At Last, Trump Tariffs Attacking US Globalist Lunacy

Tariffs are a tax increase. Will adversely affect the middle and lower classes. A terrible, and very liberal, policy.

The middle class lost many of it’s jobs thanks to “free trade” and lack of tariffs.
We've had lots of terrible tariffs and subsidies in place during that time. Trump adding tariffs will lose more jobs.
Incorrect. iPhone X(the phone I'm currently using) is made out of glass and stainless steel. iPhone 8/8 plus is made out of glass and aluminum. Same for galaxy note 8 and galaxy s9.
Who needs those dopey "smart" phones ? I have one and never use it. I just bought a Consumer Cellular phone for $30, and I love it.
he was reckless.... if he wanted to punish China for their misdeeds, which should be done, he would not have done it this way....hap-hazardously....
This is exactly the way. What would you do ? Leave the current misbalance as is ?
We need to start puting claims on the worlds rare earth minerals at the rate that china does. We alos need to moderize our equipment. This is a rare area where a good governemnt buisness patnership should develope. It is obviouly in our self interest to be a able to manufacture with the top nation and especialy when those resources are used for building military equipment. I belive that tarriffs will most certainly raise the price of good and services in related areas, how ever this may be needed in order to cathc up to some of the other nations on the planet. once infrstructure catches up we may be able to remove the tariffs. Tarriffs obviously have a down side or they would be deployed constantly. They obviously have an up side or they would not exist. We should require a percentage of the income recieved by the tarrifs to be used toward infrastructure investment in efficiency. Hopefully the tarriffs will work, they are certainly no magic bullet. Some thing did need to be tried considering the circumstances.
As far as the tariffs I am going to hold judgment until I see the results. I can see BOTH sides of the argument as well as two possible outcomes depending on how American companies respond.

1. Massive growth in the industry leading to good job growth.

2. Greed & price hikes

Greed is always there. Price hikes can't happen.
As far as the tariffs I am going to hold judgment until I see the results. I can see BOTH sides of the argument as well as two possible outcomes depending on how American companies respond.

1. Massive growth in the industry leading to good job growth.

2. Greed & price hikes

Greed is always there. Price hikes can't happen.
Sure they can. There are MANY ways to get around charges of price fixing or collusion.

The European Union is considering applying 25% tariffs on around $3.5 billion of imports from the U.S. in retaliation if Trump carries out his plan to apply global duties to steel and aluminum, EU sources tell Reuters.
"Officials in Brussels have already begun drafting possible retaliatory measures aimed at politically sensitive US products like Kentucky bourbon and Wisconsin dairy products."… via @financialtimes
New: EU is preparing to impose tariffs on Harley-Davidson motorbikes, bourbon whiskey & Levi's jeans in retaliation for Trump’s planned tariffs on steel and aluminium imports -European Commission

Trump is a dumbass.
You make imported steel 25% more expensive, manufacturers have to start buying far expensive imported and domestic steel, domestic steel raises price due to higher demand, prices shoot up across the board. The extra expense affects the middle and lower classes far more relative to the impact felt by the upper class. Eventually the artificial controls (tariffs) run their course and everything goes back to the way it was, except for the period of hardship and stalled growth caused by liberal tariff policy.
Refuted in Post # 6 (and every college Microeconomics classroom around the world)
The bell curve shows a relationship between variables. When you change one variable, it affects the others. Artificially increasing a price leads to a lower demand and supply. You are saying things will be okay because a new bell curve will coalesce around the shittier supply and demand, even though the result is less production.
We need to start puting claims on the worlds rare earth minerals at the rate that china does. We alos need to moderize our equipment. This is a rare area where a good governemnt buisness patnership should develope. It is obviouly in our self interest to be a able to manufacture with the top nation and especialy when those resources are used for building military equipment. I belive that tarriffs will most certainly raise the price of good and services in related areas, how ever this may be needed in order to cathc up to some of the other nations on the planet. once infrstructure catches up we may be able to remove the tariffs. Tarriffs obviously have a down side or they would be deployed constantly. They obviously have an up side or they would not exist. We should require a percentage of the income recieved by the tarrifs to be used toward infrastructure investment in efficiency. Hopefully the tarriffs will work, they are certainly no magic bullet. Some thing did need to be tried considering the circumstances.
Tariffs are not a magic bullet. They are something that used to exist in America, and got abolished (stupidly). They are like a warm coat that you wear in freezing winter weather. If you stop wearing it, you freeze.

Prices won't go up from us leveling the playing field back to normal with tariffs. See Post # 6.

And I wouldn't use >> "or they would be" as a basis for calculating. Often the reason why things are done or not done, is simple idiocy.
As far as the tariffs I am going to hold judgment until I see the results. I can see BOTH sides of the argument as well as two possible outcomes depending on how American companies respond.

1. Massive growth in the industry leading to good job growth.

2. Greed & price hikes
I like your post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is some one seeing that a good out come is not sure thing. I think we can all agree that some thing needs to be done about the trade imballance. It is time we realize that things like this can be very complicated. I do not want to put this administrations feet to the fire if it back fires. I want them to feel they can feel confident in trying another route to success rather than demonizing and blaming. Some problems take multiple tries to fix, failure does not make our leaders evil it makes them human. I am glad this administration is trying some thing! I hope they are couragouse enough to change stratagy if it does not work!
Sure they can. There are MANY ways to get around charges of price fixing or collusion.

Post # 6 explained why price hikes can't happen (what every college freshman economics student knows)
The European Union is considering applying 25% tariffs on around $3.5 billion of imports from the U.S. in retaliation if Trump carries out his plan to apply global duties to steel and aluminum, EU sources tell Reuters.
The Europeans (and Asians) can threaten but they can't fight a trade war with the US (when we are actually fighting them -which hasn't happened with the last 4 pitiful presidents). That's because of (as I stated in the OP - is anybody reading it ?) > "Our enormous MARKET.

Does China need us ? Of course they do. A huge % of their exports come here. Just walk through Walmart, pick up 100 items, and look at where they came from. China, China, China, China, etc. We have a massive population of people with money to buy things. And what does China have for us ? A huge population of people with pennies in their pockets (even those with full-time jobs)."

We have (by far) the largest and most lucrative MARKET in the world. We don't need Europe or Asia to obtain consumers for our products. We can sell to ourselves. This is what the Europeans and Asians can't do. They need our big, rich MARKET. We don't need them

Trade war ? As Pat Buchanan has said >> "We'd eat their lunch."
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Sure they can. There are MANY ways to get around charges of price fixing or collusion.

Post # 6 explained why price hikes can't happen (what every college freshman economics student knows)
Ya well here is what some one that is not a freshman has to say. If your math is so strong that you have a 100% accuracy rate in extrapolation. You need to review the law of limits. You are obviouly waisting time any time you are doing any thing other than applying this methodology. You should be playing the stock market 24/7. Market forces are complicated, any one who claims 100 percent accuracy in future telling is very suspect to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Officials in Brussels have already begun drafting possible retaliatory measures aimed at politically sensitive US products like Kentucky bourbon and Wisconsin dairy products."… via @financialtimes
The bell curve shows a relationship between variables. When you change one variable, it affects the others. Artificially increasing a price leads to a lower demand and supply. You are saying things will be okay because a new bell curve will coalesce around the shittier supply and demand, even though the result is less production.
NO, that's NOT what I said. You didn't take Microeconomics in college I take it,. I said (like You) a higher price will leads to a lower demand, and thus less SALES, and thus LOSS of income. That's why there can't be that higher price. Get it ?
The bell curve shows a relationship between variables. When you change one variable, it affects the others. Artificially increasing a price leads to a lower demand and supply. You are saying things will be okay because a new bell curve will coalesce around the shittier supply and demand, even though the result is less production.
NO, that's NOT what I said. You didn't take Microeconomics in college I take it,. I said (like You) a higher price will leads to a lower demand, and thus less SALES, and thus LOSS of income. That's why there can't be that higher price. Get it ?
price is not the only variable in determining demand! Please see Jordache history for example! Economics is not that simple! Sorry!
First of all, the tariffs make economic sense.

More importantly, the tariffs are needed because being dependent on foreign countries to obtain the raw materials needed to produce armaments is a huge threat to national security.
First of all, the tariffs make economic sense.

More importantly, the tariffs are needed because being dependent on foreign countries to obtain the raw materials needed to produce armaments is a huge threat to national security.
China is way ahead of us on that right now and we need to change it. Private buissness shouold have some government backing on this to even the playing feild. We neee to go after the raw minerals way more agressively! China is sending government backed gold miner into south america right now! That is pretty cloose to home. We should start doing the same ASAP. Not only are they gaining the materials but also inputting infrastructure for processing right at our back door!

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