Ark of the Covenant

There are rabbis who believe in the inerrant nature of Torah and those who believe scripture is metaphor. Both opinions are equally valid
Only truth is valid. Two conflicting ideas are not equally valid. People need to start valuing the truth
Oh, you are definitely trolling.
At least you’re consistent at being wrong.

The Religion and Ethics forum is not a venue only for theists, those free from religion are likewise entitled to participate.

Those free from religion are also entitled to challenge religious dogma – point out theists’ faults and failures, inconsistencies and absence of logic, and claims that religious dogma is ‘fact’ devoid of objective, documented evidence in support.

And doing so is not ‘trolling.’

That theists are not happy with having their faults, failures, inconsistencies, and fallacies pointed out doesn’t warrant their running away and hiding behind the lie of ‘trolling.’
The Sumerian culture and writings disappeared several centuries before these events. So let's please discard this red herring.
Only truth is valid.

When there is no way of confirming the truth, one way or another, you have to open your mind to every possibility.

There seems to be less empirical weight behind the argument that Scripture was written by G-d than in the argument that Scripture was written by man, inspired by G-d.
For a topic based upon a religious origin.........consult the source, The Word of God.

The purpose of the Ark is addressed clearly. It was a physical reminder to the Israelites of God's presence. It is clearly described as containing the stone tablets (the law) brought down from Mt. Sinai, a golden pot of manna, which never spoiled, and the staff of Aaron which bubbled. (Heb. 9:4) The top of the Ark was the mercy seat of God shadowed by the wings of 2 was from here that God's presence was felt. (Ex. 25:17-22, Numbers 7:89)

According to scripture.........the nation of Israel would come to a point in its history that it would no longer require the need for the Ark to remind the people of their covenant with God. Or as the scriptures declare, "............that they (the nation of Israel) will say no more, 'THE ARK OF THE COVENANT OF THE LORD', it shall not come to mind, nor shall they (Israel) remember it, nor shall it be made anymore........." Read the entire text in the correct context.....the people of Israel where BACKSLIDING in not keeping the terms of the covenant of Moses......there would come a time (projected as during the age of the coming Messiah) that the people would no longer require a reminder of God's covenant with man (Jer.3:13-18)

Based upon this passage I would suggest the ARK has been lost forever (perhaps allowed to be destroyed or returned to heaven to its source GOD Almighty, there is a passage in the book of Revelation that states the Ark is in Heaven -- Rev. 11:9) as its no longer required under the New Testament Covenant of Christ as prophesied in the Book of Jeremiah.

"But this is the covenant that I will make with you (a new covenant) the house of Israel after those days (what days? the days when the people required the ARK as a constant reminder of the Covenant of Moses and the power of God to enforce that covenant) SAYS THE LORD: I will put My law in their minds; and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God and they shall be My people............I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more." -- Jer. 31:33-34

Of course the prophet is addressing the coming covenant of Christ Jesus where one is saved by grace.....not by having to walk a perfect sin free life (where there has been only one human on earth that ever lived without sin, Christ Jesus, and that required God Incarnate).
There seems to be less empirical weight behind the argument that Scripture was written by G-d than in the argument that Scripture was written by man, inspired by G-d.
Or inspired by the idea of God. Nobody could prove which. But either way, yes, thank you. Seems like such a simple proposition.
You made a claim; you back it up. Be specific.
Made what claim? Be specific.
Your Post 91, in response to my post 89.
Still confused, sorry. Are you asking me to prove that the Exodus jews were illiterate? I will assume you mean this.

What would convince you? How about the fact that they had no written language? Would that do it?
Prove they had no written language.
Hebrew was around way before the Egyptian experience.
In fact, the entire world was literate and documents were respected by all nations.
Only truth is valid.

When there is no way of confirming the truth, one way or another, you have to open your mind to every possibility.

There seems to be less empirical weight behind the argument that Scripture was written by G-d than in the argument that Scripture was written by man, inspired by G-d.
The Torah was not written by God and handed over to Moshe.
The Torah was dictated by God and written down by Moshe.
The Torah was not written by God and handed over to Moshe.
The Torah was dictated by God and written down by Moshe.

Typically, the stenographer doesn't get an author credit. Yet, Torah is also referred to as the five books of Moses.

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