Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

lol have some Integrity

I have. Your own board admitted that there was very little vote fraud.

Democrat refused to give Kobach voter rolls.. why hide?

(R)s did too. 44 states refused - so no way you can say they were all (D).

know why? because kobach et al weren't trusted.
600000 employed by postal service and the moron fk's with them ? They risk their lives and the POS vetoes stimulus package if it funds UPS?
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. This hasn't been reported here because well, it's a conservative message board, but now you're being made aware of it.
With Michigan slipping out of Trump's hand, Arizona would be a devastating loss for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Trump is also losing Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is Biden country
According to the CDC things are going to change.
New York and California are going to have the bulk of the most of the Democrat votes are going to be history anyway....which means those states are shifting to Trump......if this pandemic is for-real.
Also...Michigan and Virginia are going Trump because the governors are going to cause a revolt.
I enjoy when weak ass snowflakes have to man up. I am glad Trump won and triggered you. It has been a wake up call for parasites like you and playtime to show that people with opposing points of view have a voice too.

So he's fucked up, killed 40K people, put 22 million out of jobs, and you are happy because "snowflakes" are "triggered"?

Frankly, it sounds like you have the issues, bud.

The ironic thing was, any of the sensible Republicans in 2016 could have beaten Hillary legitimately, given you guys 90% of the policies you wanted, and they would have actually listened to the doctors when they said this was a problem.

their poorly educated, lack of critical thinking mindset:

There you go again. Trump is the effect not the cause. The fact that you do not comprehend that is truly mind boggling. You HR people are always so touchy feely. Trump is as much a Republican as you are. He is a Nationalist more than anything. A Capitalist. A sociopath. And most of all non PC. He earned my vote and 62.5mil others. I am glad he won. And to counter a personality like his the Democrats are running an old man who doesn’t know what year this is half the time. Good luck. Democrats blew it by not getting behind Yang.

I'm not in HR. Quit while you are ahead.

Actually, I'm probably more of a Republican than Trump is, as I voted GOP in every presidential election since 1980 except 2012 and 2016. Then the Republicans got taken over by the nuts. The Religious nuts, the gun nuts and the libertarian nuts. Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's republican party.

There is nothing good about being a "Nationalist". Hitler was a Nationalist. There's not much good in being a capitalist or a sociopath.

But the reality- Trump's unfitness for office is finally coming back to bite you in the ass. Biden will win by a landslide... be glad you dodged the bullet and Bernie didn't get the nomination.

Really? How many political adversaries has Trump killed?

Well, there's the 40,000 he's killed in Trump Plague... so there's that.

That our system so far has better protections from a wannabe dictator than Germany had is something to be proud of. Trump is already throwing people into concentration camps, he's attacking the free press, and so on.

I guess that he's less competent than Hitler (whose speeches he kept on his nightstand) is something to be happy about.
It must suck for Democrats having so many Dementia patients pass away in nursing homes that could have been driven by you assholes to the poles.
North or South Poles?
Just like in 2016, trump is going to lose at least 45 states, according to early polls.

I'm gong to wait til the end of the first week in November for the polls.

They have more of a chance to be correct.
We will get a better view come November.

But most presidential polls over the last 50 years have been very accurate. They blew it in 2016.

Can Trump count on polls always being wrong?
with the absolute hatred a vitriol Trump voters receive yep ! add 10 points to any poll for Trump.

Kind of like the hatred and vitriol directed at the schoolyard bully. Ironically, nobody feels sorry for him
Who is spilling the vitriol on these Threads?!
You Libs are so mentally ill you don't even realize you're the ones spitting and cursing.
Bullies deserve what happens to them

So does Trump
I’m not sure the Democratic Party exists in Arizona if it wasn’t for illegals
Home | Senator Kyrsten Sinema

now get yer ass in gear & find a credible link showing that she was elected by illegals.


& the (R) bitch that replaced mccain after he passed away is having some real stiff competition by mark kelly, her (D) opponent whose ratings are leaving her in an arizona dust devil.

take that moldy old MAGA hat off incel, & put yer critical thinking cap on.
including [district of columbia] 2019

View attachment 324454
No need to be angry you lost! You always have 2032, to mount a come back

lol.... there's no anger dude. guess you need to think that? anyhoo - you show a map that showed a mostly 'red' amerika. it's deceiving, unless you understand the graphic. sure, donny won. because of the EC.

only by 75,000 votes. but you keep thinking it was really a landslide by population.
because of the EC.

EVERY elected president has won because of the EC.

well duh. which shows how antiquated it really is. it's painfully obvious & sad that he won by 75K votes in a country that actually overwhelmingly voted for his opponent. he really didn't win by the majority will of the people. but he's the potus, duly elected & the buck stops with him.

& btw - the same outdated method in having election day on only one day - a tuesday should be overhauled too. it literally has to do with farming & horse drawn buggies.
View attachment 324807

already proved that map is deceiving. most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

most of those little squares have more trees, corn fields, & cows than people.

How many of those trees, cows and cornfields vote?

oh please. that's nonsense....cause even though the population of bumfuck, iowa is less than any east or west coast cosmopolitan area - the entire hayseed state will throw its EC vote to the red conservative.

Of course it's nonsense.

but it's fools like you that keep bringing up 'cows, cornfields, and trees' when discussing red states.

yet it's fact. middle america is less populated & are traditionally red, but carry weight when it comes to the EC.

as they should.

No different than 80% of NY voting red, only to be overruled by NYC, is it?

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor. if NY, by sheer numbers of people alone went for a (R), then that is the way it should be. same for cali, FLA, or montana.

which is why the popular vote should be the deciding factor.

For a state, sure.

for a presidential election?

The states elect, not the people.

states aren't made up of trees & cows.

no, they're made up of people, some large, some small.

What makes you believe the voters in NYC know what's better for Iowa than the people in Iowa?

San Francisco knows what's better for Idaho than Idaho?

that's what state senators & reps are for.... they are on the ground & listen to their constituents. even congress critters who are voted in, are there thru majority votes by individuals.

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states. how sick is that?

donny is treating the red states more favorably than blue states because of his electability in those states.

and how is that any different than any other president in history?

You keep putting your foot in your mouth.

I'm surprised you don't have Athletes tongue.

uh-huh. exactly when & how has any other potus EVER denied cash, PPE, testing equipment or medical equipment to states governed by the opposing party? huh huh huh? please link credible sites 'splainin' that, m'k?

lol..... chop chop, best get going otherwise your 'alternative' facts will be dismissed as the total false narrative it really is.
WHY THE HELL would you give NY more money they are 9 billion dollar deficit.. it is a revenue cash cow what the hell are they doing with the money! Enough is enough,, democrats need to answer for their failures

i'm talking strictly about the COVID-19 response, dippity do duh.
Have democrats across the state step down immediately and we will give NY money
lol have some Integrity

I have. Your own board admitted that there was very little vote fraud.

Democrat refused to give Kobach voter rolls.. why hide?

(R)s did too. 44 states refused - so no way you can say they were all (D).

know why? because kobach et al weren't trusted.
I’m not sure the Democratic Party exists in Arizona if it wasn’t for illegals
Home | Senator Kyrsten Sinema

now get yer ass in gear & find a credible link showing that she was elected by illegals.


& the (R) bitch that replaced mccain after he passed away is having some real stiff competition by mark kelly, her (D) opponent whose ratings are leaving her in an arizona dust devil.
We are trying to prove she was elected by illegals but democrats want to keep that information in the basement
Reagan was a religious net, a gun nut, and libertarian nut. You don't know him every well.

Reagan supported common sense gun control. He never went to church, and he was happy to expand the scope of government. In short, he wasn't a nut on those issues...

View attachment 325035

ray ray ray .... do you honestly think a single unsourced pic of saint ronny & nancy at a single church service supports you?

October 7, 1984 | Clip Of Presidential Candidates Debate This clip, title, and description were not created by C-SPAN.
User Clip: Ronald Reagan: 'I Don't Go To Church'
User-Created Clip
September 29, 2012
President Ronald Reagan admitted he did not attend church as president, claiming terrorism as the reason. "I pose a threat," Reagan claimed.
User Clip: Ronald Reagan: 'I Don't Go To Church'

the video didn't play - but CSPAN isn't fake news.
lol have some Integrity

I have. Your own board admitted that there was very little vote fraud.

Democrat refused to give Kobach voter rolls.. why hide?

(R)s did too. 44 states refused - so no way you can say they were all (D).

know why? because kobach et al weren't trusted.

i gave a link way early in the thread, & i believe it was to YOU - & of course you left it alone.... no response. 'cause you don't have one.

but here - take yer fucking pick.

kobach voter fraud 44 states refused to comply - Google Search

where are your links disputing it?!!!!!
I’m not sure the Democratic Party exists in Arizona if it wasn’t for illegals
Home | Senator Kyrsten Sinema

now get yer ass in gear & find a credible link showing that she was elected by illegals.


& the (R) bitch that replaced mccain after he passed away is having some real stiff competition by mark kelly, her (D) opponent whose ratings are leaving her in an arizona dust devil.
We are trying to prove she was elected by illegals but democrats want to keep that information in the basement


& check mate, loser.
lol have some Integrity

I have. Your own board admitted that there was very little vote fraud.

Democrat refused to give Kobach voter rolls.. why hide?

(R)s did too. 44 states refused - so no way you can say they were all (D).

know why? because kobach et al weren't trusted.

i gave a link way early in the thread, & i believe it was to YOU - & of course you left it alone.... no response. 'cause you don't have one.

but here - take yer fucking pick.

kobach voter fraud 44 states refused to comply - Google Search

where are your links disputing it?!!!!!
That’s a Google search you stupid hack lol give me the data!
I’m not sure the Democratic Party exists in Arizona if it wasn’t for illegals
Home | Senator Kyrsten Sinema

now get yer ass in gear & find a credible link showing that she was elected by illegals.


& the (R) bitch that replaced mccain after he passed away is having some real stiff competition by mark kelly, her (D) opponent whose ratings are leaving her in an arizona dust devil.
We are trying to prove she was elected by illegals but democrats want to keep that information in the basement


& check mate, loser.
Umm ok lol
You missed the point again. When the economy was cranking you said it was not his. Now that it is faltering due to China it is all his. Even if we had zero cases the economy would be destroyed as supply chains are disrupted since this is a world wide pandemic. You really need to learn basic economics. HR people...sigh

Sorry, man, even if it was China's fault (it isn't), he's still the guy in charge.

The Iranian Hostage Crisis wasn't Jimmy Carter's fault, nor was the recession that went along with it when OPEC turned off the spigot. But he still got tossed out on his ass.

The S&L Collapse in the 1990's wasn't Bush-41's fault, but he still got tossed out on his ass when the economy went south.
It is not the fault of the country who created the virus in their lab? Go review some more resumes. That statement is crazy, Captain HR

More crazy conspiracy theories. You are crazy.

lol have some Integrity

I have. Your own board admitted that there was very little vote fraud.

Democrat refused to give Kobach voter rolls.. why hide?

(R)s did too. 44 states refused - so no way you can say they were all (D).

know why? because kobach et al weren't trusted.

i gave a link way early in the thread, & i believe it was to YOU - & of course you left it alone.... no response. 'cause you don't have one.

but here - take yer fucking pick.

kobach voter fraud 44 states refused to comply - Google Search

where are your links disputing it?!!!!!
That’s a Google search you stupid hack lol give me the data!

i'm sure you can find it yerself within the vast array of articles to choose from if you gave a damn. kobach et al wanted SS numbers & other info as well. go find it, it's in there lazy ass.
I’m not sure the Democratic Party exists in Arizona if it wasn’t for illegals
Home | Senator Kyrsten Sinema

now get yer ass in gear & find a credible link showing that she was elected by illegals.


& the (R) bitch that replaced mccain after he passed away is having some real stiff competition by mark kelly, her (D) opponent whose ratings are leaving her in an arizona dust devil.
We are trying to prove she was elected by illegals but democrats want to keep that information in the basement


& check mate, loser.
Umm ok lol

so prove me wrong & provide some links. but there are none? none you say?


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