Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trumpoholics are not conservatives. Conservatives oppose Trump. USMB is a mostly Trumper/Tea Party site.
So what you're saying is that the Tea Party created to get the country back to its conservative founding principles are not real conservatives.
There is very little conservatism in the trump republican party.
Oh really. And you would know HOW?
Well, they are definitely not fiscal conservatives. May have led the beginnings of ecologic and anti polution movement, but not conservative on that issue any more. Not conservative on viewpoint toward the Russian bear. They are willing to adopt radical change and accept/promote to achieve goals. They used to constitutional conservatives. Hard to tell if those constitutional conservatives are alive or had children that lived, if the views expressed on this board are an indication. There is nothing conservative about absolute hate for people in your own country that do not share every single viewpoint.
Who can be fiscally conservative right now? Impossible. Too much to solve. It would be political suicide. The cart has gone off the cliff.
It works for me. Fear that it is political suicide is political cowardice. Bribe your kids so they will prefer you to your wife much. Sounds like the way to go bankrupt, to me. Sooner or later credit card debt has to be dealt with or at least show progress. If on a corporate board, would you continue to extend unlimited credit to a business unit that was consistently failing to control it's capital management, loading the whole corporation with unproductive debt or not? A conservative would not let it get that far or at least would be a voice against the practice. You are the voice of the non-fiscal conservative republican party.
Perhaps these are better inform on the gerrymandering issue as applied to presidential politics.

Apparently I am not the only one concerned for the effects of gerrymandering on presidential elections.

I'm sorry White6 but you are wasting your time.

You can present all the honest facts in the world. You can fill a message box with link after link of honest facts.

The trump supporters won't even click on the links. Much less actually read the facts.
Fully realize, but finding sources easy with time on my hands.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?

She is no wannabee dictator. You are a crazy right wing kook.

It was Trump who was in denial for many weeks. It was Trump who invoked the Defense Production Act and waited weeks later to do anything with it. We still have very little in the way of testing.
Al Dims are wannabe dictators. They all want to run other people's lives.
I don't want to ruin your life BRI I just want to see you suffer
I love seeing you suffer every time Trump wins.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump.

The polls said Hillary was competitive in Arizona too...and Georgia...and Michigan...and Pennsylvania...and Florida.

How'd that work out for ya?

The polls are reported to manipulate people...that's what the trash media does. "Oh looky...the news says the guy 10 sandwiches short of a picnic is winning in Arizona...they must really think we're a bunch of dipshits to fall for the old 'get on the winning team' routine".

And they do think you're all dipshits that they can control like puppets on a string. Tell them to fuck off and quit watching.
Trump won Arizona by 3 1/2 percent after Romney and McCain won by 9 percent.

Those aren’t polls....those are votes

Republicans lost their long held Senate seat in 2018 , that wasn’t a poll either
Trump lost many close states too. We discussed this before. Do you have dementia?

That is not true. Of the states that went to each candidate by less than 5 points, Trump won 8 and Clinton won 4.

States won by Trump
Michigan, 0.23% – 16
Pennsylvania, 0.72% – 20
Wisconsin, 0.77% – 10
Florida, 1.20% – 29
Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District, 2.24% – 1
Maine, 2.96% – 2
Arizona, 3.55% – 11
North Carolina, 3.66% – 15
Total: 104

States won by Clinton
New Hampshire, 0.37% – 4
Minnesota, 1.52% – 10
Nevada, 2.42% – 6
Colorado, 4.91% – 9
Total: 29
Right so 4 could go to Trump. PA and Fla are huge. Could go either way.

Not really. Democrats swept statewide races in Colorado and are likely to turn out Gardner. They have the highest percentage of voters with degrees in the country. In Nevada, Democrats swept statewide races. In Minnesota, Democrats swept 3 statewide races in 2018 with the closest being a 9 point deficit.

Michigan is likely in the Democrat column as well as Pennsylvania. The Wisconsin primary was a red flag for Republicans.
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
It will

Americans rallied around Bush after 9-11, will they rally around Trump?

Bush was able to show compassion after 9-11, an emotion Trump does not possess

sociopaths are incapable of human emotion. they only feel self gratification.
Trump is 100% a sociopath. Most CEOs are.

& he's a malignant narcissist with arrested development.

all defective character flaws that the ' leader of the free world ' should be polar opposites of.
He is the same guy as Jack Welch and Steve Jobs was. You’re just too much of a snowflake. Soft.

Your best response yet. Love it.

you should learn to recognize a blow off when you see it.

btw you should also learn the diff between run of the mill narcissism & malignant narcissism; with donny donny donny donny being the latter.
I can tell the difference between ordinary stupid and mentally retarded, and you're the later.

lol...can you? you sure?

'cause it's spelled l-a-t-t-e-r.

even when it's spelled out right in front of you, you get it wrong.

This coming from someone who doesn’t know how to use capital letters.

which doesn't change the grammatical or spelling integrity of my posts.
It does. It makes you look like an ignorant loser. Probably accurately.

As do posts such as these. You voted for Gore? The Internet King? LOL. I did too. My first presidential election where I could vote. He got screwed.

sure sure. oh & i voted for ralph nader in 2000 because i wasn't a fan of gore & even less of one for my own state senator - joe liebertoady.
You didn’t like Joe because he is a Jew?

wtf? seriously, dude.
It was a joke. Chill.

you tried calling me antisemitic once b4, & you weren't joking around. i may not like *you*, but it has nothing to do with yer religion.
You support Ilhan Omar? Yes or no?

she's not my rep, nor do i know much about her. is this where you DO call me anti semitic again? does donny support steve bannon? does donny calling some of the torch bearers 'fine people' make HIM antisemitic? who cares if ivanka is jewish.... that really doesn't hold water, given she didn't convert until well into adulthood. if he didn't accept jared, he would have lost his baby girl... the real love of his life. ick ick ICK.
Amazing. Another incoherent post
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?

She is no wannabee dictator. You are a crazy right wing kook.

It was Trump who was in denial for many weeks. It was Trump who invoked the Defense Production Act and waited weeks later to do anything with it. We still have very little in the way of testing.
Al Dims are wannabe dictators. They all want to run other people's lives.
I don't want to ruin your life BRI I just want to see you suffer
I love seeing you suffer every time Trump wins.
Bri trump winning or Biden makes no difference to me financially I just like seeing scumbags like trump going down
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.
Trump is so thin skinned, do you want to watch him turn white? Boy.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.
Trump is so thin skinned, do you want to watch him turn white? Boy.
You’re thin skinned. You’re easily triggered. Snowflake.
Problem for democrats will be two things.

1. Excitement. Biden won’t bring out the crowds

2. Division, super communist and Biden communist. Many won’t vote for biden.

1. Voting against Trump will drive people to the polls. Even Trump admits the more voters there are, the more trouble he is in. He is losing African Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanics and female voters. His support among whites is down because of suburban whites.

2. Those voters will be replaced by suburban voters who reluctantly supported Trump.
Polls show trump getting almost 40% of the African-American vote that’s up from 8% Trump is going to sweep the country you guys won’t win California it’s over.

That is so much bullshit. Name a election in which Republicans got 40% of the black vote. Those polls were extremely inaccurate.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020
Polls. :auiqs.jpg:Like this one from 11/8/2016?
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
It will

Americans rallied around Bush after 9-11, will they rally around Trump?

Bush was able to show compassion after 9-11, an emotion Trump does not possess

sociopaths are incapable of human emotion. they only feel self gratification.
Trump is 100% a sociopath. Most CEOs are.

& he's a malignant narcissist with arrested development.

all defective character flaws that the ' leader of the free world ' should be polar opposites of.
He is the same guy as Jack Welch and Steve Jobs was. You’re just too much of a snowflake. Soft.

Your best response yet. Love it.

you should learn to recognize a blow off when you see it.

btw you should also learn the diff between run of the mill narcissism & malignant narcissism; with donny donny donny donny being the latter.
I can tell the difference between ordinary stupid and mentally retarded, and you're the later.

lol...can you? you sure?

'cause it's spelled l-a-t-t-e-r.

even when it's spelled out right in front of you, you get it wrong.

This coming from someone who doesn’t know how to use capital letters.

which doesn't change the grammatical or spelling integrity of my posts.
It does. It makes you look like an ignorant loser. Probably accurately.

As do posts such as these. You voted for Gore? The Internet King? LOL. I did too. My first presidential election where I could vote. He got screwed.

sure sure. oh & i voted for ralph nader in 2000 because i wasn't a fan of gore & even less of one for my own state senator - joe liebertoady.
You didn’t like Joe because he is a Jew?

wtf? seriously, dude.
It was a joke. Chill.

you tried calling me antisemitic once b4, & you weren't joking around. i may not like *you*, but it has nothing to do with yer religion.
You support Ilhan Omar? Yes or no?

she's not my rep, nor do i know much about her. is this where you DO call me anti semitic again? does donny support steve bannon? does donny calling some of the torch bearers 'fine people' make HIM antisemitic? who cares if ivanka is jewish.... that really doesn't hold water, given she didn't convert until well into adulthood. if he didn't accept jared, he would have lost his baby girl... the real love of his life. ick ick ICK.
Amazing. Another incoherent post

oh bullshit. you asked a specific question & i know why you asked. if i said i supported her - then of course that makes me antisemitic. are you kidding me? you're so fucking transparent.

tell me, zog - why did you ask me about omar? this isn't a thread about her - so why did you throw her name into the mix?

yaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... we both know why.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country

pennsylvania has joined up with NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, DE & MD to form a coalition against donny's incompetancy.

Those states got together to tow whatever line Nancy and Cuomo tell them to tow. This situation is now official 100% politics from here on.

& as the hayseed states follow donny's hunches - they will be the next hotspots if they aren't all ready, like s dakota... when they are still dropping like flies, the northeast & left coast will be back on our feet.
The hot spot in S Dakota is one immigrants community. They can drop like flies. That Chinese processing plant has been in need of a can of Raid since the Chinese took it over.

uh-huh. still vile as ever. kudos - at least you don't try to cover it up. btw - when the shelves are even more empty than they are now - don't say a fucking word about how you miss your bratwurst.
Are you trying to blame Trump for food shortages, asshole?

there aren't any food shortages, yet - but plants are closing because of disease & food is rotting because of people normally transporting it are getting sick & people can't pay for it. god damn yer stupid.

Wouldn't that be "tremendous" if the people starting to starve and it could be blamed on President Trump?

Unfortunately, this whole pandemic shit is way overblown. Most of the nation's doctors are sitting around with their thumbs up their butts as they are banned from doing their usual activities of administering colonoscopies and prostrate exams, and the Chinese Kung Flu patients aren't flocking into the hospital in the numbers the libs promised.
Hard not to blame him
He was willing to take the good, now he can take the bad

But the problem is that President Trump didn't start the Chinese Kung Flu, and he isn't the one driving the panic and hysteria around it.
Just walk on by Pole Right? Ignore it You go to the next trump rally along with 1000's of your republican friends Please ,,,I beg you Take bri and lantern with you
I love going to Trump rallies.
If there was a way I'd pay your transportation
You can transfer the money to my checking account by using my email address.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
May we please wait for a Trump - Biden debate before we declare winners/losers? We don't even know who the VP for Biden will be yet.
I don’t think the debates will matter much.

What will matter is the state of the economy by November.
Debates and VP choice will matter. Come on man.

In most elections....

During a national disaster?
Not as much
Yeah, that's what you're hoping. That's why you and your fellow douchebags are trying to make the disaster as big as possible. You don't give a damn about saving lives.
That’s what we have
Like it or not

Trump was willing to ride an economy that was good, now he has to weather an economy on the dumps.

Shit happens
He's not responsible for this recession, asshole, no matter how hard you try to pin it on him. Thanks for admitting that you want to inflict hardship on Americans purely for the sake of gaining political power.
Doesn’t matter

It’s his economy
You and your ilk have been claiming for over three years that it's Obama's economy.
Just when he took over He grew it on Obama's shoulders How'd you think he would have done if he came into office after GWB?
Great. The deregulation was the key. Obama just lowered rates to the floor and didn't do much else.
obama or the fed?
Fed but that was all Obama really rode on. Cheap debt. His sequester damaged military contractors and super low rates were there for almost the entirety of his 8 yrs. Corporate inversions were happening at record pace.
Congress passed the sequester and were unable to meet its term

Every agency took a 10 percent cut
Corporate inversions? What specifically did he or his policies do to jump start the economy sans the record low interest rates for 8 yrs and spending $10trn?
The economy was already on the rebound by the time Obama was inaugurated. His only policy was being in the right place at the right time.
If t was...

Why did we have negative GDP?
Why were we losing 800,000 jobs a month?
Why did the stock market continue to plummet?
Why did the banks and auto companies continue to fail?

Is that what we call a Republican Rebound?
What banks failed? List em.

According to the FDIC, 140 banks failed in 2009.

CNBC says these were some of the largest:

  • BankUnited, FSB. Coral Gables, Fla. :
  • AmTrust Bank. Cleveland, Ohio. ...
  • United Commercial Bank. San Francisco, Calif. ...
  • 6. California National Bank. Los Angeles, Calif. ...
  • Corus Bank. Chicago, Ill. ...
  • First Federal Bank of California, F.S.B. Santa Monica, Calif. ...
  • Park National Bank. Chicago, Ill. ...
  • Silverton Bank, N.A. Atlanta, Ga. : ...

The following 140 banks failed in 2009:[1]

BankCityStateDateAcquired byAssets
1National Bank of CommerceBerkeleyIllinoisJanuary 16, 2009Republic Bank of Chicago430.9
2Bank of Clark CountyVancouverWashingtonJanuary 16, 2009Umpqua Bank446.5
31st Centennial BankRedlandsCaliforniaJanuary 23, 2009First California Bank803.3
4MagnetBankSalt Lake CityUtahJanuary 30, 2009None (insured depositors paid directly)292.9
5Suburban FSBCroftonMarylandJanuary 30, 2009Bank of Essex360
6Ocala National BankOcalaFloridaJanuary 30, 2009CenterState Bank of Florida, N.A.223.5
7FirstBank Financial ServiceMcDonoughGeorgiaFebruary 6, 2009Regions Bank337
8Alliance BankCulver CityCaliforniaFebruary 6, 2009California Bank and Trust1,140
9County BankMercedCaliforniaFebruary 6, 2009Westamerica Bank1,700
10Sherman County BankLoup CityNebraskaFebruary 13, 2009Heritage Bank129.8
11Riverside Bank of the Gulf CoastCape CoralFloridaFebruary 13, 2009TIB Bank539
12Corn Belt Bank & Trust Co.PittsfieldIllinoisFebruary 13, 2009The Carlinville National Bank271.8
13Pinnacle Bank of OregonBeavertonOregonFebruary 13, 2009Washington Trust Bank of Spokane73
14Silver Falls BankSilvertonOregonFebruary 20, 2009Citizens Bank131.4
15Heritage Community BankGlenwoodIllinoisFebruary 27, 2009MB Financial Bank, N.A.232.9
16Security Savings BankHendersonNevadaFebruary 27, 2009Bank of Nevada238.3
17Freedom Bank of GeorgiaCommerceGeorgiaMarch 6, 2009Northeast Georgia Bank173
18FirstCity BankStockbridgeGeorgiaMarch 20, 2009None (insured depositors paid directly)297
19Colorado National BankColorado SpringsColoradoMarch 20, 2009Herring Bank123.9
20TeamBank, NAPaolaKansasMarch 20, 2009Great Southern Bank669.8
21Omni National BankAtlantaGeorgiaMarch 27, 2009SunTrust Bank956.0
22Cape Fear BankWilmingtonNorth CarolinaApril 10, 2009First Federal Savings and Loan Association492
23New Frontier BankGreeleyColoradoApril 10, 2009None (Wound down by FDIC as receiver)2,000
24American Sterling BankSugar CreekMissouriApril 17, 2009Metcalf Bank181
25Great Basin Bank of NevadaElkoNevadaApril 17, 2009Nevada State Bank271
26American Southern BankKennesawGeorgiaApril 24, 2009Bank of North Georgia112.3
27Michigan Heritage BankFarmington HillsMichiganApril 24, 2009Level One Bank184.6
28First Bank of Beverly HillsCalabasasCaliforniaApril 24, 2009None (insured depositors paid directly)1,500
29First Bank of IdahoKetchumIdahoApril 24, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.488.9
30Silverton Bank, NAAtlantaGeorgiaMay 1, 2009None (insured depositors paid directly)4,100
31Citizens Community BankRidgewoodNew JerseyMay 1, 2009North Jersey Community Bank45.1
32America West BankLaytonUtahMay 1, 2009Cache Valley Bank299.4
33Westsound BankBremertonWashingtonMay 8, 2009Kitsap Bank334.6
34BankUnited FSBCoral GablesFloridaMay 21, 2009BankUnited12,800
35Strategic Capital BankChampaignIllinoisMay 22, 2009Midland States Bank537
36Citizens National BankMacombIllinoisMay 22, 2009Morton Community Bank437
37Bank of LincolnwoodLincolnwoodIllinoisJune 5, 2009Republic Bank of Chicago214
38Southern Community BankFayettevilleGeorgiaJune 19, 2009United Community Bank377
39Cooperative BankWilmingtonNorth CarolinaJune 19, 2009First Bank970
40First National Bank of AnthonyAnthonyKansasJune 19, 2009Bank of Kansas156.9
41Community Bank of West GeorgiaVilla RicaGeorgiaJune 26, 2009None (insured depositors paid directly)199.4
42Neighborhood Community BankNewnanGeorgiaJune 26, 2009Charterbank221.6
43Horizon BankPine CityMinnesotaJune 26, 2009Stearns Bank, N.A.87.6
44MetroPacific BankIrvineCaliforniaJune 26, 2009Sunwest Bank80
45Mirae BankLos AngelesCaliforniaJune 26, 2009Wilshire State Bank456
46First National Bank of DanvilleDanvilleIllinoisJuly 2, 2009First Financial Bank, N.A.166
47Rock River BankOregonIllinoisJuly 2, 2009The Harvard State Bank77
48John Warner BankClintonIllinoisJuly 2, 2009State Bank of Lincoln70
49First State Bank of WinchesterWinchesterIllinoisJuly 2, 2009The First National Bank of Beardstown36
50Elizabeth State BankElizabethIllinoisJuly 2, 2009Galena State Bank and Trust Company56
51Millennium State Bank of TexasDallasTexasJuly 2, 2009State Bank of Texas118
52Founders BankWorthIllinoisJuly 2, 2009The PrivateBank and Trust Company963
53Bank of WyomingThermopolisWyomingJuly 10, 2009Central Bank and Trust70
54Temecula Valley BankTemeculaCaliforniaJuly 17, 2009First-Citizens Bank and Trust Company1,500
55Vineyard BankRancho CucamongaCaliforniaJuly 17, 2009California Bank and Trust1,900
56BankFirstSioux FallsSouth DakotaJuly 17, 2009Alerus Financial, N.A.275
57First Piedmont BankWinderGeorgiaJuly 17, 2009First American Bank and Trust Company115
58Security Bank of Bibb CountyMaconGeorgiaJuly 24, 2009State Bank and Trust Company1,200
59Security Bank of North MetroWoodstockGeorgiaJuly 24, 2009State Bank and Trust Company224
60Security Bank of North FultonAlpharettaGeorgiaJuly 24, 2009State Bank and Trust Company209
61Security Bank of Gwinnett CountySuwaneeGeorgiaJuly 24, 2009State Bank and Trust Company322
62Security Bank of Jones CountyGrayGeorgiaJuly 24, 2009State Bank and Trust Company453
63Security Bank of Houston CountyPerryGeorgiaJuly 24, 2009State Bank and Trust Company383
64Waterford Village BankWilliamsvilleNew YorkJuly 24, 2009Evans Bank, N.A.61
65Integrity BankJupiterFloridaJuly 31, 2009Stonegate Bank119
66First State Bank of AltusAltusOklahomaJuly 31, 2009Herring Bank103
67First BankAmericanoElizabethNew JerseyJuly 31, 2009Crown Bank166
68Peoples Community BankWest ChesterOhioJuly 31, 2009First Financial Bank, N.A.706
69Mutual BankHarveyIllinoisJuly 31, 2009United Central Bank1,600
70First State BankSarasotaFloridaAugust 7, 2009Stearns Bank, N.A.463
71Community National Bank of Sarasota CountyVeniceFloridaAugust 7, 2009Stearns Bank, N.A.97
72Community First BankPrinevilleOregonAugust 7, 2009Home Federal Bank209
73Union Bank, NAGilbertArizonaAugust 14, 2009MidFirst Bank124
74Dwelling House Savings and Loan AssociationPittsburghPennsylvaniaAugust 14, 2009PNC Bank, N.A.13
75Colonial BankMontgomeryAlabamaAugust 14, 2009Branch Banking and Trust (BB&T)25,000
76Community Bank of ArizonaPhoenixArizonaAugust 14, 2009MidFirst Bank156
77Community Bank of NevadaLas VegasNevadaAugust 14, 2009None (insured depositors paid directly)159
78First Coweta BankNewnanGeorgiaAugust 21, 2009United Bank167
79Guaranty BankAustinTexasAugust 21, 2009BBVA Compass13,000
80CapitalSouth BankBirminghamAlabamaAugust 21, 2009IBERIABANK617
81ebankAtlantaGeorgiaAugust 21, 2009Stearns Bank, N.A.143
82Bradford BankBaltimoreMarylandAugust 28, 2009Manufacturers & Traders Trust Company452
83Mainstreet BankForest LakeMinnesotaAugust 28, 2009Central Bank459
84Affinity BankVenturaCaliforniaAugust 28, 2009Pacific Western Bank1,000
85First Bank of Kansas CityKansas CityMissouriSeptember 4, 2009Great American Bank16
86InBankOak ForestIllinoisSeptember 4, 2009MB Financial Bank, N.A.212
87Vantus BankSioux CityIowaSeptember 4, 2009Great Southern Bank458
88Platinum Community BankRolling MeadowsIllinoisSeptember 4, 2009None (insured depositors paid directly)346
89First State BankFlagstaffArizonaSeptember 4, 2009Sunwest Bank105
90Corus BankChicagoIllinoisSeptember 11, 2009MB Financial Bank, N.A.7,000
91Brickwell Community BankWoodburyMinnesotaSeptember 11, 2009CorTrust Bank, N.A.72
92Venture BankLaceyWashingtonSeptember 11, 2009First-Citizens Bank and Trust Company970
93Irwin Union Bank and Trust CompanyColumbusIndianaSeptember 18, 2009First Financial Bank, N.A.2,700
94Irwin Union Bank, F.S.B.LouisvilleKentuckySeptember 18, 2009First Financial Bank, N.A.493
95Georgian BankAtlantaGeorgiaSeptember 25, 2009First Citizens Bank and Trust Company2,000
96Warren BankWarrenMichiganOctober 2, 2009The Huntington National Bank538
97Jennings State BankSpring GroveMinnesotaOctober 2, 2009Central Bank56
98South Colorado National BankPuebloColoradoOctober 2, 2009Legacy Bank40
99San Joaquin BankBakersfieldCaliforniaOctober 16, 2009Citizens Business Bank775
100Partners BankNaplesFloridaOctober 23, 2009Stonegate Bank66
101American United BankLawrencevilleGeorgiaOctober 23, 2009Ameris Bank111
102Hillcrest Bank FloridaNaplesFloridaOctober 23, 2009Hillcrest Bank, N.A.83
103Flagship National BankBradentonFloridaOctober 23, 2009First Federal Bank of Florida190
104Bank of ElmwoodRacineWisconsinOctober 23, 2009Tri City National Bank327
105Riverview Community BankOtsegoMinnesotaOctober 23, 2009Central Bank108
106First DuPage Bank of WestmontWestmontIllinoisOctober 23, 2009First Midwest Bank279
107Community Bank of LemontLemontIllinoisOctober 30, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.82
108Bank USA, N.A.PhoenixArizonaOctober 30, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.213
109California National BankLos AngelesCaliforniaOctober 30, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.7,800
110San Diego National BankSan DiegoCaliforniaOctober 30, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.3,600
111Pacific National BankSan FranciscoCaliforniaOctober 30, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.2,300
112Park National BankChicagoIllinoisOctober 30, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.4,700
113Citizens National BankTeagueTexasOctober 30, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.118
114Madisonville State BankMadisonvilleTexasOctober 30, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.257
115North Houston BankHoustonTexasOctober 30, 2009U.S. Bank, N.A.326
116United Security BankSpartaGeorgiaNovember 6, 2009Ameris Bank157
117Home Federal Savings BankDetroitMichiganNovember 6, 2009Liberty Bank and Trust Company15
118Prosperan BankOakdaleMinnesotaNovember 6, 2009Alerus Financial, N.A.200
119Gateway Bank of St. LouisSt. LouisMissouriNovember 6, 2009Central Bank of Kansas City28
120United Commercial BankSan FranciscoCaliforniaNovember 6, 2009East West Bank11,200
121Century Bank, F.S.B.SarasotaFloridaNovember 13, 2009IBERIABANK728
122Orion BankNaplesFloridaNovember 13, 2009IBERIABANK2,700
123Pacific Coast National BankSan ClementeCaliforniaNovember 13, 2009Sunwest Bank134
124Commerce Bank of Southwest FloridaFort MyersFloridaNovember 20, 2009Central Bank80
125The Buckhead Community BankAtlantaGeorgiaDecember 4, 2009State Bank and Trust874
126First Security National BankNorcrossGeorgiaDecember 4, 2009State Bank and Trust128
127The Tattnall BankReidsvilleGeorgiaDecember 4, 2009Heritage Bank of the South50
128AmTrust BankClevelandOhioDecember 4, 2009New York Community Bank12,000
129Benchmark BankAuroraIllinoisDecember 4, 2009MB Financial Bank, N.A.170
130Greater Atlantic BankRestonVirginiaDecember 4, 2009Sonabank203
131Republic Federal Bank, N.A.MiamiFloridaDecember 11, 20091st United Bank433
132Valley Capital Bank, N.A.MesaArizonaDecember 11, 2009Enterprise Bank and Trust40
133SolutionsBankOverland ParkKansasDecember 11, 2009Arvest Bank511
134RockBridge Commercial BankAtlantaGeorgiaDecember 18, 2009None (insured depositors paid directly)294
135Peoples First Community BankPanama CityFloridaDecember 18, 2009Hancock Bank1,800
136Citizens State BankNew BaltimoreMichiganDecember 18, 2009None (insured depositors paid directly)169
137New South Federal Savings BankIrondaleAlabamaDecember 18, 2009Beal Bank1,500
138Independent Bankers' BankSpringfieldIllinoisDecember 18, 2009The Independent Bankers Bank586
139Imperial Capital BankLa JollaCaliforniaDecember 18, 2009City National Bank4,000
140First Federal Bank of California, F.S.B.Santa MonicaCaliforniaDecember 18, 2009OneWest Bank, FSB6,100
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
It will

Americans rallied around Bush after 9-11, will they rally around Trump?

Bush was able to show compassion after 9-11, an emotion Trump does not possess

sociopaths are incapable of human emotion. they only feel self gratification.
Trump is 100% a sociopath. Most CEOs are.

& he's a malignant narcissist with arrested development.

all defective character flaws that the ' leader of the free world ' should be polar opposites of.
He is the same guy as Jack Welch and Steve Jobs was. You’re just too much of a snowflake. Soft.

Your best response yet. Love it.

you should learn to recognize a blow off when you see it.

btw you should also learn the diff between run of the mill narcissism & malignant narcissism; with donny donny donny donny being the latter.
I can tell the difference between ordinary stupid and mentally retarded, and you're the later.

lol...can you? you sure?

'cause it's spelled l-a-t-t-e-r.

even when it's spelled out right in front of you, you get it wrong.

This coming from someone who doesn’t know how to use capital letters.

which doesn't change the grammatical or spelling integrity of my posts.
It does. It makes you look like an ignorant loser. Probably accurately.

As do posts such as these. You voted for Gore? The Internet King? LOL. I did too. My first presidential election where I could vote. He got screwed.

sure sure. oh & i voted for ralph nader in 2000 because i wasn't a fan of gore & even less of one for my own state senator - joe liebertoady.
You didn’t like Joe because he is a Jew?

wtf? seriously, dude.
It was a joke. Chill.

you tried calling me antisemitic once b4, & you weren't joking around. i may not like *you*, but it has nothing to do with yer religion.
You support Ilhan Omar? Yes or no?

she's not my rep, nor do i know much about her. is this where you DO call me anti semitic again? does donny support steve bannon? does donny calling some of the torch bearers 'fine people' make HIM antisemitic? who cares if ivanka is jewish.... that really doesn't hold water, given she didn't convert until well into adulthood. if he didn't accept jared, he would have lost his baby girl... the real love of his life. ick ick ICK.
Amazing. Another incoherent post

oh bullshit. you asked a specific question & i know why you asked. if i said i supported her - then of course that makes me antisemitic. are you kidding me? you're so fucking transparent.

tell me, zog - why did you ask me about omar? this isn't a thread about her - so why did you throw her name into the mix?

yaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... we both know why.
Just curious if you supported her. I think King and Bannon are racist assholes. I would Have answered you directly. You danced.
Problem for democrats will be two things.

1. Excitement. Biden won’t bring out the crowds

2. Division, super communist and Biden communist. Many won’t vote for biden.

1. Voting against Trump will drive people to the polls. Even Trump admits the more voters there are, the more trouble he is in. He is losing African Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanics and female voters. His support among whites is down because of suburban whites.

2. Those voters will be replaced by suburban voters who reluctantly supported Trump.
Polls show trump getting almost 40% of the African-American vote that’s up from 8% Trump is going to sweep the country you guys won’t win California it’s over.

That is so much bullshit. Name a election in which Republicans got 40% of the black vote. Those polls were extremely inaccurate.
I said polls are showing trump getting the black vote in 2020.. learn how
To read
If Biden wins what happens after that? He can't even figure out where he is right now. How can he serve as President?
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
It will

Americans rallied around Bush after 9-11, will they rally around Trump?

Bush was able to show compassion after 9-11, an emotion Trump does not possess

sociopaths are incapable of human emotion. they only feel self gratification.
Trump is 100% a sociopath. Most CEOs are.

& he's a malignant narcissist with arrested development.

all defective character flaws that the ' leader of the free world ' should be polar opposites of.
He is the same guy as Jack Welch and Steve Jobs was. You’re just too much of a snowflake. Soft.

Your best response yet. Love it.

you should learn to recognize a blow off when you see it.

btw you should also learn the diff between run of the mill narcissism & malignant narcissism; with donny donny donny donny being the latter.
I can tell the difference between ordinary stupid and mentally retarded, and you're the later.

lol...can you? you sure?

'cause it's spelled l-a-t-t-e-r.

even when it's spelled out right in front of you, you get it wrong.

This coming from someone who doesn’t know how to use capital letters.

which doesn't change the grammatical or spelling integrity of my posts.
It does. It makes you look like an ignorant loser. Probably accurately.

As do posts such as these. You voted for Gore? The Internet King? LOL. I did too. My first presidential election where I could vote. He got screwed.

sure sure. oh & i voted for ralph nader in 2000 because i wasn't a fan of gore & even less of one for my own state senator - joe liebertoady.
You didn’t like Joe because he is a Jew?

wtf? seriously, dude.
It was a joke. Chill.

you tried calling me antisemitic once b4, & you weren't joking around. i may not like *you*, but it has nothing to do with yer religion.
You support Ilhan Omar? Yes or no?

she's not my rep, nor do i know much about her. is this where you DO call me anti semitic again? does donny support steve bannon? does donny calling some of the torch bearers 'fine people' make HIM antisemitic? who cares if ivanka is jewish.... that really doesn't hold water, given she didn't convert until well into adulthood. if he didn't accept jared, he would have lost his baby girl... the real love of his life. ick ick ICK.
Amazing. Another incoherent post

oh bullshit. you asked a specific question & i know why you asked. if i said i supported her - then of course that makes me antisemitic. are you kidding me? you're so fucking transparent.

tell me, zog - why did you ask me about omar? this isn't a thread about her - so why did you throw her name into the mix?

yaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... we both know why.
Just curious if you supported her. I think King and Bannon are racist assholes. I would Have answered you directly. You danced.

uh-huh. that came outa right field without any logical reason to bring her up. what exactly did i dance around? i just threw yer loaded question right back at you using yer own flawed thinking process.
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
It will

Americans rallied around Bush after 9-11, will they rally around Trump?

Bush was able to show compassion after 9-11, an emotion Trump does not possess

sociopaths are incapable of human emotion. they only feel self gratification.
Trump is 100% a sociopath. Most CEOs are.

& he's a malignant narcissist with arrested development.

all defective character flaws that the ' leader of the free world ' should be polar opposites of.
He is the same guy as Jack Welch and Steve Jobs was. You’re just too much of a snowflake. Soft.

Your best response yet. Love it.

you should learn to recognize a blow off when you see it.

btw you should also learn the diff between run of the mill narcissism & malignant narcissism; with donny donny donny donny being the latter.
I can tell the difference between ordinary stupid and mentally retarded, and you're the later.

lol...can you? you sure?

'cause it's spelled l-a-t-t-e-r.

even when it's spelled out right in front of you, you get it wrong.

This coming from someone who doesn’t know how to use capital letters.

which doesn't change the grammatical or spelling integrity of my posts.
It does. It makes you look like an ignorant loser. Probably accurately.

As do posts such as these. You voted for Gore? The Internet King? LOL. I did too. My first presidential election where I could vote. He got screwed.

sure sure. oh & i voted for ralph nader in 2000 because i wasn't a fan of gore & even less of one for my own state senator - joe liebertoady.
You didn’t like Joe because he is a Jew?

wtf? seriously, dude.
It was a joke. Chill.

you tried calling me antisemitic once b4, & you weren't joking around. i may not like *you*, but it has nothing to do with yer religion.
You support Ilhan Omar? Yes or no?

she's not my rep, nor do i know much about her. is this where you DO call me anti semitic again? does donny support steve bannon? does donny calling some of the torch bearers 'fine people' make HIM antisemitic? who cares if ivanka is jewish.... that really doesn't hold water, given she didn't convert until well into adulthood. if he didn't accept jared, he would have lost his baby girl... the real love of his life. ick ick ICK.
Amazing. Another incoherent post

oh bullshit. you asked a specific question & i know why you asked. if i said i supported her - then of course that makes me antisemitic. are you kidding me? you're so fucking transparent.

tell me, zog - why did you ask me about omar? this isn't a thread about her - so why did you throw her name into the mix?

yaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... we both know why.
Just curious if you supported her. I think King and Bannon are racist assholes. I would Have answered you directly. You danced.

uh-huh. that came outa right field without any logical reason to bring her up. what exactly did i dance around? i just threw yer loaded question right back at you using yer own flawed thinking process.
She is not my rep either but I believe she is an antisemite. You?
Bad news for Trump is good news for America and the world We'll be dancing in the streets when that prik of misery is gone
Coronavirus guarantees Trump wins in November.
Hard to see how it helps him

All he had to run on was......I may be an asshole, but I have a great economy

Not so great now
Due to the or someone else said how he responds and where the economy is in Nov will decide the election
It will

Americans rallied around Bush after 9-11, will they rally around Trump?

Bush was able to show compassion after 9-11, an emotion Trump does not possess

sociopaths are incapable of human emotion. they only feel self gratification.
Trump is 100% a sociopath. Most CEOs are.

& he's a malignant narcissist with arrested development.

all defective character flaws that the ' leader of the free world ' should be polar opposites of.
He is the same guy as Jack Welch and Steve Jobs was. You’re just too much of a snowflake. Soft.

Your best response yet. Love it.

you should learn to recognize a blow off when you see it.

btw you should also learn the diff between run of the mill narcissism & malignant narcissism; with donny donny donny donny being the latter.
I can tell the difference between ordinary stupid and mentally retarded, and you're the later.

lol...can you? you sure?

'cause it's spelled l-a-t-t-e-r.

even when it's spelled out right in front of you, you get it wrong.

This coming from someone who doesn’t know how to use capital letters.

which doesn't change the grammatical or spelling integrity of my posts.
It does. It makes you look like an ignorant loser. Probably accurately.

As do posts such as these. You voted for Gore? The Internet King? LOL. I did too. My first presidential election where I could vote. He got screwed.

sure sure. oh & i voted for ralph nader in 2000 because i wasn't a fan of gore & even less of one for my own state senator - joe liebertoady.
You didn’t like Joe because he is a Jew?

wtf? seriously, dude.
It was a joke. Chill.

you tried calling me antisemitic once b4, & you weren't joking around. i may not like *you*, but it has nothing to do with yer religion.
You support Ilhan Omar? Yes or no?

she's not my rep, nor do i know much about her. is this where you DO call me anti semitic again? does donny support steve bannon? does donny calling some of the torch bearers 'fine people' make HIM antisemitic? who cares if ivanka is jewish.... that really doesn't hold water, given she didn't convert until well into adulthood. if he didn't accept jared, he would have lost his baby girl... the real love of his life. ick ick ICK.
Amazing. Another incoherent post

oh bullshit. you asked a specific question & i know why you asked. if i said i supported her - then of course that makes me antisemitic. are you kidding me? you're so fucking transparent.

tell me, zog - why did you ask me about omar? this isn't a thread about her - so why did you throw her name into the mix?

yaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... we both know why.
Just curious if you supported her. I think King and Bannon are racist assholes. I would Have answered you directly. You danced.

uh-huh. that came outa right field without any logical reason to bring her up. what exactly did i dance around? i just threw yer loaded question right back at you using yer own flawed thinking process.
She is not my rep either but I believe she is an antisemite. You?

i certainly am not. & still have way more likes than you. neener neener.

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