Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

Really? How many political adversaries has Trump killed?

Well, there's the 40,000 he's killed in Trump Plague... so there's that.

That our system so far has better protections from a wannabe dictator than Germany had is something to be proud of. Trump is already throwing people into concentration camps, he's attacking the free press, and so on.

I guess that he's less competent than Hitler (whose speeches he kept on his nightstand) is something to be happy about.
Joe, why don't you do a little research to backup your claims instead of making them up out of thin air? You know somebody is going to call you on them.

Gallup found 55% of Americans reporting they own stock in April 2019, similar to the average of 54% Gallup has measured since 2010.

And if you take out the 401K's that people have no control over, the number of people who play the market is about 6%.

The markets which are collapsing don't mean as much as the tens of millions who've lost their jobs.

Let's get real here. Ford, Carter and Bush had MILD recessions compared to what we are going through now. They were all far better men than Trump is. AND THEY ALL LOST.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump.

The polls said Hillary was competitive in Arizona too...and Georgia...and Michigan...and Pennsylvania...and Florida.

How'd that work out for ya?

The polls are reported to manipulate people...that's what the trash media does. "Oh looky...the news says the guy 10 sandwiches short of a picnic is winning in Arizona...they must really think we're a bunch of dipshits to fall for the old 'get on the winning team' routine".

And they do think you're all dipshits that they can control like puppets on a string. Tell them to fuck off and quit watching.
Trump won Arizona by 3 1/2 percent after Romney and McCain won by 9 percent.

Those aren’t polls....those are votes

Republicans lost their long held Senate seat in 2018 , that wasn’t a poll either
Trump lost many close states too. We discussed this before. Do you have dementia?

That is not true. Of the states that went to each candidate by less than 5 points, Trump won 8 and Clinton won 4.

States won by Trump
Michigan, 0.23% – 16
Pennsylvania, 0.72% – 20
Wisconsin, 0.77% – 10
Florida, 1.20% – 29
Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District, 2.24% – 1
Maine, 2.96% – 2
Arizona, 3.55% – 11
North Carolina, 3.66% – 15
Total: 104

States won by Clinton
New Hampshire, 0.37% – 4
Minnesota, 1.52% – 10
Nevada, 2.42% – 6
Colorado, 4.91% – 9
Total: 29
Right so 4 could go to Trump. PA and Fla are huge. Could go either way.

Not really. Democrats swept statewide races in Colorado and are likely to turn out Gardner. They have the highest percentage of voters with degrees in the country. In Nevada, Democrats swept statewide races. In Minnesota, Democrats swept 3 statewide races in 2018 with the closest being a 9 point deficit.

Michigan is likely in the Democrat column as well as Pennsylvania. The Wisconsin primary was a red flag for Republicans.

Even if what you said were to come true, that is 26 EVs and Trump STILL wins the EC.

Trump has likely lost Michigan and Pennsylvania. Wisconsin shows Republicans are in trouble. Also Arizona, Georgia and Texas are in play. I don't see any states flipping from Clinton to Trump.
Great. Should we cancel the election and just hand Biden the presidency in your opinion?

There is a reason that Trump wants to limit voting. He knows his only hope is a smaller turnout. That being said, Democrats need to treat this like they are 10 points behind.
Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.

The fact is that voters overwhelmingly support voting by mail.
Prove it.
There you go again. Trump is the effect not the cause. The fact that you do not comprehend that is truly mind boggling. You HR people are always so touchy feely. Trump is as much a Republican as you are. He is a Nationalist more than anything. A Capitalist. A sociopath. And most of all non PC. He earned my vote and 62.5mil others. I am glad he won. And to counter a personality like his the Democrats are running an old man who doesn’t know what year this is half the time. Good luck. Democrats blew it by not getting behind Yang.

I'm not in HR. Quit while you are ahead.

Actually, I'm probably more of a Republican than Trump is, as I voted GOP in every presidential election since 1980 except 2012 and 2016. Then the Republicans got taken over by the nuts. The Religious nuts, the gun nuts and the libertarian nuts. Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's republican party.

There is nothing good about being a "Nationalist". Hitler was a Nationalist. There's not much good in being a capitalist or a sociopath.

But the reality- Trump's unfitness for office is finally coming back to bite you in the ass. Biden will win by a landslide... be glad you dodged the bullet and Bernie didn't get the nomination.

Reagan was a religious net, a gun nut, and libertarian nut. You don't know him every well.

President Reagan was a great President. He would have nothing to do with the Trump Republican Party. When the marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by terrorists, President Reagan took responsibility for it. He did not attempt to blame anyone else. He took responsibility.
How old are you? I was born in 1980 and barely remember Reagan.

My first vote was for Ronald Reagan when I turned 18. I was in co9llege when he visited the university I was attending. I got too see and hear him. He was a great man and the best President in modern times.
You despise everything he stood for.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.

Mod Edit. Adding Link - Biden Pulls Ahead Of Trump In Arizona Poll, Putting State In Play For 2020
Everybody laughed when Trump went up against Clinton. They considered him a joke and there was absolutely no way he could win. The polls even showed him losing massively.
The November election will be the only true proof as to who will win and who will lose.
And Trump did turn out to be more than a joke A fn disaster would be more like it
Just like in 2016, trump is going to lose at least 45 states, according to early polls.

I'm gong to wait til the end of the first week in November for the polls.

They have more of a chance to be correct.
We will get a better view come November.

But most presidential polls over the last 50 years have been very accurate. They blew it in 2016.

Can Trump count on polls always being wrong?
with the absolute hatred a vitriol Trump voters receive yep ! add 10 points to any poll for Trump.

Kind of like the hatred and vitriol directed at the schoolyard bully. Ironically, nobody feels sorry for him
Just like in 2016, trump is going to lose at least 45 states, according to early polls.

I'm gong to wait til the end of the first week in November for the polls.

They have more of a chance to be correct.
We will get a better view come November.

But most presidential polls over the last 50 years have been very accurate. They blew it in 2016.

Can Trump count on polls always being wrong?
with the absolute hatred a vitriol Trump voters receive yep ! add 10 points to any poll for Trump.
Are you getting out and about at all. Americans are livid over what democrats are doing. I have never seen such fury. The protests that you see are only the beginning. There is much worse to come.
2018 vote didn’t show that
Really? How many political adversaries has Trump killed?

Well, there's the 40,000 he's killed in Trump Plague... so there's that.

That our system so far has better protections from a wannabe dictator than Germany had is something to be proud of. Trump is already throwing people into concentration camps, he's attacking the free press, and so on.

I guess that he's less competent than Hitler (whose speeches he kept on his nightstand) is something to be happy about.
It must suck for Democrats having so many Dementia patients pass away in nursing homes that could have been driven by you assholes to the poles.
Just like in 2016, trump is going to lose at least 45 states, according to early polls.

I'm gong to wait til the end of the first week in November for the polls.

They have more of a chance to be correct.
We will get a better view come November.

But most presidential polls over the last 50 years have been very accurate. They blew it in 2016.

Can Trump count on polls always being wrong?
with the absolute hatred a vitriol Trump voters receive yep ! add 10 points to any poll for Trump.

Kind of like the hatred and vitriol directed at the schoolyard bully. Ironically, nobody feels sorry for him
Who is spilling the vitriol on these Threads?!
You Libs are so mentally ill you don't even realize you're the ones spitting and cursing.

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.

yet it's fact. middle america is less populated & are traditionally red, but carry weight when it comes to the EC.

as they should.

No different than 80% of NY voting red, only to be overruled by NYC, is it?

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor. if NY, by sheer numbers of people alone went for a (R), then that is the way it should be. same for cali, FLA, or montana.

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor.

For a state, sure.

for a presidential election?

The states elect, not the people.

states aren't made up of trees & cows.

no, they're made up of people, some large, some small.

What makes you believe the voters in NYC know what's better for Iowa than the people in Iowa?

San Francisco knows what's better for Idaho than Idaho?

that's what state senators & reps are for.... they are on the ground & listen to their constituents. even congress critters who are voted in, are there thru majority votes by individuals.

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states. how sick is that?

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states.

and how is that any different than any other president in history?

You keep putting your foot in your mouth.

I'm surprised you don't have Athletes tongue.

uh-huh. exactly when & how has any other potus EVER denied cash, PPE, testing equipment or medical equipment to states governed by the opposing party because they won't kiss his fat orange ass? huh huh huh? please link credible sites 'splainin' that, m'k?

lol..... chop chop, best get going otherwise your 'alternative' facts will be dismissed as the total false narrative it really is.
Last edited:

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.
why do you think states with those cornfields etc etc have less virus??? BECAUSE there are LESS people there and more cows

even devon nunez' cow moooooooooooooooooved there.

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.

yet it's fact. middle america is less populated & are traditionally red, but carry weight when it comes to the EC.

as they should.

No different than 80% of NY voting red, only to be overruled by NYC, is it?

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor. if NY, by sheer numbers of people alone went for a (R), then that is the way it should be. same for cali, FLA, or montana.

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor.

For a state, sure.

for a presidential election?

The states elect, not the people.

states aren't made up of trees & cows.

no, they're made up of people, some large, some small.

What makes you believe the voters in NYC know what's better for Iowa than the people in Iowa?

San Francisco knows what's better for Idaho than Idaho?

that's what state senators & reps are for.... they are on the ground & listen to their constituents. even congress critters who are voted in, are there thru majority votes by individuals.

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states. how sick is that?

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states.

and how is that any different than any other president in history?

You keep putting your foot in your mouth.

I'm surprised you don't have Athletes tongue.
Trump isn't treating red states any different than blue states. Blue states are just lying about the help they get. Red states say thank you. Blue states never miss an opportunity to make up lies about Trump. Blue states made this dempanic into something much worse than it ever was JUST to lie.

^^^ fake news ^^^.

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.

yet it's fact. middle america is less populated & are traditionally red, but carry weight when it comes to the EC.

as they should.

No different than 80% of NY voting red, only to be overruled by NYC, is it?

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor. if NY, by sheer numbers of people alone went for a (R), then that is the way it should be. same for cali, FLA, or montana.

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor.

For a state, sure.

for a presidential election?

The states elect, not the people.

states aren't made up of trees & cows.

no, they're made up of people, some large, some small.

What makes you believe the voters in NYC know what's better for Iowa than the people in Iowa?

San Francisco knows what's better for Idaho than Idaho?

that's what state senators & reps are for.... they are on the ground & listen to their constituents. even congress critters who are voted in, are there thru majority votes by individuals.

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states. how sick is that?

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states.

and how is that any different than any other president in history?

You keep putting your foot in your mouth.

I'm surprised you don't have Athletes tongue.
And you have dementia memory Trump in his first speech said how he was going to bring all Americans together Nice job Trump is low life swine and he's all yours

no ed, considering neither of us voted for him, he's as much yours as mine.
I voted AGAINST him You while not voting for him support the moronic way he's leading America Not one word about his many faults Faults so horrendous he should be disqualified from any part of our gov't

i don't believe anybody who says they didn't vote for him, yet cheer lead every move he makes & every word that comes outa that orange cat anus shaped pie hole of his.

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.

yet it's fact. middle america is less populated & are traditionally red, but carry weight when it comes to the EC.

as they should.

No different than 80% of NY voting red, only to be overruled by NYC, is it?

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor. if NY, by sheer numbers of people alone went for a (R), then that is the way it should be. same for cali, FLA, or montana.

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor.

For a state, sure.

for a presidential election?

The states elect, not the people.

states aren't made up of trees & cows.

no, they're made up of people, some large, some small.

What makes you believe the voters in NYC know what's better for Iowa than the people in Iowa?

San Francisco knows what's better for Idaho than Idaho?

that's what state senators & reps are for.... they are on the ground & listen to their constituents. even congress critters who are voted in, are there thru majority votes by individuals.

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states. how sick is that?

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states.

and how is that any different than any other president in history?

You keep putting your foot in your mouth.

I'm surprised you don't have Athletes tongue.

uh-huh. exactly when & how has any other potus EVER denied cash, PPE, testing equipment or medical equipment to states governed by the opposing party? huh huh huh? please link credible sites 'splainin' that, m'k?

lol..... chop chop, best get going otherwise your 'alternative' facts will be dismissed as the total false narrative it really is.
WHY THE HELL would you give NY more money they are 9 billion dollar deficit.. it is a revenue cash cow what the hell are they doing with the money! Enough is enough,, democrats need to answer for their failures
Have you seen Biden? Have you heard Biden? No. Arizona isn't going to Biden.
Why not ? Biden Like Obama did ,will put a team of EXPERTS behind him Not CNBC nitwit ass kissers like Kudlow and a doctor running housing etc etc etc
America wants to get people like biden and Obama out of Washington! Scarry to think they could come back, America will go in decline
You forgot ?? Obama brought us out of a Repub decline
jobs that still require you to collect welfare?
You figure out what $7.50 an hour 40 hours a week is ?? Think you can live on it ?? People tried Now figure out what $15 an hour gets you You'll still need help
You couldn’t work 40 hours a week under Obama

bigcorp wouldn't hire full time.
Have you seen Biden? Have you heard Biden? No. Arizona isn't going to Biden.
Why not ? Biden Like Obama did ,will put a team of EXPERTS behind him Not CNBC nitwit ass kissers like Kudlow and a doctor running housing etc etc etc
America wants to get people like biden and Obama out of Washington! Scarry to think they could come back, America will go in decline
You forgot ?? Obama brought us out of a Repub decline
jobs that still require you to collect welfare?
You figure out what $7.50 an hour 40 hours a week is ?? Think you can live on it ?? People tried Now figure out what $15 an hour gets you You'll still need help
You couldn’t work 40 hours a week under Obama


bigcorp wouldn't hire full time.
And democrat over regulation creates big corps .. now don’t go complaining now

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.

yet it's fact. middle america is less populated & are traditionally red, but carry weight when it comes to the EC.

as they should.

No different than 80% of NY voting red, only to be overruled by NYC, is it?

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor. if NY, by sheer numbers of people alone went for a (R), then that is the way it should be. same for cali, FLA, or montana.

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor.

For a state, sure.

for a presidential election?

The states elect, not the people.

states aren't made up of trees & cows.

no, they're made up of people, some large, some small.

What makes you believe the voters in NYC know what's better for Iowa than the people in Iowa?

San Francisco knows what's better for Idaho than Idaho?

that's what state senators & reps are for.... they are on the ground & listen to their constituents. even congress critters who are voted in, are there thru majority votes by individuals.

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states. how sick is that?

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states.

and how is that any different than any other president in history?

You keep putting your foot in your mouth.

I'm surprised you don't have Athletes tongue.

uh-huh. exactly when & how has any other potus EVER denied cash, PPE, testing equipment or medical equipment to states governed by the opposing party? huh huh huh? please link credible sites 'splainin' that, m'k?

lol..... chop chop, best get going otherwise your 'alternative' facts will be dismissed as the total false narrative it really is.
WHY THE HELL would you give NY more money they are 9 billion dollar deficit.. it is a revenue cash cow what the hell are they doing with the money! Enough is enough,, democrats need to answer for their failures

i'm talking strictly about the COVID-19 response, dippity do duh.
Now that we know that shitstain obama paid that lab in Wuhan to develop this virus both he and Biden should be prosecuted. In 2015 it became clear that Trump was going to win. So the shitstain took drastic action. Democrat induced hysteria did the rest.

Killing this country cost the taxpayers 3.7 million dollars. Democrats will want their money's worth.

^^^ pure bullshit ^^^
Now that we know that shitstain obama paid that lab in Wuhan to develop this virus both he and Biden should be prosecuted. In 2015 it became clear that Trump was going to win. So the shitstain took drastic action. Democrat induced hysteria did the rest.

Killing this country cost the taxpayers 3.7 million dollars. Democrats will want their money's worth.
You and jit need help serious help


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