Are you one of the 53%

I know some people who chose to be unemployed because they feel they can make the same or better on assistance so why work if they can get free money:cuckoo:

I dont know a soul like you claim you know.

Where do you live ?

it must be a really horrible place
Georgia . Nuff said :razz: Also being a military wife I lived from PA, to VA, to FL, to Tx to Ga. so I have been and know a lot of people

Yep Love. I know a few like that down her in Florida.

These folks are riding the UE gravytrain for all its worth.

The lady that runs the stable where I keep my hoss got layed off about 2 or 3 months ago.

She's in the dental field and has been for years. There were three or four adds in her field in the paper. She decided she was going to go for the UE instead of another job.

She was actually flabbergasted when they told her she would actually have to look for a job. I guess she thought she could just sit on her ass at home and get payed.

There are plenty just like her who will ride UE as long as they can. Of course they keep extending UE benefits so I guess some folks are in no hurry to find a job.
This thread is an odd twist on the phrase 'class envy' isn't it?

Odd twist??

Well carbinated, I suppose you would think that way.

I'm just one of the 53% who are tired of being forced to support folks because I have and they have not.
I'm just one of the 53% who are tired of being forced to support folks because I have and they have not.

You aren't. 47% of the people do not pay no taxes and you aren't supporting them. That's a lie.
I'm just one of the 53% who are tired of being forced to support folks because I have and they have not.

You aren't. 47% of the people do not pay no taxes and you aren't supporting them. That's a lie.

Only 53% of Americans pay federal income taxes, 47% don't pay federal income taxes and some get free federal government money to boot.

True story.
Only 53% of Americans pay federal income taxes, 47% don't pay federal income taxes and some get free federal government money to boot.

True story.

Irrelevant story. As long as it's not true that 47% of the people pay no taxes, the claim "I am the 53%" remains a lie.

In 2009, roughly 47% of households, or 71 million, will not owe any federal income tax, according to estimates by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

Some in that group will even get additional money from the government because they qualify for refundable tax breaks.

The ranks of those whose major federal tax burdens net out at zero -- or less -- is on the rise. The center's original 2009 estimate was 38%. That was before enactment in February of the $787 billion economic recovery package, which included a host of new or expanded tax breaks.

The issue doesn't get a lot of attention even as lawmakers debate how to pay for policy initiatives like health reform, whether to extend the Bush tax cuts and how to reduce the deficit.

The vast majority of households making up to $30,000 fall into the category, as do nearly half of all households making between $30,000 and $40,000.

As you move up the income scale the percentages drop.

Nearly 22% of those making between $50,000 and $75,000 end up with no federal income tax liability or negative liability as do 9% of households with incomes between $75,000 and $100,000.

47% of households owe no tax - and their ranks are growing - Sep. 30, 2009
Only 53% of Americans pay federal income taxes, 47% don't pay federal income taxes and some get free federal government money to boot.

True story.

Irrelevant story. As long as it's not true that 47% of the people pay no taxes, the claim "I am the 53%" remains a lie.

No you're not reading it correctly, 47% pay no federal income taxes.

from my link above. :)
Before long we will be outnumbered by those that pay no FED TAXES.

Kinda wonder where the money will come from then??
I have a friend who manages a McDonalds . She has a young girl working for her. This young girl has two kids. Single mom. According to what she told my friend Maureen. She loves tax time. She told Maureen she got back of 6 grand last year.

Now anyone with half a brain know this kid didn't pay much if anything in Fed taxes yet she got back over 6 grand.

That six grand was earned by someone else but I'll bet this little chicky poo could care less who earned that money. You can bet she had a big smile on her face when that check arrived.

No matter how bad the economy is. The EBT cards will always have money in em. These folks won't have to worry about earning money because somebody else is earning it.
I personally, don't believe the STORY. Call me a "Doubting Thomas" if you wish, but I don't buy in to the $6000 back at tax time, even as a single mother with 2 kids....

I know someone that paid in 650.00 and got a $5,000.00 refund with one child. Don't believe it if you don't want but it happens everywhere.

Tax Credit is just that, a credit from taxes. It has nothing to do with what you paid in. Earned income tax credit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the maximum she could have gotten from EIC, if she had reached the high income plateau, is about $3000.

this, from the link:

For tax year 2010, the maximum EIC for a person or couple without qualifying children is $457, with one qualifying child is $3,050,


that was the most confusing thing i have ever read....boy are our taxes messed up....if i said i understood 10% of their explanation of the EIC i would be exaggerating! :eek:

I have no problem with the gives poor people a reason to work, and not sit on their bums collecting TANF(welfare)....

if the EIC were not given, then with some of the poor, they would be better off on welfare....the EIC, brings the workers up to the level of earning what they would be given in welfare, if they were not working.

It would be better if the private businesses would pay them more than below poverty wages....but what can we do about that????

the couples making $40k that can still qualify for the earned income credit is a bit much imho, but for the poorest, I think it is a good keeps them working vs not....and working builds ones self esteem and teaches their kids something about life that sitting on their bums collecting welfare wouldn't.

That's just how I see it.
&#8220;The problem with socialism is that you eventually, run out of other people&#8217;s money.&#8221;

- Margaret Thatcher
I personally, don't believe the STORY. Call me a "Doubting Thomas" if you wish, but I don't buy in to the $6000 back at tax time, even as a single mother with 2 kids....

I know someone that paid in 650.00 and got a $5,000.00 refund with one child. Don't believe it if you don't want but it happens everywhere.

Tax Credit is just that, a credit from taxes. It has nothing to do with what you paid in. Earned income tax credit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the maximum she could have gotten from EIC, if she had reached the high income plateau, is about $3000.

this, from the link:

For tax year 2010, the maximum EIC for a person or couple without qualifying children is $457, with one qualifying child is $3,050,


that was the most confusing thing i have ever read....boy are our taxes messed up....if i said i understood 10% of their explanation of the EIC i would be exaggerating! :eek:

I have no problem with the gives poor people a reason to work, and not sit on their bums collecting TANF(welfare)....

if the EIC were not given, then with some of the poor, they would be better off on welfare....the EIC, brings the workers up to the level of earning what they would be given in welfare, if they were not working.

It would be better if the private businesses would pay them more than below poverty wages....but what can we do about that????

the couples making $40k that can still qualify for the earned income credit is a bit much imho, but for the poorest, I think it is a good keeps them working vs not....and working builds ones self esteem and teaches their kids something about life that sitting on their bums collecting welfare wouldn't.

That's just how I see it.
You forgot about the child care tax credit and the deduction for dependents. Whoops. I'm a bookkeeper, I do this for a living. ;)
*Is still waiting to see if they would trade places with them*

I mean, it should be an easy decision right?

They don't pay taxes and you do, so trade places with them.
No you're not reading it correctly, 47% pay no federal income taxes.

I am reading it correctly. I am also interpreting it honestly. You are not.

How can I misinterpret the fact that 47% of Americans pay no federal INCOME taxes. Isn't that what I said???:confused:

It's there from CNN in black and white, on a chart. Are you sure you're reading it right or are you repeating what you've been told??

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