Are you one of the 53%

I made $19,000 last year (below the poverty line). I owe the IRS $2,500 on that income. That's on top my local taxes and sales tax. So you can take "your 47% pay no taxes" and your "poor people are lazy mooches" argument and shove it up your rotten gape. Drop dead.
How can I misinterpret the fact that 47% of Americans pay no federal INCOME taxes.

By suggesting that it means those who do pay federal income taxes are supporting those who don't. That would only be true if the 47% were, in fact, paying no taxes at all -- as you originally and falsely claimed.

It's simple enough.

If 57% pay taxes and 47% don't, then the 57% support the 47%.

If 57% pay taxes and 47% do, too, then the 57% DON'T support the 47%.

In the latter case, this thread has no significance. Either it is a false claim that means something, or it is a true claim that means nothing.
I made $19,000 last year (below the poverty line). I owe the IRS $2,500 on that income. That's on top my local taxes and sales tax. So you can take "your 47% pay no taxes" and your "poor people are lazy mooches" argument and shove it up your rotten gape. Drop dead.

Jeeze, it's 47% pay no FEDERAL INCOME taxes. :tongue:
I made $19,000 last year (below the poverty line). I owe the IRS $2,500 on that income. That's on top my local taxes and sales tax. So you can take "your 47% pay no taxes" and your "poor people are lazy mooches" argument and shove it up your rotten gape. Drop dead.

Jeeze, it's 47% pay no FEDERAL INCOME taxes. :tongue:

That's not what you said in the OP (before you changed it).
How can I misinterpret the fact that 47% of Americans pay no federal INCOME taxes.

By suggesting that it means those who do pay federal income taxes are supporting those who don't. That would only be true if the 47% were, in fact, paying no taxes at all -- as you originally and falsely claimed.

It's simple enough.

If 57% pay taxes and 47% don't, then the 57% support the 47%.

If 57% pay taxes and 47% do, too, then the 57% DON'T support the 47%.

In the latter case, this thread has no significance. Either it is a false claim that means something, or it is a true claim that means nothing.

Alrighty then, I think you need to go back an check your math 57 + 47 is over 100. And yes, what those 53% pay in FED INCOME TAX goes to what ever social program the feds say they do.

Yep, those 53% are supporting what that 47% don't.
I know someone that paid in 650.00 and got a $5,000.00 refund with one child. Don't believe it if you don't want but it happens everywhere.

Tax Credit is just that, a credit from taxes. It has nothing to do with what you paid in. Earned income tax credit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the maximum she could have gotten from EIC, if she had reached the high income plateau, is about $3000.

this, from the link:

For tax year 2010, the maximum EIC for a person or couple without qualifying children is $457, with one qualifying child is $3,050,

that was the most confusing thing i have ever read....boy are our taxes messed up....if i said i understood 10% of their explanation of the EIC i would be exaggerating! :eek:

I have no problem with the gives poor people a reason to work, and not sit on their bums collecting TANF(welfare)....

if the EIC were not given, then with some of the poor, they would be better off on welfare....the EIC, brings the workers up to the level of earning what they would be given in welfare, if they were not working.

It would be better if the private businesses would pay them more than below poverty wages....but what can we do about that????

the couples making $40k that can still qualify for the earned income credit is a bit much imho, but for the poorest, I think it is a good keeps them working vs not....and working builds ones self esteem and teaches their kids something about life that sitting on their bums collecting welfare wouldn't.

That's just how I see it.
You forgot about the child care tax credit and the deduction for dependents. Whoops. I'm a bookkeeper, I do this for a living. ;)
yes, the child tax credit...I am gonna google it to see how it works...that is, if I can understand it.....the earned income credit thingy has blown my mind, a plateau, 16% reduction to a 21% reduction, phasing in and phasing out, with no more than 3k in income other than earned and all that crapola was extremely confusing......and still is....

all of those extra child tax credits and raising the income of EIC recipients are all part of the Bush tax cuts I believe???
I made $19,000 last year (below the poverty line). I owe the IRS $2,500 on that income. That's on top my local taxes and sales tax. So you can take "your 47% pay no taxes" and your "poor people are lazy mooches" argument and shove it up your rotten gape. Drop dead.

Jeeze, it's 47% pay no FEDERAL INCOME taxes. :tongue:

That's not what you said in the OP (before you changed it).
So, now you know. :)
What do republicans/conservatives usually say when Businesses or corporations owe no income taxes and get subsidies above that...? Does this bother them as much as it bothers them about someone making 10k a year not paying any income taxes?
I made $19,000 last year (below the poverty line). I owe the IRS $2,500 on that income. That's on top my local taxes and sales tax. So you can take "your 47% pay no taxes" and your "poor people are lazy mooches" argument and shove it up your rotten gape. Drop dead.

Jeeze, it's 47% pay no FEDERAL INCOME taxes. :tongue:

That's not what you said in the OP (before you changed it).

I fixed it just for you last night, and yes now you know.

You should feel special, I did that for you. :lol:

Here's what I said, it doesn't look like I said 47% pay no taxes in the OP.
Are you someone who actually pays taxes so the other 47% can get government assistance for nothing??

You've misquoted me, sadness abounds. :(

I did go back and clarify it for you, I even typed real s l o w.
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Jeeze, it's 47% pay no FEDERAL INCOME taxes. :tongue:

That's not what you said in the OP (before you changed it).

I fixed it just for you last night, and yes now you know.

You should feel special, I did that for you. :lol:

Here's what I said, it doesn't look like I said 47% pay no taxes in the OP.
Are you someone who actually pays taxes so the other 47% can get government assistance for nothing??

You've misquoted me, sadness abounds. :(

I did go back and clarify it for you, I even typed real s l o w.

You did say that 47% pay no taxes. You just admitted that you changed it. I didn't misquote you; I accurately described what you did - you changed the OP from saying 47% pay no taxes to 47% pay no federal taxes. You misquoted yourself.
So, now you know. :)

Yep, now I know that the OP was complete BS, so in order to maintain some semblance of honesty, the OP was changed. A little too late though.
Well, if you want to continue arguing a point that no one is making any longer, go for it.

To each his own. :eusa_eh:

I will. I'll keep pointing out that the naturegirl is a liar who had to change the OP in order to fit her own ever-changing argument.
Yep, now I know that the OP was complete BS, so in order to maintain some semblance of honesty, the OP was changed. A little too late though.
Well, if you want to continue arguing a point that no one is making any longer, go for it.

To each his own. :eusa_eh:

I will. I'll keep pointing out that the naturegirl is a liar who had to change the OP in order to fit her own ever-changing argument.
that's a tad harsh on judgement, imho. Although NG and I come from different sides of the aisle, I don't believe for one minute she stated it one way and then changed it to confuse us all....

She realized with the responses to the thread, that she did NOT make it clear on what taxes she was talking about and corrected herself, again, in my opinion.
well, I knew a hell of a lot of people getting this earned income and getting 6K checks and paid nothing while we paid.

it is an EARNED income credit. Those people getting this $6k back at the end of the tax year can ONLY get back, federal taxes that they have paid in payroll taxes....not a dime more, is my understanding of the EIC.

so, they are not taking your tax monies, but given a break on their own taxes due.

So it all evens out... they get back in what they were taxed out.

The bottom line is that they did not pay up, give up, not get back, never see again, not theirs any more, no longer money in their pockets, not theirs any more to spend..... money into the tax system.

It would be fair to say... they did not pay any federal tax.
I made $19,000 last year (below the poverty line). I owe the IRS $2,500 on that income. That's on top my local taxes and sales tax. So you can take "your 47% pay no taxes" and your "poor people are lazy mooches" argument and shove it up your rotten gape. Drop dead.

13% on $19,000 huh?

Yeah, no one believes you.

Here is a hint zombie, when you lie, try not to make it so outrageous that people laugh out loud when they read it.

The above just reveals you as a fucking moron.
that's a tad harsh on judgement, imho. Although NG and I come from different sides of the aisle, I don't believe for one minute she stated it one way and then changed it to confuse us all....

She realized with the responses to the thread, that she did NOT make it clear on what taxes she was talking about and corrected herself, again, in my opinion.

Nah. She lied initially, got caught on it, and then changed it without changing the argument or acknowledging that it became invalid on the basis of a true premise.

The point of this thread is not to claim anything about taxes except as a means to the end of claiming that 53% of the population support the other 47% who are lazy moochers.

The basis of this claim was the lie that the 47% pay no taxes.

The truth -- that the 47% pay no federal income tax but DO pay taxes -- does not logically support the claim that they are lazy moochers being supported by the 53%.

Changing the factual claim without acknowledging that the real point of the thread was bogus is just as dishonest, although in a slightly more subtle way, as the original lie.
well, I knew a hell of a lot of people getting this earned income and getting 6K checks and paid nothing while we paid.

it is an EARNED income credit. Those people getting this $6k back at the end of the tax year can ONLY get back, federal taxes that they have paid in payroll taxes....not a dime more, is my understanding of the EIC.

so, they are not taking your tax monies, but given a break on their own taxes due.

So it all evens out... they get back in what they were taxed out.

The bottom line is that they did not pay up, give up, not get back, never see again, not theirs any more, no longer money in their pockets, not theirs any more to spend..... money into the tax system.

It would be fair to say... they did not pay any federal tax.
well, i think i was wrong on how the EIC works...though i still don't understand it...?????

Not really fair to say that either syrenn...because they do pay federal taxes....they pay federal social security taxes and they pay federal medicare taxes and they pay federal gas and cigarett taxes if they drive or smoke and there might even be a federal liquor tax, I'm uncertain.

and they buy alot of stuff, from corporations who produce products that have their corporate income taxes built in to the price of the product, for the most part....

I don't think there is a soul that doesn't come out paying some federal support their nation.

In addition to this, the SS surplus monies that all working people pay, has gone to mask the spending of the federal government's budget that income taxes should have been paying for.....and now, when the money comes due to pay back these SS surplus monies, the govt wants to cut their benefits that was promised.... so essentially, their SS surplus has been paying for what income taxes should have been paying...
Well, if you want to continue arguing a point that no one is making any longer, go for it.

To each his own. :eusa_eh:

I will. I'll keep pointing out that the naturegirl is a liar who had to change the OP in order to fit her own ever-changing argument.
that's a tad harsh on judgement, imho. Although NG and I come from different sides of the aisle, I don't believe for one minute she stated it one way and then changed it to confuse us all....

She realized with the responses to the thread, that she did NOT make it clear on what taxes she was talking about and corrected herself, again, in my opinion.

Thanks and I didn't change the OP at all, I just added the ETA....,etc.

I agree with you that our tax code is totally out of control. I don't know how anyone can prepare a tax return with any mode of confidence if they are claiming EIC, Child Care credits and other deductions. But hey, it keeps the accountants and tax preparers employed. :)

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