Arizona State Lawmaker Proposes Holiday For White People

What a lying asshole. There is nothing about that on Wiki, which is a left leaning site if there ever was one.

Kris Kobach - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kobach served as a missionary to Uganda in 2005 and 2006. Previously, he had volunteered to help build a school in a South African township through the Get Ahead Foundation.[27]) He has also served as a Big Brother. He was a national rowing champion (men's pair event, master's division in 1998; men's double event, master's division, 2001, 2002).[28] He is also an Eagle Scout.[29]

You haven't got a scruple in your entire body, do you?

I lived in AZ for more than 25 years and this only scratches the surface.

Joe Arpaio's personal attorney is Kris Kobach of the Kansas KKK. Pearce is white supremacist. Brewer is his faithful servant and doesn't have a brain in her head.

A little research will turn up quite a few other really smelly facts.

Used to be the deep south was the shame of the US. Now AZ has joined them. The good people are leaving a really beautiful state that has become a cesspool of white supremacy.

BTW, for what its worth, $arah bought a house in Phx and her neighbors put their homes up for sale.

For what's worth, you're a lying scumbag. I'm going to neg you for good measure.
And we all know if any other religion tried to push for a federal holiday christians like you would have a nervous breakdown.

Not me. But go ahead and spread your lies anyway, you who have no idea what this thread is even about.

I know what this thread's about... A bunch of butt hurt, jealous, hate filled Caucasian Right Wingers feeling sorry for themselves...which is ridiculous because I'd be willing to bet my house that none of you would switch places with any minority to have a day or month that celebrates your existence.

The history books in schools show history from a white and monied perspective almost exclusively... sure they talk about slavery and events like the trail of tears... but by and large... American history, as taught in schools... IS white history.

You already know that though, don't you? You just want a reason to keep the "riff raff" from being mainstreamed and a reason to feel sorry for yourselves.

Where is your pride and sense of American Exceptionalism? I'm as white as can be, and I neither feel offended by someone else getting some kind of recognition, nor feel the need to be recognized.

It's unbelievable how big of pussies you people are. How faux tough you pretend to be, but your skin is so thin you can see through it.

It is white history only in that the vast majority of noteworthy individuals that impacted American history were white. Back in the 50's I recall studying George Washington Carver without a big deal being made of his race. We studied the history of slavery and even read interviews and biographies of former slaves. There were a lot still around then. The other people we studied, were notable because of their contributions, or in some cases, because of their inherent evil, not because of their race.
30 years later, my son's American History text had 3 pages on Dr King, one on Malcolm X, a couple more on civil rights, but only 2 short paragraphs on the US Constitution.
What's up with Arizona?

After a Latino state legislator proposed a Latino American Day, lawmaker Cecil Ash stepped up before the legislature to suggest a holiday for white people. Seriously.

This is, after all, the land of S.B. 1070, the contentious and draconian immigration enforcement bill that has been mired in legal deadlock since it was signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer (R) in 2010. The legislation, considered the strictest of its kind when it was passed, is to be ruled upon by the Supreme Court later this year.

It's also home to Russell Pearce, the former Republican state senator credited with laying down the framework for the state's controversial immigration law.

And who can forget the ever-graceful Brewer, stateswoman and author, wagging her finger dismissively in the face of President Obama at an airport in Phoenix last month?

And the swashbuckling Sheriff Joe Arpaio lives there, too. He proclaimed himself "America's Toughest Sheriff," and now finds himself ensnared in a U.S. Justice Department investigation accusing his department of racially profiling Latinos, basing immigration enforcement on racially charged citizen complaints and punishing Hispanic jail inmates for speaking Spanish.

Enter Cecil Ash, a Republican from Mesa, who feels that what Arizona needs now is an official holiday for white folks.

The idea apparently came to Ash after state Rep. Richard Miranda proposed a Latino American Day. "I wanted to speak to you all about Latino Americans here in Arizona," Miranda said on the House floor Monday.

After some debate, Ash stepped forward with his grand idea.

"I'm supportive of this proposition and I think it's well deserved," he said. "I just want them to assure me that when we do become in the minority you'll have a day for us."

There was laughter on the House floor. On CBS 5 News, reporter Elizabeth Erwin introduced her story on the latest state controversy saying, "You can't make this stuff up." No you can't.

On the street, a random woman in a baseball cap said Ash's proposal made sense. Of course. "Like they have Cinco de Mayo for Mexicans," she told CBS 5 News, "we need something for whites." Only in Arizona.

Ash, for his part, wasn't backing down.

"I think it was appropriate," he told the station, referring to his proposed holiday. "It was appropriate for the mood that was in the House and I think that if and when the Caucasian population becomes a minority, they may want to celebrate the accomplishments and the contributions of the Caucasian population the same way."

Maybe Ash is onto something. Consider the talk of a Caucasian history month on the social networking site Tumblr. For real. No joke.

Cecil Ash, Arizona State Lawmaker, Proposes Holiday For White People (VIDEO)

I love it when folks in a highly visible position publicly tell the rest of the world to go fuck themselves...
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Don't whites already have enough holidays?


How about a holiday for Native Americans?
ewe sound like ewe got a bad case of black butt hurt..

Yeah, that is it. :cuckoo:

No, I am just a white person who realizes this country is built around appeasing white christians. I also find it offensive when a white christian male is bitching about having a day. Every day is white male christian day.

Maybe everyday for you is white guilt day?

Nahh.... maybe he's just further along in the maturity process than you and doesn't feel the need to have his dick sucked by the general public.
I lived in AZ for more than 25 years and this only scratches the surface.

Joe Arpaio's personal attorney is Kris Kobach of the Kansas KKK. Pearce is white supremacist. Brewer is his faithful servant and doesn't have a brain in her head.

A little research will turn up quite a few other really smelly facts.

Used to be the deep south was the shame of the US. Now AZ has joined them. The good people are leaving a really beautiful state that has become a cesspool of white supremacy.

BTW, for what its worth, $arah bought a house in Phx and her neighbors put their homes up for sale.
I hunted for any ties between Kobach and the KKK and all I can come up with is that his political opponents in Kansas refer to him as Krazy Kris Kobach. His only ties to Joe Arpaio as far as I can tell is an endorsement in his successful race for Kansas Secretary of State.
He did, however write the majority of both the Arizona and Alabama immigration laws.
Please prove S of S Kobach is a KKK member, or admit you lied.
Not me. But go ahead and spread your lies anyway, you who have no idea what this thread is even about.

I know what this thread's about... A bunch of butt hurt, jealous, hate filled Caucasian Right Wingers feeling sorry for themselves...which is ridiculous because I'd be willing to bet my house that none of you would switch places with any minority to have a day or month that celebrates your existence.

The history books in schools show history from a white and monied perspective almost exclusively... sure they talk about slavery and events like the trail of tears... but by and large... American history, as taught in schools... IS white history.

You already know that though, don't you? You just want a reason to keep the "riff raff" from being mainstreamed and a reason to feel sorry for yourselves.

Where is your pride and sense of American Exceptionalism? I'm as white as can be, and I neither feel offended by someone else getting some kind of recognition, nor feel the need to be recognized.

It's unbelievable how big of pussies you people are. How faux tough you pretend to be, but your skin is so thin you can see through it.

It is white history only in that the vast majority of noteworthy individuals that impacted American history were white. Back in the 50's I recall studying George Washington Carver without a big deal being made of his race. We studied the history of slavery and even read interviews and biographies of former slaves. There were a lot still around then. The other people we studied, were notable because of their contributions, or in some cases, because of their inherent evil, not because of their race.
30 years later, my son's American History text had 3 pages on Dr King, one on Malcolm X, a couple more on civil rights, but only 2 short paragraphs on the US Constitution.

How many did they have on the Founding Fathers, the Industrial Revolution and people like JP Morgan, Carnegie and Rockefeller, How about FDR? How about Ulysses S. Grant?

Funny that you compare those historically notable minority people with the Constitution as if it were a person....furthermore, you used the Constitution to replace Historically notable white people.... so some may be lead to believe that you feel that the Constitution is meant for white people. Not saying that you did it on purpose....but hey.... ya never know these days.

EDIT: BTW... bitching about 6-7 pages in a History BOOK that talked about notable African Americans is pretty cheesy IMO.
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sad,, minorities have fought so long against "segregation" now they want to self segregate..

Self segregate because they want one day? Have you ever been to say Mexican Heritage Day? They are pretty welcoming to anyone. It must be sad living in your world.

have you been to one?.....if not brush up on your just might think your in Mexico.....
What a lying asshole. There is nothing about that on Wiki, which is a left leaning site if there ever was one.

Kris Kobach - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kobach served as a missionary to Uganda in 2005 and 2006. Previously, he had volunteered to help build a school in a South African township through the Get Ahead Foundation.[27]) He has also served as a Big Brother. He was a national rowing champion (men's pair event, master's division in 1998; men's double event, master's division, 2001, 2002).[28] He is also an Eagle Scout.[29]

You haven't got a scruple in your entire body, do you?

I lived in AZ for more than 25 years and this only scratches the surface.

Joe Arpaio's personal attorney is Kris Kobach of the Kansas KKK. Pearce is white supremacist. Brewer is his faithful servant and doesn't have a brain in her head.

A little research will turn up quite a few other really smelly facts.

Used to be the deep south was the shame of the US. Now AZ has joined them. The good people are leaving a really beautiful state that has become a cesspool of white supremacy.

BTW, for what its worth, $arah bought a house in Phx and her neighbors put their homes up for sale.

For what's worth, you're a lying scumbag. I'm going to neg you for good measure.

your talking to Dudly doright Bri.....he is kinda like Franco,only he can spell better......he has made statements like this before.....
Yeah, that is it. :cuckoo:

No, I am just a white person who realizes this country is built around appeasing white christians. I also find it offensive when a white christian male is bitching about having a day. Every day is white male christian day.

Maybe everyday for you is white guilt day?

Nahh.... maybe he's just further along in the maturity process than you and doesn't feel the need to have his dick sucked by the general public.

Looks like you two will be celebrating WGD together.
I know what this thread's about... A bunch of butt hurt, jealous, hate filled Caucasian Right Wingers feeling sorry for themselves...which is ridiculous because I'd be willing to bet my house that none of you would switch places with any minority to have a day or month that celebrates your existence.

The history books in schools show history from a white and monied perspective almost exclusively... sure they talk about slavery and events like the trail of tears... but by and large... American history, as taught in schools... IS white history.

You already know that though, don't you? You just want a reason to keep the "riff raff" from being mainstreamed and a reason to feel sorry for yourselves.

Where is your pride and sense of American Exceptionalism? I'm as white as can be, and I neither feel offended by someone else getting some kind of recognition, nor feel the need to be recognized.

It's unbelievable how big of pussies you people are. How faux tough you pretend to be, but your skin is so thin you can see through it.

It is white history only in that the vast majority of noteworthy individuals that impacted American history were white. Back in the 50's I recall studying George Washington Carver without a big deal being made of his race. We studied the history of slavery and even read interviews and biographies of former slaves. There were a lot still around then. The other people we studied, were notable because of their contributions, or in some cases, because of their inherent evil, not because of their race.
30 years later, my son's American History text had 3 pages on Dr King, one on Malcolm X, a couple more on civil rights, but only 2 short paragraphs on the US Constitution.

How many did they have on the Founding Fathers, the Industrial Revolution and people like JP Morgan, Carnegie and Rockefeller, How about FDR? How about Ulysses S. Grant?

Funny that you compare those historically notable minority people with the Constitution as if it were a person....furthermore, you used the Constitution to replace Historically notable white people.... so some may be lead to believe that you feel that the Constitution is meant for white people. Not saying that you did it on purpose....but hey.... ya never know these days.

EDIT: BTW... bitching about 6-7 pages in a History BOOK that talked about notable African Americans is pretty cheesy IMO.

You really don't see a problem there, do you? I mean Malcolm X got twice the ink of the Constitution! What will be more useful in life? Compare not knowing jack shit about a racist pig to not knowing your Constitutional rights.
It is white history only in that the vast majority of noteworthy individuals that impacted American history were white. Back in the 50's I recall studying George Washington Carver without a big deal being made of his race. We studied the history of slavery and even read interviews and biographies of former slaves. There were a lot still around then. The other people we studied, were notable because of their contributions, or in some cases, because of their inherent evil, not because of their race.
30 years later, my son's American History text had 3 pages on Dr King, one on Malcolm X, a couple more on civil rights, but only 2 short paragraphs on the US Constitution.

How many did they have on the Founding Fathers, the Industrial Revolution and people like JP Morgan, Carnegie and Rockefeller, How about FDR? How about Ulysses S. Grant?

Funny that you compare those historically notable minority people with the Constitution as if it were a person....furthermore, you used the Constitution to replace Historically notable white people.... so some may be lead to believe that you feel that the Constitution is meant for white people. Not saying that you did it on purpose....but hey.... ya never know these days.

EDIT: BTW... bitching about 6-7 pages in a History BOOK that talked about notable African Americans is pretty cheesy IMO.

You really don't see a problem there, do you? I mean Malcolm X got twice the ink of the Constitution! What will be more useful in life? Compare not knowing jack shit about a racist pig to not knowing your Constitutional rights.

My point was.... you said(and I added them up according to YOUR estimations) that there was 6-7 pages out of a whole fucking BOOK dedicated exclusively to historically relevant blacks... that means that for the rest of the BOOK.... it's pretty much white history...yet you still feel the need to feel disrespected as a race.... this is why I laugh in you Conservative's faces about this shit.

The Constitution is NOT a person which is kind of what this thread is about... if you want to change goal posts...that's fine...but that doesn't mean I have to play along.
Don't whites already have enough holidays?


How about a holiday for Native Americans?

There are no exclusively white holidays, fool.

Black History month isn't exclusively for black people to celebrate, either.

So get out there and celebrate the great accomplishments of great people! If it bothers you so much that they're all black, then you have a real personality problem.
Black History month isn't exclusively for black people to celebrate, either.

So get out there and celebrate the great accomplishments of great people! If it bothers you so much that they're all black, then you have a real personality problem.
Why should I celebrate Black History Month?

I don't see them rushing to celebrate White anything. :cool:
Black History month isn't exclusively for black people to celebrate, either.

So get out there and celebrate the great accomplishments of great people! If it bothers you so much that they're all black, then you have a real personality problem.
Why should I celebrate Black History Month?

I don't see them rushing to celebrate White anything. :cool:

I celebrate white obituaries.
Black History month isn't exclusively for black people to celebrate, either.

So get out there and celebrate the great accomplishments of great people! If it bothers you so much that they're all black, then you have a real personality problem.
Why should I celebrate Black History Month?

I don't see them rushing to celebrate White anything. :cool:

I celebrate white obituaries.

really? Wow.
I'm trying to figure out which "white" people we are talking about. Albinos? White Hispanics? Only Europeans?

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