As a Democrat, how will you defend running a Presidential campaign without allowing him to debate?

Will Joe Biden duck the usual Presidential debates?

  • No, he realizes that would be conceding the election to Trump

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Yes, he fears the damage of what a poor debate performance would do.

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Joe Biden is a Leaping Tiger and will crush Trump underfoot like a bug. BRING HIM ON!

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
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The actual mystery was widely an unmentionable: Was all the poop actually policy on which to rely? Trump was even too full of poop to show up for the recent DNC debates--by some measures, (in some mentalities).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So what does Deut 23: 19-20, have in common with the Trump Financial Records--about gouging and screwing one another(?)!)
Missed the President's speech at Mt. Rushmore, did ya ....

You mean the one where he hugged dead traitors, and no one really showed up?


135,000 dead
38 million jobs lost
5 weeks of Riots.

Trump doesn't have a fucking thing to say.
Even if Biden is drooling and tied into his chair or to a stake - he will beat the shit out of Trump in a debate. Go Biden!
I doubt Biden wants to debate Trump.

Trump would chew him up and spit him out.
Why wouldn’t he want to debate a psychotic freak like Donnie?

of course, normal and sane people won’t bring their supporters into danger in the middle of a pandemic.
But that’s why trumpkins have no problem with it
Biden has no choice but to debate Trump. If he attempts to duck the debates Trump will mock him as a coward without mercy and being a sitting president with the bully pulpit the mocking will be epic.
Have not heard the rumor of him ducking any of the usual 3 scheduled debates. Got a link?:linky:
At this point it i s only Democrat operatives in the press asserting this, but this is also basic ground work to justify not debating as well.

COVID 19 is bad news for Biden as far as the debates. No world series on TV, no NFL, the debates will be the only thing on the tube. People will actually SEE his performance.
You mean the one where he hugged dead traitors, and no one really showed up?


135,000 dead
38 million jobs lost
5 weeks of Riots.

Trump doesn't have a fucking thing to say.
No ....

I mean the one you didn't listen to.

LMAO @ the Delusional Shit you Leftist come up with .....
Just make a montage of joe dementia unable to complete a sentence and put it in a commercial...oh yeah...they already did that :laughing0301:

The marxist Dim shitstains may be able play off the fact that it's highly unethical and probably illegal to put a vegetable on the stage with Trump. Plugs sorting through index cards to see whether he supports burning cities to the ground would not play well.
Have not heard the rumor of him ducking any of the usual 3 scheduled debates. Got a link?:linky:
At this point it i s only Democrat operatives in the press asserting this, but this is also basic ground work to justify not debating as well.

OK. Read the links. Pretty sure he will go with what he agreed to. Sounds like political drama to me.
So Democrat operatives in the press are floating the idea of Biden dodging the debates unless a set of stupid and absurd demands are met.

Trump should tell them to stuff it and make other plans if Biden chickens out.

Among them:

1) Invite a leftwing candidate like the Green party candidate to fill in for Biden. Hell Biden is probably to the left of the Greens now.

2) Have a conservative journalist conduct a townhall and take questions from the audience.

3) journalist would be basically drawing contrast between what Joe Biden will do vrs Trump. One method would be to run a clip of Biden saying some far left radical and then let Trump respond to it.

4) Have a Biden impersonator quote some of Bidens stupid crap and let Trump respond to it.

5) Invite radical Democrats to take Bidens place on the stage for debate, since ole Chicom Joe is too feable to do it.
Have not heard the rumor of him ducking any of the usual 3 scheduled debates. Got a link?:linky:

We know a grand dodge of the debates by Biden are coming. Afterall, he has the media in his corner.
It's coming, we can feel it, don't need no links!
A win for Trump in November also means a major repudiation of our propagandist media!!
Vote Trump, 2020! Just another valid reason to.
At this point it i s only Democrat operatives in the press asserting this, but this is also basic ground work to justify not debating as well.

That and Trump's antics have removed all dignity from the process.
I listened to it, it was kind of sad and pathetic ramblings of a man trying to appeal to worst in his base.

I don't believe you.

You are a Leftist.

All you are only capable of parroting the LIES form the Fake News MSM.

Which is exactly what you are doing ...

And, it's more than obvious.
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