Arizona execution goes terribly wrong

The execution didn't go terribly wrong as we are all led to believe.

The execution did produce the desired result. Joseph Wood got exactly what he deserved with pain, suffering and death.

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Tell me what makes you think a person who plans and commits horrific murders and is found guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt deserves to live?

it's not about "deserving to live". it's about us not torturing them to death. it says more about us than them.

i'll refer you to the 8th Amendment, as well, since, apparently, only the 2nd matters to the right... the 1st, the 4th, the 5th... you don't like those so much.

Don't forget the 14th, which specifically allows the death penalty.

Simple solution...add another the 19th was done.
Vote in Congress or wherever it is done.
Alice Paul and the lady suffragists campaigned, finally got President Wilson to support them around WW1, and they got enough votes to have the 19th Amendment enacted.

Death penalty abolished...all gone...death chambers all gone as America joins the UN Declaration of Human Rights 'Christian West' family...breaks away from the likes of China, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, etc.
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Tell me what makes you think a person who plans and commits horrific murders and is found guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt deserves to live?

The person must protect the justice system from killing innocent people.
All convicteds must be kept case they've been wrongfully convicted by design or honest error.
Can't dig up execution-homicided people, apologise to them and pay them compensation.

This; "it doesn't matter if a few slip thru the cracks [innocent people be executed-homicided], as long as the evil are eliminated from our society" ...that I encounter in American etc a very misguided mindset.

They'd be singing a different tune if it were one of their family members were the "a few".
This could lead to the abolition of executions.

Arizona Execution of Joseph Wood Took Nearly Two Hours - NBC News

An Arizona execution took nearly two hours on Wednesday, and witnesses said he gasped and snorted for well over an hour.

The execution of double-murderer Joseph Wood — which Arizona carried out with a lethal-injection it had never before tried — is certain to fan the debate over how U.S. states carry out the death penalty.

"I've never witnessed an execution that took that long," defense lawyer Dale Baich told NBC News. "The state of Arizona today conducted a failed experiment....It was horrible to watch."
What's wrong about it?
Yes....EVERY fucking conservative does a little dance each time someone is executed

I oppose the death penalty, so do a lot of other conservatives.

You are equally culpable

The ONLY reason we are one of the few countries to maintain the death penalty is because of American Conservatives

No, the reason it is still around is that it is actually in the Constitution that the government can kill you.
The execution did not go wrong. It ended with the desired result. It just took a bit longer.

Bring back the firing squad or hanging. Quick and cheap.

Why not the Guillotine? Makes everyone happy.

It's quick but still fulfills the bloodlust of the folks who just want to kill someone.

DAMN MAN !!!! you do come up with some great ideas at times, this time you are 100% right on :up: ............ :lmao:
More reason the world looks at us as barbarians

Not only does the state kill people but conservatives celebrate the torture

so everyone here saying they have no problem with this are Conservatives? are getting as bad as Dean RW....

Yes....EVERY fucking conservative does a little dance each time someone is executed

just wonderin how come you dont mention all your fellow lefties who also do that dance?.....
If that's what you consider justice, so be it.

So you're happy for America to join the other human rights wastelands of the world?
Execution-homiciding human beings in death chambers is barbaric.

Communist China


what a load of bs

actually the commies are better at it than the U.S.A., they put a bullet to the back of the head so if there are any harvestable organs they are not contaminated. :up:
Yes....EVERY fucking conservative does a little dance each time someone is executed

I oppose the death penalty, so do a lot of other conservatives.

You are equally culpable

The ONLY reason we are one of the few countries to maintain the death penalty is because of American Conservatives

so how come the liberals here in California defeated prop 34 which would have ended it in this State?.....
I'm sure most of us would. But that's not how the justice system is supposed to work.

the problem with the death penalty is that we frequently put the wrong guy on death row.

In Illinois, we had a guy named Ronaldo Cruz who was put on death row after another man named Brian Dugan confessed to the crime. Why did this happen? Because the officials in DuPage County couldn't admit they made a mistake.

i agree should be without a doubt for the death penalty.....

But what constitutes without a doubt.

the counterbalance to Rolando Cruz (an obviously innocent guy the system bent over backwards to railroad, even after someone else confessed) is John Wayne Gacy. The guy had 29 bodies buried under his house, he was as guilty as a cat in canary cage, and yet he still managed to not get executed for 15 years, because he kept filing appeals to his sentence and kept getting delays.

In this case that was botched yesterday, the guy had committed his two murders in 1989. that's how long it took for the appeals to run out, and then they screwed it up when it came time to execute him.

But what constitutes without a doubt.

when he is on camera or witnesses who testify....and i feel if you are without a doubt have 5 years to appeal not 25....5 years and you are out of there.....
Tell me what makes you think a person who plans and commits horrific murders and is found guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt deserves to live?

The person must protect the justice system from killing innocent people.
All convicteds must be kept case they've been wrongfully convicted by design or honest error.
Can't dig up execution-homicided people, apologise to them and pay them compensation.

This; "it doesn't matter if a few slip thru the cracks [innocent people be executed-homicided], as long as the evil are eliminated from our society" ...that I encounter in American etc a very misguided mindset.

They'd be singing a different tune if it were one of their family members were the "a few".

how is a person who is found guilty beyond a shadow of doubt....lets say he or she is on video clearly showing them doing can that person be wrongly convicted?.....
Why not the Guillotine? Makes everyone happy.

It's quick but still fulfills the bloodlust of the folks who just want to kill someone.

Guillotine works too. It's so quick it's painless. If it is gory it is only gory for observers. The executed don't even know.

how do you know? long does the head stay alive?....the brain has suffered no trauma....

would you like to volunteer ? and tell us how it feels ? :lmao:
More reason the world looks at us as barbarians

Not only does the state kill people but conservatives celebrate the torture

so everyone here saying they have no problem with this are Conservatives? are getting as bad as Dean RW....

Yes....EVERY fucking conservative does a little dance each time someone is executed

lets say for instance, a murderer killed your mother.., would you grieve for the killer ? and when his execution day arrived you would beg for mercy, admitting your mothers life was less than the killer ?

you fucking bleeding heart liberfucks deserve a thousand :fu:

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