As the U.S. becomes less 'brown' due to Trump policies...what improvements should we see?

Trump policies are sending the message that Mexico's citizens are no longer welcome to fuck Americans over...there is no doubt that as they feel unwelcome and on the run many will retreat back to their own shitholes. How will our country improve as we send the dependent trash home?
Increased wages for low to middle wage earners?
Rent decreases in the ghettos and barrios?
Fewer drunk drivers on our roadways?
Less rape and murder being committed?
Fewer homeless?
Less traffic?
Fewer incarcerated in our jails and prisons?
Shorter wait times in ER's?
Sooner doctor appointments available?
Cleaner safer neighborhoods?
Improved education system?
Cheaper healthcare?
Less pollution?
Cleaner beaches?

Hmmm....I'll gladly pay a shit-ton more for lettuce and hotel rooms...Won't you?

Every board needs at least one resident racist - ;)

"A person who is not owned by institutional PC programming....One who is in touch with data as it relates to who speaks the candid truth and exposes others to said truths / facts."
Trump policies are sending the message that Mexico's citizens are no longer welcome to fuck Americans over...there is no doubt that as they feel unwelcome and on the run many will retreat back to their own shitholes. How will our country improve as we send the dependent trash home?
Increased wages for low to middle wage earners?
Rent decreases in the ghettos and barrios?
Fewer drunk drivers on our roadways?
Less rape and murder being committed?
Fewer homeless?
Less traffic?
Fewer incarcerated in our jails and prisons?
Shorter wait times in ER's?
Sooner doctor appointments available?
Cleaner safer neighborhoods?
Improved education system?
Cheaper healthcare?
Less pollution?
Cleaner beaches?

Hmmm....I'll gladly pay a shit-ton more for lettuce and hotel rooms...Won't you?

Every board needs at least one resident racist - ;)

"A person who is not owned by institutional PC programming....One who is in touch with data as it relates to who speaks the candid truth and exposes others to said truths / facts."

You wouldn't know a "fact" if one were to whop ya upside ya deplorable white nationalist noggin.

  • A belief in the innate inferiority of a racial group.

  • Animus directed at someone because of the person’s racial identity.

  • Denying equal treatment to a racial group.

  • Any action, law, policy, or institution that disproportionately harms a racial group.

  • Prejudging members of a racial group or failing to treat them as individuals.

  • Any of the above applied to ethnic, religious, or national-origin groups too.

  • Any of the above, plus power over members of the target group.

  • A belief in the innate inferiority of a racial group.

  • Animus directed at someone because of the person’s racial identity.

  • Denying equal treatment to a racial group.

  • Any action, law, policy, or institution that disproportionately harms a racial group.

  • Prejudging members of a racial group or failing to treat them as individuals.

  • Any of the above applied to ethnic, religious, or national-origin groups too.

  • Any of the above, plus power over members of the target group.

Yes, thanks for the outlining the details of the PC programming. Much appreciated.
I find it easier to simplify it as follows..."Put your head in your ass and pretend all people are equals...never predict and forecast based on data and historical facts."
  • A belief in the innate inferiority of a racial group.

  • Animus directed at someone because of the person’s racial identity.

  • Denying equal treatment to a racial group.

  • Any action, law, policy, or institution that disproportionately harms a racial group.

  • Prejudging members of a racial group or failing to treat them as individuals.

  • Any of the above applied to ethnic, religious, or national-origin groups too.

  • Any of the above, plus power over members of the target group.

Yes, thanks for the outlining the details of the PC programming. Much appreciated.
I find it easier to simplify it as follows..."Put your head in your ass and pretend all people are equals...never predict and forecast based on data and historical facts."

If reincarnation exists, you'll be coming back as a Mexican lesbian. :D
Trump policies are sending the message that Mexico's citizens are no longer welcome to fuck Americans over...there is no doubt that as they feel unwelcome and on the run many will retreat back to their own shitholes. How will our country improve as we send the dependent trash home?
Increased wages for low to middle wage earners?
Rent decreases in the ghettos and barrios?
Fewer drunk drivers on our roadways?
Less rape and murder being committed?
Fewer homeless?
Less traffic?
Fewer incarcerated in our jails and prisons?
Shorter wait times in ER's?
Sooner doctor appointments available?
Cleaner safer neighborhoods?
Improved education system?
Cheaper healthcare?
Less pollution?
Cleaner beaches?

Hmmm....I'll gladly pay a shit-ton more for lettuce and hotel rooms...Won't you?
Dumb live in California. Hispanics are the majority.

True...and exactly why Mexifornia has become the disgusting shithole it has...Thanks for pointing that out.
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare

Every other day you open a topic to manifest your bigotry and racism and how shitty California is.
1. You still live in it.
2. Non whites their numbers are growing.
3. Last time I checked California outperformed the US in GDP growth and job creation.

When are you moving ?
The union will need to be disbanded for those who want to live in America and those who want to live in Brazil.

The lefties here will not be welcome to America, although I am certain they wouldn't want to live in such a racist place.
1. The number of "brown" people will continue to grow.

a. After President Trump leaves, the Democratic president will be very friendly to immigrants, both legal and unauthorized.

2. We have already passed the point of no return.

a. Here in California, Latinx people are now the most populous ethnicity.

i . They have more and more political power every day. (The State legislature and many city councils -- including here in Los Angeles -- now have many elected officials of that ethnicity.)

3. This is a changing country, and nothing can stop it. So it is time to move on and to adjust to the new circumstances.
Someone long ago programmed us to dismiss those abilities when ‘skin color’ or ethnicity is part of the equation...most are OWNED by that programming [...] EXCEPT for when they are forced to deal with facts and truths as they relate to ethnicity. The mindset is flat-out bizarre for those of us courageous enough to break free of the PC programming.
YES, this nation has plenty of low-down filthy liabilities before taking on Mexico’s liabilities...That really kind of supports my position on why we need to reduce the number here from Mexico.
Honest question since I can't relate to what you say. What makes Mexicans 'low-down filthy liabilities'? Because they share the culture of Mexico or because they share the DNA of Mexicans?
Someone long ago programmed us to dismiss those abilities when ‘skin color’ or ethnicity is part of the equation...most are OWNED by that programming [...] EXCEPT for when they are forced to deal with facts and truths as they relate to ethnicity. The mindset is flat-out bizarre for those of us courageous enough to break free of the PC programming.
YES, this nation has plenty of low-down filthy liabilities before taking on Mexico’s liabilities...That really kind of supports my position on why we need to reduce the number here from Mexico.
Honest question since I can't relate to what you say. What makes Mexicans 'low-down filthy liabilities'? Because they share the culture of Mexico or because they share the DNA of Mexicans?

I’m no genetic specialist, I’m not real sure of what makes them do what they do..... commit violent criminal acts at the rate they do, depend on taxpayers at the rate they do, have so many children they can’t afford, work jobs for shit wages and expect no conditions, live in and manifest filthy conditions, spray paint on others property, drive drunk like they do, use abortion as a contraceptive, abuse animals...I could go on and on.
Look, none of this are revolutionary finds...there is not one single predominantly brown NICE community, city, state or nation on the you think that’s just a strange coincidence?
This is scary territory for those under the PC trance...I totally get it. If you prefer to pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about or if you come up with excuses and spins...I’ll understand. That’s the feel good, safe play most find comfort in.
Someone long ago programmed us to dismiss those abilities when ‘skin color’ or ethnicity is part of the equation...most are OWNED by that programming [...] EXCEPT for when they are forced to deal with facts and truths as they relate to ethnicity. The mindset is flat-out bizarre for those of us courageous enough to break free of the PC programming.
YES, this nation has plenty of low-down filthy liabilities before taking on Mexico’s liabilities...That really kind of supports my position on why we need to reduce the number here from Mexico.
Honest question since I can't relate to what you say. What makes Mexicans 'low-down filthy liabilities'? Because they share the culture of Mexico or because they share the DNA of Mexicans?

I’m no genetic specialist, I’m not real sure of what makes them do what they do..... commit violent criminal acts at the rate they do, depend on taxpayers at the rate they do, have so many children they can’t afford, work jobs for shit wages and expect no conditions, live in and manifest filthy conditions, spray paint on others property, drive drunk like they do, use abortion as a contraceptive, abuse animals...I could go on and on.
Look, none of this are revolutionary finds...there is not one single predominantly brown NICE community, city, state or nation on the you think that’s just a strange coincidence?
This is scary territory for those under the PC trance...I totally get it. If you prefer to pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about or if you come up with excuses and spins...I’ll understand. That’s the feel good, safe play most find comfort in.
Most of your complaints sound like they come from poverty, not genetics. I'd wager every race exhibits the same behaviors when they're poor or oppressed. I'm thinking of Ireland under the Brits or the Sicilians and their Mafia.

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