Arizona going to Biden? (Bad news for Trump in latest polls)

Just like in 2016, trump is going to lose at least 45 states, according to early polls.

I'm gong to wait til the end of the first week in November for the polls.

They have more of a chance to be correct.
We will get a better view come November.

But most presidential polls over the last 50 years have been very accurate. They blew it in 2016.

Can Trump count on polls always being wrong?
with the absolute hatred a vitriol Trump voters receive yep ! add 10 points to any poll for Trump.

Kind of like the hatred and vitriol directed at the schoolyard bully. Ironically, nobody feels sorry for him
Who is spilling the vitriol on these Threads?!
You Libs are so mentally ill you don't even realize you're the ones spitting and cursing.
Bullies deserve what happens to them

So does Trump
It's funny how when GW was President, you posted he was a bully.
Apparently, anyone in office who disagrees with you politically is a bully.
Really? How many political adversaries has Trump killed?

Well, there's the 40,000 he's killed in Trump Plague... so there's that.

That our system so far has better protections from a wannabe dictator than Germany had is something to be proud of. Trump is already throwing people into concentration camps, he's attacking the free press, and so on.

I guess that he's less competent than Hitler (whose speeches he kept on his nightstand) is something to be happy about.
It must suck for Democrats having so many Dementia patients pass away in nursing homes that could have been driven by you assholes to the poles.
North or South Poles?
We have a big country...I'd say both as no State discriminates against people getting dementia.
Link it, Joe.

I don't do links. Especially not for something you should have learned in High School History.

The reality is that you can post link after link with honest facts.

It's huge waste of time.

The trump people won't click the link much less actually read the honest truth.

If a miracle happens and the person actually does click it and read it, the person will reject it as "fake news."
Just like in 2016, trump is going to lose at least 45 states, according to early polls.

I'm gong to wait til the end of the first week in November for the polls.

They have more of a chance to be correct.
We will get a better view come November.

But most presidential polls over the last 50 years have been very accurate. They blew it in 2016.

Can Trump count on polls always being wrong?
with the absolute hatred a vitriol Trump voters receive yep ! add 10 points to any poll for Trump.

Kind of like the hatred and vitriol directed at the schoolyard bully. Ironically, nobody feels sorry for him
Who is spilling the vitriol on these Threads?!
You Libs are so mentally ill you don't even realize you're the ones spitting and cursing.
Bullies deserve what happens to them

So does Trump
It's funny how when GW was President, you posted he was a bully.
Apparently, anyone in office who disagrees with you politically is a bully.
I never said Bush was a bully. I thought he was a nice guy. Totally inept, but a nice guy.
Really? How many political adversaries has Trump killed?

Well, there's the 40,000 he's killed in Trump Plague... so there's that.

That our system so far has better protections from a wannabe dictator than Germany had is something to be proud of. Trump is already throwing people into concentration camps, he's attacking the free press, and so on.

I guess that he's less competent than Hitler (whose speeches he kept on his nightstand) is something to be happy about.
It must suck for Democrats having so many Dementia patients pass away in nursing homes that could have been driven by you assholes to the poles.
North or South Poles?
We have a big country...I'd say both as no State discriminates against people getting dementia.
Which “pole” are you talking about?

People vote at polls
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You missed the point again. When the economy was cranking you said it was not his. Now that it is faltering due to China it is all his. Even if we had zero cases the economy would be destroyed as supply chains are disrupted since this is a world wide pandemic. You really need to learn basic economics. HR people...sigh

Sorry, man, even if it was China's fault (it isn't), he's still the guy in charge.

The Iranian Hostage Crisis wasn't Jimmy Carter's fault, nor was the recession that went along with it when OPEC turned off the spigot. But he still got tossed out on his ass.

The S&L Collapse in the 1990's wasn't Bush-41's fault, but he still got tossed out on his ass when the economy went south.

The S&L crisis happened in the 80s under Reagan. Remember when he deregulated S&Ls saying "we've hit the jackpot guys."

What got bush the first was the end of the Cold War. reagan had wasted trillions in the 80s building up our military industrial complex against russia. It created jobs and got our economy out of what was at the time the worst recession since the last republican Great Depression. When the Cold War ended all those jobs were no longer necessary. Congress went on a cutting binge calling it the "peace dividend."

When all those military industrial complex jobs were gone, it sent us into a recession.

Add to that bush the first invaded Iraq and did the right thing, tried to pay for it. So he raised taxes.

That's after he spent most of 1988 telling people to read his lips. No new taxes.

Put those 2 things together and that's how bush the first lost his bid for a second term. Thank goodness. Him losing was one of the best things to happen to our nation.
It is not the fault of the country who created the virus in their lab?

Sorry, Covid-19 is naturally occruing.

What else you got?

Pretty sure closing the borders is no longer in dispute...

Nope, we know the virus got in anyway... so that's not in dispute. Trump has made this the Covid Capital of the world, so no one wants to come here now. better to stay in China where it's safe!

He did that after the virus came in.

When he banned China he had 11 exemptions which has allowed 40 thousand people from China to come to America since his so called ban.

trump didn't close our borders. Our borders are still wide open.
Thanks to democrat game playing. The voters are aware and will get rid of the conniving scum soon.

Buddy, Trump got legislation to Deal with TRUMP PLAGUE a lot faster than Obama got legislation to deal with Bush's recession.

Nope, this is all on Trump... He owns this plague.

Ummm, no..China does you imbecile.
Watching these TDS morons try to blame Trump for coronavirus is utterly hysterical. Can there ever be more convincing evidence that they know they are going to lose?

There is nothing he could have done that they would have approved of, so take it with a grain of salt. For three years we heard the snowflakes crying because Trump does what Trump wants; he doesn't listen to his advisors and experts. That's exactly what he did in this case, and now they are crying Trump should have went over their heads and done more.
There is nothing he could have done that they would have approved of, so take it with a grain of salt. For three years we heard the snowflakes crying because Trump does what Trump wants; he doesn't listen to his advisors and experts. That's exactly what he did in this case, and now they are crying Trump should have went over their heads and done more.

No, that's exactly what he DIDN'T do. They all warned him for months that this was a big deal. He called it a hoax, went golfing and ranted at his little brownshirts at rallies.

As a wise man said about the Presidency, "The Buck Stops Here"


Trump didn't treat this problem seriously or handle it well. Blaming China or the WHO or the CDC is just unseemly.
According to the CDC things are going to change.
New York and California are going to have the bulk of the most of the Democrat votes are going to be history anyway....which means those states are shifting to Trump......if this pandemic is for-real.
Also...Michigan and Virginia are going Trump because the governors are going to cause a revolt.

You're living in a fantasy world. Biden is leading Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania.

22 million unemployed... Nobody gets back up from that.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump.

The polls said Hillary was competitive in Arizona too...and Georgia...and Michigan...and Pennsylvania...and Florida.

How'd that work out for ya?

The polls are reported to manipulate people...that's what the trash media does. "Oh looky...the news says the guy 10 sandwiches short of a picnic is winning in Arizona...they must really think we're a bunch of dipshits to fall for the old 'get on the winning team' routine".

And they do think you're all dipshits that they can control like puppets on a string. Tell them to fuck off and quit watching.
Trump won Arizona by 3 1/2 percent after Romney and McCain won by 9 percent.

Those aren’t polls....those are votes

Republicans lost their long held Senate seat in 2018 , that wasn’t a poll either
Trump lost many close states too. We discussed this before. Do you have dementia?

That is not true. Of the states that went to each candidate by less than 5 points, Trump won 8 and Clinton won 4.

States won by Trump
Michigan, 0.23% – 16
Pennsylvania, 0.72% – 20
Wisconsin, 0.77% – 10
Florida, 1.20% – 29
Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District, 2.24% – 1
Maine, 2.96% – 2
Arizona, 3.55% – 11
North Carolina, 3.66% – 15
Total: 104

States won by Clinton
New Hampshire, 0.37% – 4
Minnesota, 1.52% – 10
Nevada, 2.42% – 6
Colorado, 4.91% – 9
Total: 29
Right so 4 could go to Trump. PA and Fla are huge. Could go either way.

Not really. Democrats swept statewide races in Colorado and are likely to turn out Gardner. They have the highest percentage of voters with degrees in the country. In Nevada, Democrats swept statewide races. In Minnesota, Democrats swept 3 statewide races in 2018 with the closest being a 9 point deficit.

Michigan is likely in the Democrat column as well as Pennsylvania. The Wisconsin primary was a red flag for Republicans.

Even if what you said were to come true, that is 26 EVs and Trump STILL wins the EC.

Trump has likely lost Michigan and Pennsylvania. Wisconsin shows Republicans are in trouble. Also Arizona, Georgia and Texas are in play. I don't see any states flipping from Clinton to Trump.
Great. Should we cancel the election and just hand Biden the presidency in your opinion?

There is a reason that Trump wants to limit voting. He knows his only hope is a smaller turnout. That being said, Democrats need to treat this like they are 10 points behind.
Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.

The fact is that voters overwhelmingly support voting by mail.

Very true.

In fact, I signed up for permanent mail in voting in the 90s. The last time I went to a voting booth I voted for Bill Clinton.

My state went to 100% mail in voting in 2005.

The results was what republicans have known all along.

1. The number of people voting increased.
2. Republicans have mostly lost elections here since then.

To be honest, before we changed republicans mostly lost elections here.

Republicans know that when people vote, republicans lose. So they have worked for a very long time to prevent certain people from voting. Specifically those who vote democratic. Which they know most African Americans, other minorities like Native American Indians and young people vote democratic. So they make it as hard as possible for those people to vote. They close voting places, reduce days to vote, institute draconian ID laws, put very few voting machines in certain voting places, put defective and old machines in certain voting places etc. All designed to prevent democratic votes.

trump said it a week or so ago. He came out and said if we allow nation wide mail in voting, republicans will never win another election.

This is why we will not see nation wide mail in voting and increased days for voting happen as long as any republican can prevent it.
According to the CDC things are going to change.
New York and California are going to have the bulk of the most of the Democrat votes are going to be history anyway....which means those states are shifting to Trump......if this pandemic is for-real.
Also...Michigan and Virginia are going Trump because the governors are going to cause a revolt.

You're living in a fantasy world. Biden is leading Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania.

22 million unemployed... Nobody gets back up from that.

Put those 2 things together and that's how bush the first lost his bid for a second term. Thank goodness. Him losing was one of the best things to happen to our nation.


Frankly, I thought that Bush was one of the good guys in the GOP. I don't think anyone who followed him really measured up in terms of experience or the ability to make hard decisions.

The fault lies not within the stars but within ourselves. Bush had to make a very hard decision. Watch the banking system collapse completely, which would have sent us into another Great Depression, or go back on his word to not raise taxes (which was kind of dumb of him to say to start with).

The reason why this Coronovirus crisis is so bad is Trump can't make these kinds of hard decisions. He more interested in his re-election and not spooking the markets than he is in saving lives.
Joe, why don't you do a little research to backup your claims instead of making them up out of thin air? You know somebody is going to call you on them.

Gallup found 55% of Americans reporting they own stock in April 2019, similar to the average of 54% Gallup has measured since 2010.

And if you take out the 401K's that people have no control over, the number of people who play the market is about 6%.

The markets which are collapsing don't mean as much as the tens of millions who've lost their jobs.

Let's get real here. Ford, Carter and Bush had MILD recessions compared to what we are going through now. They were all far better men than Trump is. AND THEY ALL LOST.

More than likely Trump is going to break that record. People do blame the President for economic problems. But this situation is unique. It's a problem no other President had to deal with, inducing GW and 911.

I know your motto on the left, never let a good crisis go to waste, however it's wishful thinking this time, because logical people understand that a US President is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic that affected over 180 countries. They also understand the only President responsible for this is Xi Jinping.
Did you hear about this pandemic going on? Lol

YOu mean the one Trump's incompetence caused? The problem isn't just the Pandemic, the problem is the Corporate Debt Crisis that no one was really talking about. Corporate Debt ballooned to 10 Trillion, about half of the US economy, with no real way to pay that back now that the economy has tanked.

Nope. Trump is done, buddy.
The latest polls in Arizona have Joe Biden beating Donald Trump.

The polls said Hillary was competitive in Arizona too...and Georgia...and Michigan...and Pennsylvania...and Florida.

How'd that work out for ya?

The polls are reported to manipulate people...that's what the trash media does. "Oh looky...the news says the guy 10 sandwiches short of a picnic is winning in Arizona...they must really think we're a bunch of dipshits to fall for the old 'get on the winning team' routine".

And they do think you're all dipshits that they can control like puppets on a string. Tell them to fuck off and quit watching.
Trump won Arizona by 3 1/2 percent after Romney and McCain won by 9 percent.

Those aren’t polls....those are votes

Republicans lost their long held Senate seat in 2018 , that wasn’t a poll either
Trump lost many close states too. We discussed this before. Do you have dementia?

That is not true. Of the states that went to each candidate by less than 5 points, Trump won 8 and Clinton won 4.

States won by Trump
Michigan, 0.23% – 16
Pennsylvania, 0.72% – 20
Wisconsin, 0.77% – 10
Florida, 1.20% – 29
Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District, 2.24% – 1
Maine, 2.96% – 2
Arizona, 3.55% – 11
North Carolina, 3.66% – 15
Total: 104

States won by Clinton
New Hampshire, 0.37% – 4
Minnesota, 1.52% – 10
Nevada, 2.42% – 6
Colorado, 4.91% – 9
Total: 29
Right so 4 could go to Trump. PA and Fla are huge. Could go either way.

Not really. Democrats swept statewide races in Colorado and are likely to turn out Gardner. They have the highest percentage of voters with degrees in the country. In Nevada, Democrats swept statewide races. In Minnesota, Democrats swept 3 statewide races in 2018 with the closest being a 9 point deficit.

Michigan is likely in the Democrat column as well as Pennsylvania. The Wisconsin primary was a red flag for Republicans.

Even if what you said were to come true, that is 26 EVs and Trump STILL wins the EC.

Trump has likely lost Michigan and Pennsylvania. Wisconsin shows Republicans are in trouble. Also Arizona, Georgia and Texas are in play. I don't see any states flipping from Clinton to Trump.
Great. Should we cancel the election and just hand Biden the presidency in your opinion?

There is a reason that Trump wants to limit voting. He knows his only hope is a smaller turnout. That being said, Democrats need to treat this like they are 10 points behind.
Every honest person wants to limit voting to only those who are eligible. Douchebags want to make it easy for dead people and illegal aliens to vote.

The fact is that voters overwhelmingly support voting by mail.

Very true.

In fact, I signed up for permanent mail in voting in the 90s. The last time I went to a voting booth I voted for Bill Clinton.

My state went to 100% mail in voting in 2005.

The results was what republicans have known all along.

1. The number of people voting increased.
2. Republicans have mostly lost elections here since then.

To be honest, before we changed republicans mostly lost elections here.

Republicans know that when people vote, republicans lose. So they have worked for a very long time to prevent certain people from voting. Specifically those who vote democratic. Which they know most African Americans, other minorities like Native American Indians and young people vote democratic. So they make it as hard as possible for those people to vote. They close voting places, reduce days to vote, institute draconian ID laws, put very few voting machines in certain voting places, put defective and old machines in certain voting places etc. All designed to prevent democratic votes.

trump said it a week or so ago. He came out and said if we allow nation wide mail in voting, republicans will never win another election.

This is why we will not see nation wide mail in voting and increased days for voting happen as long as any republican can prevent it.
True, when dead people and illegal aliens, Democrats win. Those are two of their major constituencies.
Did you hear about this pandemic going on? Lol

YOu mean the one Trump's incompetence caused? The problem isn't just the Pandemic, the problem is the Corporate Debt Crisis that no one was really talking about. Corporate Debt ballooned to 10 Trillion, about half of the US economy, with no real way to pay that back now that the economy has tanked.

Nope. Trump is done, buddy.
The world disagrees,, nations leaders are calling him wondering how he’s doing to well..
More than likely Trump is going to break that record. People do blame the President for economic problems. But this situation is unique. It's a problem no other President had to deal with, inducing GW and 911.

No, this situation isn't unique at all. If the economy is in recession on your watch YOU LOSE.

GWB had a mild recession we were out of by 2004, Al Qaeda had been crushed, Saddam was dead, and the folly of the Iraq War hadn't yet dawned on people with less than 1000 dead. And Bush BARELY beat John Kerry.

Trump will be facing a major recession, probably at least 60,000 dead when this is over if we are really lucky. Oh, yeah, and a majority never wanted the Mother Fucker to start with.

I know your motto on the left, never let a good crisis go to waste, however it's wishful thinking this time, because logical people understand that a US President is not responsible for a worldwide pandemic that affected over 180 countries. They also understand the only President responsible for this is Xi Jinping.

Xi won't be on the ballot. Trump will be. Logical people will realize Trump's mismanagement got us here when the REAL pain starts being felt.

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