Are you happy now?

I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
You really think it matters?

Well, progressives are going to run hog wild now. If Republicans had held the Senate, they would have provided at least some resistance. Because of Trump, and his idiot followers, now we're threatened with court-packing, removal of the filibuster, fully nationalized health care, etc, etc. You stupid sons-a-bitches didn't win, so you decided to burn in it all down. Fuck you.
Georgia could have had 50 million people vote for the (R) Senate candidates, and it would have turned out the same.

I just can't believe you actually believe elections are legitimate.


Yes. Qanon. Alex Jones. You're a fucking idiot following your emotions rather than thinking critically. Thanks.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
You really think it matters?

Well, progressives are going to run hog wild now. If Republicans had held the Senate, they would have provided at least some resistance. Because of Trump, and his idiot followers, now we're threatened with court-packing, removal of the filibuster, fully nationalized health care, etc, etc. You stupid sons-a-bitches didn't win, so you decided to burn in it all down. Fuck you.
Georgia could have had 50 million people vote for the (R) Senate candidates, and it would have turned out the same.

I just can't believe you actually believe elections are legitimate.


Yes. Qanon. Alex Jones. You're a fucking idiot following your emotions rather than thinking critically. Thanks.
I could say the same about you.

What makes you think that the Rs had a chance?

Conspiracy theory?
I think you're wrong. Dead wrong. Republicans had a significant lead in both of those races.

Odd, Trump had a significant lead in PA, too! Like 700,000 votes! Why do you blame Trump but blind yourself to the truth?

Because I don't believe every hare-brained conspiracy theory that makes me feel warm and tingly.

You mean you don't believe ANYTHING that conflicts with your agenda, even if the evidence stands like a forest of trees around you. That's OK. You can hide your head and turn out the lights when the DC mob comes to your hourse too and call it a theory.

Alex Jones is not "evidence". You people have lost your minds.

Never watched Alex Jones in my life, you idiot turnip-brain. The evidence has been laid out here for EIGHT FUCKING WEEKS in FIFTY threads while you kept your head up your ass.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
You really think it matters?

Well, progressives are going to run hog wild now. If Republicans had held the Senate, they would have provided at least some resistance. Because of Trump, and his idiot followers, now we're threatened with court-packing, removal of the filibuster, fully nationalized health care, etc, etc. You stupid sons-a-bitches didn't win, so you decided to burn in it all down. Fuck you.
Georgia could have had 50 million people vote for the (R) Senate candidates, and it would have turned out the same.

I just can't believe you actually believe elections are legitimate.


Yes. Qanon. Alex Jones. You're a fucking idiot following your emotions rather than thinking critically. Thanks.
I could say the same about you.

What makes you think that the Rs had a chance?

Conspiracy theory?
They had clear lead in the first round. The only thing that changed was Trump's lashing out. He attacked and undermined the candidates because they didn't blindly follow his stupidity. And his witless followers just cheered.
I think you're wrong. Dead wrong. Republicans had a significant lead in both of those races.

Odd, Trump had a significant lead in PA, too! Like 700,000 votes! Why do you blame Trump but blind yourself to the truth?

Because I don't believe every hare-brained conspiracy theory that makes me feel warm and tingly.

You mean you don't believe ANYTHING that conflicts with your agenda, even if the evidence stands like a forest of trees around you. That's OK. You can hide your head and turn out the lights when the DC mob comes to your hourse too and call it a theory.

Alex Jones is not "evidence". You people have lost your minds.

Never watched Alex Jones in my life, you idiot turnip-brain. The evidence has been laid out here for EIGHT FUCKING WEEKS in FIFTY threads while you kept your head up your ass.
He both calls it a conspiracy theory that republicans could win, and blames Trump supporters for the loss.

It's insanity.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs

No Trump supporter sabotaged anything.

I think you're wrong. Dead wrong. Republicans had a significant lead in both of those races. Trump's shitshow turned away voters and undermined the system. Fuck him. Fuck every dumb motherfucker who supports him.
You talk about idiocy on one of my thread but what the hell do you think will happen to the economy with Biden ?
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
You really think it matters?

Well, progressives are going to run hog wild now. If Republicans had held the Senate, they would have provided at least some resistance. Because of Trump, and his idiot followers, now we're threatened with court-packing, removal of the filibuster, fully nationalized health care, etc, etc. You stupid sons-a-bitches didn't win, so you decided to burn in it all down. Fuck you.
Georgia could have had 50 million people vote for the (R) Senate candidates, and it would have turned out the same.

I just can't believe you actually believe elections are legitimate.


Yes. Qanon. Alex Jones. You're a fucking idiot following your emotions rather than thinking critically. Thanks.
I could say the same about you.

What makes you think that the Rs had a chance?

Conspiracy theory?
They had clear lead in the first round. The only thing that changed was Trump's lashing out. He attacked and undermined the candidates because they didn't blindly follow his stupidity. And his witless followers just cheered.
So, you're saying that the Ds in Georgia WON because Trump told his supporters to not vote?

The numbers do not support that claim.
As a citizen from another state, I did all I could personally do. I contributed to both Loefler and Perdue. I was all over social media doing my best, pleading and informing anyone who would listen, what the consequences would be if the Dims took over the Senate.

In the end, the $2000.00 carrot (thanks to Trump making a huge issue over it) that Dims waved in front of voters in Georgia made it nearly impossible to compete with.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
Yes! It will be great fun watching Bidumb and kameltoe fuckup the country.

That's what I figured. Why do you want to fuck up the country?

Why did you want to fuck up the country these past four years? You idiots have run around celebrating obstructing the government and the executive administration since before Trump took office. You brought all this on now. This is just the beginning.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs

No Trump supporter sabotaged anything.

I think you're wrong. Dead wrong. Republicans had a significant lead in both of those races. Trump's shitshow turned away voters and undermined the system. Fuck him. Fuck every dumb motherfucker who supports him.
You talk about idiocy on one of my thread but what the hell do you think will happen to the economy with Biden ?
I didn't vote for Biden, nor do I support him. I think he'll be a terrible President. Which is exactly why it was so important for R's to hold the Senate. And Trump, in his final "fuck you" to American, made sure that wouldn't happen.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
If the Democrats didn't cheat in the election this wouldn't be happening.

65 lower court decisions and 2 Supreme Court rulings would seem to disagree with you.
He lost. Deal with it...wait..I can see how well you lemmings are "dealing" with it so I'll amend.
Suck it. :)
The evidence is overwhelming, i love this!
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
Yes! It will be great fun watching Bidumb and kameltoe fuckup the country.

That's what I figured. Why do you want to fuck up the country?

Why did you want to fuck up the country these past four years? You idiots have run around celebrating obstructing the government and the executive administration since before Trump took office. You brought all this on now. This is just the beginning.
That wasn't me, dipshit. I'm not a Democrat. I didn't support the impeachment goose-chase. But I could see all this coming, I could see the backlash of progressives, and I could see Trump not giving one shit about it.
To oppose the Democrats is to oppose the Chinese, the Iranians and others determined to end our unique American experiment.

Mao Zedong once said "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

Biden is speaking. What a boring old fart. Does he think he's inspiring anyone?
True, he could almost not put two words together this will be this old blabbing men who will be the most powerful in the world
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
You really think it matters?

Well, progressives are going to run hog wild now. If Republicans had held the Senate, they would have provided at least some resistance. Because of Trump, and his idiot followers, now we're threatened with court-packing, removal of the filibuster, fully nationalized health care, etc, etc. You stupid sons-a-bitches didn't win, so you decided to burn in it all down. Fuck you.
Georgia could have had 50 million people vote for the (R) Senate candidates, and it would have turned out the same.

I just can't believe you actually believe elections are legitimate.


Yes. Qanon. Alex Jones. You're a fucking idiot following your emotions rather than thinking critically. Thanks.
They are the equivalent at worse then every person on most TV stations. TV is 95% Prog agenda dominated. Always sending a message no matter how subtle.
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs

No Trump supporter sabotaged anything.

I think you're wrong. Dead wrong. Republicans had a significant lead in both of those races. Trump's shitshow turned away voters and undermined the system. Fuck him. Fuck every dumb motherfucker who supports him.
You talk about idiocy on one of my thread but what the hell do you think will happen to the economy with Biden ?
I didn't vote for Biden, nor do I support him. I think he'll be a terrible President. Which is exactly why it was so important for R's to hold the Senate. And Trump, in his final "fuck you" to American, made sure that wouldn't happen.

The elections were legitimate, RIGHT?

How did Trump give his final "fuck you" to America?
I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
The real questions are....

will you be happy when you retire to find the increased capital gains taxes will take an unusually large chunk out of your planned retirement?
Will your children be happy when they find out that your death (be it of old age) will result in an unusually high death tax?
Will your children be happy that their inheritance will be minimized as they have their tax rate at 55% so they can healthcare ............but of course, so will 10's of millions of non US citizens?
Willl you be happy when you are told you must turn in your car as combustible engines are no longer allowed?

The reason for a 2 party system is to ensure nothing radical happens.

Just consider this....whereas it is not law....yet.......the first move of the new Congress was to tell Congress...and thus Americans...... there is no longer a mommy or daddy...only a parent. No longer a sister or brother...just a sibling....again....not law....but a beginning.

I'm just curious if all the Trumpsters who sabotaged the GA runoffs are happy with the results? Is single party rule what you were after all along?
You really think it matters?

Well, progressives are going to run hog wild now. If Republicans had held the Senate, they would have provided at least some resistance. Because of Trump, and his idiot followers, now we're threatened with court-packing, removal of the filibuster, fully nationalized health care, etc, etc. You stupid sons-a-bitches didn't win, so you decided to burn in it all down. Fuck you.
Georgia could have had 50 million people vote for the (R) Senate candidates, and it would have turned out the same.

I just can't believe you actually believe elections are legitimate.


Yes. Qanon. Alex Jones. You're a fucking idiot following your emotions rather than thinking critically. Thanks.
They are the equivalent at worse then every person on most TV stations. TV is 95% Prog agenda dominated. Always sending a message no matter how subtle.
Yep. That's why I don't bother with it. But you morons are just as bad.
If you voted for this, I don't care how much pressure you used when clenching your nose while preverbally pulling the lever, you're an asshole.
To oppose the Democrats is to oppose the Chinese, the Iranians and others determined to end our unique American experiment.

Mao Zedong once said "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

Biden is speaking. What a boring old fart. Does he think he's inspiring anyone?
:auiqs.jpg: You rubes couldn't even knock over a hotdog stand.

Now some of your fellow idiots are dead! :auiqs.jpg:

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