Ask a Catholic

It is not easy to defend a mass murderer after he has lost - after G. I Joe Biden is out of office, the Vatican will find a new mass-murdering pedophile thief to throw their arms around.
You're telling me that the VATICAN favors Joe Biden — an imposter who forced his way into the Oval Office with a violent coup d'état on a stolen election — over the populist president Donald Trump — who worked closely and faithfully for many years with a Catholic Advisory Committee?
It is not easy to defend a mass murderer after he has lost - after G. I Joe Biden is out of office, the Vatican will find a new mass-murdering pedophile thief to throw their arms around.
You're telling me that the VATICAN favors Joe Biden — an imposter who forced his way into the Oval Office with a violent coup d'état on a stolen election — over the populist president Donald Trump — who worked closely and faithfully for many years with a Catholic Advisory Committee?
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful?
It's one of the flavors of Christianity.

And all the different Christian flavors aren't all that different. Kind of like vanilla and chocolate chip ice cream aren't really that different
Communion comes in only two kinds, and both kinds are necessary. The bread, which is the body of Christ, and the wine, which is the blood of Christ.
Does anyone have any questions or concerns about the Catholic faith?
Where do we begin? How about with Jesus addressing the Samaritan by the well (this woman was living with a man to whom she was not wed. She knew that Jesus was a prophet of God....she asked, " the proper place for worship in Jerusalem on on this mountain?" Jesus responded to her about the false religion this woman observed in Samaria, "You worship what you do not know, we know what we worship; for salvation is of the Jews.....God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth." -- John 4:20-22, 24

The Question? Is the Catholic Church built upon the word of God or are Catholics worshipping what they do not know?

If the Roman Catholic Church is built upon the word of God you can find its practices, organization and doctrines in the Bible. The Bible and the Bible alone contains all that "....pertains to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) Peter is speaking in the present tense declaring that God has delivered to us all that is required for life and godliness.

Is it true that the Roman Catholic Church recognizes THE POPE as the head of the Church, standing in for Jesus as God on earth? If true that practice directly contradicts the word of God. There is only one head of the Jesus's Church (Eph. 1:22-23, 4:5, Col. 1:8, 1 Tim 6:15-16).

Reality: the First Pope did not exist until 588AD. (The Bible vs. Romanism, Trice pgs 67-68). Yet the Catholic Church claims that Peter was the 1st Pope in a long line of succession? Its true that Peter was given "the keys to the Kingdom...i.e, the Church that Christ purchased with His Blood" (Matt. 16:19). Peter used those keys to open the Kingdom/Church on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) when he preached the 1st gospel sermon of Christianity after the assentation of Jesus. Peter stood with the 11 Apostles of Christ yet he spoke with no more authority than the other Apostles of Christ. (Acts 2:14).

The Catholic Church claim their man made traditions (which are not to be found in the Bible) are equal to the word of God.

What are some of these traditions? Worshiping "MARY" as the mother of God, celibacy for priests (and we all know how that practice has historically worked out for many a young child who has been the victim of a celibate priest). The Bible declares that it OK to take a wife in order to control our desires as everyone, Every Christian is priest of Christianity, "Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and left each woman have her own husband." -- 1 Cor. 7:2

The scriptures make it clear that all Christians are members of a Royal Priesthood, "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation; His own people that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light." -- 1 Peter 2:9

Let's talk........enlighten me.
It's one of the flavors of Christianity.

And all the different Christian flavors aren't all that different. Kind of like vanilla and chocolate chip ice cream aren't really that different
Communion comes in only two kinds, and both kinds are necessary. The bread, which is the body of Christ, and the wine, which is the blood of Christ.
and every flavor of Christianity does it
The Question? Is the Catholic Church built upon the word of God or are Catholics worshipping what they do not know?
Are you comparing Catholics to Samaritans? The Samaritans accepted only the first five books of the Bible and ignored the rest of the Old Testament. Catholics accept all the Old Testament books that were included in Jesus' day. Later, the Jews, then the Protestants, eliminated six books from the Canon read in Jesus' time.

Second, the Samaritans did not hold the belief that the Jews were to play a significant role in salvation. Catholics acknowledge the role place on the Jews by God.

Catholics accept the entire Bible, we do not select what we wish to know about God and dismiss the rest. Catholic Sunday worship reads through the entire Bible every three years--every year for those who attend daily Mass.

Clearly the Catholic Church is built upon the word of God.

Catholics honor and pay homage to God, not only in weekly (or daily) Mass, but throughout our day-to-day lives.
Is it true that the Roman Catholic Church recognizes THE POPE as the head of the Church, standing in for Jesus as God on earth? If true that practice directly contradicts the word of God. There is only one head of the Jesus's Church (Eph. 1:22-23, 4:5, Col. 1:8, 1 Tim 6:15-16).
The Pope is the head of the special priesthood. Catholics believe through baptism we are anointed priest, prophet, king because with baptism we are incorporated into the body of Christ who is priest, prophet, king.

However, there is also a special priesthood of those who commit to solely serving Christ and his community. These are the servants of God, servants of the people. The Pope is the servant of the servants of God.

The head of the Church is Christ: The head of the people; the head of the special priesthood; the head of the servant of the servants of God.

Jesus prayed his followers would remain one. The Pope is kind of linch-pin for this endeavor, to keep the Catholic Church one so that Cardinals, Bishops, Priests don't go off on their own individual tangents.
The Catholic Church claim their man made traditions (which are not to be found in the Bible) are equal to the word of God.

What are some of these traditions? Worshiping "MARY" as the mother of God, celibacy for priests (and we all know how that practice has historically worked out for many a young child who has been the victim of a celibate priest). The Bible declares that it OK to take a wife in order to control our desires as everyone, Every Christian is priest of Christianity, "Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and left each woman have her own husband." -- 1 Cor. 7:2
The Catholic Church also follows Apostolic traditions, those passed onto us by the Apostles. Catholics do not worship Mary, rather we honor Mary and her role in the life of Christ.

Apostolic tradition (see Paul) was that priests could remain celibate. Jesus, himself, noted this--that some become celibate for the sake of the kingdom of God. In medieval times it became practical for priests not to marry. There had been too many fights among the heirs of what belonged to the Church and what was personal property. The quarrels were magnified because often younger sons of the rich were given to the priesthood since they would not inherit family property.

Hello Meriweather

I was wondering exactly what manuscripts you were referring to when you mentioned the Roman Catholic Churches Old Testament Translation.

Were you referring specifically - to The Septuagint ?


I was wondering exactly what manuscripts you were referring to when you mentioned the Roman Catholic Churches Old Testament Translation.

Were you referring specifically - to The Septuagint ?

My recollection is that during the time of the Middle Ages, the Catholic translation was based (mostly) on the Greek translation, but there was Latin as well. I am trying to recall the specific post. Upon the advent of the printing press in the middle ages, people wanted Bibles, not written in Latin or Greek, but in English. The Church had at least one approved English translation and I believe was working on other languages as well.

Naturally, when a new market opens up (money to be made) people will (in haste) come up with not so careful translations which the Church would not approve. Thus the accusation against the Catholic Church not wanting people to read the Bible. Conveniently left out was "inaccurate translations of the Bible", of which there were plenty.

The Catholic Bible I favor today is the one where the Old Testament translation now comes from the Hebrew, not the Greek. It is a study Bible which notes the Judaic views on such verses as the virgin/young woman being with child.

If you were speaking of Protestant Bibles not including certain books, that began with Martin Luther relegating books that were no longer considered Canon by the Jews to the rear of the Bible, and these books (cost effectiveness again) began being left out entirely.
Hello Meriweather - thank you so much for replying, your knowledge and dedication to accuracy are truly appreciated. I enjoyed reading your reply.

Please allow me to respectfully ask

You mention the Catholic { Douay Rheims 1582 } translation was based upon Greek with some Latin

And….. you also mention that all other Non – Catholic translations previously produced were
" inaccurate translations of the Bible "

meaning = before 1582, all other translation attempts, outside of the Catholic Church, were in error and false translations.

Such as - the following English Translations.
Gutenberg Bible - 1455
Tyndale Bible - 1537
Bishops Bible - 1568
Geneva Bible - 1560

This means that for nearly 2000 years after Christ, The Roman Catholic Church - had refused to translate the bible into any other language - except for the Latin Language,

it was not until 1582, and until, only after, that Protestants began to translate partial bibles into English - nearly 2000 years after Christ,

then and only then
, Catholics finally came to the decision to produce a Bible into another language { other than The Latin Vulgate, from Jerome }

You should agree with Vatican website “ Vatican “ upon the page below

Click here ----/-- Spiritus Paraclitus (September 15, 1920) | BENEDICT XV

Here - We see the Catholic Church says that Jerome - he corrected { fixed / repaired } the Latin version of the Old Testament by using the Greek; he translated afresh nearly all the books of the Old Testament from Hebrew into Latin;

But …. why would Jerome need to correct { fix and repair } any previous Latin bible translation ?

why would Jerome need to correct the previously Latin bible translation and WHY was the Latin Bible CORRUPTED and inconsistent ? … !

This original Latin Bible and THE VERY FIRST - the very FIRST Latin bible - this previous translation had previously been produced and translated before Jerome’s Latin Vulgate

This was the “ Vetus Italia Translation “ produced sometime between 150 - to 250 AD - - this is the previous Latin Bible Translation that existed before Jerome.

This means EITHER the Roman Catholic Church / VATICAN did not translate any Latin Version of The Bible Translated into Latin for the first 400 years after Christ

405 - Jerome Completed his Latin Vulgate - because the previous Latin was corrupted.

Or - This means that the previous { PRE JEROME } the first Latin Bible, IN THE VATICAN - had been so badly damaged and misplaced and so mistreated and abandoned / un – kept and had not been maintained,

and - no new copies were made in the Vatican for 400 years

and - that next to nothing was preserved - nothing had been transmitted and handed out from the Vatican, for 400 years, to update the Church.

That Jerome had to completely, entirely totally abandon and reject the previous Latin version { IN THE
VATICAN } All Latin Bible Copies in the Vatican had been completely abandoned, trashed and totally discarded and disintegrated -

or they just somehow suddenly vanished into thin air or they had decayed and had become rotten and unreadable - Jerome’s only option was to go back to the original Hebrew from 400 years ago and spend an elaborate amount of time trying learn, study and an enormous amount of time working to translate from the Hebrew.

Jerome even had help from a Hebrew Rabbi to assist him figuring out how to translate ancient Hebrew manuscripts - the Vatican elaborately and in great detail explains that Jerome spent so much time and work in studying the Hebrew manuscripts.

As if - absolutely none of this work had ever been previously done by the Roman Catholic Church. !

The Roman Catholic claims are completely absurd - Catholics will demand that their Church put the Bible together - their Church translated the first Latin Bible from Hebrew into Greek and Latin - long before Jerome was even born. !

And Jerome is here - 300 to 400 years later with next to nothing in Greek - the entire previous Latin Translation is so corrupted and filled with error and here Jerome -

he is so overwhelmed and burdened and working at such lengths and the enormous task of translating the Old Testament from the Hebrew.

In other words, because there was no accurate and truthful consistent Latin Bible to translate from - he had to use the only available manuscripts from HEBREW in correcting the previous Latin version of the Old Testament, by using the Hebrew manuscripts and the very, very small amount of available codex of Greek.

Why / How - was the previous Latin Translation corrupted in the Vatican ?

OR - was there absolutely no accurate and truthful Latin translation in the Vatican for 400 years ?

The question is why did the previous Latin Translation become corrupted in the Vatican
Or did the Catholic Church not produce and maintain the previous Latin Bible and did not have an Old testament Translation - for 400 years after Christ ?

Does add to the evidence demonstrating that the Catholic Church did not exist until 300 - 400 years after Christ, and Rome was successful in destroying all attempts to translate the Bible into a modern language for nearly 2000 years ?
Last edited:
And….. you also mention that all other Non – Catholic translations previously produced were
" inaccurate translations of the Bible "
;) I did not say all others. I said some were not approved due to inaccuracies.
This means that for nearly 2000 years after Christ, The Roman Catholic Church - had refused to translate the bible into any other language - except for the Latin Language,
As I mentioned before, around the time of Gutenberg, there was an approved English translation. Shrug.
tens of thousands of aboriginal children in Canada were TAKEN FROM THEIR PARENTS, murdered and raped and tortured by nuns and catholic priests FOR DECADES ALL OVER CANADA. Now mass graves on residential school properties all over Canada are being discovered. SICK EVIL. Then add the millions sexually abused by clergy worldwide.

tens of thousands of aboriginal children in Canada were TAKEN FROM THEIR PARENTS, murdered and raped and tortured by nuns and catholic priests FOR DECADES ALL OVER CANADA. Now mass graves on residential school properties all over Canada are being discovered. SICK EVIL. Then add the millions sexually abused by clergy worldwide.

oh, no worry - that wasn't meriweather just another congregation they now know (maybe) not to send contributions to ...

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