Ark of the Covenant

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Well...worshipping idols is what mankind tends to do even though God said that was a no no. The Ark (worshipping what it COULD be or WAS); wearing a cross as a pendent (it's just a symbol); falling all over a man in a fancy robe with a big red had and sits on a massive treasure in Rome (he's just a man); etc.
So melting gold to be coin can be applied to all...because its greed, not faith that drives them.
The OT doesn't say they were lost.
They just wandered and lived in the desert for 40 years
Haha, sure, that's exactly what people do when being pursued by an enemy army on foot and fleeing for their lives. Seems legit.

the Bedouin don't wander aimlessly. They go where they mean to go. That includes civilization, when needed. poor comparison.
Moses grew up and was educated in Egypt in a quite privileged environment so the claim he was illiterate is almost certainly false.
What’s false is the myth that Moses grew up and was educated in Egypt in a quite privileged environment.

Many heroic figures in antiquity were found in baskets on the Nile.
What I find most interesting about many of your posts is how you tend to look for reasons to discredit accounts through exception.

The stories have value, but not as history or science. I think more people would stick around the church if they weren't expected to park their brains at the door.
I disagree. There is history there even if it was embellished. You dismiss everything because it was embellished. That's just as bad as reading it literally.
The Source is a historical novel by James A. Michener published in 1965. It is a survey of the history of the Jewish people and the land of Israel from pre-monotheistic days to the birth of the modern State of Israel.

I read this book. Fascinating. Rabbis would sit for days, months, years over ONE PASSAGE, arguing and dissecting what they thought it meant.
the Moses flock that couldn't find their way out of a relatively postage stamp-sized piece of the desert for 40 years
The OT doesn't say they were lost.
It just says they wandered and lived in the desert for 40 years much like the Bedouin have for thousands of years. ... :cool:

The Exodus generation was not in a state of grace and prohibited from entering the Promised Land.

After 40 years that generation would die off.

The reference to 40 years is further proof that the Exodus myth was fabricated by men alone.
They had already gotten free from the army that was pursuing them and were no longer in danger.
Yeah, it was like a miracle! A bunch of untrained, ignorant peasants managed to outrun trained, armed combatants on foot. Very magical! Did they also pull quarters out from behind each others' ears?
The OT doesn't say they were lost.
They just wandered and lived in the desert for 40 years
Haha, sure, that's exactly what people do when being pursued by an enemy army on foot and fleeing for their lives. Seems legit.

the Bedouin don't wander aimlessly. They go where they mean to go. That includes civilization, when needed. poor comparison.

There were many Canaanite towns in Sinai involved in mining, metallurgy and pottery making. They paid tribute to Pharaoh and he in turn provided Egyptian garrisons to protect them.

Bedouin can't survive alone. They have to have a simbiotic relationship with settled people who live in towns or oases.
There were many Canaanite towns in Sinai involved in mining, metallurgy and pottery making. They paid tribute to Pharaoh and he in turn provided Egyptian garrisons to protect them.
So? Are we just kind of making up added parts of the myth, now, in order to make the other madeup parts seem a wee bit more possible? That's not very compelling.

Again, all you have managed here is to eke out a non-zero possibility that any of this nonsense has a tiny nugget of a factual basis. That's not compelling argument for any of it actually being true.

I don't think you realize what you are doing here, as your faith has handicapped your ability to have perspective. Imagine if you were making the same arguments for other mythology, like Greek mythology. Imagine running into someone who was pushing back against the pretty obvious idea that those are all myths by trying to argue that, hey, it's not strictly impossible that a tiny bit of it happened. Obviously, you would have a hard time keeping a straight face in front of someone doing this.
There were many Canaanite towns in Sinai involved in mining, metallurgy and pottery making. They paid tribute to Pharaoh and he in turn provided Egyptian garrisons to protect them.
So? Are we just kind of making up added parts of the myth, now, in order to make the other madeup parts seem a wee bit more possible? That's not very compelling.

Again, all you have managed here is to eke out a non-zero possibility that any of this nonsense has a tiny nugget of a factual basis. That's not compelling argument for any of it actually being true.

I don't think you realize what you are doing here, as your faith has handicapped your ability to have perspective. Imagine if you were making the same arguments for other mythology, like Greek mythology. Imagine running into someone who was pushing back against the pretty obvious idea that those are all myths by trying to argue that, hey, it's not strictly impossible that a tiny bit of it happened. Obviously, you would have a hard time keeping a straight face in front of someone doing this.

Archeology fills in the blanks and then there are other histories.
Archeology fills in the blanks and then there are other histories.
Archaeology stands against the truth of these myths. Archaeology (and anthropology) stands against the idea of Moses being literate. Archaeology stands against the idea of the existence of these tablets or of the ark. None of the evidence supports any of it.
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Great production quality. Worth a watch.
Archeology fills in the blanks and then there are other histories.
Archaeology stands against the truth of these myths. Archaeology (and anthropology) stands against the idea of Moses being literate. Archaeology stands against the idea of the existence of these tablets or of the ark. None of the evidence supports any of it.

There is zero evidence of a Hebrew presence in Egypt and if a couple million left , you'd think a population of 4 million would have noticed.

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