Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump.

The polls said Hillary was competitive in Arizona too...and Georgia...and Michigan...and Pennsylvania...and Florida.

How'd that work out for ya?

The polls are reported to manipulate people...that's what the trash media does. "Oh looky...the news says the guy 10 sandwiches short of a picnic is winning in Arizona...they must really think we're a bunch of dipshits to fall for the old 'get on the winning team' routine".

And they do think you're all dipshits that they can control like puppets on a string. Tell them to fuck off and quit watching.
Trump won Arizona by 3 1/2 percent after Romney and McCain won by 9 percent.

Those aren’t polls....those are votes

Republicans lost their long held Senate seat in 2018 , that wasn’t a poll either
Trump flipped three states and damn near flipped
Minnesota... Hillary almost came close to nearly not really that close actually to flipping Arizona...where all the people from California who are sick of sky high taxes are moving.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?

She is no wannabee dictator. You are a crazy right wing kook.

It was Trump who was in denial for many weeks. It was Trump who invoked the Defense Production Act and waited weeks later to do anything with it. We still have very little in the way of testing.
Al Dims are wannabe dictators. They all want to run other people's lives.
I don't want to ruin your life BRI I just want to see you suffer
I love seeing you suffer every time Trump wins.
Bri trump winning or Biden makes no difference to me financially I just like seeing scumbags like trump going down
We're much alike. I'd like to see democrats burned at the stake.
Just like in 2016, trump is going to lose at least 45 states, according to early polls.

I'm going to wait til the end of the first week in November for the polls.

They have more of a chance to be correct.

Indeed. It will be quite clear by the end of that week. ;)
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?

She is no wannabee dictator. You are a crazy right wing kook.

It was Trump who was in denial for many weeks. It was Trump who invoked the Defense Production Act and waited weeks later to do anything with it. We still have very little in the way of testing.
Al Dims are wannabe dictators. They all want to run other people's lives.
I don't want to ruin your life BRI I just want to see you suffer
I love seeing you suffer every time Trump wins.
Bri trump winning or Biden makes no difference to me financially I just like seeing scumbags like trump going down
We're much alike. I'd like to see democrats burned at the stake.
Tip I'd like to see a hungry rat sewed into your mouth eat it's way out
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?

She is no wannabee dictator. You are a crazy right wing kook.

It was Trump who was in denial for many weeks. It was Trump who invoked the Defense Production Act and waited weeks later to do anything with it. We still have very little in the way of testing.
Al Dims are wannabe dictators. They all want to run other people's lives.
I don't want to ruin your life BRI I just want to see you suffer
I love seeing you suffer every time Trump wins.
Bri trump winning or Biden makes no difference to me financially I just like seeing scumbags like trump going down
We're much alike. I'd like to see democrats burned at the stake.
Tip I'd like to see a hungry rat sewed into your mouth eat it's way out

that reply is a


just for the visual alone!
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?

She is no wannabee dictator. You are a crazy right wing kook.

It was Trump who was in denial for many weeks. It was Trump who invoked the Defense Production Act and waited weeks later to do anything with it. We still have very little in the way of testing.
Al Dims are wannabe dictators. They all want to run other people's lives.
I don't want to ruin your life BRI I just want to see you suffer
I love seeing you suffer every time Trump wins.
Bri trump winning or Biden makes no difference to me financially I just like seeing scumbags like trump going downr
We're much alike. I'd like to see democrats burned at the stake.
Tip I'd like to see a hungry rat sewed into your mouth eat it's way out

In any particular direction? Asking for a friend.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?

She is no wannabee dictator. You are a crazy right wing kook.

It was Trump who was in denial for many weeks. It was Trump who invoked the Defense Production Act and waited weeks later to do anything with it. We still have very little in the way of testing.
Al Dims are wannabe dictators. They all want to run other people's lives.
I don't want to ruin your life BRI I just want to see you suffer
I love seeing you suffer every time Trump wins.
Bri trump winning or Biden makes no difference to me financially I just like seeing scumbags like trump going downr
We're much alike. I'd like to see democrats burned at the stake.
Tip I'd like to see a hungry rat sewed into your mouth eat it's way out

In any particular direction? Asking for a friend.
Nothing particular but tip deserves it
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?

She is no wannabee dictator. You are a crazy right wing kook.

It was Trump who was in denial for many weeks. It was Trump who invoked the Defense Production Act and waited weeks later to do anything with it. We still have very little in the way of testing.
Al Dims are wannabe dictators. They all want to run other people's lives.
I don't want to ruin your life BRI I just want to see you suffer
I love seeing you suffer every time Trump wins.
Bri trump winning or Biden makes no difference to me financially I just like seeing scumbags like trump going down
We're much alike. I'd like to see democrats burned at the stake.
Tip I'd like to see a hungry rat sewed into your mouth eat it's way out
Maybe we could put that rat in a bottle. Shove the bottle up your ass then break the glass.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020

Michigan and Pennsylvania have slipped away from Trump. This unemployment fiasco in Florida may cause problems for Trump. The results in Wisconsin show a backlash against Republicans. Texas and Georgia are in play.

Before of after Governor Dictator Wannabee of Michigan showed her ass?

Which of those were caused by Trump and which were caused by Democrat governors?

She is no wannabee dictator. You are a crazy right wing kook.

It was Trump who was in denial for many weeks. It was Trump who invoked the Defense Production Act and waited weeks later to do anything with it. We still have very little in the way of testing.

I was not the one protesting outside the state capitol in Lansing. Were you?

Who ran short of respirators? Anyone?
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump.

The polls said Hillary was competitive in Arizona too...and Georgia...and Michigan...and Pennsylvania...and Florida.

How'd that work out for ya?

The polls are reported to manipulate people...that's what the trash media does. "Oh looky...the news says the guy 10 sandwiches short of a picnic is winning in Arizona...they must really think we're a bunch of dipshits to fall for the old 'get on the winning team' routine".

And they do think you're all dipshits that they can control like puppets on a string. Tell them to fuck off and quit watching.
Trump won Arizona by 3 1/2 percent after Romney and McCain won by 9 percent.

Those aren’t polls....those are votes

Republicans lost their long held Senate seat in 2018 , that wasn’t a poll either
Trump lost many close states too. We discussed this before. Do you have dementia?

That is not true. Of the states that went to each candidate by less than 5 points, Trump won 8 and Clinton won 4.

States won by Trump
Michigan, 0.23% – 16
Pennsylvania, 0.72% – 20
Wisconsin, 0.77% – 10
Florida, 1.20% – 29
Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District, 2.24% – 1
Maine, 2.96% – 2
Arizona, 3.55% – 11
North Carolina, 3.66% – 15
Total: 104

States won by Clinton
New Hampshire, 0.37% – 4
Minnesota, 1.52% – 10
Nevada, 2.42% – 6
Colorado, 4.91% – 9
Total: 29
Right so 4 could go to Trump. PA and Fla are huge. Could go either way.

Not really. Democrats swept statewide races in Colorado and are likely to turn out Gardner. They have the highest percentage of voters with degrees in the country. In Nevada, Democrats swept statewide races. In Minnesota, Democrats swept 3 statewide races in 2018 with the closest being a 9 point deficit.

Michigan is likely in the Democrat column as well as Pennsylvania. The Wisconsin primary was a red flag for Republicans.

Even if what you said were to come true, that is 26 EVs and Trump STILL wins the EC.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020
The election is SEVEN MONTHS AWAY. Politics change weekly.

Stupid thread

You are stupid. The fact is that nothing has changed since the first post-Trump elections. in Virginia and New Jersey. Suburban voters have voted in larger numbers for Democrats. That has held true in red states as well.
Your polls said Hillary was going to win. She didn't.

The only fools are those who buy into media propaganda polls SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS BEFORE AN ELECTION
Assuming that polls are always wrong is not a wise way to win an election
It shows the economy hit bottom early in the first quarter of 2009. The definition of "recession" is irrelevant.
Only to you, and only now, since you fell on your face.
Hmmmm . . . . no. It's irrelevant to this discussion. Some arbitray government definition of when a recession ends is meaningless. All that matters is when the economy hit bottom and began to rebound. That happened before Obama spent a dime.
So you pos you want to give the cock sucking pos credit ?? FU
Obama doesn't deserve any credit. History shows that the economy recovers on its own without any government intervention.
Sure it does
If you have enough time and don’t give a damn if people are suffering
Obama doesn't deserve any credit. History shows that the economy recovers on its own without any government intervention.
Haha, so painfully stupid. Yes, always at the exact same rate, too. Because obama tourettes syndrome. Shut up dummy.
The recovery under Obama was one of the slowest on record, dumbass.
One of the longest continuous periods of growth on record

Till Trump ruined it

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