arguements over a mississippi confederate statue

We want to erase your culture. The history of you deplorable mutants however should be taught to every American child in school.
Couldn't those wanting to keep the racist statue just acknowledge their forefathers' gratitude towards the black women they raped and forced into prostitution? LOL
Go and try little cuck. 😄
The difference between you and me is, I'm not a brain dead hateful leftist whose best idea is running around destroying other peoples' culture.

I told you what happens if you get in my face. That is all.
The difference between you and me is, I'm not a brain dead hateful leftist whose best idea is running around destroying other peoples' culture.

I told you what happens if you get in my face. That is all.
So your culture is hatred, racism and discrimination, that is all these statues and monuments represent.
I see.

In that case, I'll just tear down the George Floyd statues, because they're offensive and I don't like looking at them.

Did Geo. Floyd lead a fight to keep you enslaved?

So is tearing down them down. Ascribing a noble motive to either is falling for propaganda.

No, tearing them down is to let people know we aren't proud of what they did.

Why do Confederates deserve statues? They almost destroyed the Union so a few rich people could keep owning other people.

but they didnt do them all . some remain so no forgets how bad and wrong it is.

Okay, I am for consigning a few of these statues to a museum, as long as that museum also educates people about who bad slavery and the Confederacy were.
Did Geo. Floyd lead a fight to keep you enslaved?

No, tearing them down is to let people know we aren't proud of what they did.

Why do Confederates deserve statues? They almost destroyed the Union so a few rich people could keep owning other people.

Okay, I am for consigning a few of these statues to a museum, as long as that museum also educates people about who bad slavery and the Confederacy were.
How bout don't look at the statue . Idiots, all of you democrats.
Am I the only one who sees a star, and nothing else?
/-----/ That's all I see. Sadly, too many folks refuse to study history and just run with their feelings.

The Bonnie Blue Flag​


On 9 January 1861, the Convention of the People of Mississippi adopted an Ordinance of Secession. With the announcement of the Ordinance, a large blue flag bearing a single white star was raised over the capitol building in Jackson. One of the witnesses to this event, an Irish-born actor named Harry Macarthy, was so inspired by the spectacle that he wrote a song entitled The Bonnie Blue Flag, which was destined to be the second most popular patriotic song in the Confederacy. If your computer has an audio system, the tune you are hearing is Macarthy’s The Bonnie Blue Flag.

So putting up a statue to a racist is okay if you just tell people to avert their eyes.

Forget that you are glorifying a racist.
Don't get butt hurt at wvery little thing you eyes see.... will the statue hurt you? Will it make you cry? Will it follow you home ? Seems you should be more butt hurt because Biden and his fellow anti American administration is crippling America with 5 dollar per gallon gasoline , record inflation , supply shortages , wide open southern borders. But no, that doesn't outrage you idiots , in fact you cheer it on . You fools go after statues. Not your elite child bangers on Epstein Island . No its statues that are racists . I can't stand you morons
Don't get butt hurt at wvery little thing you eyes see.... will the statue hurt you? Will it make you cry? Will it follow you home ? Seems you should be more butt hurt because Biden and his fellow anti American administration is crippling America with 5 dollar per gallon gasoline , record inflation , supply shortages , wide open southern borders. But no, that doesn't outrage you idiots , in fact you cheer it on . You fools go after statues. Not your elite child bangers on Epstein Island . No its statues that are racists . I can't stand you morons
You do know the guy who let Epstein off in Miami worked for the Trump administration right? Deplorables beget more deplorables.
No, tearing them down is to let people know we aren't proud of what they did.
Who is "we" if not the people now in charge, who want to let us know that they are in charge?
Why do Confederates deserve statues? They almost destroyed the Union so a few rich people could keep owning other people.
The union was no better. No better at all. Tear down all the confederate statues that you want. Just tear down the Union ones as well.
Get real. These statues were never about history, they were about letting people know who was in charge

That's the same when it comes to tearing them down as well.
It's still doesn't have anything to do with the statue or the history.

Who is "we" if not the people now in charge, who want to let us know that they are in charge?

The union was no better. No better at all. Tear down all the confederate statues that you want. Just tear down the Union ones as well.
Listen to this guy. Tear down every deplorable white you clowns venerate and at won't have any more problems. 😄
So your culture is hatred, racism and discrimination, that is all these statues and monuments represent.

For over 150 years, they have been accepted as harmless symbols of regional pride.

You are lying. To justify your bad behavior.

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