Are We Witnessing The End Of The Democrat Party

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
It is becoming clearer by the day the Democrat party is imploding into a bunch of splinter groups with no clear leadership. The Socialists are suing the DNC for hosing them. The fringe is demanding more Socialism and there's no money to pacify them.

They have cornered themselves in to vertical plantations on the coasts which was a massive mistake eliminating their opportunity to leverage the population. This was in their infinite wisdom of providing subsidized housing.

They lost their war on oil and gas and we drilled our way to lower gas prices which they can do nothing about. The cat is out of the bag.

Their attempt at identity politics and class war is pitting them against those who elected over 1000 Republicans to office over the last 8 years.

Their media war on Conservatives is getting bizarre as they run out of conspiracy theories and the desperation is making them the laughing stock of the patriot engine which runs this country.

So it looks to me like we'll just end up with a bunch of butthurt crybabies pointing the fingers at each other for their lack of relevance.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of petunias.
If they were worth a shit they'd have supported Jim Webb. Don't know if they're dying, but I for one hope their WTF narratives do.
We're witnessing the transformation for America into russia.

And end to a free press
And end to democracy
And end to human rights

You right wingers are disgusting pieces of shit and I hope you all burn in hell.
What you bastards don't get is the press can have its own opinion...Your side has Fox news and all of AM radio doing exactly that. How the fuck can you point fingers??? Oh'yess, you want to wipe out the other side.
We're witnessing the transformation for America into russia.

And end to a free press
And end to democracy
And end to human rights

You right wingers are disgusting pieces of shit and I hope you all burn in hell.
You need a safe space. You are about to lose it.
And in 2009 we saw the Republicans waging their own civil war which continues today. The Tea Partiers began purging the GOP of anyone they deemed not ideologically pure enough. They primaries out senior senators and representatives. They drove off a couple Speakers of the House. They had sixteen viable candidates to nominate in 2016 and yet they chose the huckster buffoon who lacked any political and governing experience.

These are not the salad days for either party. But look to the Republicans for your paradigm of a political death watch.
What you bastards don't get is the press can have its own opinion...Your side has Fox news and all of AM radio doing exactly that. How the fuck can you point fingers??? Oh'yess, you want to wipe out the other side.
Get a gripe dude. You need to seek mental help.
We're witnessing the transformation for America into russia.

And end to a free press
And end to democracy
And end to human rights

You right wingers are disgusting pieces of shit and I hope you all burn in hell.

We sure are. As for women who don't cook, clean and do the naughty, we're going after them first.
We're witnessing the transformation for America into russia.

And end to a free press
And end to democracy
And end to human rights

You right wingers are disgusting pieces of shit and I hope you all burn in hell.

You do not have a free press, your MSM is The Democratic Party Ministry of Propaganda.

Leftists do not support democracy, they illustrate that when they lose democratic elections and then launch via the Propaganda MSM a 24/7 assault on the democratically elected leader from the opposite political party.

Matthew darling you will burn in Hell you silly little Transgender faggot :tongue:
And in 2009 we saw the Republicans waging their own civil war which continues today. The Tea Partiers began purging the GOP of anyone they deemed not ideologically pure enough. They primaries out senior senators and representatives. They drove off a couple Speakers of the House. They had sixteen viable candidates to nominate in 2016 and yet they chose the huckster buffoon who lacked any political and governing experience.

These are not the salad days for either party. But look to the Republicans for your paradigm of a political death watch.
Good thinking. Nobody votes Republican anymore. FYI, many Republicans were/are RINOs. We need more purging, not less. The big mistake the GOP has made is being Democrat lite. Why not vote for the real thing?
We aren't seeing the end of the Democratic Party.

We are seeing the GOP become traitors in their quest to be subservient to the Kremlin.
It would be awesome if the D Party died. It would be great if the R Party did too.

What you need is a new political party, it could be called The America First Party. Perhaps The Donald could collapse the Republican Party full of Cuckservatives and launch his own political party from the ashes, The America First Party.

The Democrats are collapsing themselves, as the Leftist Maniacs are now running that party the whole thing is going to naturally implode from within.

From the death of the Leftist Democratic Party should rise another new American political party a party that is run by and supported by Liberals, they could call it The New Democrats or something and return to how they were when John F. Kennedy was American President.

The Leftists will be reduced to a Fringe Movement sitting on the sidelines dribbling down their chins with all the other freaks and degenerates.
We aren't seeing the end of the Democratic Party.

We are seeing the GOP become traitors in their quest to be subservient to the Kremlin.

No Conservative anywhere on the planet is a Traitor, Conservatives are Patriots who love their nations.

Only Leftists are Traitors, Leftists everywhere on the planet HATE their nations, they hate their nations so much they want to destroy them from within by importing unlimited amounts of Third World savages.

Liberals are also Patriots, there is NOTHING Liberal about Leftists, Leftism is basic Marxism 101.
at this point, i cant tell the difference between far left democrats and gerbil poop
We're witnessing the transformation for America into russia.

And end to a free press
And end to democracy
And end to human rights

You right wingers are disgusting pieces of shit and I hope you all burn in hell.

Except that it is you on the left wrong who are trying to do all of this to the country, and us on the right who are trying to stop it.

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