Arizona's presidential electors being harassed, urged not to cast vote for Trump

It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.

The will of California anyway.

You're an idiot. More Americans voted for Clinton than Trump. If not for a 'loser wins' relic of an electoral system,
democracy would have prevailed.
You're the idiot, you keep whining and stamping your feet about a non-existent standard as if it means something, you're like some moron that bitches about his baseball team losing on the scoreboard even though they got more base hits than the other team.... let me make it simple for you..

In Presidential elections.. every vote DOESN'T COUNT, the only one that counts is the one that puts the winner at 270 EC's
There is no such thing as the "will of the people", it's a made up construct that's completely meaningless, unless you're idiotic enough to believe that every one who didn't vote your way isn't a person
Hillary Clinton didn't get a majority of the votes, she got a plurality
Almost half of eligible voters didn't vote

Bottom line is, your candidate lost by the rules of the game , stop acting like an infant and deal with it, the world isn't going to end because Donald Duck is going to be the President, hell we just had two complete assholes in the Oval Office, who were there for 16 years combined before him and somehow managed to get by.
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Though I marked you post 'Winner', I'm really not confident of Trump's psychological stability. That's the difference between the two.

Neither am I, anybody that runs for President these days is suspect from a mental health standpoint, takes a whole lot of ego and narcissism which probably explains why we've been getting such shitty choices lately.

This one was an especially bad choice....

The Narcissistic, Power Hungry Criminal or the Narcissistic, Power Hungry Clown... we went with the Clown, hopefully he won't fuck things up too badly.

It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.

The will of California anyway.

You're an idiot. More Americans voted for Clinton than Trump. If not for a 'loser wins' relic of an electoral system,
democracy would have prevailed.
A sore LOSER keeps quoting a Popular vote that was bloated and skewed by 3 million illegal votes snd that doesn't count for shit, ignoring the official Electoral College win by Trump. :)

The electoral college was set up to specifically keep large states from running roughshod over small states. That is the genius of it.

In theory, you could win the Electoral college with as little as 34% of the popular vote. That wasn't lost on anyone.
First, Donald Trump has not been elected yet. The electors have been elected.

Second, Alexander Hamilton, the chief proponent of the electoral college justified it:

to ensure that “the office of president will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States."

Third, I sent emails to all electors asking that they do not vote for Trump. I have received several replies, one of which says:

"you have every right to lobby an elector. I welcome the contact from a fellow American."

If there was ever a time that the electors should prove the worth of the electoral college - by not voting for Trump, this is the time!

Oh, well if you sent e-mails to all the electors, then us Trump supporters are really fucked then!
The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Over 1.1 million votes ahead atm

How many millions behind after taking out illegal aliens?
100 million behind if you can stretch your imagination that far

It's not imagination in the slightest. You're bragging about winning a rigged vote / subverting the citizens of this great country. GTFO with that shit.
After taking out the rigged voting, Clinton was ahead by more than three million votes.

That's consistent with the Alt-Right, they always blame their opponent for what they do or plan to do; it's fascism 101.
First, Donald Trump has not been elected yet. The electors have been elected.

Second, Alexander Hamilton, the chief proponent of the electoral college justified it:

to ensure that “the office of president will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States."

Third, I sent emails to all electors asking that they do not vote for Trump. I have received several replies, one of which says:

"you have every right to lobby an elector. I welcome the contact from a fellow American."

If there was ever a time that the electors should prove the worth of the electoral college - by not voting for Trump, this is the time!

Oh, well if you sent e-mails to all the electors, then us Trump supporters are really fucked then!

Trump supporters are already fucked up. Don't blame it on e-mails.
I thought you muppets liked the idea of the electors, and not the voters,

electing the President.
The electoral vote for who the people chose in their state. You can hate the results, but it wont change a thing. Libtards are fascists and they lost. Now they can suck each others dicks for comfort

Hey, you may have got something correct, that's amazing; however, can the results be changed? Yes they can!

A million more votes have gone to HRC and Trump stands to be elected in December. The Electors have the final say, and there is a real possibility some of these Electors, though chosen by the Establishment Republican Party, will put our country first. We've seen this play before, and a second act by the neo cons is the last thing we need.

It will take real courage (for they are sure to have a target put on their collective backs) if they do so and HRC is awarded the prize. Karma for 2000 when hanging chads and a single vote in the Supreme Court put Dick Cheney and the neo cons into power.


You really don't need to advertise how dumb you are, it's common knowledge to regulars.
I thought you muppets liked the idea of the electors, and not the voters,

electing the President.
The electoral vote for who the people chose in their state. You can hate the results, but it wont change a thing. Libtards are fascists and they lost. Now they can suck each others dicks for comfort

Hey, you may have got something correct, that's amazing; however, can the results be changed? Yes they can!

A million more votes have gone to HRC and Trump stands to be elected in December. The Electors have the final say, and there is a real possibility some of these Electors, though chosen by the Establishment Republican Party, will put our country first. We've seen this play before, and a second act by the neo cons is the last thing we need.

It will take real courage (for they are sure to have a target put on their collective backs) if they do so and HRC is awarded the prize. Karma for 2000 when hanging chads and a single vote in the Supreme Court put Dick Cheney and the neo cons into power.


You really don't need to advertise how dumb you are, it's common knowledge to regulars.

You're claiming there is an actual path for Hillary to replace Trump as president elect, and you a have the nerve to call me dumb.

YOU believe that approximately 40, not 5, not 10, but 40 'faithless electors', which is about what it would take to give her the lead, are going to go against state laws etc to put Hillary in the WH, and you call ME dumb?

She doesn't have a chance in hell, and anyone that thinks so is smoking crack
Over 1.1 million votes ahead atm

How many millions behind after taking out illegal aliens?
100 million behind if you can stretch your imagination that far

It's not imagination in the slightest. You're bragging about winning a rigged vote / subverting the citizens of this great country. GTFO with that shit.
After taking out the rigged voting, Clinton was ahead by more than three million votes.

That's consistent with the Alt-Right, they always blame their opponent for what they do or plan to do; it's fascism 101.

Sure punk.
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Cut the crap.....But for Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Clinton LOSES the popular vote.
Don't go telling USMB three cities determine the so called will of the people.
IN fact it was not until California votes were tabulated did Clinton gain the lead in the Popular vote.
And THAT is why the Electoral College exists. Too keep one state or more appropriately a few large cities from beiing the sole determining factor by which candidate becomes the next POTUS
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Cut the crap.....But for Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Clinton LOSES the popular vote.
Don't go telling USMB three cities determine the so called will of the people.
IN fact it was not until California votes were tabulated did Clinton gain the lead in the Popular vote.
And THAT is why the Electoral College exists. Too keep one state or more appropriately a few large cities from beiing the sole determining factor by which candidate becomes the next POTUS
She's currently up over 1.3 million votes. Spin it however you want. Trump better not think he has any kind of mandate.
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Cut the crap.....But for Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Clinton LOSES the popular vote.
Don't go telling USMB three cities determine the so called will of the people.
IN fact it was not until California votes were tabulated did Clinton gain the lead in the Popular vote.
And THAT is why the Electoral College exists. Too keep one state or more appropriately a few large cities from beiing the sole determining factor by which candidate becomes the next POTUS
She's currently up over 1.3 million votes. Spin it however you want. Trump better not think he has any kind of mandate.

306-232 is a fairly good mandate
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Cut the crap.....But for Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Clinton LOSES the popular vote.
Don't go telling USMB three cities determine the so called will of the people.
IN fact it was not until California votes were tabulated did Clinton gain the lead in the Popular vote.
And THAT is why the Electoral College exists. Too keep one state or more appropriately a few large cities from beiing the sole determining factor by which candidate becomes the next POTUS
She's currently up over 1.3 million votes. Spin it however you want. Trump better not think he has any kind of mandate.

306-232 is a fairly good mandate
It would be if more people had voted for him than his opponent. Instead it's a black eye.
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Cut the crap.....But for Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Clinton LOSES the popular vote.
Don't go telling USMB three cities determine the so called will of the people.
IN fact it was not until California votes were tabulated did Clinton gain the lead in the Popular vote.
And THAT is why the Electoral College exists. Too keep one state or more appropriately a few large cities from beiing the sole determining factor by which candidate becomes the next POTUS
She's currently up over 1.3 million votes. Spin it however you want. Trump better not think he has any kind of mandate.

306-232 is a fairly good mandate
It would be if more people had voted for him than his opponent. Instead it's a black eye.

It is, because they are the votes that matter.

can you name one election where the loser of the Electoral Vote lost to the winner of the Popular vote?
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Cut the crap.....But for Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Clinton LOSES the popular vote.
Don't go telling USMB three cities determine the so called will of the people.
IN fact it was not until California votes were tabulated did Clinton gain the lead in the Popular vote.
And THAT is why the Electoral College exists. Too keep one state or more appropriately a few large cities from beiing the sole determining factor by which candidate becomes the next POTUS
She's currently up over 1.3 million votes. Spin it however you want. Trump better not think he has any kind of mandate.
Subtract the 3 million illegals who voted and she still loses.

LOSERS keep mentioning a Popular vote that had been bloated and skewed by 3 million illegals who voted AND a system that doesn't mean shit.

The Popular Vote means NOTHING, no matter how badly you want it to.

The election Is OVER.
Hillary LOST.
There is nothing to spin - that's a FACT.

The sooner you Snowflakes come yo terms with that the better.
The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Cut the crap.....But for Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Clinton LOSES the popular vote.
Don't go telling USMB three cities determine the so called will of the people.
IN fact it was not until California votes were tabulated did Clinton gain the lead in the Popular vote.
And THAT is why the Electoral College exists. Too keep one state or more appropriately a few large cities from beiing the sole determining factor by which candidate becomes the next POTUS
She's currently up over 1.3 million votes. Spin it however you want. Trump better not think he has any kind of mandate.

306-232 is a fairly good mandate
It would be if more people had voted for him than his opponent. Instead it's a black eye.

It is, because they are the votes that matter.

can you name one election where the loser of the Electoral Vote lost to the winner of the Popular vote?
^ deflection
It's fitting that Democrats are urging those in / with power to ignore the will of the people

The will of the People was to elect Hillary Clinton.
Cut the crap.....But for Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Clinton LOSES the popular vote.
Don't go telling USMB three cities determine the so called will of the people.
IN fact it was not until California votes were tabulated did Clinton gain the lead in the Popular vote.
And THAT is why the Electoral College exists. Too keep one state or more appropriately a few large cities from beiing the sole determining factor by which candidate becomes the next POTUS
She's currently up over 1.3 million votes. Spin it however you want. Trump better not think he has any kind of mandate.
Subtract the 3 million illegals who voted and she still loses.

LOSERS keep mentioning a Popular vote that had been bloated and skewed by 3 million illegals who voted AND a system that doesn't mean shit.

The Popular Vote means NOTHING, no matter how badly you want it to.

The election Is OVER.
Hillary LOST.
There is nothing to spin - that's a FACT.

The sooner you Snowflakes come yo terms with that the better.
Subtract all the Russian hacker votes and her lead is even bigger.

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