Assad was framed !

I see your point, but just a week prior, Tillerson signaled a shift in US policy that we would countenance Assad remaining in power.
Why are snowflakes so obsessed with this? I don't care if you declare it is out Syrian Policy or not that out goal is for regime change or not...REGIME CHANGE IS NOT POSSIBLE AS LONG AS PUTIN PROTECTS AL-ASSAD ... UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY WILLING TO GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA.


And what would you say Putin would be willing to trade in Assad for?

Think hard, harder than you usually do.
And what would you say Putin would be willing to trade in Assad for?
Oh good lord....wake up, snowflake. Putin is not going to 'trade' anything for his buddy al-Assad. The man just gassed women and children...again...and Russia's tough response was to say their loyalty to Assad was not 'Un-Conditional'.

That's like standing beside a mass murderer who has blood on his hands and declaring, 'Yeah, there might be something he can do to make me walk away from him - I will let you know what that is wen it happens.'
Why are snowflakes so obsessed with this? I don't care if you declare it is our Syrian Foreign Policy is for regime change or not...REGIME CHANGE IS NOT POSSIBLE AS LONG AS PUTIN PROTECTS AL-ASSAD ... UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY WILLING TO GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA. IMHO...

...but snowflakes were attacking Trump yesterday for not embracing this failed Obama Syrian Policy....

I see your point, but just a week prior, Tillerson signaled a shift in US policy that we would countenance Assad remaining in power.
Why are snowflakes so obsessed with this? I don't care if you declare it is our Syrian Foreign Policy is for regime change or not...REGIME CHANGE IS NOT POSSIBLE AS LONG AS PUTIN PROTECTS AL-ASSAD ... UNLESS YOU ARE REALLY WILLING TO GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA.

You missed the point, Twinkles. Assad would not sabotage a development that could only be seen as in his favor.
..unless it was Russians, who are looking to give Trump an opening to come to the negotiating table with Lift Sanctions chip. Trump has no other way to get to it.
Great, we can now file this bullshit where it needs to be - under 'Conspiracy Theories'.

Playa please ! You don't believe Russia fucked wh the election but you believe Assad would be behind such a bonehead move ?

You don't think that maybe some Syrian generals want Assad gone ? They fill the vaccume ? Puts an end to a tedious long ass war wouldn't it?
Playa please !

'Playa' Please!

Thank God non-snowflakes are not as stupid as snowflakes think / hope they are - Anyone with any intelligence should know exactly what all this 'Assad Was Framed' crap is all about - It's another attempt to protect the proven ignorant, out-of-his-league Obama administration:

Susan Rice, Obama colleagues take heat for past claims on Syria chemical weapons purge

"Susan Rice and other former Obama administration officials are taking heat for past claims that their 2013 Syria agreement successfully led to the Assad regime purging its entire chemical weapons stockpile -- in the wake of this week's alleged sarin gas attack.

During an interview this past January with National Public Radio, former National Security Adviser Rice touted the “success” in Syria, in striking a deal with Russia's help that resulted in the prior administration dropping the threat of military action.

“We were able to find a solution that didn’t necessitate the use of force that actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from Syria, in a way that the use of force would never have accomplished,” she boasted. “We were able to get the Syrian government to voluntarily and verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile.”

We struck a deal where we got 100 percent of the chemical weapons out,” Kerry claimed.

At the time, the fact-checking website PolitiFact found Kerry’s comments to be “mostly true.” However, given new evidence that Assad had recently used chemical weapons against his own people, PolitiFact was forced to revisit and revise its assessment of Kerry’s claims.

“We don’t know key details about the reported chemical attack in Syria on April 4, 2017, but it raises two clear possibilities: Either Syria never fulling complied with its 2013 promise to reveal all of its chemical weapons; or it did, but then converted otherwise non-lethal chemicals to military uses.

“One way or another, subsequent events have proved Kerry wrong,” the site ruled."

Much like how Iran played Obama in their 'nuclear deal', Obama walked away from the table with Russia in their Syrian Chemical Weapons deal WITH NO WAY TO PROVE ALL THE CHEMICAL WEAPONS HAD BEEN ELIMINATED.

And, as several snowflakes even pointed out, no agreement was made to eliminate Syria's ability to create more!

Putin and Assad fed Barry their own version of the ACA 'You can keep your plan if you like your plan lie', and Obama took it hook, line, and sinker...

After this latest chemical weapons attack, as reported:

“Either Russia has been complicit or Russia has been simply incompetent,” Tillerson said."

Just ask the families - if any are left - of the 80 dead Syrians how Obama's plan to let the Russians get rid of Assad's chemical weapons worked out....
Dude . Chem weapons are not that hard to make . They ain't nukes . As far As chem attacks go, it was pretty small scale .

Still don't hear why Assad would do this ?
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!
There were a couple of people dead supposedly.

But I'm failing to see why Putin cares that much about Syria in general. Sure, a base outside the former Soviet Union is nice for Russia, however, the war is not very popular in Russia and can backfire more than anything.

And he doesn't really need votes, the results are decided beforehand.

And it's not even like they can claim "international Socialist brotherhood" or whatever like they did when Russia was really communist and Assad Sr. was leader.

On the other hand, Trump would like the sabre rattling in order to divert attention from the Congressional investigations.
Dude . Chem weapons are not that hard to make . They ain't nukes . As far As chem attacks go, it was pretty small scale .

Still don't hear why Assad would do this ?
'Dude', that has nothing to do with the fact that the chemical weapons attack just perpetrated was launched from a Syrian Assad-held airbase. Next...
On the other hand, Trump would like the sabre rattling in order to divert attention from the Congressional investigations.
You mean the investigations that have resulted in ZERO evidence of a crime being committed by Trump's team, ZERO evidence of any collusion, ZERO evidence of any crime...EXCEPT for the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE perpetrated by the Obama administration and his holdovers?!


Gawd, the snowflake desperation is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Snowflakes be like:
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!
Yesterday all you gas bags were saying Trump was in on it! LMAO!
Dude . Chem weapons are not that hard to make . They ain't nukes . As far As chem attacks go, it was pretty small scale .

Still don't hear why Assad would do this ?
'Dude', that has nothing to do with the fact that the chemical weapons attack just perpetrated was launched from a Syrian Assad-held airbase. Next...

You act like Assad delivered the payload himself .

Nice of you to blame Obama . But let's take everything as spot on true . Assad didn't do chem
Attacks after obamas saber rattling. But he does it after Trump is in office for 5 min? Guess Trump is too blame then , huh.
On the other hand, Trump would like the sabre rattling in order to divert attention from the Congressional investigations.
You mean the investigations that have resulted in ZERO evidence of a crime being committed by Trump's team, ZERO evidence of any collusion, ZERO evidence of any crime...EXCEPT for the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE perpetrated by the Obama administration and his holdovers?!

Nixon supporters were saying exactly that for well over a year.
You don't have any idea what Assad did or did not do!
Actually, skippy, the plane was reportedly watched / picked up taking off from Assad's base, flying over the area as eye-witnesses claim it did dispersing the agent, and then returning to Assad's base.

There is more than enough proof to prove Assad is responsible and enough to declare the snowflake conspiracy theory to be bs.
this gas attack makes no sense . It was a small attack , but it killed kids which makes it extra horrible .

What does Assad gain? He's wining the war, trump wants nothing to do with him. Why do this and bring thee world fury down on you?

Now who benefits ?

Putin! He has an election coming up . What better way to get the country behind him than standing up to USA aggression and Mid East terrorists ( who supposedly attacked the metro). False flags everywhere.

Rebels + Isis: They want Assad out . Isis wants western involvement as propaganda.

Trump. Looks like the tough guy, distracts away from all the investigations .

And why does Trump not question if it was Assad? He wants all kinds of proof from our intelligence community on everything ! But he's sure Assad did this?!

The target : an air base , supposedly no one is killed ?

The fix is on!
There were a couple of people dead supposedly.

But I'm failing to see why Putin cares that much about Syria in general. Sure, a base outside the former Soviet Union is nice for Russia, however, the war is not very popular in Russia and can backfire more than anything.

And he doesn't really need votes, the results are decided beforehand.

And it's not even like they can claim "international Socialist brotherhood" or whatever like they did when Russia was really communist and Assad Sr. was leader.

On the other hand, Trump would like the sabre rattling in order to divert attention from the Congressional investigations.
The Russians care about Syria because of a proposed natural gas pipeline.

I'm not really familiar with this website but the article is a good read.
Refugee Crisis & Syria War Fueled By Competing Gas Pipelines

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