Assad was framed !

this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

According to what I read this morning...US Intelligence reconstructed the track of the aircraft that deployed the Sarin gas rockets back to the airbase that Trump ordered the attack on. Hard to argue with that.
This the same Intelligence that promised us Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction?
So Obama lied? Clinton lied? You sure about that?
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

According to what I read this morning...US Intelligence reconstructed the track of the aircraft that deployed the Sarin gas rockets back to the airbase that Trump ordered the attack on. Hard to argue with that.

What are you talking about . We argue over us intel all the time ! WMDS ring a bell.

Another angle: Assad underlings trying to get him out and then fill the vaccume .

See my post, Timmy. It was actually Russia who privately tipped off The US after the attack that they saw Syrian air crews load the chemical weapons.

So as much as some like to say Russia is all bad, they aren't. They don't want to see Syria use chemical weapons either. But at least they can save a little face privately by ratting him out behind the scenes.

So, bitch slap Assad, then get back to going after ISIS in that area, and keep Assad in line.

And if Assad can't behave, Russia themselves will take care of him. They'd rather do it themselves, but they have a longer leash with this guy than we would give him.
The latest theory is that the rebels had the gas and Assad's planes bombed them and that's how the gas escaped.

It may there be construed as a frame, yes.

But in case the planes dropped the gas Trump took action anyway.

This is a win for Trump in many ways.

It is a win for Trump politically.

It is a win for the USA internationally.

And it is a strong signal to the fat boy in N.Korea too that he better cut the crap.
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

According to what I read this morning...US Intelligence reconstructed the track of the aircraft that deployed the Sarin gas rockets back to the airbase that Trump ordered the attack on. Hard to argue with that.

What are you talking about . We argue over us intel all the time ! WMDS ring a bell.

Another angle: Assad underlings trying to get him out and then fill the vaccume .

See below my post, Timmy. It was actually Russia who privately tipped off The US after the attack that they saw Syrian air crews load the chemical weapons. So as much as some like to say Russia is all bad, they aren't. They don't want to see Syria use chemical weapons either.

So, bitch slap Assad, then get back to going after ISIS in that area, and keep Assad in line.

And if Assad can't behave, Russia themselves will take care of him. They'd rather do it themselves, but they have a longer leash with this guy than we would give him.
Yet and still... why would Assad do such a thing?
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

According to what I read this morning...US Intelligence reconstructed the track of the aircraft that deployed the Sarin gas rockets back to the airbase that Trump ordered the attack on. Hard to argue with that.
Answer the OP's question: what possible motive could Assad have?

It is entirely possible that ISIS did this. But I am hearing that it was actually Syria. Now, none of us know. Did they hit a chemical weapons factory? Or did Syria load some chemical weapons in a couple planes? I hear reports that it was a couple Russian military advisors that ratted Assad out.
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

According to what I read this morning...US Intelligence reconstructed the track of the aircraft that deployed the Sarin gas rockets back to the airbase that Trump ordered the attack on. Hard to argue with that.
Answer the OP's question: what possible motive could Assad have?

OK I will say it. Assad could have is my chance. They won't ever think I would do this? They will blame Israel or ISIS. Now I will strike. It is the old "double switcharoo". yawn. When you got ASS in your might be a problem.
Last edited:
You head that, on Fox??

Yo, Penelope? All I can say about you is: SAD!

this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

According to what I read this morning...US Intelligence reconstructed the track of the aircraft that deployed the Sarin gas rockets back to the airbase that Trump ordered the attack on. Hard to argue with that.

What are you talking about . We argue over us intel all the time ! WMDS ring a bell.

Another angle: Assad underlings trying to get him out and then fill the vaccume .

See below my post, Timmy. It was actually Russia who privately tipped off The US after the attack that they saw Syrian air crews load the chemical weapons. So as much as some like to say Russia is all bad, they aren't. They don't want to see Syria use chemical weapons either.

So, bitch slap Assad, then get back to going after ISIS in that area, and keep Assad in line.

And if Assad can't behave, Russia themselves will take care of him. They'd rather do it themselves, but they have a longer leash with this guy than we would give him.
Yet and still... why would Assad do such a thing?

In the Interest of Intellectual Honesty, I cannot tell you that. On the surface it does not make sense. But you could ask why The Obama Administration spied on President Trump when if found out that they did this, it would not look good.

People when they are in power, sometimes that power goes to their heads, and they think they can get away with anything. Maybe Assad thought he could blame this on the Terrorists in his country. Or maybe a bomb was dropped on a terrorist chemical factory. Or maybe Assad did indeed have chemical weapons loaded on those planes. Little ole you and me, won't ever know for sure because we don't get to see the Intelligence Reports.

The Logic says, STUPID MOVE. But so does the Logic say that spying on an Incoming President is a stupid move no matter what or how you try to justify it.
Honestly, given what I've seen from liberals of our own nation this year, I'm not even going to begin to speculate as to why some fruit loop terrorists (and yes I consider /all/ of them over there to be infested with terrorists sorry) decided that dumping gas on civilian's was a good idea. I mean shit we had American's planning to set off gas "bombs" against Trump supporters not three months ago...
this gas attack makes no sense ...

... to a snowflake...then again, Timmy said it so it HAS to be true. :p

So you are saying ISIS snuck onto a Syrian Assad-Controlled airbase, loaded up chemical weapons Assad wasn't even supposed to have any more, took off in the Syrian Assad-owned plane, flew over the area, deployed the Sarin gas, flew the plane back to the Syrian Assad-controlled airport, then escaped, and returned to his fellow terrorists?

That's freaking AMAZING! Damn those ISIS guys are good. :p
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

According to what I read this morning...US Intelligence reconstructed the track of the aircraft that deployed the Sarin gas rockets back to the airbase that Trump ordered the attack on. Hard to argue with that.

...unless it was Russians, who are looking to give Trump an opening to come to the negotiating table with Lift Sanctions chip.

Trump has no other way to get to it.
The fact is when Assad heard that the base from which the chemical weapons attack took off had been leveled he never once declared that he did not perpetrate the chemical weapons attack. He never once said, 'You got the wrong guy.' His only comment, according to the news agencies, was that the destruction of his base prevents him from fighting ISIS.'

Now you can sure as hell bet if another country falsely accused me of gassing women and children and then blew up an entire airbase of mine based on that accusation I would be screaming, jumping up and down, on the 1st plane to the U.N. where I would state my case and provide evidence that it was not me.

Funny, al-Assad and Putin has done NONE of this.
..unless it was Russians, who are looking to give Trump an opening to come to the negotiating table with Lift Sanctions chip. Trump has no other way to get to it.
Great, we can now file this bullshit where it needs to be - under 'Conspiracy Theories'.
Yeap, and the left are slowly crinking their necks to start sucking on assads dick.

Like saddam, who was all of a sudden just a poor victim of white right wing American republicans. I mean when clinton bombed him, he was a real bad guy and willy got the old atta boy from the demented left. Right when the republican got rid of him, they call it an invasion, and he was just good guy. A poor typical brown victim of white Christians.

They are slowly doing it again with Assad. Do you think this timmy came up with this himself. Whatever he says, he is getting from his soros newsletter.
Like saddam, who was all of a sudden just a poor victim of white right wing American republicans. Right when the republican got rid of hims, they call it an invasion, and he was just good guy. A poor typical brown victim of white Christians. They are slowly doing it again with Assad.

Holy Crap that was SPOT ON!

this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!

According to what I read this morning...US Intelligence reconstructed the track of the aircraft that deployed the Sarin gas rockets back to the airbase that Trump ordered the attack on. Hard to argue with that.

What are you talking about . We argue over us intel all the time ! WMDS ring a bell.

Another angle: Assad underlings trying to get him out and then fill the vaccume .

See below my post, Timmy. It was actually Russia who privately tipped off The US after the attack that they saw Syrian air crews load the chemical weapons. So as much as some like to say Russia is all bad, they aren't. They don't want to see Syria use chemical weapons either.

So, bitch slap Assad, then get back to going after ISIS in that area, and keep Assad in line.

And if Assad can't behave, Russia themselves will take care of him. They'd rather do it themselves, but they have a longer leash with this guy than we would give him.
Yet and still... why would Assad do such a thing?

In the Interest of Intellectual Honesty, I cannot tell you that. On the surface it does not make sense. But you could ask why The Obama Administration spied on President Trump when if found out that they did this, it would not look good.

People when they are in power, sometimes that power goes to their heads, and they think they can get away with anything. Maybe Assad thought he could blame this on the Terrorists in his country. Or maybe a bomb was dropped on a terrorist chemical factory. Or maybe Assad did indeed have chemical weapons loaded on those planes. Little ole you and me, won't ever know for sure because we don't get to see the Intelligence Reports.

The Logic says, STUPID MOVE. But so does the Logic say that spying on an Incoming President is a stupid move no matter what or how you try to justify it.
I see your point, but just a week prior, Tillerson signaled a shift in US policy that we would countenance Assad remaining in power. It seems likely, if the chemical attack were deliberate, an entity opposed to our softening stance would be behind the attack, i.e., anyone but Assad.
I see your point, but just a week prior, Tillerson signaled a shift in US policy that we would countenance Assad remaining in power.
Why are snowflakes so obsessed with this? I don't care if you declare it is our Syrian Foreign Policy is for regime change or not...REGIME CHANGE IS NOT POSSIBLE AS LONG AS PUTIN PROTECTS AL-ASSAD ... UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY WILLING TO GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA.


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