Ask a Catholic

It's no business of religion
Let's start with this. Why do you, personally, want abortion? Leave poverty out of it, leave Africa out of it, and bring it front and center and close to home. What has the most value to you? Life or sex without consequences?

Let's take it up to the government level with the government deciding life isn't all that important, and let's delight the citizens by giving them sex with no consequences. Let the citizenry know that this is their government's gift bestowed upon them. The government never needed to make abortion political. All they needed to do was decriminalize abortion. The message should have been, "Government does not destroy innocent lives. However, mothers and doctors who choose to kill the unborn will no longer be prosecuted. The decision to kill is in their hands, not ours. We take care of government business to the best of our ability and citizens can take care of personal business to the best of their ability."

Take abortion out of politics, out of government. The government takes the stance that it does not kill innocent life, that's on the mother, and it will not become a political game.

The Way of a holy life is the business of religion. Faith is a matter of choice, and leading people in the Way of faith is very much the business of religion. Don't like the Way, stay out of the Church and out of the way.
I think it is within the city limits.
I still agree with you that it is cheesy, but there must be a market for such items, as strange as it seems to me. However, people do like mementos. I prefer Mentos. Maybe one of the vendors carries those?
According to you not speaking out against politicians who are Catholic and support abortion is backing abortion.
Stop with the lie! That is not "according to" me. What is wrong with you!
You said...

Doing nothing is the same as backing these plans for easy, taxpayer funded abortions.

Since the Church is doing nothing to stop politicians - who are Catholic - from promoting abortions, the Church - according to your logic is backing abortion. Your point was that the Church should excommunicate Biden and Pelosi because they are encouraging or promoting abortion, right?

I took exception with two things you said:

1. That the politicians were speaking on behalf of the Church (they aren't)
2. That doing nothing is backing abortion (it's not and the Church isn't doing nothing, the Church isn't doing everything YOU THINK she should)

And I have been trying to politely inform you that these positions lead to some very unpleasant consequences for you.

1. You are accusing the Church of backing abortion.
2. By association you are guilty of backing abortion.

Both of which can be avoided if you temper your words.
My position is that the Church should tell all Catholics, particularly Catholic politicians, that pushing for abortions at nine months (particularly) and for taxpayers to fund abortions is crossing the line into excommunication.
And if the Church doesn't, is the Church backing abortions?
As I understand it, your position is that a Catholic politician is free to do just this without any fear of being excommunicated from the Catholic Church. I am not arguing against you (or anyone else) taking this position, but because of the Church's stand on life and being against abortion, my opinion is that the Church should speak out against Catholics favoring taxpayer funded abortions.
No Catholic is ever free of the risk of excommunication, so your assumption is false. The Church also opposes the death penalty. So are politicians who back and support and promote the death penalty subject to excommunication too? What you are proposing is a slippery slope which establishes precedents. It is because of unintended consequences that the Church has moved slowly and with caution through her history. Just think of how many years it took before she set the record straight on Mary.
You said...
Correct. The subject was still about expanding abortion and taxpayer funding of abortion. I can't help it if you decide to include something I wasn't even referencing. Not only that, once I realized you misunderstood I reemphasized several times the specific topic. Yet despite this you keep plowing back to your topic, not mine.
Since the Church is doing nothing to stop politicians - who are Catholic - from promoting abortions, the Church - according to your logic is backing abortion. Your point was that the Church should excommunicate Biden and Pelosi because they are encouraging or promoting abortion, right?

I took exception with two things you said:

1. That the politicians were speaking on behalf of the Church (they aren't)
2. That doing nothing is backing abortion (it's not and the Church isn't doing nothing, the Church isn't doing everything YOU THINK she should)

And I have been trying to politely inform you that these positions lead to some very unpleasant consequences for you.

1. You are accusing the Church of backing abortion.
2. By association you are guilty of backing abortion.

Both of which can be avoided if you temper your words.
The fact you are not paying attention leads you into you applying all the above nonsense to what I said and insist that your misunderstanding and misapprehension are all my fault speaks volumes. Spew your nonsense, blame me. It appears that pointing out time and again you are off on your own tangent and you are not even addressing the specific topic point just has you digging in. Like what happened to Pharaoh, I've only hardened your heart. Go on with whoever it is you think you are arguing with about whatever you think you are arguing about. It's not me and it's not my topic.
And if the Church doesn't, is the Church backing abortions?
That's your topic, not mine. I am sticking to a specific aspect. I've already noted several times the Church's position on abortion.
Which Christian sect has murdered more people than all of the other sects combined?
What are you speaking of? How long ago did these murders take place?
What are you speaking of? How long ago did these murders take place?
the point is they have never stopped -

christianity has always been the haven of persecution and victimization of the innocent by its unrepentant adherents - meriweather.
It's no business of religion
Let's start with this. Why do you, personally, want abortion? Leave poverty out of it, leave Africa out of it, and bring it front and center and close to home. What has the most value to you? Life or sex without consequences?

Let's take it up to the government level with the government deciding life isn't all that important, and let's delight the citizens by giving them sex with no consequences. Let the citizenry know that this is their government's gift bestowed upon them. The government never needed to make abortion political. All they needed to do was decriminalize abortion. The message should have been, "Government does not destroy innocent lives. However, mothers and doctors who choose to kill the unborn will no longer be prosecuted. The decision to kill is in their hands, not ours. We take care of government business to the best of our ability and citizens can take care of personal business to the best of their ability."

Take abortion out of politics, out of government. The government takes the stance that it does not kill innocent life, that's on the mother, and it will not become a political game.

The Way of a holy life is the business of religion. Faith is a matter of choice, and leading people in the Way of faith is very much the business of religion. Don't like the Way, stay out of the Church and out of the way.
You are becoming hysterical as a lot of woman do when faced with criticism..
You continue to involve the government as if it their fault. You also bring religion I to it as if it is compulsory. Your problem from the beginning is you are agaibst abortion because your filthy religion says so. NO where in the scriptures does it mention abortions but your happy to continue with your gods suppression of women.
Why shouldn't a woman have a right over their body? A six week foetus is not a human life. Its no different to a benign tumour.
I would rather the government have control rather than a right wing fascist godbotherer like. Your happy to save a life from abortion and let an unwanted child live in poverty. Then the stupidity and hypocrisy to then complain about both the mother and child on welfare, using your taxes.

Your problem is purely and solely your religion and you know it. Blaming governments is a cop out and a very poor one at that.

The law is now they have the right to chose and it is none of your business but you persist with your filthy gods perceived wishes. You have taken your grotesque religions directly into the wombs of a scared young girls with no invitation then claim you are doing gods work. What a load of rubbish.
It's a shame you don't do something about those kiddy fiddling priests etc that scar kids for life. Where's your morals and principles on that issue.?
No. You ignore that because of your hypocritical religion. You have th e principles of an alley cat. Don't reply again or I'll open up properly on you and religion.
You are becoming hysterical as a lot of woman do when faced with criticism..
You continue to involve the government as if it their fault. You also bring religion I to it as if it is compulsory. Your problem from the beginning is you are agaibst abortion because your filthy religion says so. NO where in the scriptures does it mention abortions but your happy to continue with your gods suppression of women.
Shrug, I have never been "hysterical" over this. I am trying to calm your own hysteria. For example, your hysterical bringing into the discussion of abortion in the US the poverty in African which has nothing to do with price of tea in China. American women having abortions does not affect poverty in Africa one way or another. Second, notice how you dehumanize life. Dehumanization of any population (Jews, Japanese, Blacks, fetuses) is the primary way other populations make it seem alright for people to look down on that population. So as we can all see, you are projecting your own hysteria on to me. I am peacefully presenting my points.

I calmly pointed out two facts: The first is that some place the value of recreational sex over the value of life. The second is why there has never been any need to make abortion a political issue. We could have always had abortions simply by the government saying it can't prosecute medical decisions between doctor and patient.

I noted any government's position on taking innocent lives is that government is against it, as mentioned above, government is not going to prosecute mothers and doctors. Period. Ask yourself, what other innocent life are you in favor of the government being in favor of someone taking? (I tend to be Libertarian when it comes to government.)

Finally, I told you twice, it was not religion that formed my decision on abortion, but throughout my childhood babies arriving at the most inconvenient times. In the long run the delight over each child eclipsed any inconvenience. Yet you (hysterically) insist that this is not my reason, that it is religion, apparently insisting that you know my mind and my reasons better than I do myself.
Why shouldn't a woman have a right over their body?
Did you even bother to read what I wrote? My position is that government/politics needs to remove itself from the equation. Government cannot/should not involve itself in the taking of innocent life. Government position is the refusal to prosecute a medical decision between doctor and patient. Think about this for a moment. Personally, I am very much against assisted suicide. Government should be as well. However, if a doctor and patient get prosecution.

My (Libertarian) position is that government maintains it is against the taking of any innocent life, but it stays out of personal medical decisions as government business is the business of ruling a nation's business, not the business of ruling individuals over an individual's business.

Any faith, church, synagogue, temple, team, clubhouse are free to teach its people that organization's principles.
Your problem is purely and solely your religion and you know it.
No, you are projecting what you only wish were true. I do believe religious organizations (and all organizations for that matter) should stand up for their stated principles.

Again, read my post. I am criticizing government for making abortion a political issue.
Since the Church is doing nothing to stop politicians - who are Catholic - from promoting abortions, the Church - according to your logic is backing abortion. Your point was that the Church should excommunicate Biden and Pelosi because they are encouraging or promoting abortion, right?

I took exception with two things you said:

1. That the politicians were speaking on behalf of the Church (they aren't)
2. That doing nothing is backing abortion (it's not and the Church isn't doing nothing, the Church isn't doing everything YOU THINK she should)

And I have been trying to politely inform you that these positions lead to some very unpleasant consequences for you.

1. You are accusing the Church of backing abortion.
2. By association you are guilty of backing abortion.

Both of which can be avoided if you temper your words.
The fact you are not paying attention leads you into you applying all the above nonsense to what I said and insist that your misunderstanding and misapprehension are all my fault speaks volumes. Spew your nonsense, blame me. It appears that pointing out time and again you are off on your own tangent and you are not even addressing the specific topic point just has you digging in. Like what happened to Pharaoh, I've only hardened your heart. Go on with whoever it is you think you are arguing with about whatever you think you are arguing about. It's not me and it's not my topic.
I'm not blaming you. I am trying to get you to temper your words so as to not paint yourself into a corner. I am sorry if my words have caused any pain. But I am speaking the truth.
I'm not blaming you. I am trying to get you to temper your words so as to not paint yourself into a corner. I am sorry if my words have caused any pain. But I am speaking the truth.
I understand. You want to be my writing instructor and I am not interested in taking you on. I prefer you read all I write, not take two sentences and weave your own conclusions.

You've got to be joking...pain? Over an internet thread? You are telling me that you can feel pain over a thread!?! Or, that you can cause pain via a thread! I am rolling on the floor laughing, which is great.

Carry on.
I'm not blaming you. I am trying to get you to temper your words so as to not paint yourself into a corner. I am sorry if my words have caused any pain. But I am speaking the truth.
I understand. You want to be my writing instructor and I am not interested in taking you on. I prefer you read all I write, not take two sentences and weave your own conclusions.

You've got to be joking...pain? Over an internet thread? You are telling me that you can feel pain over a thread!?! Or, that you can cause pain via a thread! I am rolling on the floor laughing, which is great.

Carry on.
Actually more like playing the dominoes out. You are holding on too tight and can't be objective about this.
The Vatican would not be concerned if Adolf Hitler was running every country on the planet -

just as long as the Catholic Church stays in business, and as long as Hitler actually was victorious.

It is not easy to defend a mass murderer after he has lost - after G. I Joe Biden is out of office, the Vatican will find a new mass-murdering pedophile thief to throw their arms around.

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