Ask a Catholic

If a person makes a decision not to have sex, is this changing what would have happened, or is it merely how things would always have been?
Forgive me, I am half asleep at the moment. Are you asking if it changes the big picture? For example, say I decide to have sex and a child is born. This changes my life from what it could have been. If I have sex later, then a different child is born which could well take my life into a different direction than another child may have. Fun to think about. This world is adaptable. Is this because of change or despite change? (I'll have to think about this overnight.)

Well, the point here would be that you're predestined to have a child at the time you have a child.

That you can't determine when you have a child, that's determined by all of the biological events that are happening around you and mostly WITHIN you.
So would you like for the Church to excommunicate Catholics who are politicians that promote abortion?
Yes. There is a difference between the political stand of allowing people to choose to pursue abortions on their own and helping people secure and pay for their abortions. Do you believe people should be helped to secure and fund their abortions?
I think that's between them and God.
How is the Church telling Catholics they should agree with their taxes being used to fund abortions?
It is the politicians who want taxpayer funding for abortions. The Church should take a firm "No" stance on this. You seem to think it is quite all right for Catholic politicians to be arguing for taxpayers to fund abortions.
I don't agree that's the same thing as the Church telling Catholics they should agree with their taxes being used to fund abortions.
Does anyone have any questions or concerns about the Catholic faith?

Considering the fact I know pathenogenisis in humans is impossible, can you run that immaculate conception and virgin births thing past me again..
This time preferably with some evidence nor the God of gaps.
Does anyone have any questions or concerns about the Catholic faith?

Considering the fact I know pathenogenisis in humans is impossible, can you run that immaculate conception and virgin births thing past me again..
This time preferably with some evidence nor the God of gaps.
You mean like the evidence for space and time being created from nothing? Evidence like that? Or maybe the evidence for how long chains of organic compounds folded themselves in the exact correct sequence to create life?

I know a little science too.
Considering the fact I know pathenogenisis in humans is impossible, can you run that immaculate conception and virgin births thing past me again..
This time preferably with some evidence nor the God of gaps.
There were a couple of other theories that made the rounds back in Biblical times. One was that a Roman soldier got Mary pregnant. That rumor was meant to be mean, even cruel. Another, perhaps more kindly meant, is that Angels were also called Messengers. Mary was a Temple virgin, and a it was said that an older, Temple Messenger, was able to seduce a naive, young virgin that it was somehow God's will for her to become pregnant.

The miracle story, which you reject, is certainly confounding. Those who have never experienced a miracle will never believe Mary's story. Those who have experienced even minor miracles find it harder to dismiss. Theirs is a true miracle, but Mary's is not?
I think that's between them and God.
And this taxpayer believes it wrong for me to contribute to any abortion in any way, shape, or form. You apparently believe the Church should not back my stance, but rather the stance for me to help fund abortions.
I think that's between them and God.
And this taxpayer believes it wrong for me to contribute to any abortion in any way, shape, or form. You apparently believe the Church should not back my stance, but rather the stance for me to help fund abortions.
You should refrain from speaking for others. I too believe it is wrong for me to contribute to any abortion in any way, shape, or form, but I don't think the Church should excommunicate politicians because of it. That's between the politicians and God.

Let me ask you this... is the Church backing your stance? If the Church is, then you have no problem, right? And if the Church isn't, then don't take it out on me. Fair enough?

Lastly, are your taxes being used to fund abortions? Or are you expressing a preemptive concern for something that hasn't happened yet. Because you may be putting the cart before the horse.
Why does it seem like right wingers merely doth protest too much instead of coming up with more universal solutions at lower cost?
What does cost have to do with anything? And what universal solutions are you thinking about?

If Republicans took the exact same stance that the Democrats have taken - and are lauded for taking - Republicans would be derided for wanting to kill poor people.
Why does it seem like right wingers merely doth protest too much instead of coming up with more universal solutions at lower cost?
What does cost have to do with anything? And what universal solutions are you thinking about?

If Republicans took the exact same stance that the Democrats have taken - and are lauded for taking - Republicans would be derided for wanting to kill poor people.
Why do you believe that?

I believe right wingers are simply practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God, with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge), whenever y'all complain about taxes for social services.
Why does it seem like right wingers merely doth protest too much instead of coming up with more universal solutions at lower cost?
What does cost have to do with anything? And what universal solutions are you thinking about?

If Republicans took the exact same stance that the Democrats have taken - and are lauded for taking - Republicans would be derided for wanting to kill poor people.
Why do you believe that?

I believe right wingers are simply practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God, with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge), whenever y'all complain about taxes for social services.
I believe that because for the most part Democrats are emotional creatures who are challenged to be objective.

Conservatives aren't against helping others. They are against programs that don't solve the problem. Two different things. But let's not get off topic. If you want create a thread in the bull ring about it and I'll post in it.
You should refrain from speaking for others. I too believe it is wrong for me to contribute to any abortion in any way, shape, or form, but I don't think the Church should excommunicate politicians because of it. That's between the politicians and God.
When Catholic politicians are marshaling Catholics to agree to and pay for abortions, do you really feel the Church should stand aside and say nothing? Do you feel the same when someone vandalizes a church or a synagogue? That the Church should stand aside, say nothing, and let that vandalism remain between the vandal and God?

Do you favor a position of, "Let the Catholic politicians speak and do and let the Church say and do nothing"?

PS I am not speaking for others.
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I believe right wingers are simply practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God, with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge), whenever y'all complain about taxes for social services.
Some of us "right wingers" are more Libertarian than right wing. For example, I do not believe a government bureaucracy should take over social services. That belongs in the hands and is the responsibility of the people. The main reason for this belief is that more tax money goes to the bureaucrats instead of the poor. You can see this. I give my money and my service directly to the poor and every single cent and every second of time is to the poor. Going the tax route, my tax money goes to the employee, the building, the utilities, the vacations, etc. before whatever trickle is left reaches those in need. Also keep in mind the cracks some of those in need fall into.
Why does it seem like right wingers merely doth protest too much instead of coming up with more universal solutions at lower cost?
What does cost have to do with anything? And what universal solutions are you thinking about?

If Republicans took the exact same stance that the Democrats have taken - and are lauded for taking - Republicans would be derided for wanting to kill poor people.
Why do you believe that?

I believe right wingers are simply practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God, with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge), whenever y'all complain about taxes for social services.
I believe that because for the most part Democrats are emotional creatures who are challenged to be objective.

Conservatives aren't against helping others. They are against programs that don't solve the problem. Two different things. But let's not get off topic. If you want create a thread in the bull ring about it and I'll post in it.
Nobody who knows anything about economics takes right wingers seriously about economics. Capitalism, What is that, sayeth the right wing, is the usual response from them.
Does anyone have any questions or concerns about the Catholic faith?

Considering the fact I know pathenogenisis in humans is impossible, can you run that immaculate conception and virgin births thing past me again..
This time preferably with some evidence nor the God of gaps.
You mean like the evidence for space and time being created from nothing? Evidence like that? Or maybe the evidence for how long chains of organic compounds folded themselves in the exact correct sequence to create life?

I know a little science too.
You mean like the evidence for space and time being created from nothing? Evidence like that?
evidence, the christian refuses to address - evidence - there has ever been a time matter or energy has not existed ... or where the 10 commandments came from that are in their book.

sinning is their way of life, why ever change when having so much fun.
Why does it seem like right wingers merely doth protest too much instead of coming up with more universal solutions at lower cost?
What does cost have to do with anything? And what universal solutions are you thinking about?

If Republicans took the exact same stance that the Democrats have taken - and are lauded for taking - Republicans would be derided for wanting to kill poor people.
Why do you believe that?

I believe right wingers are simply practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God, with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge), whenever y'all complain about taxes for social services.
I believe that because for the most part Democrats are emotional creatures who are challenged to be objective.

Conservatives aren't against helping others. They are against programs that don't solve the problem. Two different things. But let's not get off topic. If you want create a thread in the bull ring about it and I'll post in it.
Nobody who knows anything about economics takes right wingers seriously about economics. Capitalism, What is that, sayeth the right wing, is the usual response from them.
I guess that takes you out then.

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