Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Neo-Nazis are currently conducting heavily armed patrols in and around Sanford, Florida and are "prepared" for violence in the case of a race riot. The patrols are to protect "white citizens in the area who are concerned for their safety" in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting last month, says Commander Jeff Schoep of the National Socialist Movement. "We are not advocating any type of violence or attacks on anybody, but we are prepared for it," he says. "We are not the type of white people who are going to be walked all over."

Looks like the Nazis are in solidarity with you who don't want justice.

We all know what happened to the original Nazis. There are armed New Black Panther
party members down there to , to make sure this Zimmerman doesn't walk out of that
court room wihtout any kind of Justice. Weather from the American justice system,
or from the Street justice system.!?
Justice will be served in this situation.
Weather you white racists want to belive it or not.

ARE you calling for violence?
Why do you have an issue with white citizens having some protection against violence?

^Case in point.

And your point is that white citizens should have no protection from violence should racial violence erupt. Groovy.

That is exactly the point. The whole argument against Zimmerman is that he didn't take his beating like a white man should. He was supposed to do what the tourist in Baltimore did, and the old man did, and the guy in Sanford who is still in the hospital from a hammer attack. He was supposed to take it and so are you. No protection allowed.
^Case in point.

And your point is that white citizens should have no protection from violence should racial violence erupt. Groovy.

That is exactly the point. The whole argument against Zimmerman is that he didn't take his beating like a white man should. He was supposed to do what the tourist in Baltimore did, and the old man did, and the guy in Sanford who is still in the hospital from a hammer attack. He was supposed to take it and so are you. No protection allowed.

If Trayvon was beating him; IF Trayvon started the fight.
Something that you idiot "white advocates" are too bone headed to understand is that there's nothing that the Neo-Nazis want more than a racial war. You morons remind me of Hitler's Good Germans who wanted nothing more than a folk-state./

I tell you what, Dick, take a good long look at what 52nd posted just above, then take a look at the compositions of the mobs in the streets of Sanford and Miami; take a look, at who whipped them up. Take a look at the NBPP handing out "Wanted Dead or Alive" flyers. Take a look at who advocates, and has committed, acts of violence in the name of "justice for Trayvon" Who are they? Well, here's a hint, they aren't us. You want to know why the Nazis are there? They're there, because these "useful idiots of yours played right into their hands, that's why. "White people" don't have a dog in this hunt; I think the only thing most of us care about here, is finding out what the truth is in this case, if we can, and letting whatever due process demands from that run its course. Apparently, some people aren't content with that, and want a predetermined outcome, "or else". "Or else" what, exactly? A lynching, or what 52nd and his pals call "street justice"? A riot or two? A race war? You know, if it were just the NBPP, and the idiots on the other side like 52nd and Salt, against the Nazis, I might be inclined to say "Have at it! Let us know when you finish killing each other, and we'll just clean up the mess and bury it". Of course, anyone with any common sense knows that IF something like that got started, it wouldn't stop there. You have the potential for that, only because your side incited a lynch mob, and kept stirring the pot, until you practically handed the Nazis an invitation to the party. Nice going. I only hope the rest of us don't wind up paying the price for that miscalculation. I don't want a war; I've already fought one, and I damn sure don't want to fight another here at home. I don't want to choose up sides; but I promise you, if anyone or any group forces me to do that, I will defend my race every bit as aggressively as any Black man will defend his. It won't be, because I like the Nazis-I don't. It won't be, because I "hate Blacks" -I don't. It will be because, if they are backed into a corner, I will defend my own. Your side started this, and your side continues to aggravate it, by calling for something other than rule of law. I would suggest you stop, NOW, and defuse this before it gets out of hand. Trying to point the finger at someone else, is not going to accomplish that.
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Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Looks like the Nazis are in solidarity with you who don't want justice.

We all know what happened to the original Nazis. There are armed New Black Panther
party members down there to , to make sure this Zimmerman doesn't walk out of that
court room wihtout any kind of Justice. Weather from the American justice system,
or from the Street justice system.!?
Justice will be served in this situation.
Weather you white racists want to belive it or not.

ARE you calling for violence?

That is exactly what he is doing, Peach; and unfortunately, he's not the only one, here and elsewhere to do that, directly or by implication. Suppose it turns out that when the investigation is concluded, the evidence backs up the assertion that Martin DID beat Zimmerman, without lawful provocation. Suppose this ends up looking, in that event, that Katzndodz is right. What then? Suppose that there's not enough evidence to charge Zimmernman, or he's tried and acquitted, and the mob lynches him. What then? What if there's a riot and innocent people are killed in the name of "justice for Trayvon'" What then? You think there will be no backlash? You think the other side will just roll over for it? You think they won't fight back? They may be slower to do that, because they have more to lose, but eventually, enough bloodshed, and they will.
No sense in trying to talk to racist idiots like 52nd. time to let this troll thread die a deserved death.

I'd agree with that, if the situation was less serious. As it is, this is what I was afraid might happen, if people kept stoking the fire. I hope, I really do, that this does not end up with me having to say, "I tried to warn you..." I'm not real keen on having the Nazi crowd having an American version of Horst Wessel handed to them on a silver platter.
^Case in point.

And your point is that white citizens should have no protection from violence should racial violence erupt. Groovy.

That is exactly the point. The whole argument against Zimmerman is that he didn't take his beating like a white man should. He was supposed to do what the tourist in Baltimore did, and the old man did, and the guy in Sanford who is still in the hospital from a hammer attack. He was supposed to take it and so are you. No protection allowed.

No you fucking idiot. It's that Zimmerman pursued Martin with no other evidence but he was a black kid wearing a hoodie. To your simple mind, that deserves vigilante injustice.

Put on your girlie pants and hide behind the new Klan, you coward.
No sense in trying to talk to racist idiots like 52nd. time to let this troll thread die a deserved death.

Make it go away, the question is too hard. It doesn't matter that right wingers are looking to the Neonazis for protection.
And your point is that white citizens should have no protection from violence should racial violence erupt. Groovy.

That is exactly the point. The whole argument against Zimmerman is that he didn't take his beating like a white man should. He was supposed to do what the tourist in Baltimore did, and the old man did, and the guy in Sanford who is still in the hospital from a hammer attack. He was supposed to take it and so are you. No protection allowed.

If Trayvon was beating him; IF Trayvon started the fight.

If Trayvon Martin had every right to walk where he was walking. If Trayvon Martin had every reason to defend himself against some dirtbag vigilante.

Trayvon was doing no wrong.
That is exactly the point. The whole argument against Zimmerman is that he didn't take his beating like a white man should. He was supposed to do what the tourist in Baltimore did, and the old man did, and the guy in Sanford who is still in the hospital from a hammer attack. He was supposed to take it and so are you. No protection allowed.

If Trayvon was beating him; IF Trayvon started the fight.

If Trayvon Martin had every right to walk where he was walking. If Trayvon Martin had every reason to defend himself against some dirtbag vigilante.

Trayvon was doing no wrong.

Zimmerman had every right to do what he was doing. Trayvon attacked him and found out Zimmerman had a CCL.
That is exactly the point. The whole argument against Zimmerman is that he didn't take his beating like a white man should. He was supposed to do what the tourist in Baltimore did, and the old man did, and the guy in Sanford who is still in the hospital from a hammer attack. He was supposed to take it and so are you. No protection allowed.

If Trayvon was beating him; IF Trayvon started the fight.

If Trayvon Martin had every right to walk where he was walking. If Trayvon Martin had every reason to defend himself against some dirtbag vigilante.

Trayvon was doing no wrong.

Exhibit A, on why this is a problem-see above.
No sense in trying to talk to racist idiots like 52nd. time to let this troll thread die a deserved death.

Make it go away, the question is too hard. It doesn't matter that right wingers are looking to the Neonazis for protection.

You Leftists ought to be familiar with the concept of "useful idiots'; you've made plenty of use of it for the past fifty years. Looks to me, like you overplayed your hand and it backfired this time. Sorry, but your side owns this one; as I said, you practically handed the Nazis an engraved invitation. Let's be clear just who invited the skunks to the picnic We didn't, which leaves you and your, ah, "associates".
well damn, this is going to burst a few bubbles
links in article at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, April 7, 2012, 1:33 PM

What an absolute stunner!
There are no armed Nazi socialists marching in Sanford, Florida, after all.

Call off the race baiters – There are no marching Nazis.

The far left race hounds had their panties in a wad over a story that claimed Nazis were converging on Sanford, Florida.

Well, William Jacobson did the work the corrupt media will not do. (It doesn’t fit their narrative) Professor Jacobson contacted the Sanford police.

The latest wildfire spreading through the media and blogosphere is that armed neo-Nazis are patrolling Sanford, FL, in anticipation of trouble if George Zimmerman is not charged in the killing of Trayvon Martin. In what has become a prime example of media malpractice, none of the major publications spreading the rumors bothered to check with local law enforcement. I did, and the Sanford Police deny any indication of neo-Nazi patrols…

…Only Gateway Pundit asked the obvious question:

Is there any evidence that this is actually happening in Sanford?

Did anyone bother to contact the Sanford Police? I did, and the Sanford Police deny any indication of Neo-Nazi groups patrolling in Sanford. Here’s the e-mail exchange:

the rest at.
Call Off the Lib Race Hounds… There Are No Armed Nazis Marching in Sanford | The Gateway Pundit
The problem really is that left wing twits label everyone who disagrees with them as 'extremists', 'neo-nazis', yadda, yadda, yadda.

Which is, of course, different from the right wing twits who label everyone who disagrees with them as 'extremists,' 'terrorists,' 'marxist,' 'fascist,' 'socialist,' 'communist,' yadda, yadda, yadda. What makes it different, is that when the right wing twits do it, they usually have the decency to affix a qualifier, such as 'fuck,' 'bitch,' 'slut,' or 'dick.'
Their "leader" said this, whivh may have fueled the rumor:

The leader of the National Socialist Party white supremist group says his members are patrolling the streets of Sanford, Florida since the Trayvon Martin shooting… and they are armed.

Same source
Trayvon Martin Case: Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Wanna bet the rw's will be just fine with this? Wanna bet they'll say that somebody deserves a bunch of neo-nazi's strutting around with guns, threatening blacks who dare to walk to the convenience store to buy - OMG, HOW DARE THEY! - candy and ice tea.

Why don't people see where this is heading?

How many scum bags out there figure that if Zimmerman could get away with it, they can too?

All they have to do is say they felt threatened by the person (of color) they followed, stalked, chased and killed.

Too bad more people don't ask the tough questions anymore...
If they're gonna patrol a neighborhood, at least they picked one that could use it. Some dude was gunned down in that very neighborhood just over a month ago. Seriously, google it.
If they're gonna patrol a neighborhood, at least they picked one that could use it. Some dude was gunned down in that very neighborhood just over a month ago. Seriously, google it.

Sanford police say NOT CONFIRMED:

“At this time the City of Sanford has not confirmed the presence of Neo-Nazis groups.”

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