Arizona execution goes terribly wrong

The execution did not go wrong. It ended with the desired result. It just took a bit longer.

Bring back the firing squad or hanging. Quick and cheap.

Why not the Guillotine? Makes everyone happy.

It's quick but still fulfills the bloodlust of the folks who just want to kill someone.

Guillotine works too. It's so quick it's painless. If it is gory it is only gory for observers. The executed don't even know.
We have done lethal injection before.
Now they have no idea how to do it.
Were states forced to use a different procedure by Libs.
Now it's a disaster by design? So now there is outrage and we need to end it?

More like, other countries that were providing the drugs to do it aren't playing along anymore...

because it's fucking barbaric.

Here are my two problems with the Death Penalty.

Eventually, you are going to get the wrong guy, if you haven't already. 148 people on death row have been let go because someone else did what they were convicted of.

Second, in attempts to keep the first one from happening, ever, we spend a huge amount of money second- guessing and re-examining cases of the 3100 on Death Rows so we can execute 30 or so of them a year.

Your second problem doesn't make sense.
This could lead to the abolition of executions.

Arizona Execution of Joseph Wood Took Nearly Two Hours - NBC News

An Arizona execution took nearly two hours on Wednesday, and witnesses said he gasped and snorted for well over an hour.

The execution of double-murderer Joseph Wood — which Arizona carried out with a lethal-injection it had never before tried — is certain to fan the debate over how U.S. states carry out the death penalty.

"I've never witnessed an execution that took that long," defense lawyer Dale Baich told NBC News. "The state of Arizona today conducted a failed experiment....It was horrible to watch."

He killed two people then he got killed. Move on folks ... nothing to see here. Justice was served.
Why don't they just use a morphine drip or dilaudid with an O2 mask slowly turned to a nitrogen/CO2 mix?
Arizona execution goes terribly wrong
Next time don't commit murder, and this won't happen to you. I hope this serves as a deterrent to anyone planning on taking an innocent life.

But the thing is, it doesn't. They've been executing people for a long time and people still commit heinous crimes.

I have no problem with the death penalty, some criminals don't deserve to continue living, but I don't think torturing anyone, regardless of their crime, is necessary. If the whole idea is just to end their lives, why not just give them an overdose of sleeping pills. It seems to work for people that want to commit suicide.
Arizona execution goes terribly wrong
Next time don't commit murder, and this won't happen to you. I hope this serves as a deterrent to anyone planning on taking an innocent life.

But the thing is, it doesn't. They've been executing people for a long time and people still commit heinous crimes.

I have no problem with the death penalty, some criminals don't deserve to continue living, but I don't think torturing anyone, regardless of their crime, is necessary. If the whole idea is just to end their lives, why not just give them an overdose of sleeping pills. It seems to work for people that want to commit suicide.

I don't give a fuck of someone tortures someone who actually deserves it as long as it isn't the government doing it.
I believe in execution for crimes like premeditated murder, serial murder, serial rape and child rape.

However - I think too much time passes between sentencing and the carrying out of the sentence. States should set up special courts to expedite the review of these cases and make sure there was no rush to judgement or procedural misconduct. This should take no longer than 6 months. A three judge panel could review the cases, hear arguments etc and then sign off on the sentence.

Executions should be swift and clean. These botch jobs get too much bad press. The extremes from both sides come running out, the blood-thirsty assholes we see on this thread and the bleeding hearts screaming at each other. Just noise and screaming extremes. Both extremes should just STFU and let the smart pragmatics run things.
I love it, just watched a family member of the victim who watched the execution...she said who cares, he didn't suffer like my family!
Perhaps this is just my dark sense of humor, but when I first read this title I thought, "How does an execution go wrong?, does the condemned person simply not die?"

All this tells me is that to properly execute somebody perhaps we should use the same method slaughter houses use to slaughter animals. A pneumatic killing hammer, or electricity, seems far more humane. If you position the pneumatic killing hammer properly the condemned will be dead before the hit the floor, seems more humane than poisoning them to death. Also with the right amperage a 50,000 volts can stop any brain activity quicker than a blink of the eye.

If I was condemned and had a choice it would be electricity. Snap, dead, just like that.
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I wonder how long his victims snorted and gasped.

I wonder if Joseph Wood was one of those people who might not have done the crime?
Did he confess? Did someone actually see him murder two people?
I wonder how long his victims snorted and gasped.

I wonder if Joseph Wood was one of those people who might not have done the crime?
Did he confess? Did someone actually see him murder two people?

Oh yeah he confessed. He said it was mental illness and his use of methamphetamines. It should have taken three hours to off that druggie bastard.
A Pima County jury convicted Joseph Rudolph Wood, III ("Defendant") of two counts of first degree murder and two counts of aggravated assault. The trial court sentenced him to death for each murder and to imprisonment for the assaults. Appeal to this court from the death sentences is automatic. Ariz.R.Crim.P. 26.15, 31.2(b). We have jurisdiction under Ariz. Const. art. VI, § 5(3), A.R.S. §§ 13-4031 and 13-4033(A), and Ariz.R.Crim.P. 31.

A Pima County jury convicted Joseph Rudolph Wood, III ("Defendant") of two counts of first degree murder and two counts of aggravated assault. The trial court sentenced him to death for each murder and to imprisonment for the assaults. Appeal to this court from the death sentences is automatic. Ariz.R.Crim.P. 26.15, 31.2(b). We have jurisdiction under Ariz. Const. art. VI, § 5(3), A.R.S. §§ 13-4031 and 13-4033(A), and Ariz.R.Crim.P. 31.


After reading the brief in your link, without a reasonable doubt it appears that Joseph Wood was guilty. Still, the state has taken something that it cannot give back...a human life. I am saddened by the death of anyone; but, state sanctioned death seems so out of character for a Christian dominated justice system. The light of Pro-life suddenly fades and is replaced by the dark shroud of vengeance. Here, the state of Arizona has conducted a very late stage abortion on a living being but the Pro-Lifers now are no where to be found!

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