Ask a Catholic

Why is mass so boring?
Can you point to a specific part of the Mass? I was just a kid when a priest talked to us about the Mass. He said every Mass encourages us to act. What are we supposed to work on this next week? How well did we do with the previous week's assignment? He said in the homily a priest will often point out the lesson we are supposed absorb and the "homework" we are assigned. However, sometimes, we might find our lesson in one of the readings the homily doesn't even touch on, or maybe even one of the hymns or prayers. It is up to us to figure out how to apply this lesson to some aspect of our own life. (If nothing else, he said, we should be interested in figuring out this part, because it is all about us and everyone is interested in oneself.)
If a women is giving birth to a Down syndrome baby ?? Do you believe she has the right to abort ??
You ask this of someone who has a Down syndrome friend and who works with Down syndrome children?
Why is mass so boring?
Can you point to a specific part of the Mass? I was just a kid when a priest talked to us about the Mass. He said every Mass encourages us to act. What are we supposed to work on this next week? How well did we do with the previous week's assignment? He said in the homily a priest will often point out the lesson we are supposed absorb and the "homework" we are assigned. However, sometimes, we might find our lesson in one of the readings the homily doesn't even touch on, or maybe even one of the hymns or prayers. It is up to us to figure out how to apply this lesson to some aspect of our own life. (If nothing else, he said, we should be interested in figuring out this part, because it is all about us and everyone is interested in oneself.)

All of it.

Easter mass is the worst. I don't know what it's called, but I went through it for something like three hours.

I've been to the Vatican. Twice.

It is absolutely spectacular. It's the most amazing building I've ever seen.

Kinda makes me wonder about the priorities of the Church, amirite?
Easter mass is the worst. I don't know what it's called, but I went through it for something like three hours.
It sounds like you may have been to the Easter Mass where new converts are welcomed into the Church. Were there baptisms and confirmations? I did attend one of those. Three hours? I was there for five...and plenty exhausted by the time it was over.

I am a great fan of the 25-minute daily Mass, but I get just as much from the hour-plus Sunday Mass. It is a matter of going in with the expectation that I will be bringing something out with me that will at least last through the day--and on good days even longer. It can be life-changing, but I have to be paying close attention.
The Catholic Church is very ritualistic.
True. Very traditional. In some ways that can be comforting when I think of my ancestors down through the ages participating in these very same rituals.
Kinda makes me wonder about the priorities of the Church, amirite?
I have never been to the Vatican, but I see it somewhat differently. Catholic means open and welcoming to all. Different people--even the same people at different times of their lives--need different things, are touched and inspired by different things. Some people, down through the ages, have expressed their faith through art. I love history.
I would say silly would be the position you have put yourself in. Whatever will you do?
Sigh. I don't think you have a clue as to my position. No worries.
So you don't believe the Catholic Church is backing these plans for easy, taxpayer funded abortions by doing nothing? Because that is what you said, right? That doing nothing is the same as backing these plans for easy, taxpayer funded abortions.
I've been to the Vatican. Twice.

It is absolutely spectacular. It's the most amazing building I've ever seen.

Kinda makes me wonder about the priorities of the Church, amirite?
Sorta like companies who tout making socially responsible investments investing in oil companies? :rolleyes:
So you don't believe the Catholic Church is backing these plans for easy, taxpayer funded abortions by doing nothing? Because that is what you said, right? That doing nothing is the same as backing these plans for easy, taxpayer funded abortions.
I don't know how to say more clearly the Church should take a stand and speak out on Catholic politicians who are working to expand unlimited abortions that are taxpayer funded.

I am sure you are familiar with the quote that the only thing it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. This is the same type of sentiment. The only thing it takes for Catholic politicians to continue to push for unlimited abortions and taxpayer funded abortions is for the Catholic Church to say/do nothing to these Catholic politicians. Is there a reason to be against the Catholic Church calling out wrong when it sees it in self-proclaimed Catholic politicians? That is all I have been saying, yet you are constantly jumping down my throat for this sentiment. Why does it bother you so? It's not as if I have been advocating that the Church do this to non-Catholic politicians.
So you don't believe the Catholic Church is backing these plans for easy, taxpayer funded abortions by doing nothing? Because that is what you said, right? That doing nothing is the same as backing these plans for easy, taxpayer funded abortions.
I don't know how to say more clearly the Church should take a stand and speak out on Catholic politicians who are working to expand unlimited abortions that are taxpayer funded.

I am sure you are familiar with the quote that the only thing it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. This is the same type of sentiment. The only thing it takes for Catholic politicians to continue to push for unlimited abortions and taxpayer funded abortions is for the Catholic Church to say/do nothing to these Catholic politicians. Is there a reason to be against the Catholic Church calling out wrong when it sees it in self-proclaimed Catholic politicians? That is all I have been saying, yet you are constantly jumping down my throat for this sentiment. Why does it bother you so? It's not as if I have been advocating that the Church do this to non-Catholic politicians.
I like you. I'm not trying to give you a hard time. 150 years from now they will look back on abortion like we look back on slavery. But it won't be because politicians did anything about it. It's going to occur organically. Just like it is occurring now. All you have to do is look at the trend. But politicians use abortion and guns as dog whistles. That's how they rile up and mobilize their base and get contributions. Republicans will never end abortion anymore than Democrats will ban and confiscate guns. So I wouldn't put your faith in politicians to end this abomination. As for the politicians themselves, that's between them and God the same as it is for anyone who sins.

I'm not jumping down your throat for arguing all it takes for evil to flourish is to do nothing. I am pointing out your equivocations. I am trying to get you to make better arguments and not lower yourself to what others do. You can't say the Church is backing abortion because they aren't doing what you want them to do. We are the Church and we are doing something. Progress has been made.
As for the politicians themselves, that's between them and God the same as it is for anyone who sins.
Then you believe it was right for the the Church to not publicly condemn 19th century slavery or what the Nazi's are doing? You believe slavery and those involved in the Nazi Holocaust was/is between them and God and was quite right for the Church not to take any action other than perhaps murmur, "This is between them and God....nothing to do with the Church"?
I am pointing out your equivocations.
As I noted before, I am not equivocating. I am quite clear. There are at least two Catholic politicians (whom I named) that are working to make abortion at every stage of pregnancy easier and working so that taxpayers fund abortions. Because of this, there are US Catholic bishops who wish to deny the Eucharist (excommunicate) these two politicians. There is every indication that the current pope does not favor excommunicating any politician for any reason.

The Church's traditional position and teaching is that life is God's greatest gift and abortion is wrong. The prior argument from politicians to the Church was one of free will, no taxpayer funded abortions, no taxpayer help for abortions--it was just a law permitting abortion for those who freely chose abortion. Now that President Biden and Speaker Pelosi want taxpayer involvement in funding increasing expansion of abortion, some believe the Church needs to speak out against them in having and working towards this position.

And as I tried before to make sure I understand your position: You seem to believe the Church should say nothing about President Biden's and Speaker Pelosi's wish to expand abortion to the full nine months and have abortions funded by taxpayers. Your position seems to be, the Church should not take a firm position against President Biden and Speaker Pelosi, that this position has nothing to do with the Church, it is between them and God. Really?

This is a very focused opinion about one specific aspect that is now taking place. Yet for some reason you felt the need to expand it to other abortion issues. If you see a lack of clarity in my position could it be it is your own mind that is bringing these other issues that muddy what I am saying?
As for the politicians themselves, that's between them and God the same as it is for anyone who sins.
Then you believe it was right for the the Church to not publicly condemn 19th century slavery or what the Nazi's are doing? You believe slavery and those involved in the Nazi Holocaust was/is between them and God and was quite right for the Church not to take any action other than perhaps murmur, "This is between them and God....nothing to do with the Church"?
False analogy. The Church has publicly condemned abortion. Stop equivocating.
False analogy.
It is not. Since you can no longer discuss your own point you are resorting to applying inaccurate labels. So we're done.
It is. The Church has condemned abortion. That is a fact. The Church just isn't excommunicating politicians like you want them to do. According to your standards the Church is backing abortion and you as a member of the Church are too.
According to your standards the Church is backing abortion and you as a member of the Church are too.
This statement is exactly why we are done. According to MY standards the Church is NOT backing abortion and you keep hurling and applying you own misconception at me. I am sick of it! I stated ad nauseum I am focused on a single present-day issue of two Catholic politicians wishing to expand abortion and use taxpayer funds for abortions.

This SPECIFIC issue is all that I have been addressing and I am arguing why I believe the Church should be telling these Catholic politicians that expanding abortion to cover the full nine months AND having taxpayers fund abortions is wrong. These two politicians want to pull all Catholic taxpayers into funding a program that ends life. I believe the Church needs to tell these two politicians--who are always proclaiming to be Catholic--that this expansion of abortion and abortion funding crosses the line into excommunication.

Ding, disagree with this single point all you want BUT DON'T YOU DARE TO AGAIN to state that my position is that the Church backs abortion. IT DOES NOT! IT DOES NOT! THE CHURCH DOES NOT AND I NEVER SAID IT DID!!!!! Can you get that through your thick head?
We're done! If I were you, I would let it be. I am incredibly angry. I've been pinpointing a single issue and you keep broadening the scope beyond what I am saying into something I would NEVER say. I expect better of you!

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