Are women's rights a distraction from "important" issues?

On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?

No sir, it isn't.

In our "Aristocracy of Pull" aka, democracy , politicians must become electable by being demagogues and pandering to powerful voting blocs..

On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?
The abortion fight isn't over, so we have to keep it in our sights, but overall women's issues in this country aren't a primary concern. I saw the entirety of Kasich's response to the college student asking how to stay safe on campus. He was on point, and that last bit of fatherly advice is being unfairly twisted to seem unfair to women, imo.

Any father would give his daughter the same advice. "The best way to feel safer, honey, is to take responsibility for your own safety. Avoid douchebags and situations where you're vulnerable to douchebags." Although why any adult woman in 21st century America NEEDS to be told that is beyond me.
None of that is science. It is your emotional reaction based on your religious beliefs. What is INSANE is your view that a fertilized zygote, a single cell, is a human being worthy of legal protection.

Our existing laws against Fetal Homicide are all I need as proof that you are wrong about that.

For one, I am NOT religious. I don't need (nor use) religion or God to know what the legal, biological and Constitutional arguments are against abortion.

Our Fetal Homicide Laws already define children in the womb as Human Beings - in ANY stage of their life and development.

Your denials and mischaractizations are not going to change that fact.

No one has a right to someone else's body [/discussion]


So, If someone found a way to connect your body to theirs in such a way that you will DIE if the connection is broken before the period of nine months. . . and they did this against your will or while you were completely unaware of what they were doing. . .

Would you NOT have a right to maintain that connection?

A right for government to force the person to do that? No, I wouldn't

So, if they did connect your body in that way and they then changed their mind, cut the connection and you died. . .

Should they be charged with anything?

OK, so they intentionally connected the body? Then that would be a crime. What does it have to do with abortion then?
Womens' "rights" are the rights to make our own decisions about our bodies and our health. Womens' "rights" are the rights to make as much money as men in the same postition. Womens' "rights" are the rights to be taken seriously when it comes to making policy decisions in this country. We are half of the population and over half of the voters. Men who want to treat us as if we're still "the little woman" in the kitchen are in for a rude awakening. Jobs, the economy, military defense, all these things affect our lives, too. As for Kasich's remark, once again, the onus is on the woman to be vigilant against the man who may be a predator. Why isn't the man taught from birth that women are not his to abuse as he likes? Why are we fair game? If you're around alcohol, out after dark,dressed a certain way, or with a man in general, you're "asking for it".

Who said anything about "men in general"? The onus IS on you. It's YOUR safety. You want to gas away about "strong, independent, equal to men". Fucking ACT like it. Are you a wussy little girl in a petticoat who's too helpless and frail to handle her business and needs men to protect her and make her "feel safer in regards to sexual violence"? Make up your damned mind. If you're waiting for the government to take the place of your daddy, you might as well get a lifetime membership in Victimhood Anonymous and have done with it.
what a sad place we are in. When the citizens are more worried over the killing of their offspring/human beings: over Jobs, the economy, a way to make a living. instead they want to make sure they have that way to kill off our Society. 58million potential American citizens have been sucked out of women bodies and flushed down a drain SO FAR and counting. but that isn't enough evidently
as if these progressive/democrats give a crap about you women AND the guilt you suffer afterwards.
That would have been 58 million more jobseekers, i.e. 58 million more people without jobs today.

Women should feel ZERO guilt over a 1st trimester abortion. The entity had no consciousness, no humanity. It lacked a brain developed enough to even be capable of thought, feeling, individuality.

It's people like YOU who try to create unnecessary feelings of guilt because you have certain beliefs about your god.

It wasn't an entity. It was a human life.

"Entity" always sounds like it was some glowing, gaseous alien life form the Starship Enterprise encountered in space.
Our existing laws against Fetal Homicide are all I need as proof that you are wrong about that.

For one, I am NOT religious. I don't need (nor use) religion or God to know what the legal, biological and Constitutional arguments are against abortion.

Our Fetal Homicide Laws already define children in the womb as Human Beings - in ANY stage of their life and development.

Your denials and mischaractizations are not going to change that fact.

No one has a right to someone else's body [/discussion]


So, If someone found a way to connect your body to theirs in such a way that you will DIE if the connection is broken before the period of nine months. . . and they did this against your will or while you were completely unaware of what they were doing. . .

Would you NOT have a right to maintain that connection?

A right for government to force the person to do that? No, I wouldn't

So, if they did connect your body in that way and they then changed their mind, cut the connection and you died. . .

Should they be charged with anything?

OK, so they intentionally connected the body? Then that would be a crime. What does it have to do with abortion then?

You said that You would not have the right to the use of someone elses body. . . whether the connection was a crime or not. . . I believe that you would have a right to that connection.

Do you still disagree?
An economy breaking down, massive welfare, real unemployment at 14 percent, 20 trillion in debt.....and these tone deaf loons are talking about women's rights. How much LSD did bernie actually do?

And they can't give it up even when women have equal rights. They move on to that if we don't pay for abortions and birth control, we're denying women those things

I always get so tired of being told about "women's issues", as though the fact that I have a vagina makes me some clone extruded from a factory somewhere with no individual personality or thought. Yes, all women prioritize the exact same way, and think the exact same things about those priorities . . . because we got our instructions from the Hive Mother, presumably.
Where did I deny that? I deny that it is a human being during first trimester. My belief is it becomes a human being sometime in the 2nd trimester based on the brain developing the capability of thought and awareness.

Biology FAIL!

HUMAN Beings do not have sex to create living SUB human creatures that only later become HUMAN BEINGS (after they somehow surpass your arbitrarily drawn standards.)

A child in the womb is a HUMAN being from the moment of conception.

They are defined by the attributes they HAVE and not by those traits that they only temporarily lack.

It is insane to hold the view that a child is not a child until it lives too long and looks too much like a child to be denied any longer.
None of that is science. It is your emotional reaction based on your religious beliefs. What is INSANE is your view that a fertilized zygote, a single cell, is a human being worthy of legal protection.

Our existing laws against Fetal Homicide are all I need as proof that you are wrong about that.

For one, I am NOT religious. I don't need (nor use) religion or God to know what the legal, biological and Constitutional arguments are against abortion.

Our Fetal Homicide Laws already define children in the womb as Human Beings - in ANY stage of their life and development.

Your denials and mischaractizations are not going to change that fact.
Like hell you aren't religious.

Fetal homicide laws that protect a fetus at any stage of development are misguided and have nothing to do with science.

Science states that the brain of a 1st trimester fetus is undeveloped, and it is capable of thought and awareness. Thought and awareness of being are necessary components of humanity. A corpse cannot be murdered despite the fact that it still looks like a human being.

If I have to see you in hell to prove to you that I am not religious.. . LOL!

So be it.

That's how NON-Religious I am.

You have completely dodged the biological fact that Human Beings do not reproduce via metamorphosis. We do not have sex and use our haploid gametes cells to create NON human organisms that only later become something that YOU can no longer deny as a human being.

Biological parenthood begins at conception. That';s the moment your biological father and mother became your biological parents and it is the moment that you (as a human biological organism) began to age.

Those and other biological facts are the reason that the opponents to our fetal homicide laws were not able to block the laws or to have them overturned.
You're not religious. Yeah, right.

Fetal homicide laws that protect the fetus at any stage of development were voted in by religious loons whose goal is the banning of abortion and all post conception birth control. Defining a lump of cells with no brain as a person or human being is ludicrous beyond belief. Religious right dominated states will vote in favor of such laws, but the moment they start encroaching on womens' rights, the courts will get involved.
what a sad place we are in. When the citizens are more worried over the killing of their offspring/human beings: over Jobs, the economy, a way to make a living. instead they want to make sure they have that way to kill off our Society. 58million potential American citizens have been sucked out of women bodies and flushed down a drain SO FAR and counting. but that isn't enough evidently
as if these progressive/democrats give a crap about you women AND the guilt you suffer afterwards.
That would have been 58 million more jobseekers, i.e. 58 million more people without jobs today.

Women should feel ZERO guilt over a 1st trimester abortion. The entity had no consciousness, no humanity. It lacked a brain developed enough to even be capable of thought, feeling, individuality.

It's people like YOU who try to create unnecessary feelings of guilt because you have certain beliefs about your god.

It wasn't an entity. It was a human life.
Human life but not a human being. A skin cell is human life. There should be no guilt about destroying either.

A first trimester looks like a little human towards the end, but inside there is no humanity. There is not a functional brain beyond involuntary functionality as all the pieces of the brain have not come together in the right place yet. There is no possibility of consciousness or thought, therefore it is not a human being, it is an entity that can be destroyed without guilt.

No, fuckstain. A skin cell is not A human life. Why is it that you leftists blather about your worship of "science", and yet are so abysmally ignorant of any scientific facts?

Furthermore, a "first trimester" - I presume you mean an unborn child in the first trimester of growth - does not "look like a little human towards the end". He looks like a human all the way through, because THAT'S WHAT HUMANS LOOK LIKE AT THAT AGE. What you mean is that he looks more like an ADULT human towards the end. And an unborn child in the first trimester is chockful of humanity. He's fully human; what ELSE would he be? He was produced by two humans, and like produces like. They don't create a giraffe embryo that suddenly morphs into a human at birth.

As for functional brains, it's clear from this mess of unscientific garbage that YOU have no business touting brain function as any sort of requirement for life or value. Likewise for consciousness and thought. I'm just saying . . .

Nowhere in the definition of "human being" is there "looking like an adult and having an adult brain". Ditto the definition of life.
Our existing laws against Fetal Homicide are all I need as proof that you are wrong about that.

For one, I am NOT religious. I don't need (nor use) religion or God to know what the legal, biological and Constitutional arguments are against abortion.

Our Fetal Homicide Laws already define children in the womb as Human Beings - in ANY stage of their life and development.

Your denials and mischaractizations are not going to change that fact.

No one has a right to someone else's body [/discussion]


So, If someone found a way to connect your body to theirs in such a way that you will DIE if the connection is broken before the period of nine months. . . and they did this against your will or while you were completely unaware of what they were doing. . .

Would you NOT have a right to maintain that connection?

A right for government to force the person to do that? No, I wouldn't

So, if they did connect your body in that way and
Biology FAIL!

HUMAN Beings do not have sex to create living SUB human creatures that only later become HUMAN BEINGS (after they somehow surpass your arbitrarily drawn standards.)

A child in the womb is a HUMAN being from the moment of conception.

They are defined by the attributes they HAVE and not by those traits that they only temporarily lack.

It is insane to hold the view that a child is not a child until it lives too long and looks too much like a child to be denied any longer.
None of that is science. It is your emotional reaction based on your religious beliefs. What is INSANE is your view that a fertilized zygote, a single cell, is a human being worthy of legal protection.

Our existing laws against Fetal Homicide are all I need as proof that you are wrong about that.

For one, I am NOT religious. I don't need (nor use) religion or God to know what the legal, biological and Constitutional arguments are against abortion.

Our Fetal Homicide Laws already define children in the womb as Human Beings - in ANY stage of their life and development.

Your denials and mischaractizations are not going to change that fact.
Like hell you aren't religious.

Fetal homicide laws that protect a fetus at any stage of development are misguided and have nothing to do with science.

Science states that the brain of a 1st trimester fetus is undeveloped, and it is capable of thought and awareness. Thought and awareness of being are necessary components of humanity. A corpse cannot be murdered despite the fact that it still looks like a human being.

If I have to see you in hell to prove to you that I am not religious.. . LOL!

So be it.

That's how NON-Religious I am.

You have completely dodged the biological fact that Human Beings do not reproduce via metamorphosis. We do not have sex and use our haploid gametes cells to create NON human organisms that only later become something that YOU can no longer deny as a human being.

Biological parenthood begins at conception. That';s the moment your biological father and mother became your biological parents and it is the moment that you (as a human biological organism) began to age.

Those and other biological facts are the reason that the opponents to our fetal homicide laws were not able to block the laws or to have them overturned.
You're not religious. Yeah, right.

Fetal homicide laws that protect the fetus at any stage of development were voted in by religious loons whose goal is the banning of abortion and all post conception birth control. Defining a lump of cells with no brain as a person or human being is ludicrous beyond belief. Religious right dominated states will vote in favor of such laws, but the moment they start encroaching on womens' rights, the courts will get involved.

You can believe anything you want to about my religious views.

I frankly don't give a fuck because it isn't about ME and it's not about YOU.

I just hope readers will scroll back and see how it is YOU that is the one dodging the biological points that I raised.
what a sad place we are in. When the citizens are more worried over the killing of their offspring/human beings: over Jobs, the economy, a way to make a living. instead they want to make sure they have that way to kill off our Society. 58million potential American citizens have been sucked out of women bodies and flushed down a drain SO FAR and counting. but that isn't enough evidently
as if these progressive/democrats give a crap about you women AND the guilt you suffer afterwards.
That would have been 58 million more jobseekers, i.e. 58 million more people without jobs today.

Women should feel ZERO guilt over a 1st trimester abortion. The entity had no consciousness, no humanity. It lacked a brain developed enough to even be capable of thought, feeling, individuality.

It's people like YOU who try to create unnecessary feelings of guilt because you have certain beliefs about your god.

It wasn't an entity. It was a human life.
Human life but not a human being. A skin cell is human life. There should be no guilt about destroying either.

A first trimester looks like a little human towards the end, but inside there is no humanity. There is not a functional brain beyond involuntary functionality as all the pieces of the brain have not come together in the right place yet. There is no possibility of consciousness or thought, therefore it is not a human being, it is an entity that can be destroyed without guilt.

Of course it's human life. The DNA has already been set on the x and y. That interaction between the sperm and egg locks in the specific instruction for human life. There is no denying this.
Where did I deny that? I deny that it is a human being during first trimester. My belief is it becomes a human being sometime in the 2nd trimester based on the brain developing the capability of thought and awareness.

Your belief? If we want to know about your religion, we'll ask. This is science, Bubba. Facts don't require "belief". They just are.
No one has a right to someone else's body [/discussion]


So, If someone found a way to connect your body to theirs in such a way that you will DIE if the connection is broken before the period of nine months. . . and they did this against your will or while you were completely unaware of what they were doing. . .

Would you NOT have a right to maintain that connection?

A right for government to force the person to do that? No, I wouldn't

So, if they did connect your body in that way and they then changed their mind, cut the connection and you died. . .

Should they be charged with anything?

OK, so they intentionally connected the body? Then that would be a crime. What does it have to do with abortion then?

You said that You would not have the right to the use of someone elses body. . . whether the connection was a crime or not. . . I believe that you would have a right to that connection.

Do you still disagree?
I got confused over the question, let me back up.

Intentionally connecting me to be dependent on them would be a crime whether they disconnected me or not, and it would be a more serious crime if they disconnected me, that would be murder.

If they did not connect me, just somehow we were connected, then they are not legally bound to maintain the connection, government cannot force them to do it.

Note either of those are my opinion of what the person should do, they are directly what the government's role in it is.
what a sad place we are in. When the citizens are more worried over the killing of their offspring/human beings: over Jobs, the economy, a way to make a living. instead they want to make sure they have that way to kill off our Society. 58million potential American citizens have been sucked out of women bodies and flushed down a drain SO FAR and counting. but that isn't enough evidently
as if these progressive/democrats give a crap about you women AND the guilt you suffer afterwards.
That would have been 58 million more jobseekers, i.e. 58 million more people without jobs today.

Women should feel ZERO guilt over a 1st trimester abortion. The entity had no consciousness, no humanity. It lacked a brain developed enough to even be capable of thought, feeling, individuality.

It's people like YOU who try to create unnecessary feelings of guilt because you have certain beliefs about your god.

It wasn't an entity. It was a human life.

"Entity" always sounds like it was some glowing, gaseous alien life form the Starship Enterprise encountered in space.
I purposely used the word to express that it is not a human being at that stage of development. Perhaps fetus or embryo is a better choice of language.
It wasn't an entity. It was a human life.
Human life but not a human being. A skin cell is human life. There should be no guilt about destroying either.

A first trimester looks like a little human towards the end, but inside there is no humanity. There is not a functional brain beyond involuntary functionality as all the pieces of the brain have not come together in the right place yet. There is no possibility of consciousness or thought, therefore it is not a human being, it is an entity that can be destroyed without guilt.

Of course it's human life. The DNA has already been set on the x and y. That interaction between the sperm and egg locks in the specific instruction for human life. There is no denying this.
Where did I deny that? I deny that it is a human being during first trimester. My belief is it becomes a human being sometime in the 2nd trimester based on the brain developing the capability of thought and awareness.

Biology FAIL!

HUMAN Beings do not have sex to create living SUB human creatures that only later become HUMAN BEINGS (after they somehow surpass your arbitrarily drawn standards.)

A child in the womb is a HUMAN being from the moment of conception.

They are defined by the attributes they HAVE and not by those traits that they only temporarily lack.

It is insane to hold the view that a child is not a child until it lives too long and looks too much like a child to be denied any longer.
None of that is science. It is your emotional reaction based on your religious beliefs. What is INSANE is your view that a fertilized zygote, a single cell, is a human being worthy of legal protection.

Actually, everything he said is science, and everything YOU say is religious hoo-hah, as demonstrated by your repeated use of the word "belief", as though scientific facts are a pack of Tinkerbells, requiring us to clap our hands to make them live.
Last edited:
On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?
The abortion fight isn't over, so we have to keep it in our sights, but overall women's issues in this country aren't a primary concern. I saw the entirety of Kasich's response to the college student asking how to stay safe on campus. He was on point, and that last bit of fatherly advice is being unfairly twisted to seem unfair to women, imo.
Clearly he was blaming women for being attacked.

So when you go to Harlem, you carry your wallet in plain view. If you don't do that and you get robbed, it was your fault

Personally, I skip right to the "don't go to Harlem" part of self-preservation.
An economy breaking down, massive welfare, real unemployment at 14 percent, 20 trillion in debt.....and these tone deaf loons are talking about women's rights. How much LSD did bernie actually do?

And they can't give it up even when women have equal rights. They move on to that if we don't pay for abortions and birth control, we're denying women those things

I always get so tired of being told about "women's issues", as though the fact that I have a vagina makes me some clone extruded from a factory somewhere with no individual personality or thought. Yes, all women prioritize the exact same way, and think the exact same things about those priorities . . . because we got our instructions from the Hive Mother, presumably.

To liberals, women's rights have to mean giving women things. They need to be your sugar daddy and take care of you. The idea that women's rights = men's rights and you have that just isn't part of their world
what a sad place we are in. When the citizens are more worried over the killing of their offspring/human beings: over Jobs, the economy, a way to make a living. instead they want to make sure they have that way to kill off our Society. 58million potential American citizens have been sucked out of women bodies and flushed down a drain SO FAR and counting. but that isn't enough evidently
as if these progressive/democrats give a crap about you women AND the guilt you suffer afterwards.
That would have been 58 million more jobseekers, i.e. 58 million more people without jobs today.

Women should feel ZERO guilt over a 1st trimester abortion. The entity had no consciousness, no humanity. It lacked a brain developed enough to even be capable of thought, feeling, individuality.

It's people like YOU who try to create unnecessary feelings of guilt because you have certain beliefs about your god.

It wasn't an entity. It was a human life.

"Entity" always sounds like it was some glowing, gaseous alien life form the Starship Enterprise encountered in space.
I purposely used the word to express that it is not a human being at that stage of development. Perhaps fetus or embryo is a better choice of language.

Perhaps a better choice would be to stop trying to impose artificial and nonsensical parameters that ignore science.

"Fetus" and "embryo" do not express a lack of humanity, Noah Webster. Learn the meanings of words.
On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?
The abortion fight isn't over, so we have to keep it in our sights, but overall women's issues in this country aren't a primary concern. I saw the entirety of Kasich's response to the college student asking how to stay safe on campus. He was on point, and that last bit of fatherly advice is being unfairly twisted to seem unfair to women, imo.
Clearly he was blaming women for being attacked.

So when you go to Harlem, you carry your wallet in plain view. If you don't do that and you get robbed, it was your fault

Personally, I skip right to the "don't go to Harlem" part of self-preservation.

Columbia / Barnard are on the border. Going from Manhattan to Yankee Stadium on the subway you have to go through Harlem. But generally, that's my strategy too.

Though clearly getting robbed now according to Deanie Baby and the blow hard Clayton is your fault. You tried to avoid it. The blame now if it happens is on you.

You gotta wonder how someone that empty headed can be so full of himself
An economy breaking down, massive welfare, real unemployment at 14 percent, 20 trillion in debt.....and these tone deaf loons are talking about women's rights. How much LSD did bernie actually do?

And they can't give it up even when women have equal rights. They move on to that if we don't pay for abortions and birth control, we're denying women those things

I always get so tired of being told about "women's issues", as though the fact that I have a vagina makes me some clone extruded from a factory somewhere with no individual personality or thought. Yes, all women prioritize the exact same way, and think the exact same things about those priorities . . . because we got our instructions from the Hive Mother, presumably.

To liberals, women's rights have to mean giving women things. They need to be your sugar daddy and take care of you. The idea that women's rights = men's rights and you have that just isn't part of their world

Like I said, I get tired of being thought of as a vagina that has a person, instead of a person who happens to have a vagina.
On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?
The abortion fight isn't over, so we have to keep it in our sights, but overall women's issues in this country aren't a primary concern. I saw the entirety of Kasich's response to the college student asking how to stay safe on campus. He was on point, and that last bit of fatherly advice is being unfairly twisted to seem unfair to women, imo.
Clearly he was blaming women for being attacked.

So when you go to Harlem, you carry your wallet in plain view. If you don't do that and you get robbed, it was your fault

Personally, I skip right to the "don't go to Harlem" part of self-preservation.

Columbia / Barnard are on the border. Going from Manhattan to Yankee Stadium on the subway you have to go through Harlem. But generally, that's my strategy too.

Though clearly getting robbed now according to the blow hard Clayton is your fault. You tried to avoid it. The blame now if it happens is on you.

You gotta wonder how someone that empty headed can be so full of himself

I actually just don't go into New York City at all, and that seems to cover it. Even when I was truck driving, I always met up with a local trucker out in the 'burbs and handed off to him.

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