounds good on paper,

but as you point out we already had plenty of clues yet the authorities did nothing - including reassigning police officers from guarding the courthouse to guarding the schools

If ramis was sick enough to kill ye didnt need an ar15 to do it
Don't be stupid, we are always going to provide protection for high profile political and gov't figures.

I get the sentiment but let's stick to reality.

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say Supreme Court Justices need protection or are entitled to it. I will always oppose actions that are not in keeping with the original Constitution.
You are just embarrassing yourself now and everyone but you can see it.
No, he is discussing and try to solve a problem in America, he is wanting to save lives. I disagree with his solutions however I respect him for at least discussing ideas. We need this more in America and we need to respect others may not agree. Some of his verbiage is very condescending at times and he needs to work on that but at least he doesn't devolve to name calling.

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