Ark of the Covenant

It's not trolling. It seems that way to you, because you are an incapable moron that can't have a rational discussion about these myths, as your brain is handicapped by your faith in iron aged mythology.
Oh, you are definitely trolling. ... :cuckoo:
By using inflammatory language and framing your spurious accusations in an extremely a rude manner. About a subject you obviously possess very little knowledge.
I stopped back here hoping there would be some real discussion on how the Arc might have worked (it was an electric generator) or where it might be (there has been several researchers who have traced the path of rumors concerning the Arc whereabouts around the world), but I was wrong.

Just the usual trolling and pointless bickering.
And they did it on cuneiform tablets, weighing hundreds of pounds each, when they wanted to send official messages over distance. But somehow the Moses flock that couldn't find their way out of a relatively postage stamp-sized piece of the desert for 40 years managed to transport hundreds of them hundreds of miles.

Good grief, how can rational adults believe this nonsense
The Talmud says it's buried in a tunnel under the Temple.
The Romans claim they hauled it off; if they hauled it off, it's in the Vatican.
Moses grew up and was educated in Egypt in a quite privileged environment so the claim he was illiterate is almost certainly false.
But saying so relies on the same "historical" record that says 259 years after Moses was born, he left Egypt at the age of 80. And only the highest ranking officials of ancient Egypt were taught to read and write heiroglyphics, of which Moses was certainly not one.

Every time you guys try to support a "nonzero" chance of any part of this myth being true (which is light years away from supporting it as true or likely true), you make these huge leaps of faith that cherry pick from the flawed and impossible pseudohistory in the Bible. These add up to a farce on your part.
But saying so relies on the same "historical" record that says 259 years after Moses was born, he left Egypt at the age of 80.

What the heck are you talking about?
There is zero evidence of a Hebrew presence in Egypt and if a couple million left , you'd think a population of 4 million would have noticed.

Maybe christianity in its purest form is true. I could never provide evidence against the existence of a god, or against the idea gods created the universe, or the idea of the messiah. But thia is because these are magical ideas. One could never provide evidence for or against magical ideas. If it makes someone happy to believe it, then i am happy they are happy.

But when religious people try to hijack the concepts of evidence and reason to try to dress up the faith based beliefs with a veneer of supposed evidence, i will butt heads with them. There are many reasons for this, not least of which is the corruption of the concepts of reason and evidence, which we use to produce results and gain knowledge. The faith i have no problem with. Trying to put the dogma and specific bits of mythology on the same shelf with hard earned, evidence based knowledge is an affront to knowledge and reason. That wall must be maintained.
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The Source is a historical novel by James A. Michener published in 1965. It is a survey of the history of the Jewish people and the land of Israel from pre-monotheistic days to the birth of the modern State of Israel.

I read this book. Fascinating. Rabbis would sit for days, months, years over ONE PASSAGE, arguing and dissecting what they thought it meant.
Jews still do; not just rabbis.
Well...I guess they want their T's crossed and I's dotted. I see nothing wrong with that, either. Beats assuming, ya know?
By using inflammatory language and framing your spurious accusations in an extremely a rude manner.
You sensitive religious folk often confuse directness and terseness for rudeness, when it come to your magical fetishes. That's because you think they are very special and are assumed by you as true and untouchable from the start. I get it. But that's your problem, not mine.
By using inflammatory language and framing your spurious accusations in an extremely a rude manner.
You sensitive religious folk often confuse directness and terseness for rudeness, when it come to your magical fetishes. That's because you think they are very special and are assumed by you as true and untouchable from the start. I get it. But that's your problem, not mine.
If it's not your problem, stop posting.

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