As a libertarian I support your choices.

I have a child in school so this is moot for me I'm fine with the tax rate because I'm using all the services. But if my neighbor doesn't have children why should he pay what I have to pay? When my kid is done school my tax rate should lower and I can use that savings to pay for his college. Please tell my why that isn't the most fair way to tax.
I'm fine with letting adults make bad choices but every child in this country should have access to quality healthcare. If that means we all chip in, so be it...
And we do to the tune of $500 billion/yr donated directly to the needy by the private sector. Thing is, making our big, greasy, central gov't the nanny-state has enabled many to eschew their responsibilities to their kids and for that matter, to themselves and society.

I have no prob with communities and individual or groups of states supporting and funding various social programs but a big prob with WashDC deciding winners & losers. Cali - for instance - recently considered single-payer state healthcare insurance but realized it was too expensive and dropped the idea. If it's too expensive for a wealthy state, HTF can we afford to have a national plan?
Government sucks wherever it is tried. The thing is you are the naive one, thinking we can somehow get rid of government.

I don't think we can get rid of it. Why is why it's doubly important that we control it. And we can do that via a combination of a decent Constitution, an independent judiciary and - most importantly - voters who recognize that "free shit" is the road to serfdom.

If the people would unite and demand government do their bidding, rather than the bidding of the extreme wealthy, government would be forced to respond.

The idea that government is there to do our "bidding" is poison. Indulging it further will only make things worse.
The Ruling Class loves people like you. You see things along political party lines, unaware of the bigger picture. Sadly, there are way too many Americans just like you.

This is how the Ruling Class keeps winning. Americans are divided along party lines, when the reality is both parties are essentially the same. They do the bidding of the Ruling Class. If the people would come together, the Ruling Class is toast.
Workers of the world unite! Happily there are very few Americans just like you, wanting to burn it all down and replace it with anarchy. How many guns do you own?

Do Bernie and AOC do the bidding of the Ruling Class?
Your post is most typical. Call me a Commie to denigrate and ignore my opinion.

Do you work for the CIA?
I don't think you're a Commie but I do think you're using the same language as Lenin did. The Russian people deposed the Czar & his Ruling Class. Into that vacuum stepped Lenin. The Russians traded one Ruling Class for another. If you think removing the US Ruling Class will lead to a different outcome you're naive.

As for "Do you work for the CIA?", if I told you I'd have to kill you. :04:
The Ruling Class loves people like you. You see things along political party lines, unaware of the bigger picture. Sadly, there are way too many Americans just like you.

This is how the Ruling Class keeps winning. Americans are divided along party lines, when the reality is both parties are essentially the same. They do the bidding of the Ruling Class. If the people would come together, the Ruling Class is toast.
Workers of the world unite! Happily there are very few Americans just like you, wanting to burn it all down and replace it with anarchy. How many guns do you own?

Do Bernie and AOC do the bidding of the Ruling Class?
Your post is most typical. Call me a Commie to denigrate and ignore my opinion.

Do you work for the CIA?
I don't think you're a Commie but I do think you're using the same language as Lenin did. The Russian people deposed the Czar & his Ruling Class. Into that vacuum stepped Lenin. The Russians traded one Ruling Class for another. If you think removing the US Ruling Class will lead to a different outcome you're naive.

As for "Do you work for the CIA?", if I told you I'd have to kill you. :04:
You aren’t helping the cause, but you are helping the extreme wealthy.

How can any American disagree with the following statement? Our government does the bidding of the extreme wealthy. There is no logical opposing argument.

Remember Jefferson’s statement in the Declaration, consent of the governed? I don’t believe they have consent. This is why the people elected O and Donnie, only to be disappointed each time. It’s not the potus, it’s the system that is the problem. I believe we can change the system from benefiting the extreme wealthy, to benefiting all Americans.
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Government sucks wherever it is tried. The thing is you are the naive one, thinking we can somehow get rid of government.

I don't think we can get rid of it. Why is why it's doubly important that we control it. And we can do that via a combination of a decent Constitution, an independent judiciary and - most importantly - voters who recognize that "free shit" is the road to serfdom.

If the people would unite and demand government do their bidding, rather than the bidding of the extreme wealthy, government would be forced to respond.

The idea that government is there to do our "bidding" is poison. Indulging it further will only make things worse.
The free shit always goes to the extreme wealthy and those connected to them. Why should they get free shit and not poor and MC Americans?

You are arguing against big government. I’m sorry to tell you, but it’s too late.
I'm fine with letting adults make bad choices but every child in this country should have access to quality healthcare. If that means we all chip in, so be it...
And we do to the tune of $500 billion/yr donated directly to the needy by the private sector. Thing is, making our big, greasy, central gov't the nanny-state has enabled many to eschew their responsibilities to their kids and for that matter, to themselves and society.

I have no prob with communities and individual or groups of states supporting and funding various social programs but a big prob with WashDC deciding winners & losers. Cali - for instance - recently considered single-payer state healthcare insurance but realized it was too expensive and dropped the idea. If it's too expensive for a wealthy state, HTF can we afford to have a national plan?
What does the federal government spend on corporate welfare?

Some Americans like to complain about the cost of welfare to the needy, but ignore the much bigger amount going to corporations. The corruption is rampant. It is a racket only the Mafia can dream of. They even complain that we need to limit or do away with social security and Medicare.

When was the last time anyone in power or media said it’s time to cut the war department budget? Corporate welfare comprises much of the war department’s budget and has for decades.
Government sucks wherever it is tried. The thing is you are the naive one, thinking we can somehow get rid of government.

I don't think we can get rid of it. Why is why it's doubly important that we control it. And we can do that via a combination of a decent Constitution, an independent judiciary and - most importantly - voters who recognize that "free shit" is the road to serfdom.

If the people would unite and demand government do their bidding, rather than the bidding of the extreme wealthy, government would be forced to respond.

The idea that government is there to do our "bidding" is poison. Indulging it further will only make things worse.
The free shit always goes to the extreme wealthy and those connected to them. Why should they get free shit and not poor and MC Americans?

You are arguing against big government. I’m sorry to tell you, but it’s too late.

That's one opinion. If I ever concede to that point of view, I won't be wasting time trying to figure out how to make big government work better. I'll be plotting its demise.
How can any American disagree with the following statement? Our government does the bidding of the extreme wealthy. There is no logical opposing argument.

Remember Jefferson’s statement in the Declaration, consent of the governed? They don’t believe they have consent. This is why the people elected O and Donnie, only to be disappointed each time. It’s not the potus, it’s the system that is the problem. I believe we can change the system from benefiting the extreme wealthy, to benefiting all Americans.
On this we can agree. Where we disagree is, you seem to want a revolution whereas I want an evolution.

Talking solely economics, I don't see the GOP as making any fundamental changes whereas someone like AOC clearly would. I'm not saying she's right or I support her but I think with a Dem Congress and Presidency, she'd push the Dems to bring fundamental change to the system. Evolution is safe and sure, revolution is dangerous and could get us a Lenin.
What does the federal government spend on corporate welfare?

Some Americans like to complain about the cost of welfare to the needy, but ignore the much bigger amount going to corporations. The corruption is rampant. It is a racket only the Mafia can dream of. They even complain that we need to limit or do away with social security and Medicare.

When was the last time anyone in power or media said it’s time to cut the war department budget? Corporate welfare comprises much of the war department’s budget and has for decades.

Listen, we've given government the power to decide who gets the goodies and who doesn't. So greedy ambitious people see it as their vehicle of choice. Naturally they're going to take control of it and steer it toward their ends. The only way to prevent that is to take away this power from government.

If government has the power to redistribute wealth, greedy people will flock to it. And they'll insure that plenty of the redistribution goes their way.
I'm fine with letting adults make bad choices but every child in this country should have access to quality healthcare. If that means we all chip in, so be it...
And we do to the tune of $500 billion/yr donated directly to the needy by the private sector. Thing is, making our big, greasy, central gov't the nanny-state has enabled many to eschew their responsibilities to their kids and for that matter, to themselves and society.

I have no prob with communities and individual or groups of states supporting and funding various social programs but a big prob with WashDC deciding winners & losers. Cali - for instance - recently considered single-payer state healthcare insurance but realized it was too expensive and dropped the idea. If it's too expensive for a wealthy state, HTF can we afford to have a national plan?
As of last week, CA has not dropped the idea of single-payer state healthcare insurance. They do have a BIG homeless problem which is a BIG issue. I'm guessing a large percent of those homeless are emmigrants from other states that do not provide the services CA does.
Flat rate taxation is totally unfair. Your tax should be based on your usage of services provided by that tax collection.
Everyone who has finished 3rd grade knows that life isn't fair
Oh the life isn't fair guy, ok great debate bro you nailed it :thup:

I just got sick of your fucking whining

I can't stand whining which is why I don't have kids
Whining lol. Basically what you're saying is no one can raise any issues with government. Accept it or shut up right? Yeah sorry that's not how America was set up. There's a reason why the first right they protected for us in the constitution was the right to free speech otherwise we would never be able to change a fucking thing and that's called tyranny.
How can any American disagree with the following statement? Our government does the bidding of the extreme wealthy. There is no logical opposing argument.

Remember Jefferson’s statement in the Declaration, consent of the governed? They don’t believe they have consent. This is why the people elected O and Donnie, only to be disappointed each time. It’s not the potus, it’s the system that is the problem. I believe we can change the system from benefiting the extreme wealthy, to benefiting all Americans.
On this we can agree. Where we disagree is, you seem to want a revolution whereas I want an evolution.

Talking solely economics, I don't see the GOP as making any fundamental changes whereas someone like AOC clearly would. I'm not saying she's right or I support her but I think with a Dem Congress and Presidency, she'd push the Dems to bring fundamental change to the system. Evolution is safe and sure, revolution is dangerous and could get us a Lenin.
The rebels of the colonial period didn't wait around for an "evolution" they took matters into their own hands because it was a tyrannical empire they were up against. I don't know if you've noticed but the US is an empire and we may not agree on whether or not it flirts with tyranny but if you think there's still any chance whatsoever that there will be an evolution when the media is hell bent on keeping us as divided and hateful toward each other as possible then I feel really bad for you
Flat rate taxation is totally unfair. Your tax should be based on your usage of services provided by that tax collection.
Everyone who has finished 3rd grade knows that life isn't fair
Oh the life isn't fair guy, ok great debate bro you nailed it :thup:

I just got sick of your fucking whining

I can't stand whining which is why I don't have kids
Whining lol. Basically what you're saying is no one can raise any issues with government. Accept it or shut up right? Yeah sorry that's not how America was set up. There's a reason why the first right they protected for us in the constitution was the right to free speech otherwise we would never be able to change a fucking thing and that's called tyranny.
Raise all the issues you want just don't whine like a 5 year old when you do.


Are you stamping your feet when you type that?
Flat rate taxation is totally unfair. Your tax should be based on your usage of services provided by that tax collection.
Everyone who has finished 3rd grade knows that life isn't fair
Oh the life isn't fair guy, ok great debate bro you nailed it :thup:

I just got sick of your fucking whining

I can't stand whining which is why I don't have kids
Whining lol. Basically what you're saying is no one can raise any issues with government. Accept it or shut up right? Yeah sorry that's not how America was set up. There's a reason why the first right they protected for us in the constitution was the right to free speech otherwise we would never be able to change a fucking thing and that's called tyranny.
Raise all the issues you want just don't whine like a 5 year old when you do.


Are you stamping your feet when you type that?
How else do we debate taxation? By fair I mean making it the most beneficial and least detrimental for everyone in the country. It's not even remotely the same as saying wahhhh life isn't fairrrrrr I didn't get to go to the beach todayyyy
I mean there's literally a tax proposal floated around called the FAIR TAX. It's not about whining it's just about making it the best proposal for everyone

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