Are you familiar with "The Quigley Formula"?

I am now, another John Bircher fruitcake.

"The Quigley Formula
The Road To Emmaus ^ | F. Earle Fox

Posted on 2/14/2008, 2:51:14 PM by cinives

Quigley was a favorite professor/mentor of William Clinton at George Washington University. Clinton gave Quigley credit many times during his campaign and tenure as President, signaling to those "in the know" that he was solidly behind the globalist movement.

Like most politicians and industrialists of the 20th century, Quigley had given up on the American Constitution, openly espousing a conspiratorial view of global world government. He agreed with the plan of the globalists to subvert our constitutional order and insert themselves as the elite rulers, as much as possible by stealth, but, if necessary, by force. His only disagreement, apparently, was about their secrecy. Why he would advise them to be open about such evil intentions is not clear.

Quigley's "formula" for attaining the sought for control is the deception of the people via democracy, control of both political parties by the conspiracy so that they are different only on the surface, and swap places in the White House to give the impression of an election. The fact has often been noted by observant voters to have been the case for many elections. It is Lenin's strategy -- tell them whatever they want to hear, until you get enough power to force your will upon them. (Same strategy used by in the homosexual agenda.)


The really astonishing thing is that the globalists and those like them can write quite candidly about their intentions, proceed to carry them out, and the population almost 100% goes on oblivious of the facts. And worse, does not want to hear about it. That is how Hitler got into power."
The Quigley Formula
Thank you PaintMyHouse. For a short concise meaning of the Quigley Formula, read PaintMyHouse's definition. For more details on how it exists in our own country watch the video.

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