Are We Watching A Death? OP/ED


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
You really have got to wonder. I mean MANY of the signs are there. Our country has not seen this kind of death since BEFORE the civil war. It was completely EXTERMINATED and no trace of it can be found today. We MAY be viewing only the second time in the history of our country that death.

There is no film footage of the first one and even the documents from that time state little more other then some names and numbers. Its interesting BECAUSE it maybe just maybe MAYBE the death of the democrat party. Folks, lets face it they were down on the ropes BEFORE Susan Rice.

They ARE at their LOWEST levels of government SINCE the post civil WAR era. THAT event that death was DIRECTLY tied to the death of the Whig Party. The Whig party had to DIE in order to give birth to your modern day Republicans. So with that in mind and the speed of which we ALL see liberals moving left I predict we are about to see the death in only the second time of our history of a MAJOR political power.

The more liberals move towards Warren or Sanders the more they leave the democrat party. Sanders is an ADMITTED socialist and he DID beat her. He beat her ass like a drum given the fact as how little he WAS know and where he came from.

The next decade will be interesting to watch. It could be a truly historical event.


I think the Democratic party will splinter into two or more pieces composed mostly of minorities soon. While some, mostly blue collar Democrats, will join the Republican party because the new factions won't have them or simply because what remains of the Democratic party is so far outside their norm the blue collars will have no other options .


The problem with US politics and so constitution is the continuous effort to pit things against each other showing merely extreme point of views, and making extreme arguments. Which technically leads to that no one means what they say and no one takes them to mean what is said.

Republicans resemble to me a party we've had that everyone thought would have died fifteen years ago. They never come up with anything good and yet there's always someone to vote for them.
You really have got to wonder. I mean MANY of the signs are there. Our country has not seen this kind of death since BEFORE the civil war. It was completely EXTERMINATED and no trace of it can be found today. We MAY be viewing only the second time in the history of our country that death.

There is no film footage of the first one and even the documents from that time state little more other then some names and numbers. Its interesting BECAUSE it maybe just maybe MAYBE the death of the democrat party. Folks, lets face it they were down on the ropes BEFORE Susan Rice.

They ARE at their LOWEST levels of government SINCE the post civil WAR era. THAT event that death was DIRECTLY tied to the death of the Whig Party. The Whig party had to DIE in order to give birth to your modern day Republicans. So with that in mind and the speed of which we ALL see liberals moving left I predict we are about to see the death in only the second time of our history of a MAJOR political power.

The more liberals move towards Warren or Sanders the more they leave the democrat party. Sanders is an ADMITTED socialist and he DID beat her. He beat her ass like a drum given the fact as how little he WAS know and where he came from.

The next decade will be interesting to watch. It could be a truly historical event.


The 'donations' system has completely bought our politicians. They no longer do our bidding, they are owned by the oligarchy.
As the divide between the haves and have-nots grows ever wider, the revolution gets closer....


If the Democratic party would have taken a course that demanded loopholes for tax evasion be sealed instead of; demanding more free crap, looking for micro-aggressions in their cause for social justice, supporting every movement that disrupts and shoots law enforcement, and bathrooms rights for people who can't determine what sex they are by looking at what's in their underwear; they wouldn't be in this predicament.


You really have got to wonder. I mean MANY of the signs are there. Our country has not seen this kind of death since BEFORE the civil war. It was completely EXTERMINATED and no trace of it can be found today. We MAY be viewing only the second time in the history of our country that death.

There is no film footage of the first one and even the documents from that time state little more other then some names and numbers. Its interesting BECAUSE it maybe just maybe MAYBE the death of the democrat party. Folks, lets face it they were down on the ropes BEFORE Susan Rice.

They ARE at their LOWEST levels of government SINCE the post civil WAR era. THAT event that death was DIRECTLY tied to the death of the Whig Party. The Whig party had to DIE in order to give birth to your modern day Republicans. So with that in mind and the speed of which we ALL see liberals moving left I predict we are about to see the death in only the second time of our history of a MAJOR political power.

The more liberals move towards Warren or Sanders the more they leave the democrat party. Sanders is an ADMITTED socialist and he DID beat her. He beat her ass like a drum given the fact as how little he WAS know and where he came from.

The next decade will be interesting to watch. It could be a truly historical event.


This same prediction was made about the GOP not all that long ago, they were a party in disarray and we were seeing their death. Then along came a liberal named Trump to save them.

Also, this same prediction was made about the DNC after losing the White House for 12 straight years, then along came a moderate named Clinton to save them.

In the end neither party will go anywhere, if for no other reason than for the hate they feel for the "other" party.
You really have got to wonder. I mean MANY of the signs are there. Our country has not seen this kind of death since BEFORE the civil war. It was completely EXTERMINATED and no trace of it can be found today. We MAY be viewing only the second time in the history of our country that death.

There is no film footage of the first one and even the documents from that time state little more other then some names and numbers. Its interesting BECAUSE it maybe just maybe MAYBE the death of the democrat party. Folks, lets face it they were down on the ropes BEFORE Susan Rice.

They ARE at their LOWEST levels of government SINCE the post civil WAR era. THAT event that death was DIRECTLY tied to the death of the Whig Party. The Whig party had to DIE in order to give birth to your modern day Republicans. So with that in mind and the speed of which we ALL see liberals moving left I predict we are about to see the death in only the second time of our history of a MAJOR political power.

The more liberals move towards Warren or Sanders the more they leave the democrat party. Sanders is an ADMITTED socialist and he DID beat her. He beat her ass like a drum given the fact as how little he WAS know and where he came from.

The next decade will be interesting to watch. It could be a truly historical event.

they will survive as long as they have no shame. plus they still have the corrupt media (mostly) that has no sense of shame.
sounds as if i've got ten years to give the third party of independents the name WashingtonAmerica party.
You really have got to wonder. I mean MANY of the signs are there. Our country has not seen this kind of death since BEFORE the civil war. It was completely EXTERMINATED and no trace of it can be found today. We MAY be viewing only the second time in the history of our country that death.

There is no film footage of the first one and even the documents from that time state little more other then some names and numbers. Its interesting BECAUSE it maybe just maybe MAYBE the death of the democrat party. Folks, lets face it they were down on the ropes BEFORE Susan Rice.

They ARE at their LOWEST levels of government SINCE the post civil WAR era. THAT event that death was DIRECTLY tied to the death of the Whig Party. The Whig party had to DIE in order to give birth to your modern day Republicans. So with that in mind and the speed of which we ALL see liberals moving left I predict we are about to see the death in only the second time of our history of a MAJOR political power.

The more liberals move towards Warren or Sanders the more they leave the democrat party. Sanders is an ADMITTED socialist and he DID beat her. He beat her ass like a drum given the fact as how little he WAS know and where he came from.

The next decade will be interesting to watch. It could be a truly historical event.


There is a good reply to this sort of diatribe. It goes like this:

Boo Hoo Hoo!
U-Haul refused your credit card?
Is that why you're not already in Canada?

So many vowed they'd "leave" if Trump was elected.
He was.
They haven't.
What's up with that?

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