Arizona's presidential electors being harassed, urged not to cast vote for Trump

100 million behind if you can stretch your imagination that far

It's not imagination in the slightest. You're bragging about winning a rigged vote / subverting the citizens of this great country. GTFO with that shit.
You're bragging about Trump winning even though 30 million of the votes for him were actually Russians hacking the voting machines.


It'd be a hack link. If there was any truth to that the MSM would be having a field day.
Not necessarily true. The MSM has entertained all kinds of conservative nonsense over the last several years.

You're just trying to run interference for your higher paid fellow operatives.
Trump is a narcissist, a pathological liar and a borderline sociopath. That should be enough to convince the electors not to vote for him.
no, this is funny and stupid.

What is really funny is that so many Trump supporters actually believe the things he said. They believe that he's some anti-establishment hero that will 'drain the swamp'.

Trump is a New York con man..he just sold you all the Brooklyn Bridge. He stands for NONE of the things he claimed to. He's as elitist as elitist gets.

I would be happy if congress impeached Trump. I may disagree with Pence's politics, but at least he's a psychologically stable and well meaning man.
dude, if he doesn't do them, he's done. We hold our reps accountable unlike the left. Benghazi and email servers. wow.
It's not imagination in the slightest. You're bragging about winning a rigged vote / subverting the citizens of this great country. GTFO with that shit.
You're bragging about Trump winning even though 30 million of the votes for him were actually Russians hacking the voting machines.


It'd be a hack link. If there was any truth to that the MSM would be having a field day.
Not necessarily true. The MSM has entertained all kinds of conservative nonsense over the last several years.

You're just trying to run interference for your higher paid fellow operatives.
See everyone? Suspend enough disbelief, and you can believe anything.
How many millions behind after taking out illegal aliens?
100 million behind if you can stretch your imagination that far

It's not imagination in the slightest. You're bragging about winning a rigged vote / subverting the citizens of this great country. GTFO with that shit.
You're bragging about Trump winning even though 30 million of the votes for him were actually Russians hacking the voting machines.

:lmao: If you believe that, you couldn't be a bigger idiot. Even Hillary hasn't ran with that faux excuse in the aftermath of the election.

But if you really believe that, I strongly encourage you to make a thread on it so that everyone can have as big a laugh.
Suspend enough disbelief, and you can believe anything. Hell Trump convinced you all that Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK and that he knows how to bring jobs back

I don't recall even one person on here believing that. Dude, you are extra hacky today. The election has really fucked you up.
The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Over 1.1 million votes ahead atm

How many millions behind after taking out illegal aliens?
100 million behind if you can stretch your imagination that far

It's not imagination in the slightest. You're bragging about winning a rigged vote / subverting the citizens of this great country. GTFO with that shit.
After taking out the rigged voting, Clinton was ahead by more than three million votes.
306 to 232, she lost. nothing else matters bubba.
100 million behind if you can stretch your imagination that far

It's not imagination in the slightest. You're bragging about winning a rigged vote / subverting the citizens of this great country. GTFO with that shit.
You're bragging about Trump winning even though 30 million of the votes for him were actually Russians hacking the voting machines.

:lmao: If you believe that, you couldn't be a bigger idiot. Even Hillary hasn't ran with that faux excuse in the aftermath of the election.

But if you really believe that, I strongly encourage you to make a thread on it so that everyone can have as big a laugh.
Suspend enough disbelief, and you can believe anything. Hell Trump convinced you all that Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK and that he knows how to bring jobs back

I don't recall even one person on here believing that. Dude, you are extra hacky today. The election has really fucked you up.
You must have been gone that day
You're bragging about Trump winning even though 30 million of the votes for him were actually Russians hacking the voting machines.


It'd be a hack link. If there was any truth to that the MSM would be having a field day.
Not necessarily true. The MSM has entertained all kinds of conservative nonsense over the last several years.

You're just trying to run interference for your higher paid fellow operatives.
See everyone? Suspend enough disbelief, and you can believe anything.
only in a libturd world.
Defying the "will of the people"? On November 8, Americans went to the polls, cast their ballots and gave Hillary Clinton over a million more votes (and growing) than Trump received. If the "will of the people" was being honored, Americans wouldn't find themselves being held hostage to Trump's erratic personality quirks and his 3AM tweets.

I'm sorry to say that the citizens of our country are going to end up having the worst case of buyers remorse in recorded history, and it's probably going to happen even before Trump takes the oath of office.

Nobody is denying "the will of the people", just the will of the people that voted for the candidate that lost.

Apparently you didn't get the memo, the United States is a Republic not a Democracy.


I'm not crying about it. I'm simply stating what I believe to be true. Frankly, I hope I'm wrong. I would LOVE to believe that candidate Trump was just some kind of manufactured personae which Trump created for no other purpose than to garner free press, and the REAL man behind that manufactured mask was (and is) a serious, thoughtful person who will govern both well and wisely, Unfortunately, ALL the available evidence points in the opposite direction. In this particular case, nothing would make me happier than to be wrong because I would take absolutely no joy in saying, "I told you so." There's just too much at stake.
Then what's all this "will of the people" nonsense? just makes you look like you have no idea how are Republic works and why the founders chose a Republic rather than a Democracy.

There's nothing "at stake", Clinton or Trump, the choice was an extremely poor one to begin with, Clinton the EVIL you know or Trump the EVIL you don't , the Republic chose to gamble on a hope & prayer that Trump would actually represent a change any change, but in the end the song remains the same. .....

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" --- The Who, Won't get fooled again.

" ARE Republic works..."
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.

To be fair, "the People" don't elect the President and Vice President. The States pick the President and Vice President.

You Hillarybots don't understand the rules and want to whine that the people who do understand the rules are wrong. It's pathetic.
Trump is a narcissist, a pathological liar and a borderline sociopath. That should be enough to convince the electors not to vote for him.
no, this is funny and stupid.

What is really funny is that so many Trump supporters actually believe the things he said. They believe that he's some anti-establishment hero that will 'drain the swamp'.

Trump is a New York con man..he just sold you all the Brooklyn Bridge. He stands for NONE of the things he claimed to. He's as elitist as elitist gets.

I would be happy if congress impeached Trump. I may disagree with Pence's politics, but at least he's a psychologically stable and well meaning man.
well me personally, I'd like to see him take office ahead of someone asking for him to be impeached so there was some evidence of wrong doing. but today, all you got is more hate spewing.

I have no doubt that it will not be long before Trump commits an impeachable offense. I do not think he has the capability of acting within the law as President. He is used to dictatorial powers running his businesses - he seems to be combining the two already. The question will be whether congress has the political will to do so.

If he does get impeached, that'd be great.
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.

To be fair, "the People" don't elect the President and Vice President. The States pick the President and Vice President.

You Hillarybots don't understand the rules and want to whine that the people who do understand the rules are wrong. It's pathetic.
well to be accurate, it's the 'peoples' vote in the state that allows the state to pick the president and that is by a majority.
It's not imagination in the slightest. You're bragging about winning a rigged vote / subverting the citizens of this great country. GTFO with that shit.
You're bragging about Trump winning even though 30 million of the votes for him were actually Russians hacking the voting machines.

:lmao: If you believe that, you couldn't be a bigger idiot. Even Hillary hasn't ran with that faux excuse in the aftermath of the election.

But if you really believe that, I strongly encourage you to make a thread on it so that everyone can have as big a laugh.
Suspend enough disbelief, and you can believe anything. Hell Trump convinced you all that Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK and that he knows how to bring jobs back

I don't recall even one person on here believing that. Dude, you are extra hacky today. The election has really fucked you up.
You must have been gone that day

You're dismissing the point as usual. You have willfully miscategorized your opposition's viewpoint. Go take a fucking poll if you need confirmation; but stop with your hack shit.

It'd be a hack link. If there was any truth to that the MSM would be having a field day.
Not necessarily true. The MSM has entertained all kinds of conservative nonsense over the last several years.

You're just trying to run interference for your higher paid fellow operatives.
See everyone? Suspend enough disbelief, and you can believe anything.
only in a libturd world.

*Globalists. They should be called out for exactly what they are.
First, Donald Trump has not been elected yet. The electors have been elected.

Second, Alexander Hamilton, the chief proponent of the electoral college justified it:

to ensure that “the office of president will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States."

Third, I sent emails to all electors asking that they do not vote for Trump. I have received several replies, one of which says:

"you have every right to lobby an elector. I welcome the contact from a fellow American."

If there was ever a time that the electors should prove the worth of the electoral college - by not voting for Trump, this is the time!

Thank you. How does one go about e-mailing the electors?

Email members of the Electoral College

Thank you.
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.

To be fair, "the People" don't elect the President and Vice President. The States pick the President and Vice President.

You Hillarybots don't understand the rules and want to whine that the people who do understand the rules are wrong. It's pathetic.
well to be accurate, it's the 'peoples' vote in the state that allows the state to pick the president and that is by a majority.

Yep, most states have decided to allow the people of their States to pick electors to decide who is elected President. Used to be the individual legislatures.
You're bragging about Trump winning even though 30 million of the votes for him were actually Russians hacking the voting machines.

:lmao: If you believe that, you couldn't be a bigger idiot. Even Hillary hasn't ran with that faux excuse in the aftermath of the election.

But if you really believe that, I strongly encourage you to make a thread on it so that everyone can have as big a laugh.
Suspend enough disbelief, and you can believe anything. Hell Trump convinced you all that Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK and that he knows how to bring jobs back

I don't recall even one person on here believing that. Dude, you are extra hacky today. The election has really fucked you up.
You must have been gone that day

You're dismissing the point as usual. You have willfully miscategorized your opposition's viewpoint. Go take a fucking poll if you need confirmation; but stop with your hack shit.
I'll stop when you stop.
According to the Constitution electors are free to vote their conscience.

True, to a point...usually, political parties nominate electors at their state conventions. Sometimes that process occurs by a vote of the party’s central committee. The electors are usually state-elected officials, party leaders, or people with a strong affiliation with the Presidential candidates. While the Constitution nor Federal election laws compel electors to vote for their party’s candidate, twenty-seven states have laws on the books that require electors to vote for their party’s candidate if that candidate gets a majority of the state’s popular vote. In 24 states, no such laws apply, but common practice is for electors to vote for their party’s nominee.

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